zdéti se to seem; to appear; to look (like); to have the air (of)
zdi se mi it seems to me
zdi se (kazno je, kaže) it seems, it would seem
to se mi zdi zelo čudno I find that very strange
naj se zdi še tako čudno, nenavadno strange as it may appear
tako se zdi (tako je videti) so it seems
kot se vse zdi as it seems, to all appearances
kot se zdi (kot je videti) apparently, seemingly
zdi se, da bo deževalo it looks like rain
zdi se mi znan I think I know him
zdi se, da je bolan he seems to be ill
zdi se, da pomoč ni potrebna it seems there is no need of help
ni se mi zdel posebno inteligenten he did not strike me as being particularly intelligent
meni se zdi (= jaz mislim) I think, in my opinion
kakor se ti zdi primerno as you think proper (ali fit)
zdi se, da jaz (ti, mi... itd.) I (you, we... etc) seem to...
zdi se, da to verjamete (verjamejo) you seem (they seem) to believe it
zdi se, da tega ne more zanikati it seems that he cannot deny it
zdi se, da jabolka tu ne rastejo apples do not seem to grow here
ta vest se zdi resnična this news rings true
Zadetki iskanja
- želódec stomach; pogovorno tummy; (prežvekovalcev) maw; (ptičji) gizzard
bolan na želódcu dyspeptic
pokvarjen želódec disordered (ali upset) stomach
bolečine v želódcu stomachache
občutljiv, izbirčen želódec delicate stomach, easily upset stomach
rak na želódcu stomach cancer
zdravilo za želódec stomachic
na prazen želódec on an empty stomach
kruljenje v želódcu rumbling in the stomach
razširjanje želódca stomachic dilatation
ima slab želódec he suffers from indigestion
ona ima dober želódec (figurativno) she can stand (ali put up with) a good deal
imeti koga v želódcu (figurativno) to be unable to stand someone
hrana mi težko leži na želódcu food lies heavy on my stomach
to mi leži v želódcu (tega ne morem prebaviti) (figurativno) it sticks in my gizzard
želódec mi kruli my stomach (ali pogovorno tummy) is rumbling
obračati komu želódec (figurativno) to turn someone's stomach
želódec se mi obrača ob tem it's giving me the stomachache (ali vulgarno the bellyache)
potešiti si želódec to stay one's stomach
ta hrana ne prija mojemu želódcu this food disagrees with me
želódec se mi vzdiguje (= slabo mi postaja) my stomach rises - žívčno prislov
žívčno bolan neurotic, neurasthenic, neuropathic; under a strain