debitírati gledališče to make one's first appearance (ali debut) (on the stage); (v družbi) to come out, to be presented to society
dehtéti to be fragrant (ali scented ali perfumed), to smell sweet, to exhale fragrance
délati to work, to be at work; to do; to make; to manufacture; (biti zaposlen) to be employed (funkcionirati) to function
težko délati to toil, to labour
délati za koga to work for someone
kaj delaš (sedajle)? what are you doing (now)?
délati v akordu to be a pieceworker, to do piecework
nimam kaj délati I have no work to do
délati kot črna živina to work like a nigger (ali like a slave)
delati na čem to work on something, to be busy with something, to be engaged on something
délati po navodilih to act (ali to proceed) according to instructions (ali as instructed), to follow the instructions
on dela le za svojo korist he looks only after his own interests
prekomerno délati to overwork someone
délati napake to make mistakes
délati krivico komu to do wrong to someone
délati za vsakdanji kruh to work for one's daily bread
on dela na svojo roko figurativno he is not authorized to act; pogovorno he's acting off his own bat
dela po svoji mili volji he has his own way, he pleases himself
površno délati to botch, to bungle
délati kot mravlja a to be busy as a bee
délati sitnosti to cause trouble
délati težave to make difficulties
stroj dela the machine is working (ali running)
stroj ne dela (je brez dela) the machine is idle, (je pokvarjen) the machine is out of order
trdo délati to work hard, to labour, to toil, to drudge
pri kom si dajete délati obleke? who is your tailor?
dan se dela it is dawn, it is daybreak, day is dawning
délati se (pretvarjati se) to pretend, to make pretence, to feign
dela se bolnega he pretends to be ill
dela se neumnega he plays the fool
dela se gluhega he pretends he is deaf
délati se norca iz koga to make fun of someone, to make a fool of someone
dela se bogatega he pretends to be rich, he makes believe he is rich
delal sem se jeznega I pretended to be angry
delal se je, kot da ničesar ne vidi he pretended to see nothing
kdor ne dela, naj ne jé arhaično no mill, no meal
delirírati to be delirious, to rave, to be light-headed, to wander
delirírati od veselja to be wild (ali off one's head) with joy
delováti to act; to operate; to work; to do; to be in operation; to take an active part in, to function; (stroj) to play, to run, to work
ne delováti (stroj ipd.) to be out of order; (vplivati) to influence
nazaj delováti to be retroactive
delováti na (imeti učinek) to act upon, to take effect, to tell; (prizadeti) to affect
uspeš no delováti to be efficient, to be efficacious
dvigalo ne deluje the lift is out of order
stroj deluje the machine is working (ali running)
to zdravilo ni delovalo this medicine has had no effect (ali did not work)
to zdravilo deluje pomirjevalno this medicine has a soothing effect
dežúrati to be on duty
diftongirati to be diphthongized
diplomatizírati to be tactful; to behave with tact (ali diplomacy)
dišáti to give off a pleasant scent; to be fragrant (ali scented ali perfumed); to smell sweet
dišáti po to smell of
dišáti po govedini to taste of beef
dišáti po vinu to smell (ali to taste) of wine
jed mi ne diši I'm not enjoying my food
njegova opazka diši po zavisti (po ljubosumnosti) his remark smacks of envy (of jealousy)
moj predlog mu ni dišal he did not relish my proposal
resen študij mu ne diši he has no relish for hard study
vrtnice lepo dišijo roses smell sweet
dogovárjati se (posvetovati se) to take counsel (s kom with someone), to confer with someone; to be in league (ali pogovorno in cahoots) with someone (za kaj, glede česa for something)
dolgovátí to owe; to be indebted to
koliko Vam dolgujem? how much do I owe you?
svojemu krojaču dolgujem 10 funtov I owe my tailor ten pounds, I owe ten pounds to my tailor
dolguje mi svoje življenje he owes me his life
mnogo dolgovátí to owe a great debt (komu to someone)
dominírati to dominate; to be in control; to rule; to be master (oziroma mistress) of
dotíkati se ➞ dotakniti se; to be contiguous
ne dotikati se! don't touch!
skrajnosti se dotikajo extremes meet
stol se dotika stene the chair touches the wall
dozdéven apparent; seeming; supposed; presumptive; would-be
dozdévni filozof a would-be philosopher
dozdevno (prislov) apparently, seemingly
dŕzniti se to dare; to be bold; to venture; to presume; to make bold; to take liberties (with); (v pismu ipd.) to take the liberty
drznem se reči I make bold to say; I venture to say (da that...)
dŕzniti se kaj napraviti to make so bold as to do something
drznil se bom dati Vam nasvet I will venture to give you a piece of advice
ne drzne se to napraviti he dare not (ali does not dare to) do it
kako se drznete tako govoriti? how dare you speak like this?
kdo se drzne na tako viharno morje? who dare venture out on such a stormy sea?
duhovíčiti to be witty
duhtéti to have a fragrant (ali pleasant, sweet) smell; to be fragrant (ali scented ali perfumed); to smell sweet
duhtéti po to be redolent of
duhtelo je po lipovem cvetu there was a scent of lime blossom in the air
dvómiti to doubt, to have doubts (o, gléde about); to question (o čem something); to be doubtful (of); to be in doubt
ne dvomiti o to have no doubts about
dvómiti o poštenju kake osebe to doubt someone's honesty
o tem ne dvomim I have no doubt (ali I make no question) of it
ne morem dvómiti o njegovi besedi I cannot doubt his word
dvomim, da je to res I doubt the truth of that
ne dvomim, da bo prišel I have no doubt (that) he will come, pogovorno I've no doubt he's coming, I don't doubt for a moment he's on his way
ne dvomim, da ste hoteli to storiti I have no doubt you intended to do it
dvomim, če bo prišel I doubt whether (ali if) he will come
po tem začne človek dvómiti o vsem after that, one begins to feel doubtful of everything
ekonomizírati to economize; to save; to be sparing of; to use with economy
ekonomizírati (varčevati) denar to save money, to put money by, to cut down expenses, to be thrifty
ekonomizírati s časom in delovno silo to save time and labour
ne ekonomizírati not to spare
eksistírati to exist; to be
ki ne eksistira nonexistent
nekaj izvodov še eksistira there are still a few copies extant