bóžji God's; of (from, like, belonging to) God; divine; godly; godlike
bóžji blagoslov God's blessing
bóžji dar God's gift, gift of God
bóžja hiša church, chapel
bóžje češčenje worship of God
bóžji grob the Holy Sepulchre, (po cerkvah) Holy Week commemorative altar
bóžja pot pilgrimage
bóžja sodba zgodovina ordeal
bóžja milost divine grace
po milosti bóžji by the grace of God
človek bóžji! man alive!
mati bóžja religija Mother of God, Blessed Virgin
služba bóžja divine service (ali worship); public worship, devotion
strah bóžji fear of God
šiba bóžja (figurativno, Atila) Attila, the Scourge of God
biti pri službi bóžji to attend divine service
Zadetki iskanja
- bràt brother
bràt po krvi brother german
(pol)bràt po materi uterine brother
starejši bràt elder brother
najstarejši bràt the eldest brother
rodni bràt full brother
bràt po mleku foster-brother
mlajši bràt younger brother
samostanski bràt (menih) friar
dragi bràtje! religija dearly beloved brethren!
eden naših bràtov religija one of our brethren
bratje po krvi brothers pl, religija brethren pl
bratje v orožju brothers in arms
to je med bràti vredno that's a reasonable price - brénkati to thrum; (na gosli) to fiddle; to strum; to twang (po, na on)
brénkati po klavirju to strum a piano
brénkati po strunah to sweep (ali to touch) the strings - brêsti (bredem) to wade (po, skozi through)
brêsti proti bregu to wade ashore
brêsti po blatu to wade through (the) mud
brêsti čez reko to wade across a river
brêsti v dolgove to run (ali to get) into debt - britje shave; shaving
čopič (zrcalo) za britje shaving brush (mirror)
milo za britje shaving soap
krema za britje shaving cream
orodje za britje shaving tackle
lotion po britju aftershave
britje, prosim! (pri brivcu) a shave, please! - bŕskati to ransack; to rummage
bŕskati po to rummage among
bŕskati po hiši to ransack a house
bŕskati po knjigi to rummage through the pages of a book
bŕskati po žepih to fish through one's pockets - cedíti to strain; to filter; to filtrate; to percolate
cedíti se to drip, to trickle, to filtrate
cedíti se skozi to percolate
cedíti se mleka to flow with milk
sline se mi cedé po... my mouth's watering for... - cél whole; total; entire; all; complete; full; integral; undivided; (nedotaknjen, nepoškodovan) safe, unhurt, uninjured, unscathed
ena cela a whole, one
v celem in the main, on the whole, in full
v céli Evropi in the whole of Europe
célo uro a full hour
céla 2 dneva two whole days, two full days, for two days running
cél svet all the world
po célem svetu all over the world, throughout the world
cél zadnji mesec all last month, the whole of last month
cél junak every inch a man
v célem vzeto taken overall (ali as a whole)
plačati célo vožnjo to pay the full rate
sin je cél oče the son is the very image of his father, the son is the spitting image of his father - céna price; cost; (vrednost) value; (kura) rate
za céno od at the price of
za nobeno céno (figurativno) not at any price, not for all the world, not for anything, not on any account, not for worlds
za vsako céno at any price (ali cost)
za smešno céno (figurativno) for a (mere) song
po lastni céni at cost price
po znižani céni at a reduced price
za polovično céno (at) half-price
po najnižjih cénh (žargon) at cutthroat prices
enotna (nizka, stalna, visoka, zadnja, maksimirana) céna single (low, firm ali stable, high, reserve, controlled) price
nabavna (prodajna, tovarniška, uradna) céna purchase (selling, factory ali ex works, official) price
polovična céna half (the) price
pretirana céna exorbitant (ali extravagant ali unreasonable ali fancy) price
zmerna céna moderate (reasonable, fair) price
brezobvezna céna provisional price
slepa céna cut price, ZDA cutrate price
tržna céna market (ali current) price
trdne céne (brez popusta) fixed prices (no discount allowed)
naraščajoče céne soaring prices
nedostopne, previsoke céne prohibitive prices
rastoče (padajoče) céne rising (falling) prices
najnižja céna the lowest price, floor price, bottom price, ZDA rock-bottom price
realne céne fair prices
dnevna céna current price
porast, dvig cen rise in prices; price increase (s), price rise (s)
padec cen fall in prices, (nenaden) price slump
znižanje cen reduction (ali cutting) of prices, price cuts
zvišanje cen rise in prices, price rise, increase in prices, price increase
kontrola cen price control
listek z označeno céno price mark, price-tag
céne se dvigajo prices are on the rise
zvišati, dvigniti céne to raise prices
pognati céne kvišku to push up prices, to inflate prices
določiti céne to fix prices
prodajati pod céno to sell for less than the market value, to undersell
céne padajo prices are falling ali dropping, (naglo) there is a price slump
pogajati se za céno to bargain
céne se gibljejo od... do... prices range from... to...
zahtevati previsoko céno od koga to overcharge someone
potisniti céne navzdol to force prices down
znižati céne to lower (ali to cut down ali to reduce) the prices
znižati céno za 20 penijev pri funtu to cut the price by 20 pence (20 p.) a lb.
sprostiti (odmrzniti) céne to unfreeze prices
navi(jati) céne to force up prices
znižati céne z intervencijo države to force down prices - césta (public) road, (v mestu, vasi) street; way; ZDA (široka v velemestu) avenue
deželna césta highway, main road, VB highroad, trunk road, arterial road
glavna césta highway, highroad (between towns); high street, ZDA main street
državna césta, avtomobilska cést motorway, ZDA expressway, superhighway; (široka prehodna) thoroughfare, ZDA artery
césta v Oxford the Oxford road, the road to Oxford
stranska césta side road, (v mestu) side street
makadamizírana césta macadamized road
prometna, živahna césta busy (ali crowded) street
javna césta public road
asfaltirana césta asphalted road
z gramozom nasuta césta metalled road
tlakovana césta paved road
vijugasta césta winding road
hitra césta ZDA speedway
dobra (slaba) césta road in good (bad) repair
césta s prepovedjo parkiranja no-parking street, street closed to parking
rimska, mlečna césta astronomija galaxy, Milky Way
na césti in the street, on the street
delo na césti roadworks
gostilna ob césti roadside inn, VB žargon roadside caff
uporabnik céste road user
za promet zaprta césta! road closed to traffic!
ta césta je zaprta za promet z vozili this road is closed to vehicular traffic
césta je zagačena the road is jammed
iti po césti to go by the road
ta cesta gre (pelje, vodi) iz Londona v Southampton this road goes from London to Southampton
stanujem čez césto I live just across the street
vreči koga na césto to turn someone out, to put someone out (in the street); to send someone packing - čakánje waiting, wait; expectation
čakánje v vrsti (»repu«) queueing (up)
po 20 minutah čakánja after twenty minutes' wait
nimam rad čakánja I don't like waiting
v čakánju je čas dolg (figurativno) a watched pot never boils
politika čakánja the policy of drift - čákati to wait (for); to await; to expect
čákati v vrsti (»repu«) to queue (up)
čákati na odločitev to await the decision
čákati na (svojo) priložnost to watch one's opportunity
čakal sem te do šestih I waited for you till six
čakali so nanj they were waiting for him ali someone was waiting for him ali pogovorno he was waited for
na to lahko še dolgo čakaš figurativno you may whistle for it
pustiti koga čákati to keep someone waiting
to lahkó (po)čaka that can wait
ne čakajte me z večerjo! start supper without me!
dolgo, potrpežljivo čákati figurativno to kick one's heels, to cool one's heels
nismo čakali, da bi on odgovoril we did not wait for him to reply
nima smisla čákati there's no use waiting, it's no use waiting
čákati v zasedi to lie in ambush
čákati (oklevati) to linger, to hesitate, to tarry
čákati (biti usojeno) to be in store for
kdor čaka, dočaka everything comes to those who wait
človek nikoli ne ve, kaj ga čaka you never know what to expect - če if; in case
če ne unless, if not
razen če except when, except if, unless
tudi če even if
celó če even if, even supposing that; though
če že as long as
če slučajno if by chance
če ne bi bilo but for
on bi bil umrl, če ne bi bilo mene he would have died but for me
če le (samó da) provided that
če le pride provided that he comes
če le ni drugače predpisano po zakonu unless otherwise provided by the law
če ne bi bilo... were it not for...
vstani, če ne ne (= sicer) boš zamudil vlak get up, or else you'll miss the train
stori to takoj, če ne ti bo žal do it at once, or else you'll be sorry - čebúla botanika onion; figurativno, pogovorno (velika, slaba ura) turnip (watch); (tulipanova itd.) bulb
venec čebúle a string of onions
greda čebúle onion bed
vonj, duh po čebúli smell of onions - čék cheque, ZDA check
s čékom by cheque
bianko čék blank cheque
čék po odredbi cheque to order
čék na prinašalca cheque to bearer, bearer cheque
čék za X SIT a cheque for X tolars
imetnik čéka holder of a cheque
naslovnik čéka payee
prinašalec čéka bearer of a cheque
plačilo, plačevanje s čékom payment by cheque
turističen čék traveller's cheque
čék brez kritja, nepokrit čék uncovered cheque, pogovorno rubber cheque, bouncer
ponarejen čék forged cheque, žargon stumer
ponarejevalec čékov cheque forger
ponareditev čék forgery of a cheque
izdati, napisati čék to draw a cheque; to make out a cheque
indosirati čék to endorse a cheque
vnovčiti čék to cash a cheque
prekrižani čék crossed cheque - čepéti to squat; to cower; to crouch
po turško čepéti to squat tailor-fashion
vedno čepí doma he is a stay-at-home, he never stirs out of the house - čêsen garlic
strok čêsna a clove of garlic
venec čêsna string of garlic
dišeč po čêsnu, čêsnu podoben garlicky - číst clean; pure; neat; clear; (brez madeža) unstained, spotless; (opran) washed, cleansed; (tudi figurativno) unsullied, unblemished; (nepopisan) blank; (spolno) chaste, pure; (nemešan) unmixed; sheer; (neponarejen) genuine; (nedolžen) innocent, guileless
iz číste potrebe by sheer necessity
číst in čeden neat and dapper
čísti dobiček net (ali clear) profit
číst kot kristal as clear as crystal
po čístem, golem naključju by pure accident
čísta potrata sheer waste
čísta (sama, gola) skala sheer rock
číst prepis fair copy
číste (nedolžne) roke white hands
čísta resnica plain (ali naked) truth
to je čísti nesmisel it is sheer nonsense
čísta srajca a clean shirt
čísta voda pure water
čísta vest clear conscience
iz číste volne all-wool
čísto zlato pure gold
číst zrak pure air
povedati čísto resnico to tell the plain truth
prepisati kaj na čísto to copy out something, to make a fair copy of something - črvíčiti
črviči me po želodcu I have a stomachache - da (veznik) that (v predmetnih in osebkovih stavkih se često izpušča)
z namenom, da bi (in order) that
da ne bi lest, but
da le, samó da (če le) provided (that)
takó da so that, so as to + nedoločnik
kakor da, kot da as though
slišal sem, da je bolan I heard (that) he was ill
mislim, da bo prišel I believe (that) he will come
gotovo je, da je kriv it is certain (that) he is guilty
res je, da ni bil tam it is true (that) he was not there
recimo, da pride danes suppose (ali supposing) he comes today
jémo, da bi mogli živeti we eat that we may live
preberite to dvakrat, da ne pozabite! read it twice lest you forget it!
; ni še tako pozno, da naši sorodniki ne bi mogli še priti it is not too late for our relatives to come
bila je tako prijazna, da mi je pisala pismo she was so kind as to write me a letter
tu ni človeka, da ga jaz ne bi poznal po imenu there is no one here (whom) I could not name, there is no one here whose name I do not know
nikoli ne pride, da si ne bi izposodil denarja od mene he never comes without borrowing money from me
da on ni bil tako priseben, bi nas bilo razneslo vse na kosce but for his presence of mind, we might all have been blown to pieces
nikoli ne dežuje, da ne bi lilo (= nesreča ne pride nikoli sama) it never rains but it pours