
Zadetki iskanja

  • glagoljáš priest saying mass in the Croat Church Slavonic rite and using Glagolitic missal
  • gluhonémnica institute for the deaf and dumb; deafand-dumb asylum
  • i (in) and; (tudi) also, too, as well; so, likewise

    i...i both... and
    i Vi i jaz both you and I (pogovorno me)
    i njegov brat i njegov svak both his brother and his brother-in-law
    naše izgube i padlih i ranjenih our losses both in killed and wounded
  • imponíranje making a great and good impression; filling with admiration, filling with awe
  • in and both... and
    on in njegov brat both he and his brother
    podnevi in ponoči both by day and by night
    in tako dalje (itd.) and so on, etc (= etcetera)
  • itd etc; and so on, and so forth
  • izmenjáva exchange; alternation; changing; interchange; (straže) relief; (blaga v naturalijah) barter, bartering, truck; (vzajemno dajanje) give and take

    izmenjáva setve rotation of crops
  • izménoma in turn; alternately; by turns; by rotation; in rotation; turn and turn about

    izménoma smo brali we took it in turns to read
  • kákšenkrat sometimes; at times; now and then
  • klásika classical period of ancient Greece and Rome; works of that period; classical period, classical works of any nation; classics
  • kljúnčkati se to bill, (figurativno) to bill and coo
  • kolíne pork and sausage
  • kólomon kolomonov žegen (in folklore) magic book of spells and fortune telling
  • kolportáža (knjig, časopisov) hawking of books, newspapers; sale of newspapers and magazines at newsstands and tobacconists' shops
  • komóden (oseba) easy, easy-going; (življenje) easy, comfortable; (soba, hiša itd.) roomy and conve-. nient; (naslanjač itd.) comfortable, convenient

    napraviti si komódenno to take one's ease
    napravite si komódenno! make yourself comfortable!
  • kostím kostúm costume; coat and skirt; suit; dress; fancy dress

    kopalni kostím, kostúm swimsuit, swimming costume, bathing costume
    damski kostím, kostúm tailor-made costume
  • kóšava (veter) south-east wind which blows in eastern Yugoslavia and the Danubian lands in the cold months
  • kratkočásnica a short and amusing story, a funny story
  • kŕčenje contracting, shortening, reducing; (gozdov) clearing (of forests), disafforestation, clearing of roots and stumps
  • kresáti (iskre) to strike sparks (from a flint); (ogenj) to strike fire by means of steel, tinder, and a flint