
Zadetki iskanja

  • dogotovíti to finish; to bring to an end; to complete
  • dogovoríti se to agree (o on, about); to arrange (s kom o čem with someone about something); to make an arrangement (s kom with someone); to settle (o čem something); to appoint

    ob dogovorjenem času at the appointed time
    kot dogovorjeno as per agreement
    dogovoríti se vnaprej za kaj to preconcert something
  • dopláčati to pay an additional sum, to make up a deficiency, to pay extra; to make an additional payment; to supply
  • dražíti2 to raise the price (kaj of something), to make (something) dearer; (na dražbi) to auction, to bid for at an auction

    dražíti se to become dearer, to rise in price
    vse se draží prices are going up all round
  • dristíti medicina to apply an enema; to clyster
  • duhovít witty; quick-witted; (v odgovoru) clever at repartee, never lost for an answer; ingenious

    duhovíta rešitev an ingenious solution
    ta knjiga je pisana zelo duhovíto this book is very wittily written
    dajati duhovíte opazke to wisecrack
  • dvanajstíca the figure twelve, the number twelve; zgodovina an Austrian coin worth twelve kreuzers
  • edínec the only son, an only son
  • edínka the only daughter, an only daughter
  • ekonóm economist; (bolnišnice, zavoda itd.) bursar, treasurer; (nekaterih dobrodelnih ustanov) steward; (ladijski) purser; (upravitelj) manager of an estate
  • eksekvatúra (konzulatu) exequatur, official recognition of an accredited consul
  • ekspertíza expert valuation, expert advice; appraisement by an expert; expert's report; expert evidence; (pomorstvo) survey

    delati, napraviti ekspertízo, -e to value; to appraise; (v pomorstvu) to survey
  • enainpóluren of an hour and a half, an hour and a half's
  • enajstérica (športno moštvo) an eleven
  • enakopráven having equal (ali the same) rights; equally entitled to; equal; standing on an equal footing; on a footing of equality with

    enakoprávne pravice equal rights pl
  • enakoprávno prislov on an equal footing, on equal terms, on terms of equality
  • enoúren one-hour; one hour's; of an hour's duration; for an hour
  • glúmiti (igrati) to act; to play (a role); (pretvarjati se) to feign, to simulate, to put on an act
  • gostovánje feast; treat; (igralca, -lke) guest appearance of an actor (oziroma actress)

    enkratno, enovečerno gostovánje gledališče one-night stand
  • grdó badly, nastily, foully, basely, meanly; hideously; in an ugly manner

    grdó se gledajo (figurativno) they are at daggers drawn
    grdó jo komu zaigrati (figurativno) to play a dirty trick on someone
    stvari se grdó obračajo, razvijajo things are looking ugly
    grdó je (neprimerno je nekaj delati) it's wrong (ali bad, nasty) to...