
Zadetki iskanja

  • domovína native country; native land; fatherland; mother country; homeland; native soil; home

    v domovíni at home
    druga domovína country of adoption
    hrepenenje po domovíni homesickness, nostalgia
    hrepeneti po domovíni to be homesick
    zapustiti domovíno to leave one's country, arhaično to expatriate oneself
  • drúžiti to unite; to join

    drúžiti se z (s) to associate with, to keep company with, to mix with; arhaično to consort (ali to assort) with
    s kom se družiš? what (sort of) company are you keeping?, pogovorno who are you going around with?
    drúžiti se s tatovi to consort with thieves
  • entomologíja entomology

    ukvarjati se z entomologíjo to study entomology, arhaično to entomologize
  • gáber botanika beech tree

    beli gáber hornbeam; white beech; arhaično yoke-elm
  • glád hnuger; (lakota) famine, starvation

    glád (pohlep) po thirst for, greed for, craving for (ali after)
    volčji glád ravenous hunger
    imam volčji glád I am famished
    umirati od gládu to starve, to be famished
    umreti, poginiti od gládu to die (ali to perish) of hunger (ali of starvation), to starve to death
    umiram od gládu (figurativno) I'm simply starving
    pustili so jih, da so umrli od gládu they left them to die of hunger
    z gládom prisiliti k predaji, k pokorščini to starve into surrender, into submission
    trpeti glád to starve, to famish
    utešiti, pomiriti (si) glád to appease one's hunger, to satisfy one's hunger, arhaično to stay one's stomach
    glád je najboljši kuhar hunger is the best sauce
  • glédati to look (at, on); to see; (opazovati) to watch, to observe, to eye, to view, to regard; figurativno to consider; (paziti na) to attend to, to look after, to see that something is done; to look to it that...; (prizadevati si) to endeavour, to try, to make efforts

    glej! look!, see!, look here!, arhaično lo; lo and behold!, (začudeno) well, well!, well I never!, just imagine!
    glej, glej! well, well!, arhaično lo and behold!
    glej no!, glej si no glej! well, well, well!; žargon well get a load of that!
    toda glej! but just imagine!, but lo and behold!
    glej, da prideš pravočasno! see that you come in time!
    dobro glej! look sharp!
    jaz samo gledam I am all eyes
    debelo glédati to open one's eyes wide, to be all eyes
    debelo glédati od značudenja to stare with surprise
    grdo, jezno, temno glédati to scowl, to frown
    glédati komu v obraz to look someone in the face
    glédati okoli to look around
    glédati skozi okno to look out of the window
    pozorno glédati to look intently
    škilavo glédati to squint
    glédati s strahom v prihodnost to look forward with dread to the future
    glédati za kom to look (ali to gaze) after someone
    postrani glédati to look askance (koga at someone)
    pogumno glédati nevarnosti v obraz to face danger bravely, to look danger in the face
    on ne gleda na stroške he takes no account of the expense, with him expense is no object
    zaljubljeno glédati koga to make (ali to cast) sheep's eyes at someone
    kam gleda to okno? where does this window face?
    zelo glédati na svojo obleko (figurativno) to be very particular about one's dress
    zelo gleda na svoje interese he keeps an eye on his interests
    zviška glédati na koga to look down on someone
    glédati se to look at one another (at each other)
    glédati se (v zrcalu) to look at oneself
    glédati se postrani to look askance at one another (at each other)
    grdó se gledata they are at daggers drawn
  • glôba fine; penalty; mulct; forfeit; arhaično amercement

    naložiti glôbo, globiti to penalize, to mulct, arhaično to amerce, pravo to make liable to a fine
    plačati glôbo to pay a fine
    naložiti en funt glôbe to impose a onepound fine, to fine someone one pound
  • gnézdo nest; (orlovo, roparic) eyrie, aerie, aery; (fazanov) arhaično nide; figurativno (dom) home, roof; figurativno haunt; (leglo) brood, hatch, (za žuželčja jajca) nidus

    gnézdo roparjev den of thieves
    polno gnézdo nestful
    graditi gnézdo to build a nest, arhaično to nidificate, to nidify
    krasti jajca iz gnézd to rob birds' nests
    položiti v gnézdo to nest
    sedeti na gnézdu to sit on the nest (to hatch)
    stikati za ptičjimi gnézdi to go bird's-nesting (ali bird-nesting ali nesting)
    sedeti v toplem gnézdu (figurativno) to live (ali to be living ali to be) in clover
    ustvariti si gnézdo (figurativno) to build one's nest (ali home), (oženiti se) to settle down to married life
    ptički brez gnézda (= otroci brez doma) waifs and strays
    napraviti si mehko gnézdo to feather one's nest
  • góba botanika fungus, pl fungi, funguses; (plesen) mould; (za brisanje) sponge

    užitna góba mushroom, edible fungus, agaric
    kresilna góba dry fungus, tinder, touchwood, spunk, ZDA punk, arhaično amadou
    strupena góba poisonous mushroom, toadstool
    nabiralec gób gatherer of mushrooms
    veda o góbah mycology
    nabirati góbe to gather mushrooms, to go mushrooming
    rasti kot góbe po dežju to shoot up like mushrooms after the rain
  • gódba band; music

    gódba na pihala wind band; (kovinska) brass band
    vojaška gódba military band
    mačja gódba (figurativno) cat's concert, caterwauling; arhaično Dutch concert, rough music
    polkovna gódba regimental band
    vodja gódbe bandmaster
  • golíti to denude, to lay bare; to bare; (drevje) to strip of leaves

    golíti se to become naked (ali nude ali bared ali denuded); (ptice) to moult, arhaično to mew; to shed feathers
  • gorjé woe; misfortune

    gorjé! alas!, oh dear!, oh my!, oh my goodness!, dear me!, woe!
    gorjé meni! woe is me!
    gorjé ti, če... pogovorno you'll be sorry if..., arhaično woe betide you if...
    gorjé mu! pogovorno he'll be sorry!, woe (he) to him!
    gorjé premaganim! woe to the vanquished!, latinsko vae victis!
  • góselski

    góselski lok glasba violin bow, pogovorno arhaično fiddlestick
  • gósli violin; pogovorno fiddle

    lok za gósli violin bow; pogovorno arhaično fiddlestick
  • grád (fevdalen, utrjen) castle; (kraljev, knežji) palace; castle; (graščina) manor; (podeželski) country seat

    grádovi na reki Loire Loire-valley chateaus (ali chateaux), chateaus on the Loire
    Versajski grád the palace of Versailles
    zidanje grádov v oblake (figurativno) wishful thinking; building (of) castles in the air
    obljubljati komu zlate grádove to promise someone the earth
    sesuti se kot grád iz kart to collapse like a house of cards
    zidati grádove v oblake to build castles in the air (ali in Spain)
    ne zidaj grádov v oblake! don't count your chickens before they're hatched!, arhaično sell not the bear's skin before you have caught the bear
  • gráhov pea(-), of peas

    gráhova juha pea soup
    gráhova moka pea flour
    gráhov piré pease pudding
    gráhovo polje field of peas
    gráhov strok pea pod, arhaično peasecod
  • grmênje thunder; thundering; rumble of thunder; rumbling, rumble

    brez grmênja thunderless
    grmênje in bliskanje thunder and lightning
    grmênje topov rumble of cannon
    veliko grmênja in malo dežja much ado about nothing, arhaično great cry and little wool
  • grós (144 kosov) gross; twelve dozen

    veliki grós (1228 kosov) arhaično great gross
  • hindustánski Hindustani

    hindustánski jezik (uradni jezik Indije) Hindi, the Hindi language; arhaično Hindustani
  • híša house; (stavba) building

    stanovanjska híša tenement (house); dwelling, arhaično habitation; (gosposka hiša) mansion; (graščina) manor
    mestna híša (magistrat) town hall, city hall; (vladarska, knežja) dynasty
    trgovska híša house, (business) firm, concern; store, department store; establishment
    vogelna híša corner house
    samostojno stoječa híša detached house
    Spodnja híša angleškega parlamenta the lower house, the House of Commons
    Zgornja híša the upper house, the House of Lords; ZDA (ljudsko zastopništvo) the House of Representatives
    blok híš block (of buildings)
    vrata híš a row of houses
    lesena híša wooden house, frame house
    javna híša brothel, house of ill fame, house of ill repute, bawdy house; vulgarno knocking shop; ZDA žargon cathouse
    polna híša (gledališče) full house
    gostov polna híša houseful of guests
    híša ni sklepčna! (parlament) no house!
    zabava ob vselitvi v híšo housewarming
    dohod, pot k híši path, drive, driveway
    boj od híše do híše vojska house-to-house fighting
    velik kot híša as high as a house; huge, enormous
    zunaj híše out of doors; outdoors
    mati je nekje v híši Mother is somewhere around (ali about) the house
    vsa híša je bila na nogah the whole household was stirring
    naša híša Vam je vedno odprta you are always welcome here
    pognati, vreči iz híše koga to turn (ali to throw) someone out (of the house)
    postaviti híšo na glavo figurativno to turn the house upside down
    stopiti v híšo to enter the house
    stopiti iz híše to go out
    prepovedati komu vstop v híšo to forbid someone to enter one's house
    vseliti se v híšo to move into a house, to move in