
Zadetki iskanja

  • avdícija glasba audition; trial hearing; ZDA pogovorno try-out; performance of a piece of music

    biti na avdíciji, podvreči (se) avdíciji to have an audition, to audition
  • avtostôpati to thumb a ride (ali a lift); to hitch a lift
  • bábji of (ali belonging to) an old woman; oldwomanish; like a(n old) woman

    bábje leto Indian (arhaično St. Luke's ali St. Martin's) summer; gossamer; fine days in autumn
    bábje pšeno sleet
    bábje čenče trash, old wives' tale, nonsensical talk
    bábje čenče! stuff and nonsense!
  • bagatéla bagatelle; trifle; small matter; a thing of no importance

    za bagatélo for a mere trifle, for a song
    to je zame bagatéla that is a mere trifle to me
  • bájtar occupant of a hut; cottager; cottage farmer; Škotska crofter, small proprietor
  • banovínski pertaining to (ali of) a ban's domain
  • bánski pertaining to a ban; ban's
  • bastárd bastard; vulgarno son of a bitch, zastarelo whore's bird

    proglasiti za bastárda to bastardize
  • bellevue spot (ali place) with a beautiful view; belvedete
  • belogardíst White Guard, member of a right-wing political movement in Slovenia before and during World War II
  • besedolómnež reneger, one who reneges on a promise
  • besnéti to be enraged, to be furious, to be in a fury, to rage, ZDA to be mad; (morje, vihar) to rage
  • bíkovski bull; of (ali like) a bull

    bíkovski vrat a bull neck
    ki ima bíkovski vrat bull-necked, thick-necked
  • bívolski like (ali of) a buffalo; buffalo
  • blagoslovíti to bless; to invoke a blessing on; to give one's blessing (ali benediction); (posvetiti) to consecrate

    bog Vas blagoslovi! God bless you!
    bog ti to blagoslovi! God's blessing on (ali God bless, God prosper) your efforts (work, ipd.)!
  • blamírati (koga) to compromise (someone); to expose someone to ridicule; to ridicule someone; to bring discredit upon someone; to disgrace someone; to make someone look a fool

    blamírati se to disgrace oneself, to make oneself ridiculous; to make a fool of oneself; (ne uspeti) to fail, to meet with failure; to make an ass of someone; to be confounded; to look foolish; to expose oneself to blame
    zelo se blamírati to make a prize fool (ali idiot) of oneself
    strašno sem se blamiral I made an awful fool of myself
    blamiran sem I feel foolish
    ne blamiraj me! pogovorno stop taking the mickey
  • blebetáč babbler; chatterbox, chatterer; gossip; talkative person; prattler; driveller; a great talker; žargon big mouth; windbag, gasbag
  • blondínka a fair-haired girl; a blonde; ZDA blondie; (barvana) a platinum blonde; (bedasta, naivna) ZDA pogovorno a dizzy blonde
  • bôsti to sting, to prick; (z iglo) to prick with a needle ali pin, to pin, to stick; (z rogovi) to butt

    bode me (v boku) I have a stitch in my side
    to bode v oči that strikes the eye
    to me bode v oči it hurts me to see it
    bôsti se (z rogovi) to butt
  • brájda trellis; trellis-work for vines; vine(s) trained over a trellis