bódec bodíca point; prickle; prick; spine; (trn) thorn; (kovinska) spike, barb
biti poln bodic to bristle with prickles
Zadetki iskanja
- bogát rich (z in, with); wealthy; well off; affluent, opulent; (obilen) abundant, copious
zelo, neizmerno bogát enormously rich; as rich as Croesus
bogáta izbira a wide selection
bogáta pojedina a rich feast
bogáta rima rich rhyme
bogáta zemlja rich (ali fertile) soil
bogáta žetev a rich harvest, heavy crop, bumper crop
z zlatom bogáta ruda an ore rich in gold
bogát z živino rich in cattle
bogáto ilustriran profusely illustrated
biti zelo bogát to be rolling in money, to be made of money
biti bogát z to be rich in
postati bogát to become rich - bòj fight (tudi figurativno), fighting; (oborožen) combat; (bitka) battle, engagement, action; (bojevanje) struggle (za for, z with); (spopad) encounter, (praska) skirmish; (tekmovanje) contest, match; (spor, figurativno) conflct
hud težak bòj hard, heavy fighting
bòj moža proti možu, bòj od blizu hand-to-hand fighting, dog-fight, close combat
vroč bòj a ding-dong fight
v vročem bòju in the heat of the battle
surov bòj rough-and-tumble fight
neodločen bòj drawn battle
bòj na nož fight to the finish, skin-game
bòj na življenje in smrt life-and-death struggle; all-in fighting, a deadly fight
bòj za obstanek struggle for life, struggle for existence
smrtni bòj death agony
poulični bòji street fighting
bòj nazorov conflict of opinions
politični bòji political conflicts
duševni bòj mental strife, mental struggle
volilni bòj election contest, election campaign
pripravljen za bòj ready to fight, (na morju) decks cleared for action
sposoben za bòj able to fight, in fighting trim
nesposoben za bòj disabled, out of action
bíti (bijem) bòj to fight a battle
izločiti iz bòja to put out of action
ne izbirati sredstev za bòj to fight with one's gloves off
izzvati na bòj to challenge; to throw down the gauntlet
pasti v bòju to be killed in action, to fall in action
sprejeti bòj (figurativno) to accept the challenge, to pick up the gauntlet; to accept battle
spustiti se v bòj to join battle - bolán sick; diseased; ill (navadno predikativno); (slaboten) weak, (boleč) ailing, (trpeč) suffering (from)
bolán od ljubezni love-sick
bolán otrok a sick child
bolán na srcu suffering from (ali with) heart trouble, figurativno heart-sick
biti bolán na srcu to be suffering from heart trouble, to have a heart complaint, žargon to have a dicky heart
biti bolán za pljučnico to have pneumonia, to be suffering from pneumonia
moje bolne oči my sore eyes
on je bolán he is ill, sick, unwell
čisto bolán je zaradi tega (figurativno) he is quite upset about it
biti bolán to be ill (ali ailing ali afflicted) (od with)
biti na smrt bolán to be fatally ali terminally ill, to be at death's door
ležati bolán to be laid up (in bed), to be bedridden, to be confined to bed
javiti se bolnega to go (ali to report) sick - boléhen sickly; in poor health; ailing; infirm; poorly; pogovorno peaky
ona je boléhna pogovorno she is on the sickly side
biti boléhen to be in poor health - bórec combatant; fighter; struggler; warrior
Zveza bórcev League of Combatants; (angleška) British Legion
biti prekaljen bórec to be a seasoned campaigner ali battle-scarred hero - bòt square; even; quits
biti bòt s kom to be quits with someone, to get even with someone
sedaj smo bòt! now we're quits!
smo bòt we're all square
s tem sva bòt that makes us square - bóter godfather; (birmanski, krstni) sponsor
botri (pri krstu) godparents pl
biti bóter to be someone's godfather
biti za bótra to act as sponsor (for), to sponsor (čemu something) - bótra godmother; sponsor; Škotska cummer
biti za bótro komu to be someone's godmother - bóžji God's; of (from, like, belonging to) God; divine; godly; godlike
bóžji blagoslov God's blessing
bóžji dar God's gift, gift of God
bóžja hiša church, chapel
bóžje češčenje worship of God
bóžji grob the Holy Sepulchre, (po cerkvah) Holy Week commemorative altar
bóžja pot pilgrimage
bóžja sodba zgodovina ordeal
bóžja milost divine grace
po milosti bóžji by the grace of God
človek bóžji! man alive!
mati bóžja religija Mother of God, Blessed Virgin
služba bóžja divine service (ali worship); public worship, devotion
strah bóžji fear of God
šiba bóžja (figurativno, Atila) Attila, the Scourge of God
biti pri službi bóžji to attend divine service - bránik bulwark; bastion; figurativno stronghold; (nasip) rampart, breastwork; barricade
biti na brániku, stati na brániku to man the defences, to stand firm - bŕca kick
bŕca v rit (vulgarno) a kick up the arse
dobiti bŕco v zadnjico to get a kick in the pants, (biti odpuščen) to get the sack - bréja pregnant; with young; (krava) with calf; (kobila) with foal; (psica) in pup; (ovca) with lamb; (mačka) with kittens
biti bréja to be with young - brême load; burden; (tovor) cargo, freight; charge; (teža) weight, charge; (trud) trouble; figurativno encumbrance
davčna brêmena taxespl
javna brêmena public charges
v brême (koga, komu) against someone's account, to someone's debit
natovorjen, obložen z brêmenom saddled with a burden
olajšati brême to ease the burden
biti komu v brême to be a burden to someone, to be a drag on someone
stroški gredo v moje brême the expenses are to be charged to my account
padel je občini v brême he became a charge on the parish
zapisati znesek komu v brême to debit someone's account (with) - brêz without
brez- un-, -less; devoid of; destitute of
brêz mene without me
brêz njegove vednosti without his knowing it
brêz odlašanja without delay
brêz škode za without prejudice to
brêz nadaljnjega without hesitation, without more ado
brêz dvoma doubtless, no doubt, without doubt, undoubtedly
brêz dela, brêz zaposlitve out of work, unemployed
brêz doma homeless
brêz prijateljev friendless
brêz denarja, brez pare penniless
brêz upanja hopeless
brêz vrednosti worthless
brêz zdrave pameti devoid of common sense
brêz razumevanja devoid of understanding
brêz sape out of breath, breathless
brêz prestanka ceaseless, unending
brêz otrok childless
brêz šale joking apart
kava brêz sladkorja coffee without sugar
biti brêz česa to be lacking (ali wanting ali deficient) in something
moral bom (biti) brêz tega I shall have to go without it (ali to do without it)
bili smo brêz denarja we were penniless ali pogovorno hard up
brêz njega bi jaz bil izgubljen but for him I should have been lost
ni rože brêz trna there is no rose without a thorn - brezizhóden without resource, without prospects
biti v brezizhódnem položaju to be in a cleft stick - brezpriméren unexampled; without parallel; matchless; exceptional; uncommon; unparalleled; peerless; unprecedented; (nezaslišan) unheard-of
biti brezpriméren to be without parallel - brljáv
biti brljáv to be dim-sighted (ali weak-sighted) - búden awake; waking, roused; sleepless
čisto búden wide awake; figurativno watchful, vigilant, (on the) alert
biti, ostati dolgo búden to sit up late, to keep late hours
spremljati z búdnim očesom to keep a vigilant eye (on)
biti búden (figurativno) to be on the alert, to be on the lookout - cépiti (drva) to cleave; to split; (drevo) to graft; medicina to vaccinate
cépiti proti kozam to vaccinate against smallpox; figurativno to divide, to separate
cépiti dlake (figurativno) to split hairs
dati se cépiti, biti cepljen to be vaccinated, inoculated
cépiti se to split; to burst; (pot, reka) to fork; (železnica) to diverge