
Zadetki iskanja

  • pámet (um) intellect, intelligence, sense, brains pl, wits pl; (duh) reason, mind; prudence; mother wit; (razumevanje) understanding; (spomin) memory; pogovorno gumption

    na pámet by heart
    zdrava pámet common sense, sanity
    si ob pámet? are you out of your senses?, have you lost your wits?
    ali si pri pámeti? are you in your right mind?
    sem pri kraju s svojo pámetjo I am at my wit's end
    bodi no pri pámeti! be sensible!, be reasonable!, have a bit of common sense!
    on ni pri pravi pámeti he is not in his right mind, he is out of his mind
    nisem bil pri pravi pámeti I had not my wits about me
    on je počasne pámeti he is slow-witted, pogovorno he is slow on the uptake
    ona je kratke pámeti she is rather slow (ali dull, slow on the uptake)
    še (vedno) mi je na pámeti... it is still fresh in my mind...
    nima toliko pámeti, da bi (u)videl... he has not the wits to see...
    to se krega s pámetjo it is thoughtless (ali senseless)
    si se s pámetjo skregal? have you taken leave of your senses?
    padlo mi je na pámet it occurred to me, the idea struck me, the thought crossed my mind
    na kraj pámeti mi ne pade, da bi (rekel) far be it from me to (say)
    reči, kar človeku pade na pámet to say whatever comes to mind
    imeti več sreče kot pámeti to have more luck than brains
    izgubiti pámet to go out of one's mind (ali pogovorno off one's rocker); to lose one's mind (ali one's reason)
    to presega mojo pámet this is beyond me, that's over my head, that passes my comprehension
    priti k pámeti to come to one's senses
    kdo, ki je pri pravi pámeti, bi šel...? who in his senses would go...?
    moram ga spraviti k pámeti I must make him see reason (oziroma see sense)
    spraviti koga ob pámet to drive someone out of his mind (ali pogovorno up the wall, round the bend)
    sklicevati se na zdravo pámet to appeal to reason
    (iz)računati na pámet to calculate mentally
    učiti se na pámet to learn by heart, to commit to memory
    znati na pámet to know by heart (ali from memory), (vlogo) to be word-perfect
    ko te bo pámet srečala... when you see reason...
  • pámeten reasonable, sensible, wise, judicious, intelligent, prudent; clever, rational; pogovorno brainy

    pámeten človek a man of sense
    vsak pámeten človek any man in his right senses...
    pámetna misel a sound (ali sensible) idea
    pámetno gledišče (stališče, vidik) a sensible point of view
    bodi no pámeten! use your brains (ali intelligence)!, be sensible!, be reasonable!
    biti pámeten to be sensible (ali reasonable), to have one's wits about one
    pámetno ravnati to act sensibly
    imeti zelo pámetne nazore o življenju to have very sound ideas on life
    kar govoriš, je pámetno what you say is sound
    pámetno govoriti to speak wisely, to talk sense, to speak reasonably
    mislim, da boš tako pámeten, da ne boš šel tja I suppose you will know better than go there
    storil bom vse, kar se mi bo zdelo pámetno I will do anything in reason
    pámetno je, kar praviš there is reason in what you say
    poslušati pámeten nasvet to listen to reason
    pametnejši popustí the wiser head gives in
    lahkó je biti pámet, ko je že storjeno hindsight is easier than foresight, it's easy to be wise after the event
  • počásen slow (v, pri of, in); tardy; (len) sluggish; (bolezen) lingering

    počásen in siguren slow but sure
    počásen in vztrajen slow and steady
    počásen delavec slow worker
    počásen tok slow current
    počásna rast slow growth
    ne bodi (tako) počásen! don't dawdle!, don't be such a slowcoach!
    biti počásne pameti to be slow on the uptake
  • poštêno prislov honestly, fair, honourably, fair and square; above board, squarely, loyally

    poštêno ravnati to act honestly, to play fair
    (bodi) poštêno povedano (it should) in fairness (be) said
    poštêno se lotiti dela to set to work in earnest
    poštêno vzeti pot pod noge to put one's best foot forward
  • prevíden cautious, careful, prudent, circumspect; guarded, heedful, wary

    biti prevíden to be careful (ali cautious), to take care, to use precaution
    bodi prevíden! beware (pred žeparji of pickpockets)!
    bodi prevíden, da se ne urežeš mind you don't cut yourself
    prevídna trditev guarded statement
  • prijázen kind, amiable, friendly, affable, pleasant; gracious; (ustrežljiv) obliging, complaisant; (vljuden) courteous

    bodite tako prijázni in podajte mi... be so kind as to pass me...
    bodi tako prijázen in naredi to! be kind enough to do this!
    bodite tako prijázni in zglasite se zopet v petek! be so kind as to call again on Friday next
    prijázno mestece a nice little town
    prijázna soba a cheerful room
    prijázno prislov kindly, in a friendly manner, amiably, affably
    bili smo zelo prijázno sprejeti we were given a hearty welcome
  • prosíti to ask (koga za kaj something of someone, someone for something); (vljudno) to beg, to request; to pray

    milo prosíti (rotiti) to supplicate, to implore, to conjure, to beseech, to entreat, to deprecate; (pismeno) to petition, to solicit; to memorialize; (prosjačiti) to beg, to go begging, to be a beggar
    prosíti za koga to plead for, to intervene for; (če nismo razumeli)
    prosim? I'm sorry, what did you say?, pardon?, I beg your pardon; (odgovor na zahvalo)
    prosim! don't mention it!, no trouble!, you are (quite) welcome!
    prosíti kruha to ask for bread
    prosíti za uslugo to ask a favour
    prosim vas oproščenja (odpuščanja) I beg your pardon
    prosim vas, vrnite denar! please let me have the money back!
    prosíti za roko (zasnubiti dekle) to ask in marriage, to propose (to)
    prosíti vse svetnike v nebesih to pray to every saint in Heaven
    lepo vas prosim, napravite mi to uslugo! I beg you to do me this service!
    prosim, povej mi vendar! (please) do tell me!
    sedite, prosim! please take a seat! sit down, please!
    vas smem prosíti za ogenj (za sol)? may I trouble you for a light (the salt)?
    prosim, bodi tako dober in... be good enough (ali be so kind as) to...
    prosil sem ga za to I asked it of him, I asked him for it
    ne daj se prosíti! don't wait to be asked
    vas smem prosíti za vaše ime? may I ask your name?
    prosim za besedo! may I have leave to speak?, ZDA may I have the floor?
    prosíti za dovoljenje koga to ask leave of someone
    prosíti za oproščenje to excuse oneself, to apologize, to beg pardon
    prosim, da mi oprostite! pardon me!, I beg your pardon!, excuse me!, I am sorry!
    prosíti za službo to apply for a job (ali post), to submit an application for a post
  • srám shame

    brez srámú shameless, devoid of shame
    iz srámú pred for shame of
    iz samega srámú for very shame
    biti brez srámú to be without shame
    srám bi me bilo storiti kaj takega I would be ashamed to do any such thing
    srám me je I am (ali I feel) ashamed of myself
    srám te bodi! shame on you!, (for) shame!
    srám me je postalo I became ashamed of myself
    izgubiti vsak čut srámú to lose all sense of shame
    on ne pozna nobenega srámú he is quite without shame, he has no sense of shame
    umreti od srámú (figurativno) to die of shame
    zardeti od srámú to blush with shame
    najrajši bi se bil v tla (v zemljo) udrl od srámú I could have died of shame, I wished the ground would open and swallow me up
    srám me je reči I am ashamed to say
    moralo bi te biti srám you ought to be ashamed
  • začúden astonished; amazed; surprised

    bolj začúden kot prestrašen more surprised than frightened
    biti začúden to be astonished (at), to be amazed (at), to be surprised, to wonder (at, about)
    bil sem začúden, da me ne pozna I was surprised he did not know me
    bil sem močnó začúden I was struck with wonder, I was lost in astonishment, I was amazed
    bil je zelo začúden, ko me je videl he was astonished to see me
    ne bodi tako začúden! don't put on that look of surprise!