neobstójen (barva) not fast; fleeting
neobstójna barva fleeting colour
Zadetki iskanja
- očí eyes pl; (vid) eyesight
med štirimi očmi in private, face to face
pred mojimi očmi before my eyes, in my sight, in my presence
zaradi vaših lepih očí for your blue eyes
boleče očí sore eyes, (od prenapenjana) eye strain
barva očí colour of the eyes
velike in okrogle očí saucer eyes
plamteče (krmežljave, izbuljene) očí flashing (bleary, blear, goggle) eyes
suhe (solzne) očí dry (tearfilled) eyes
na lastne očí, z lastnimi očmi with one's own eyes
prav pred njenimi očmi before her very eyes
slabe očí weak eyes
z odprtimi očmi with open eyes
ki ima dobre (risje) očí keen-eyed (lynx-eyed)
kot bi z očmi trenil (kot bi mignil) in the twinkling of an eye, in a flash
paša za očí a sight for sore eyes, a delightful sight
očí so mu bolj lačne kot želodec his eyes are bigger than his belly
same očí in ušesa so ga he is all eyes and ears, he is all attention
z očí brati komu to guess by someone's look, to anticipate someone's wishes
to bíje v očí it offends the eye
to bôde v očí that strikes (ali catches) the eye
gledati smrti v očí to look death in the face
gledati na kaj z drugimi (drugačnimi) očmi to take a different view of something
imeti dobre (slabe) očí (vid) to have good (bad) eyesight
imeti pred očmi to have (ali to bear, to keep) in mind (ali in sight, in view)
vse solzne očí je imela her eyes brimmed with tears
imeti stalno kaj pred očmi not to lose sight of something
imeti očí za lepo(to) to have an eye for the beautiful
imej odprte očí! (pazi se!) keep your weather eye open!
očí si izjokati to cry one's eyes out
očí si drug drugemu izpraskati to scratch each other's eyes out
ne hodi mi pred očí! keep out of my way!, arhaično begone!
izgubiti iz očí to lose sight of, to lose track of
ne izpustiti iz očí to keep one's eye on
ne izpustim ga iz očí I keep an eye on him, I don't trust him out of my sight
povsod imeti svoje očí (figurativno) to have eyes at the back of one's head
mencati, meti si očí to rub one's eyes
napenjati očí to strain one's eyes
izgini mi izpred očí! get out of my sight!
nasuti komu peska v očí (figurativno) to throw sand (ali dust) in someone's eyes, to bamboozle someone, to hoodwink someone
odpreti komu očí to open someone's eyes, to undeceive someone
to mi je odprlo očí that was an eye-opener for me
očí se mi odpirajo (figurativno) I begin to see now
očí sem mu odprl (figurativno) I opened his eyes for him
široko odpreti očí to open one's eyes wide, to be all eyes
očí so se mu odprle (figurativno) the scales fell from is eyes
pojdi mi izpred očí! get out of my sight!, arhaično begone!
premeriti koga z očmi to eye from head to foot
to pada v očí that leaps to the eye, that hits you in the eye
pasti očí na čem to feast one's eyes on something
pokvariti si očí to spoil one's eyes
povesiti očí to look down
v očí mi je padlo it struck me
ne pridi mi spet pred očí! don't show yourself here again!
to ti povem med štirimi očmi this is for your private ear
z očmi je preletel vrt he cast a glance over the garden
streljati z očmi (figurativno) to shoot glances (na at)
očí si treti to rub one's eyes
upreti očí v to fix one's eye upon, to look fixedly at
škiliti z očmi to squint, to be squint-eyed
očí se mi solzé my eyes are running
kot bi z očmi trenil in the twinkling of an eye, in a trice, in a flash
svojim očem ne verjamem I don't believe my eyes
komaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes, I can hardly believe my own eyes
stopiti komu pred očí (figurativno) to face someone
vreči očí na to have an eye for
z lastnimi očmi videti to be an eyewitness
na očeh se mu vidi, da je lopov his eyes show him up for the rogue he is, arhaično bespeak him a rogue
od teme se ne vidi prsta pred očmi it is pitch-dark
videl sem mu na očeh, da laže I could see (ali I saw) from his face that he was lying
na lastne očí sem to videl I saw it with my own eyes
zapreti očí to close one's eyes
preteklo noč nisem mogel zatisniti očí last night I couldn't sleep a wink
zavezati komu očí to hoodwink someone, to blindfold someone
zatisniti očí ob, nad (spregledati) to shut one's eyes to, to turn a blind eye to, to condone, to connive at, to wink at
zapirati očí pred čem to close one's eyes to something
vrana vrani ne izkljuje očí one crow does not peck out another crow's eyes
daleč od očí, daleč od srca out of sight, out of mind - óljnat oil(-); oily
óljnata barva oil paint, oil colour
óljnat madež oil stain
óljnat papir oil paper
óljnata slika oil painting - opékast of brick, of tile, brick-like
opékasto rdeč brickred
opékasto rdeča barva brick red - pastélen
pastélna barva pastel
pastélna risba pastel, pastel drawing
pastélni svinčnik crayon - prstén2 earthly
prstna barva earth colour
(ki je) prstne barve earth-coloured, clay-coloured, livid - rdèč red; (lica) ruddy
rdèč nos (pijančka) coppernose, grog-nose
Rdeči križ Red Cross
Rdeča armija Red Army
Rdeča Kapica Little Red Riding Hood
Rdeče morje Red Sea
rdèčih lic redcheeked
rdèča detelja red clover
rdèča barva red colour
rdèče krvno telesce red corpuscle, red blood cell
rdèč kot kri blood-red
rdèč kot vrtnica (as) red as a rose
rdèč kot puran (as) red as a turkey cock
rdèč kot pesa (as) red as a beetroot
rdèče oblečen dressed in red
slep za rdèčo barvo red-blind
od joka rdèče oči eyes red with tears
rdèč kot rak (as) red as a boiled lobster, (as) red as a peony
temno rdèč dark red
biti rdèč od jeze to be red with anger
postati rdèč to turn red
ves rdèč je od sramú he is blushing to the very roots of his hair
postati rdèč kot kuhan rak to turn (ali to flush) scarlet
to ga razdraži kot rdèča krpa bika it is a red rag to him - róžnat rose-pink, rosy, rose-coloured; (tudi figurativno) roseate
róžnato rdeča barva rose red
v róžnatih barvah in rosy colours
róžnata polt rosy complexion
róžnata slika rosy picture
róžnatih ustnic rose-lipped
róžnata upanja rosy prospects pl
videti stvari v róžnati luči to take a rose-coloured view of things
videti stvari skozi róžnata očala to see things through rose-coloured spectacles - sív grey, (zlasti ZDA) gray; (lasje tudi) grizzled, grizzly
sívi lasje grey hair; (nebo) overcast, cloudy; (vreme) dull
síva barva grey colour, (sivina) greyness, grey
oblečen v sívem dressed in grey, wearing grey
svetlo (temno) sív light (dark) grey
biserno sív pearl-grey
imeti sívo brado to have a grizzled beard
postati sív to grow grey
delati komu síve lase (figurativno) to be a great trial to someone
zaradi tega si ne delam sívih las (figurativno) I don't worry about it - sivorjàv dun
sivorjàva barva dun - slikárski (of) painting; picture(-)
slikárski ateljé painter's studio
slikárska barva painter's colour
slikárski čopič painter's brush, paintbrush
slikársko platno canvas
slikárska škatla paint-box
slikárska razstava exhibition of paintings
slikárska šola school of art - tiskárski printing; typographical
tiskárska barva, črnilo printing ink
tiskárska črka printing type
tiskárski papir printing paper
tiskárska stiskalnica printing press
tiskárski stroj printing-machine, printing press
tiskárski stroški printing expenses pl
tiskárski valj (printing) cylinder
tiskárski znak printer's mark - trájen lasting, durable; continual; constant; permanent; stable, enduring, abiding; (rastlina) perennial; (nespremenljiv) unalterable, invariable, unchangeable
trájna barva fast colour
trájna ondulacija permanent wave, pogovorno perm
dati si delati trájno ondulacijo to have one's hair permed - varoválen protective
varoválna barva protective colour - vijóličast violet
vijóličast a barva violet - vodén1 -a, -o watery
vodna barva watercolour, distemper
vodna glava hydrocephalus
vodno mleko watery milk
slikati z vodnimi barvami to paint in watercolours - všéč
biti všéč to please
to mi je všéč I am pleased with it
všéč mi je... I like, I relish, I am pleased with, I am partial to, I am fond of, I love; it suits me, it is agreeable to (ali convenient for) me
kakor ti je všéč as you please, as you like
to mi ni všéč I don't like it, it displeases me, I am loath to..., I abhor..., I detest
kako ti je všéč ta barva? how do you like this colour? - zapràn washy; washed out; faded
zapràna barva washy colour - zaščíten protective; shielding
zaščítna barva zoologija protective colouring
zaščítna carina protective tariff
zaščítni bog tutelary god
zaščítna čelada safety helmet, protective helmet, crash helmet
zaščítni pokrov avtomobilizem bonnet, ZDA hood, aeronavtika cockpit cover
zaščítno cepljenje protective inoculation
sistem zaščítne carine protectionism
zagovornik zaščítne carine protectionist
zaščítna mera, ukrep protective (ali preventive) measure
zaščítna ograja guard rail, parapet
zaščítna plast protective layer
zaščítna prevleka protective coating
zaščítno spremstvo safe-conduct, escort, (na morju) convoy, aeronavtika air cover
zaščítno sredstvo (proti) preservative, preventive, preventative (against)
zaščítna streha protective roof, shed, shelter, penthouse
zaščítna straža escort, safeguard
zaščítni zid, stena safety wall
tovarniški zaščítni znak trademark
zaščítna obleka protective clothes pl
zaščítna očala (a pair of) protective (ali safety) goggles - zelénkast greenish
zelénkasta barva greenish colour (ZDA color)