razdóbje period; term; space of time; epoch
razdóbje 5 let a five-year period
za razdóbje 3 mesecev for a period of three months
Zadetki iskanja
- rók term; time limit; appointed time; date; given time; (menice) usance
v roku (10 dni) within (10 days)
odgoditev róka respite
rók usmrtitve reprieve
po preteku róka after the expiration of a term
skrajni rók (figurativno, pogovorno) deadline
menica z dvojnim plačilnim rókom bill drawn at double usance
rók je minil (the) term has expired
podaljšati rók to extend the term
na kratek rók for a short term
določitev róka fixing of a term (ali date)
prekoračenje róka exceeding the time limit
podaljšanje róka prolongation of a term, extension of time
ob določenem róku at the stated time
brez róka (latinsko) sine die
zamuditev, zamuda róka failure to meet a term
pred rókom plačana menica anticipated bill of exchange
menica ima rók 3 mesecev the bill is payable (ali falls due) in three months' time
rók poteče danes the term expires (ali is up) today
določiti rók to fix (ali to state) a term (ali a time limit, time)
držati se dogovorjenega róka to keep (ali to observe) the term agreed upon, to meet the deadline
pustiti, da rók zapade to let a term expire - staréjši older; elder; senior (Sr.)
moj staréjši brat my elder brother
on je 3 leta staréjši od mene he is three years my senior (ali older than me)
ona je staréjša kot moj brat she is older than my brother - stolétje century
pol stolétja half a century
v 3. stolétju pred n. št. (pred Krist.) in the 3rd century B.C.
do konca 15. stolétja till (ali until, to) the end (ali close) of the 15th century
stolétje Ludvika XIV the age of Louis XIV - stolíca chair; stool; medicina motion, stool
profesorska stolíca (na univerzi) chair, professorship; lectureship
stolíca za narodno zgodovino chair of National History
sv. stolíca the Holy See
že 3 dni nima stolíce medicina he has not had a motion for 3 days
iti na stolíco medicina to have a motion - tákt1 glasba time, measure
3/4 tákt three-four time; (ritem) cadence, rhythm
v táktu in time, (ples) in step
dajati tákt to beat time
držati tákt to keep time, to play in time
priti iz tákta to play out of time
spraviti iz tákta to put out of time
zaigrati nekaj táktov to play a few bars - trétji the third
trétji razred third class, (v šoli) third form
vsak trétji dan every third day
trétji stan zgodovina the third estate
trétja oseba pravo third person
3. marec March 3rd, 3rd March (beri: March the third, the third of March)
Henrik III Henry III (beri: Henry the Third)
hotél trétje vrste a thirdclass (ali a third-rate) hotel
trétje nadstropje third floor
potovati v trétjem razredu to travel third - tričetrtínski
tričetrtínski takt triple time, 3/4 time - tríje three
ob treh at 3 o'clock
sv. Trije kralji religija (praznik) (the feast of) the Epiphany, Twelfth Night
sv. trije kralji the Three Wise Men, the Three Kings, the Magi - V v (kje?) in, at; (kam?) into, to
v šoli (= v zgradbi) in the school, (pri pouku) at school
v šolo to school
v gledališču at the theatre
v 3. nadstopju on the third (3rd) floor, ZDA on the fourth (4th) floor
v Londonu (veliko mesto) in London
v Kamniku (malo mesto) at Kamnik
v London, v Francijo to London, to France
v mestu in town
v inozemstvu, v inozemstvo abroad
izgubljen v temi lost in the dark (ali darkness)
slab v angleščini weak in English
v torek on Tuesday
dvakrat v letu twice a year
v tistem času at that time
v starih časih in ancient times
v novejšem času in recent times
v mojih letih at my age
v pradobi in prehistoric times
v tem trenutku at this moment
v pravem času at the right moment, just in time
pozno v noč late into the night
v roku 10 dni within 10 days
v vojni in miru at war and at peace
v ta namen for this purpose
v imenu... in the name of...
v redu in order
biti v dobrih odnosih s kom to be on good terms with someone
hiša je bila v plamenih the house was on fire
biti v skrajni bedi to be in utter poverty
ste kdaj bili v Londonu? have you ever been to London?
biti v vojni to be at war
dospeti, prispeti v London to arrive in London
hoditi v šolo to go to school
pasti v vodo to fall into the water
ne morem mu tega vbiti v glavo I can't drive it into his head
vreči v koš za odpadke to throw into the wastepaper basket
vreči v zrak to throw into the air
zdrobiti v prah to pulverize, to reduce to dust
živeti v Sloveniji to live in Slovenia
to delo bom končal v roku treh mesecev (v treh mescih) I shall finish this job (ali work, task) within three months - vodíti (iti prvi) to lead, to go first; to lead the way; to take the lead; to conduct; (upravljati) to manage, to direct, to be the manager; to control; to boss; to run; (ladjo) to pilot, to steer
vodíti v modi to set the fashion
vodíti ples to lead the dance
vodil nas je skozi pravi labirint ulic he guided us through an absolute labyrinth of streets
pes je vodil slepca the dog was leading the blind man
pustí se vodíti od žene he lets his wife manage him
vodíti s 3 goli šport to lead by 3 goals
človeka često vodijo njegove strasti a man is often swayed by his passions
vodíti koga za nos (figurativno) to lead someone up the garden path, to pull someone's leg
vodíti psa na vrvici to lead a dog on the leash
vodíti razpašno življenje to lead a life of debauchery
vodíti v skušnjavo to lead into temptation
vodíti vojno z... to make war on..., to wage war with...
cesta vodi v X. the road leads to X.
vodíti pogajanja to be in negotiation
vodíti v teku (preteči druge) to get ahead of, to outstrip
kdo vodi (v teku, šport) who is ahead?
vodíti posle to manage, to run a business
on vodi vse (pogovorno) he runs the whole show
kam to vodi? what are we coming to?
to ne vodi nikamor that gets us nowhere
to lahko daleč vodi that could take us a long way
vodíti knjige ekonomija to keep the books
vodíti sestanek (sejo, zborovanje) to be in the chair, to (take the) chair, to preside over a meeting
kdo je vodil sestanek? who presided over the meeting?, who was in the chair?
dejavnosti, zadeve to conduct activities, affairs
vodíti družbene odnose to manage a society's affairs
vsa pota vodijo v Rim all roads lead to Rome - zahòd west, Occident; pesniško (sonca) sunset, ZDA sundown
na zahòdu westwards
veter piha od zahòda the wind is in the west
pluti proti zahòdu to sail west (ali westward, westwards)
po 3 dneh poti proti zahòdu after sailing west for 3 days, arhaično after 3 days' westing