
Zadetki iskanja

  • prvošôlec first-form boy; first-former
  • razbijáč rowdy ruffian; riotous person; lout; žargon yob, bovver boy
  • raznašálec delivery boy; deliverer of ordered goods (butcher's boy, greengrocer's boy, grocer's boy); errand-boy; (mleka ipd.) roundsman; (poštar) postman, postal messenger, ZDA letter-carrier; (novic, govoric) gossiper, gossip; (časopisov) paperboy, newsboy
  • raznéženec effeminate person; pampered person; mother's boy
  • reálec boy attending secondary modern (nonclassical) school
  • sadjár (prodajalec) fruiterer; (ulični) fruit seller, barrow boy, costermonger, coster; (gojitelj) fruit grower
  • siróta orphan; poor child; (deček) orphan boy, (deklica) orphan girl

    postati siróta to be orphaned
    biti popolna siróta to be fatherless and motherless
    vojna siróta war orphan
  • smŕkavec snotty fellow; saucy boy, brat
  • bájta shack, shanty; hovel; cottage; hut

    stara bájta (figurativno, starina) žargon old boy (ali old chap, old fellow)
  • belogláv white-headed; (svetlolas) fair-haired

    beloglávček fair haired boy
  • čévelj (nizek) shoe; (visok, ženski) boot; (stara dolžinska mera) foot (0,3048m)

    gorski čévlji climbing boots
    lakast čévelj patent leather shoe
    platnen čévelj canvas shoe
    plesni čévlji dancing shoes
    čévlji z gumastimi podplati (gumarice) rubber-soled shoes
    podkovani čévlji hob-nailed boots
    štrapacni čévlji walking shoes
    teniški čévlji tennis shoes
    visokopetni čévlji high-heeled shoes
    težki čévlji heavy shoes, (za golf) brogues
    čiščenje čévljev a shoe shine
    krpač čévljev cobbler
    čistilo, krema za čévlje shoe-cream, (shoe-) polish
    kopito za čévelj last
    mast za čévlje grease, dubbin
    natezalec za čévlje shoetree
    omara za čévlje shoe cabinet
    pribor za čiščenje čévljev shoe-shine kit
    obuvalo za čévlje shoehorn, shoe-lift
    ščetka za čévlje shoe-brush, blacking-brush
    trgovina s čévlji shoe shop, ZDA shoe store, shoe saloon
    snažilec čévljev bootblack, shoeblack, (hotelski) boots, ZDA shoe-shiner, shoe boy
    vezalka za čévelj bootlace, shoelace, ZDA shoe string
    usnje za čévlje shoe leather
    zaponka za čévelj shoe buckle
    žlica za čévelj shoehorn
    žebelj, cvek za čévelj shoe nail, tack, (lesen) shoe-peg
    tovarna čévljev shoe factory
    velikost čévljev size
    oglaviti čévelj to vamp
    (o)snažiti, (o)čistiti čévlje to clean (ali to black) boots, ZDA to shine shoes
    pomeriti čévelj to try on a shoe
    podplatiti čévelj to sole, to resole a shoe
    čévlji škripljejo the shoes squeak
    čévelj tišči, žuli the shoe pinches
    kje žuli čévelj? figurativno where does the shoe pinch?
    vsakdo ve, kje ga čévelj žuli everybody knows where the shoe pinches
    le čévlje sodi naj kopitar let the cobbler stick to his last; every man to his craft!
  • čistílec cleaner; cleanser; purifier

    čistílec čevljev bootblack, shoeblack, shoeshine boy; (hotelski) pogovorno boots
    kemični čistílec dry cleaner
  • fára parish

    fant od fáre strapping fellow, pogovorno brick, great guy, broth of a boy
  • hotélski hotel

    hotélska hala entrance hall, hall, lobby, lounge
    hotélski paž page (boy), ZDA bellboy, bellhop
    hotélski vratar hall porter
    hotélska soba hotel room
  • jáhati to ride, to go on horseback

    jáhati v koraku to pace
    jáhati v drncu to trot
    jáhati v diru to gallop
    on dobro jaha he rides well
    deček je jahal na očetovem kolenu the boy was riding on his father's knee
    jáhati na sprehod to take a ride on horseback
    jáhati konja to ride a horse
    jáhati na čem (figurativno) to insist on, to make a point of, to be a stickler for
    ta častnik jaha na disciplini (figurativno) that officer is a stickler for discipline
    jáhati na formalnostih (figurativno) to stand on ceremony
    ne jahaj vedno na tem! (figurativno) don't rub it in!
    jáhati koga (figurativno) to sit upon someone
  • léto year; arhaično, pesniško twelvemonth

    koledarsko léto calendar (ali civil) year
    šolsko léto school year
    akademsko léto academic year
    navadno léto common (365-day) year
    prestopno léto leap year, bissextile year
    tekoče léto the current year
    cerkveno léto church year
    preteklo léto last year
    prihodnje léto next year
    sončno léto solar (ali astronomical) year
    staro léto old year
    Novo léto New Year, New Year's Day
    srečno novo léto! Happy New Year!
    nora, nerodna léta (figurativno) years pl of indiscretion, the awkward age
    v létu Gospodovem religija in the year of Our Lord (A.D.), in the year of grace
    enkrat na léto once a year
    v létu 1950 in nineteen (hundred and) fifty
    na starega léta dan on New Year's Eve
    v cvetju (svojih) lét in the prime of life
    skozi vse léto odprto open all the year round
    v poznejših létih in after years
    v 70ih létih in the '70s
    v teku léta in the course of the year
    vsako léto every year
    iz léta v léto, léto za létom year by year, year after year, year in year out, from year's end to year's end
    pol léta six months
    tri četrtine léta nine months
    četrt léta three months
    ob létu within a year
    (skozi) vse léto all the year round, from one year's end to another
    v létu 1910 in (the year) 1910
    v enem létu in a year's time, arhaično this day twelvemonth
    v zadnjih létih of late (ali recent) years
    léto dni trajajoč year-long
    pred mnogimi léti many years ago (ali since, back)
    že mnogo, precéj lét for many years past
    z léti with the years
    v starosti 50 lét at the age of fifty
    po mnogih létih after many years
    že nekaj lét (sém) for some years past
    pred létom dni a year ago
    30 funtov na léto 30 pounds a year (ali per annum)
    za prihodnja léta for years to come
    danes léto (dni) (bodočnost) twelve months from now, twelve months today, a year hence, (za preteklost) a year ago (ali since, back)
    konec léta year-end, close of the year
    biti že v létih to be advanced in years, to be well on in years
    biti iz svojih najboljših lét to be past one's best
    on je že čez 50 (let star) he is on the wrong (ali humoristično shady) side of 50
    on še ni 50 (let star) he is on the right (ali sunny) side of 50
    10 lét star deček a ten-year-old boy
    mlad za svoja léta young for his years
    v najlepših létih in the prime of life
    ona ne kaže svojih lét she does not look her age
    iti v léta to be getting on in years
    priti v léta to come to a good age, to get old, to begin to grow old
    ona je mojih lét she is my age
    priti iz norih lét to sow one's wild oats
    dobro nositi svoja léta to bear one's age well
    stopiti v novo léto to usher in the New Year
    léta bežijo the years race by
    umrla je v starosti 20 lét she died at the age of twenty
    bistra je za svoja léta she is clever for her age
    ta revija izhaja dvakrat na léto this magazine comes out twice a year, this magazine is a biannual (ali semiannual)
    čez 7 lét vse prav pride every little helps
  • loščílec polisher; furbisher

    loščílec čevljev bootblack, shoeblack; shoe-shine (boy)
  • mesárski butcher's, of a butcher; like a butcher; butcherly, (krvav) bloody

    mesársko klanje butchery, slaughter, massacre
    mesárska muha flesh-fly
    mesárski pomočnik butcher's assistant, butcher's boy
  • mír peace; (mirovanje) tranquillity, quietness, calm, stillness, rest

    v míru at peace (z with)
    v míru in vojni at peace and at war
    brez míru peaceless
    mír! quiet!, silence!
    mír, prosim! quiet, please!
    mír za vsako ceno peace at any price
    mír pred viharjem a hush (ali a lull) before the storm
    časten mír peace with honour
    srčni mír a quiet mind
    duševni mír peace (ali tranquillity) of mind
    javni mír public peace
    motenje javnega míru disturbance (ali breach) of the peace, riot
    kršilec míru peacebreaker, disturber of the peace
    kršitev míru breach of the peace, violation of the peace
    grožnja míru threat to peace
    pipa míru calumet, peace pipe, pipe of peace
    pogodba o míru peace treaty
    sklenitev míru conclusion of peace, making peace
    proslava míru celebration of peace
    zagovornik míru advocate of peace, pogovorno dove
    ki ljubi mír peace-loving
    zaradi ljubega mírú for peace' sake
    ohranitev mírú preservation (ali maintenance)
    mír bodi z vami! peace be with you!
    ta deček ni nikoli pri míru this boy is fidgety
    ni imel mírú, dokler ni... he knew no peace till...
    kaliti kršiti mír to break the peace
    ne si privoščiti mírú to take no rest
    pusti me pri míru! leave (ali let) me alone!, stop bothering me!
    skleniti mír to make peace, to conclude peace
    ohraniti mír to keep peace
    naj počiva v míru! may he rest in peace!, peace to his ashes!
    prositi za mír to sue for peace
    vzdrževati mír to maintain peace
    vzpostaviti mír to restore peace (red order)
    zagotoviti, zavarovati mír to ensure peace
    želimo si samó mírú all we want is to be left in peace
    živeti v míru to live in peace, to be at peace (s kom with someone)
    boriti se za mír, čuvati mír to strive for peace, to wage peace
  • odstóten per cent

    pet odstótni vrednostni papirji five per cents pl
    odstótna mera percentage
    stoodstótni (100%) Amerikanec (figurativno) an all-American (boy, guy)