
Zadetki iskanja

  • právi -a, -o right, the right one; proper; (neponarejen) natural, pure, genuine, unadulterated; perfect, quite a; (resnlčen) real, true, veritable, authentic, actual; (točen) accurate, correct; (zvest) true, true-blue; (iskren) sincere, felt

    právi, -a, -o brat full brother
    práva sestra full sister
    právi, -a, -o denar good money
    právo zlato pure gold, genuine (ali real) gold
    právi, -a, -o kot geometrija rectangle
    práva pot the right way
    právi, -a, -o mož (človek) the right man
    právi, -a, -o mož na pravem mestu (figurativno) a square peg in a square hole
    o právem času in due course, at the right time, in the nick of time
    na právem mestu in the proper place
    právi, -a, -o Francoz, ta možakar! a true Frenchman, that man!
    právi, -a, -o pravcati bedak a regular fool, a prize idiot
    právi, -a, -o pravcati lopov an arrant knave, a confirmed rascal
    právi, -a, -o pravcati detektiv a real, live detective
    to je právi, -a, -o mož this is a real man
    on je právi, -a, -o avtor te knjige he is the true author of this book
    on ni čisto pri právi, -a, -o (pameti) he is not quite in his senses
    on je práva ničla (figurativno) he is a mere cipher
    to je práva sreča it is a piece of real good luck
    to ne gre čisto po právem (figurativno) there is some skulduggery in it, I suspect foul play
    ni nobene práve razlike med njima there is no real difference between the two
    imeli smo právo poplavo doma we have had a real inundation at home
    naleteti na právega to meet one's match
    priti na právo mesto to come to the proper place
    urezal si se v prst, práva reč! you have cut your finger, what's that? (ali it's nothing to make a fuss about)
  • rôden -a, -o of birth; native

    rôdni brat full brother
    rôdna sestra full sister
    rôdno mesto native town
    rôdna tla native soil
    rôdna zemlja native country
    rôdno drevo botanika tree of bearing age
    on je moj rôdni brat he is my own brother
  • samostánski monastic; conventual; monkish; cloistral

    samostánski brat friar
    samostánska celica monk's (oziroma nun's) cell
    samostánski red monastic order
    samostánski zid convent wall
    samostánsko življenje monastic life, monasticism
  • slabó prislov badly, ill, unwell; weakly, poorly

    slabó hranjen undernourished
    slabó mi je I feel sick
    z njim je slabó he is badly off (ali hard up), things go very ill with him
    slabó govorim angleško I can't speak English very well, my English is rather weak
    on je slabó plačan he is underpaid
    posli gredó slabó business is bad
    slabó govoriti o kom to speak ill of someone
    slabó se je izkazal, obnesel he cut a poor (ali sorry) figure
    slabó se je končalo it turned out badly, pogovorno it came unstuck
    slabó se počutim I feel unwell
    slabó mi je postalo ob tem pogledu I felt sick at the sight (of it)
    on slabó sliši he is hard of hearing
    ona slabó vidi she has poor sight
    moj brat se slabó uči my brother is a poor scholar
    slabó se obnášati, se vesti to behave badly
    slabó ravnati s kom to ill-treat someone
  • slábši -a, -e worse

    vedno slábši, -a, -e, vse slábši, -a, -e worse and worse
    on je slábši, -a, -e kot njegov brat he is worse than his brother
    danes je njegovo stanje še slabše his condition is even worse today
    to bi bilo še slabše it would be worse still
    vreme ne bi moglo biti slabše the weather is at its worst
    slabše stvari nisi mogel napraviti you couldn't have done a worse thing
    položaj postaja vedno slábši, -a, -e matters are going from bad to worse (ali are becoming worse and worse)
  • staréjši older; elder; senior (Sr.)

    moj staréjši brat my elder brother
    on je 3 leta staréjši od mene he is three years my senior (ali older than me)
    ona je staréjša kot moj brat she is older than my brother
  • strásten passionate; (spolno) lustful, libidinous, voluptuous

    strásten kadilec cigarette fiend, inveterate smoker, chain smoker
    on je strásten zbiralec znamk he is a keen philatelist (ali stamp collector)
    sem strásten prijatelj nogometa I am a keen football fan
    njegov brat je strásten kvartopirec his brother is a card fiend
  • tá, tó pl

    tí, té, tá this, pl these; that, pl those
    tale this one, this here
    vse to all this
    to in ono this and that
    g. Ta-in-Ta Mr. So-and-so
    medtem, med tem časom in the meantime
    pred tem before this
    po tem after this
    v tem primeru in that case
    to jutro (davi) this morning
    to pot (tokrat) edino this once
    v tej (naši) deželi in this land (of ours)
    kljub vsemu temu for all that
    te dni enkrat one of these days
    zlasti to, predvsem to this above all
    to se pravi that is to say
    ta tvoja knjiga this book of yours
    vaše pismo od 13. t.m. your letter of 13th inst. (= instant)
    ni mi za to I am not keen on this (ali that, it)
    mnogo mi je na tem, da... I am particularly keen that...
    tega ne vem I don't know that
    to je moj brat this is my brother
    to so moji otroci these are my children
    govoriti o tem in onem, o vsem mogočem to talk about this, that and the other
    od tega je minulo že 10 let 10 years have passed since that time
    vzemi to knjigo, ne one! take this book, not that one!
  • tísti that, pl those

    tísti, ki... he who, he that, the one who
    tísta, ki... she who...
    tísti, ki (pl) those who
    tísti dan, tístega dne on that day
    kdo je tísti, ki...? who is the one, who...?
    tísti, ki to verjamejo, se varajo those who believe that are mistaken
    tísti, ki je to rekel, se je motil the one who said so was mistaken
    tísti moji prijatelji, ki... those friends of mine who..., such of my friends as...
    od teh gospá poznam le tísto, s katero govori moj brat I don't know any of those ladies except the one my brother is speaking to
    treba je pomagati tístim, ki so bolj revni kot mi it is our duty to help those who are poorer than ourselves
  • tóčen precise, accurate, correct, punctual; exact

    tóčen čas the correct (ali the right) time
    tóčen kot ura as regular as clockwork
    moj brat je tóčen plačnik my brother pays up promptly (ali is very prompt in his payments)
    tóčen spomin exact memory
    tóčno prislov precisely, punctually, exactly, in due time, in (ali on, to) time, at the right time
    na sekundo tóčen to the second, on the dot
    tóčen ob osmih at 8 o'clock sharp, on the stroke of eight
    koncert se je začel tóčen ob 9. uri the concert began at 9 o'clock sharp
  • túdi also; too; as well; likewise; so; moreover, in addition

    ne samo... ampak tudi... not only... but also
    jaz túdi I too, me too, so (am) I, so (do) I
    on govori tudi nemško he speaks German too
    túdi tu here too
    túdi ne nor, neither
    lahko prideš in tvoja sestra túdi you can come, and your sister too (ali and so can your sister)
    on prihaja in njegov brat túdi he is coming and his brother is too (ali also ali and so is his brother)
    Moj brat govori angleško. - Jaz tudi. My brother speaks English. - So do I.
    Jaz tega ne morem verjeti. - Mi tudi ne. I cannot believe it. - Neither (ali nor) can we.
    Tega nisem vedel. - Jaz tudi ne. I didn't know that. - Neither did I.
    Tudi če bi to bilo res, ne smeš tega reči Even if it were true you should not say that
    to mislim túdi narediti I mean to do it, too
  • tvój -a, -e your, arhaično thy; (zaimek) yours, arhaično thine

    tvój, -a, -e prijatelj your friend
    neki tvój, -a, -e prijatelj a friend of yours
    tisti tvój, -a, -e klobuk that hat of yours
    moj in tvój, -a, -e brat my brother and yours
    to je tvoje this is yours
    tvój, -a, -e vdani, vedno tvój, -a, -e ever yours
    tvój, -a, -e vdani X. (v pismih) yours sincerely, X.
    naj bo po tvojem have it your own way
    po tvojem to ni tako according to you (ali to your idea) it isn't so
    ti in tvoji you and yours
    kar je moje, je tvoje what's mine is yours
  • učíti (koga) to teach, to instruct, to give instruction (to), to give lessons (to); to train

    učíti se to learn, (študirati) to study, (guliti se) to swot, to cram, to grind, (pogovorno) to bone up on; (vajenec) to serve one's apprenticeship
    učíti se na pamet to learn by heart (ali by rote), to commit to memory, to memorize
    zopet se učíti to relearn, (pogovorno) to brush up
    marljivo se učíti to study hard, to be a diligent student
    učíti se brati (branja) to learn to read
    on se zelo dobro uči he is quick to learn, he is a quick learner
    učíti se za izpit to get up (ali to brush up, pogovorno to bone up on) a subject for an examination
    učíti se pisanja to learn how to write
    moj brat se uči mizarstva my brother is learning joinery (ali is training to be a joiner)
  • váš váša, váše your; yours

    váš, váša, váše brat your brother
    moj in váš, váša, váše brat my brother and yours, your brother and mine
    ta vaša knjiga this book of yours
  • velíko much; a great deal, a good deal (of); a lot of; pogovorno lots, masses, loads, bags (of)

    zelo velíko very much, quite a lot, pl a great many
    moj brat velíko bere (dela, potuje) my brother is a great reader (worker, traveller)
    velíko se sprehajam I am a great walker
    (on) ima zelo velíko denarja he has a considerable amount (ali pogovorno lots, loads, bags, pots) of money
    on velíko pije he is a big drinker, he drinks hard, he is a hard-drinking man
    velíko hrupa za nič much ado about nothing
    velíko sreče! good luck!, lots of luck!
  • žív alive, living; live; (živahen) lively, vivacious, vivid, animated

    žív in zdrav hale and hearty
    žíve barve bright (ali gay, vivid, glaring) colours pl
    žíva domišljija vivid imagination
    žíva duša ne not a living soul (ali creature)
    žívi jeziki living languages pl
    žívo apno quicklime, unslaked lime
    žíva meja hedge
    žívo meso tender flesh, quick
    žív opis vivid description
    žív spomin vivid recollection
    žíva teža live weight
    žíva vera fervent belief (ali faith), living faith
    žívo zanimanje vivid interest
    žíva žerjavica live coals pl
    živi (ljudje) pl the living
    na žíve in mrtve in (real) earnest
    vse svoje žíve dni all my (your itd.) life
    žívo srebro quicksilver, mercury
    žíva skala living rock, bedrock
    žíva oddaja live broadcast
    dokler bom žív as long as I live
    je tvoj brat še žív? is your brother still alive?
    on je žíva (verna) slika svojega očeta he is the living image of his father
    kar sem žív all my life, in all my born days
    biti med žívimi (figurativno) to be in the land of the living
    sem bolj mrtev kot žív I am more dead than alive, I am half-dead
    žívo se spominjati to have a vivid recollection (of)
    ne morem ga žívega videti (figurativno) I can't bear (ali stand, endure) the sight of him
    starost ji ne more do žívega (ji nič ne more) (pesniško) age cannot wither her
    žív krst (žíva duša) tega ne ve not a living soul knows it
    zadeti v žívo to cut (ali to sting, to touch) to the quick
    zadet v žívo cut to the quick
    žívi in mrtvi the living (ali arhaično the quick) and the dead