glagoljáš priest saying mass in the Croat Church Slavonic rite and using Glagolitic missal
gluhonémnica institute for the deaf and dumb; deafand-dumb asylum
i (in) and; (tudi) also, too, as well; so, likewise
i...i both... and
i Vi i jaz both you and I (pogovorno me)
i njegov brat i njegov svak both his brother and his brother-in-law
naše izgube i padlih i ranjenih our losses both in killed and wounded
imponíranje making a great and good impression; filling with admiration, filling with awe
in and
in...in both... and
on in njegov brat both he and his brother
podnevi in ponoči both by day and by night
in tako dalje (itd.) and so on, etc (= etcetera)
itd etc; and so on, and so forth
izmenjáva exchange; alternation; changing; interchange; (straže) relief; (blaga v naturalijah) barter, bartering, truck; (vzajemno dajanje) give and take
izmenjáva setve rotation of crops
izménoma in turn; alternately; by turns; by rotation; in rotation; turn and turn about
izménoma smo brali we took it in turns to read
kákšenkrat sometimes; at times; now and then
klásika classical period of ancient Greece and Rome; works of that period; classical period, classical works of any nation; classics
kljúnčkati se to bill, (figurativno) to bill and coo
kolíne pork and sausage
kólomon kolomonov žegen (in folklore) magic book of spells and fortune telling
kolportáža (knjig, časopisov) hawking of books, newspapers; sale of newspapers and magazines at newsstands and tobacconists' shops
komóden (oseba) easy, easy-going; (življenje) easy, comfortable; (soba, hiša itd.) roomy and conve-. nient; (naslanjač itd.) comfortable, convenient
napraviti si komódenno to take one's ease
napravite si komódenno! make yourself comfortable!
kostím kostúm costume; coat and skirt; suit; dress; fancy dress
kopalni kostím, kostúm swimsuit, swimming costume, bathing costume
damski kostím, kostúm tailor-made costume
kóšava (veter) south-east wind which blows in eastern Yugoslavia and the Danubian lands in the cold months
kratkočásnica a short and amusing story, a funny story
kŕčenje contracting, shortening, reducing; (gozdov) clearing (of forests), disafforestation, clearing of roots and stumps
kresáti (iskre) to strike sparks (from a flint); (ogenj) to strike fire by means of steel, tinder, and a flint