plínski gas(-)
plínska bomba gas bomb
plínska cev gas pipe
plínska celica gas chamber
plínski generator gas generator
plínska granata gas shell
plínsko gretje gas heating
plínska (grelna) peč gas stove
plínski gorilnik gas burner, gas ring
plínski koks gas coke
plínski kuhalnik gas cooker
plínski instalater gas fitter
plínska luč, svetloba gaslight
plínski motor gas engine, gas motor
plínska mrežica gas mantle
plínska mešanica gas mixture
plínski napad gas attack
plínska maska vojska gas mask, respirator
plínska napeljava gas main, gas supply, gas pipes pl
plínsko olje gas oil, Diesel oil
plínska kopalna peč gas stove for baths (ali bathrooms) VB geyser
plínska pečica gas stove
plínski plamen gas flame, gas jet
plínski pritisk gas pressure
plínski preplah gas alarm
plínski puhalnik gas blower
plínska razsvetljava gaslight, gas lighting
plínska svetilka gas lamp, (cestna) gas street lamp
plínski štedilnik gas range, gas stove
plínska turbina gas turbine
plínski vonj smell of gas
plínska žarnica incandescent (gas) light
protiplinska obramba anti-gas defence
protiplinska oprema gas defence equipment
protiplinsko zaklonišče anti-gas shelter
Zadetki iskanja
- požáren fire-
požárna bramba fire brigade
postaja požárne brambe fire station
požárna lestev fire escape, scaling ladder
požárni signal, znak fire alarm
požárna straža firewatcher
požárna škoda fire damage, damage by fire
požárni zid fire-wall - svarílen warning; admonitory; (strašilen) deterrent
svarílna (signalna) naprava tehnika alarm apparatus, warning system; indicator
svarílna bója pomorstvo fairway buoy
svarílna luč warning light
svarílni klic warning cry
svarílno sporočilo warning notice
svarílni strel warning shot
svarílen znak, signal warning (ali danger) signal - trobénta glasba trumpet
orkestralna trobénta valve trumpet
znak, signal s trobénto bugle call, trumpet call
dati znak s trobénto za alarm to sound the alarm
trobiti s trobénto to trumpet
trobénta sodnega dne religija the last trump - tróbiti to trumpet; to blow (ali to sound) a trumpet
tróbiti alarm to sound an alarm
tróbiti za juriš to sound the charge
tróbiti za nočni počitek, spanje vojska to sound the retreat, ZDA to play taps
tróbiti k umiku to sound the (oziroma a) retreat
vedno v isti rog trobi (figurativno) he's always singing the same old tune (ali humoristično the tune the old cow died of)
tróbiti komu na ušesa to din into someone's ears - úra (čas) hour; (žepna) watch; (stoječa, stenska, stolpna) clock; (namizna) timepiece
úra budilka alarm clock
peščena úra sand glass
sončna úra sundial
cerkvena úra church clock
úra z nihalom pendulum clock
zapestna úra wristwatch
ladijska úra chronometer
úra štoparica stopwatch
policijska úra curfew
konične úre rush hour
huda úra thunderstorm
učna úra lesson
proste úre free (ali spare) hours pl
smrtna úra the hour of death, dying hour, last hour
v zgodnjih úrah in the small hours
úra X vojska zero hour
v teku ene úre, v manj kot eni úri in less than an hour, within an hour
o úre do úre from hour to hour
prav ob tej úri at this very hour
po moji úri by my watch
pol úre half an hour, a half hour
pred pol úre half an hour ago
5 milj na úro 5 miles per hour, 5 miles an hour
vsake tri úre every three hours
več kot eno úro over one hour
ob tej úri at the present time, ZDA presently
polni, celi 2 úri for two hours at a stretch (ali pogovorno on the trot)
dobro úro a good hour
ob 12. úri at 12 o'clock, at noon
v smeri kazalca úre clockwise, (v nasprotni) anticlockwise
jermenček za zapestno úro watch strap, strap for wristwatch; (wrist) watch band; strap (ali cord, link, expansion) band
verižica za úro watch chain, (pri telovniku) watch guard
kolesje úre movement of a watch
ohišje úre clock case
vzmet úre watch spring
utež pri úri clock weight
kazalec úre hand
kazalec sončne úre gnomon
številčnica úre dial
tovarna úr clock factory, watch factory
trgovina z úrami clock trade, watch trade, trade in clocks and watches
koliko je úra? what time is it?, what's the time?, (redko) what o'clock is it
úra je 5 it is five o'clock
četrt na šest je it is a quarter past five
pol šestih je it is half past five
tri četrt na šest je it is a quarter to six
na moji úri je tri it is three by my watch
ob kateri úra? at what time?
je ta úra prav? is that clock (tvoja zapestna úra your wristwatch oziroma pogovorno watch) right?
on je točen kot úra he is as regular as clockwork
moja úra je točna my watch keeps perfect time
dobrih 5 úr je do mesta it's a good five hours to the town
moja úra gre dobro my watch is a good timekeeper
moja úra ne gre (se je ustavila, se je iztekla) my watch is not going (has stopped, isn't working)
moja úra je pokvarjena there is something wrong with my watch
navijte svojo úro! wind up your watch!
moja úra je navita my watch is wound up
úra bíje the clock strikes (oziroma is striking)
úra bo zdajci (od)bila 11 the clock is just about to strike eleven
úra je odbila 7 the clock has struck seven
odbila mu je zadnja úra his last hour is come
moja úra prehiteva my watch is fast (ali gains, is gaining)
moja úra zaostaja my watch is slow (ali loses, is losing)
vprašati koliko je úra to ask the time
naravnati (regulirati) úro po... to regulate (ali to set) one's watch by...
držati se rednih úr to keep regular hours
letalo je doseglo poprečno 450 milj na úro the plane averaged 450 miles an hour
dajati angleške úre (= lekcije) to give English lessons
to úro je treba naviti this clock needs winding up (ali rewinding)
moja úra je potrebna popravila my watch needs repairing
razmakniti konične úre (da ni navala na avtobuse itd.) to stagger office hours
rana úra zlata úra early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
delati 24 úr brez prekinitve (noč in dan) to work around the clock - znák1 sign, mark, signal, symbol; token; index; (značka) badge; (bolezenski) symptom; (migljaj) wink
znáki časa signs pl of the times
znák minus matematika minus sign, negative sign
znák plus matematika plus sign
prometni znák traffic sign (ali signal), road sign
znák za odhod signal for departure
znák za umik vojska signal to retreat
znák kot prošnja za pomoč distress signal; (v nevarnosti) signal of distress (SOS)
znák za preplah alarm
znák za konec preplaha all clear
zaščitni znák trademark
znáki časti in oblasti insignia pl
kot znák spoštovanja as a mark of respect
nobenega znáka življenja no sign of life
znák (znamenje) propadanja sign of decay
razpoznavni znák distinctive mark
kot znák moje hvaležnosti in token (ali as a token) of my gratitude
v znák sprave as a sign of reconciliation
kot na dani znák as though in response to a sign
dati komu znák to give someone a sign
dati znák za streljanje to give the signal to fire
dati znák (pomigniti) to beckon, pogovorno to tip someone the wink
to je bil znák za upor this was the signal for revolt
govoriti z znáki (kretnjami) to speak in sign language, (gluhonemi) to speak in dumb show
v znák žalovanja nositi črno obleko to wear black as a token of mourning - zráčen air(-), airy; aerial; aired; atmospheric
po zráčni poti by air
zráčna armada vojska air fleet, air forces pl, air force
zráčni balon balloon
zráčna bitka air fight, aerial combat, air battle (za Anglijo Battle of Britain)
zráčna blazina air cushion
zráčna črta beeline, ZDA air line
10 milj zráčne črte 10 miles as the crow flies
zráčna črpalka pneumatic pump, air compressor
zráčni filter air cleaner
zráčno gretje hot-air heating
zráčni alarm air-raid warning
zráčna kopel air bath
zráčna ladja airship
zráčni koridor air corridor
zráčni mehur (air) bubble, air pocket
zráčna luknja air pocket, air hole
zráčni napad air raid, air attack, (močan) blitz
zráčni most air lift
zráčna obramba air defence
zráčni pojav atmospheric phenomenon
zráčna puška air gun
zráčna pošta air mail
zráčni promet aerial communication, air traffic, airborne traffic
zráčna plovba aerial navigation
zráčni pritisk atmospheric pressure
zráčna pot airway, air lane, air route, skyway
zráčna plast stratum, air layer
zráčna reklama skywriting
zráčna sesalka pneumatic pump
zráčni tlak air pressure
zráčni tovor air cargo, air freight, airborne freight
zráčni torpedo aerial torpedo
zráčni prostor air space
zráčni prevoz air transport
zráčne sile vojska air force
zráčni taksi air taxi
zráčni tok air current, air stream
zráčni upor air resistance, aeronavtika vojska air opposition
zráčna (vetrna) vreča (na letališču) wind sock, wind cone, wind sleeve, wind direction indicator
zráčni vrtinec whirlwind
zráčni vzgon air buoyancy
zráčna zavora pneumatic brake, compressed-air brake, air brake
porušiti, razrušiti s hudim zráčnim napadom to blitz
oskrbovati po zráčni poti to supply by air
prevažati po zráčnem mostu to airlift - zvón bell
póčen zvón cracked bell
mrtvaški zvón death knell, knell, death bell, arhaično passing-bell
vrv pri zvónu bell rope
steklen zvón (za rastline) cloche
potapljaški zvón diving bell
večerni zvón religija (evening) Angelus bell
plat zvóna alarm bell, tocsin
ulivanje zvónov bell-casting
obesiti na veliki zvón (figurativno) to proclaim (ali to shout, to publish) from the housetops, to announce with loud beating of the tomtom, to broadcast, to publish (something) far and wide, to blaze (something)
zvoniti z zvónovi to ring (the) bells
zvónovi zvonijo the bells are ringing (oziroma ring)
zvonjenje, pritrkavanje zvónov chiming (ali chime) of bells