razzlogováti to divide into syllables, to syllabify, to syllabicate
ta beseda se ne da razzlogováti this word cannot be divided
Zadetki iskanja
- spádati to belong (to)
to ne spada semkaj that is out of place here, that is beside the point, that is irrelevant
to ne spada k našemu predmetu this is alien to our subject, this has nothing to do with our subject
ta beseda ne spada semkaj this word is improperly used in this context (ali does not belong here)
to ne spada nikamor! that's neither here nor there!
to ne spada v mojo stroko this is not within my province (ali is not in my line)
on spada med naše najboljše odjemalce he is one of our best customers - têči to run; to flow, to stream; (čas) to go by (ali on), to pass by, to roll by; (stroj) to go, to work, to play; (promet) to circulate; (posoda) to leak, to run out
beseda mu teče gladko he speaks fluently (ali volubly, glibly)
stvar teče gladko things are running smoothly (ali like clockwork), things are going swimmingly (ali without a hitch), it's all plain sailing, VB žargon it's a doddle
kri teče blood is (being) shed (ali spilt)
kri je tekla there has been bloodshed
kri mu teče iz nosa he has a nose bleed, his nose is bleeding
têči v prazno (motor) to idle
zadeva še teče the affair is still continuing (ali is not over yet)
pusti stvari, da tečejo, kot hočejo! let things take their course!
voda teče iz pipe the tap is running
kri, ki mi teče po žilah the blood coursing through my veins
obresti tečejo od 1. maja the interest runs (ali accrues) from May 1st
teči, kot da bi šlo za življenje to run for dear life - trízložen trisyllabic
trízložna beseda trisyllable - túj strange; (inozemski) foreign, outlandish; (nepoznan) unknown; (državljan) alien
túj državljan, -nka foreigner
túj jezik foreign language
túja beseda foreign word
na tújem abroad
pod tújim imenom under an assumed name
tekma na tújem igrišču an away match - uvóden introductory; prefatory; introductive; preliminary
uvódna beseda prefatory note
uvódni članek leading article, leader, editorial - večzlóžen polysyllabic
večzlóžna beseda polysyllable - za for; for the purpose of; in favour of; after; behind; (= za časa) during
dan za dnem day by day
eden za drugim one after another, one behind the other
korak za korakom step by step
enkrat za vselej once and for all
za ves svet ne not for (all) the world
za gorami beyond the mountains
jaz za svojo osebo as far as I am concerned
za mojim hrbtom behind my back
za primer (v primeru) potrebe in case of need
za glavo večji taller by a head
za sedaj for the present
za šalo by way of a joke
argumenti za in proti the pros and the cons
razlogi za in proti the reasons for and against
za menoj! follow me!
(kar) za menoj, prosim! this way, please!
starejši za pet let five years older
jaz, za sebe (zase) as for me
beseda za besedo word for word
mož za možem man by man
zanimanje za... interest in...
za mladino neprimeren film a film unsuitable (ali not suitable) for young people
vstopnica za gledališče a theatre ticket
za vlade (vladanja) kralja Karla II during the reign of Charles II
za (= po pooblastilu) (acting) for, per pro., latinsko per procurationem (krajšava: p.p.)
biti za kaj to be in favour of something
kdo je za (to)? who is in favour?
sem za to, da mu odpustimo I'm in favour of (ali I'm for) pardoning him
večina je za nadaljevanje stavke there is a majority in favour of continuing the strike
to je važno zame (za mene) this is important to me
nekaj je za tem (figurativno) there's something behind it
za hišo je vrt there is a garden behind the house
to je hud udarec za nas it is a hard blow for us
brali smo eden za drugim we took it in turns to read
za koga me (pa) imate (smatrate)? who (arhaično whom) do you take me for?
nimam ga za genija I do not regard him as a genius
za to ceno lahko dobiš to blago povsod you can get these goods anywhere at that price
on jé za tri he eats as much as three
povleči koga za lase to pull someone by the hair
on porabi preveč za sebe (zase) he spends too much on himself
smatrati za dobro to think it advisable
odšel je za vedno he left for good
voditi koga za roko to lead someone by the hand
vzel jo je za ženo he has married her, arhaično he has taken her to wife (ali as his wife)
on zaostaja za časom he is behind the times
zapri vrata za seboj! shut the door after (ali behind) you!
zgrešil je za pol metra he missed by half a metre
zmotil sem se za 10.000 SIT I made a mistake of 10,000 tolars
sedeti za mizo to sit at the table
pustiti za seboj to leave behind - zatakníti to stick (v to, into)
zatakníti si cvetico v gumbnico to stick a flower into one's buttonhole
zatakníti se to stick (tudi figurativno)
vrata so se zataknila the door has stuck
beseda se mi je zataknila (v govoru) I stumbled over a word (in my speech) - žál
1. (medmet) alas; what a pity!
2. prislov unfortunately, regretfully
žál jutri ne morem priti I am sorry I shall not be able to come tomorrow
nič žalega mu nisem storil I have done him no harm
on ne bi muhi storil nič žalega he wouldn't hurt a fly
ni mi žál nobenega truda I don't mind (taking) any amount of trouble
žál ne morem ustreči tvoji želji I am sorry I cannot comply with your request
žál (na žalost) ne moremo tega napraviti unfortunately that can't be done
žál moram reči I regret (ali I am sorry) to say
žál vidim, da... I am sorry to see that...
žál moram iti I am afraid I have to go
žál mi je zanj I am sorry for him, I pity him
žál beseda offensive word
žál ne I am afraid not - žaljív offensive, insulting, injurious
žaljíva beseda offensive word