
Zadetki iskanja

  • naredíti to do; (izdelati) to make, to manufacture; (izvršiti) to carry out, to perform, to execute; (dovršiti) to bring to an end, to complete

    kaj naredíti? what is to be done?
    ne vem kaj naredíti (figurativno) I am all at sea
    kaj naj človek naredi? what is one to do?
    prav vse (možno) naredíti to leave no stone unturned
    nerad kaj naredíti to do something with a bad grace
    površno, slabo naredíti to bungle
    naredíti čemu konec to put an end to something
    naredíti napako to make a mistake (ali a blunder)
    naredíti komu uslugo to do someone a service (ali a favour)
    naredíti komu slabo uslugo to do someone a bad turn, to do someone a disservice
    rad kaj naredíti to do something willingly, to do something with a good grace
    to bi se dalo naredíti that could be done
    naredíti se nevednega to pretend not to know, to act as if one did not know
    naredil sem se gluhega I pretended to be deaf
    naredíti se bolnega to feign illness, to malinger
    naredil sem (se), kot da sem jezen I pretended to be angry
  • naspróti opposite of; in face of, facing; against; in front of; over the way

    naspróti čemu in contrast to
    on stanuje naspróti he lives over the way
    stati komu naspróti to stand up to someone
    armadi si stojita nasproti the two armies are facing each other
    ladja se je zasidrala naspróti rtiču Dobre nade the ship anchored off the Cape of Good Hope
  • nôga foot, pl feet; (krak) leg; (klavnih živali) hoof, pl -s, hooves, (za jed) trotter; (čaše) stem, foot; (mize, stola) leg

    prednja nôga foreleg
    zadnja nôga hind leg
    od glave do nôg from head to foot, from top to toe
    prekrižanih nôg cross-legged
    zaspale nôge (mravljinci v nogah) pins and needles
    lahkih nôg light-footed, light-foot
    umivanje nôg footwashing
    ki ima nôge na O bandy-legged, bandy, bowlegged
    nôge na X knock-knees
    ki ima nôga na X knock-kneed
    že biti na nôgah to be on one's feet
    ves dan sem že na nôgah I have been on the go (ali run off my feet) all day
    biti z eno nôgo v grobu to have one foot (ali one's feet) in the grave, to be on one's last legs
    biti šibak v nôgah to be unsteady (ali groggy) on one's feet (ali pogovorno on one's pins)
    on je slab v nôgah (slab hodec, pešec) he is a poor walker
    pomagati komu na nôge to help someone up on his feet
    sam si pomagati na nôge (figurativno) to lift oneself up by one's own bootstraps
    obdržati se na nôgah to keep one's legs
    metati komu polena pod nôge to put a spoke in someone's wheel, to thwart someone
    nôge me bolijo my legs hurt, I have a pain in my legs
    on ima umetno nôgo he has an artificial leg
    podstaviti komu nôgo to trip someone (up)
    postaviti koga na nôge to set someone on his feet
    spraviti, postaviti koga zopet na nôge to put someone back on his feet
    postaviti se na lastne nôge (figurativno) to stand on one's own two feet
    postaviti se spet na nôge to recover one's footing
    prestopati se z nôge na nôgo to shift one's weight from one foot to the other
    pretegniti si nôge, iztegniti nôge to stretch one's legs
    skočiti na nôge to spring (ali to start, to leap) to one's feet
    skakati po eni nôgi to hop
    stati na šibkih nôgah (figurativno) to stand on a weak foundation
    stopiti komu na nôgo to tread upon someone's foot
    teptati z nôgami to trample (ali to tread) underfoot
    udariti z nôgo ob tla to tap (ali to stamp) one's foot
    vidim sledove njegovih nôg v snegu I can see his footprints in the snow
    vstati z levo nôgo (figurativno) to get out of bed on the wrong side
    nôge so me začele boleti I became footsore
    nôga mi je zaspala my leg (ali foot) has gone to sleep
    izviniti si nôgo to sprain one's ankle
    braniti se z rokami in nôgami proti čemu to fight against something tooth and nail
    pasti komu k nôgam to fall at someone's feet
    živeti na veliki nôgi (razkošno) to live in grand style
    stati na lastnih nôgah to stand on one's own feet, to be on one's own, to be independent
  • odpovédati (stanovanje, službo) to give notice, ZDA to notice; to denounce (pogodbo a treaty); (naročilo, naročeno) to countermand (an order); (glas) to fail; (motor) to break down, to stall

    odpovédati naročilo to cancel an order
    odpovédati stanovanje to give notice to quit
    odpovédati predstavo, tekmo to call off a performance, a contest
    odpovédati časopis to discontinue a newspaper
    glas mu je odpovedal his voice failed
    nogé so mi odpovedale my legs refused to obey me
    odpovedal je (službo) gospodarju he gave his landlord notice that he was going to leave
    mati je odpovedala gospodinjski pomočnici my mother has given her servant notice
    odpovedal sem podnajemniku I have given my lodger notice to quit
    živci so mu odpovedali his nerves snapped
    puška je odpovedala the rifle misfired (ali failed to go off)
    (zasilna) zavora je odpovedala the (emergency) brake failed
    kuharica nam je odpovedala the cook has given us notice
    odpovédati delodajalcu to give one's employer notice
    odpovédati delojemalcu to give an employee notice
    če vse drugo odpove in the last resort
    odpovédati se to renounce (čemu something); to resign, to divest oneself (čemu of something); (veri) to abjure, to abandon
    odpovédati se prestolu to abdicate the throne, to resign the crown
    odpovédati se članstvu to resign from membership
    odpovedal se je zahtevam do prestola he renounced his pretensions to the throne
  • odrêči (odkloniti) to refuse, to decline

    odrêči se čemu to renounce something, to resign something, to give something up; to waive, abjure; to relinquish
    odrêči se častem to decline honours
    odrêči se (neki) pravici to resign a right
    odrêči se dopustu to give up one's holiday
    odrêči se prestolu to abdicate; to renounce the throne
    odrekel se je nameri, da bi to storil he renounced the idea of doing it
    odrêči se pravicam do česa to quitclaim something
    on se ničemur ne odreče he denies himself nothing
    odrêči se upanju, misli to relinquish a hope, an idea
  • ovíra impediment, obstacle, hindrance; (nanada) check, (nepričakovana) snag; (zapora) bar, barrier; obstruction

    večja ovíra a major obstacle
    tek čez ovíre šport obstacle race, hurdle race, pogovorno hurdles pl
    zakonska ovíra legal impediment
    žične ovíre vojska barbed wire, barbed-wire entanglement
    ni poti brez ovír no road is without obstacles
    konj je padel pri prvi ovíri the horse fell at the first jump (ali fence)
    delati ovíro, biti ovíra čemu to be in the way, to be (ali to constitute) an obstacle to something
    naleteti na ovíre to run into obstacles
    odstraniti vse ovíre to remove all obstacles
    staviti komu ovíre na pot to set impediments in someone's way
    naleteti na nepričakovano ovíro to come up against a snag
  • podvréči to subjugate, to subject, to subdue, to bring under control, to submit

    podvréči se to submit (to); to undergo (čemu something); to subject oneself (operaciji to an operation), to undergo an operation
    podvréči si deželo to subject a country to one's rule (ali sway)
  • položáj situation; position; state of affairs; condition; circumstances pl; (lega) site; lay, standing; bearings pl; (služba) rank, status; (drža telesa) attitude, posture, (pri mečevanju) guard; vojska post

    resnost položája the gravity of the situation
    socialni položáj social standing
    položáj poslanika the post of ambassador
    položáj tržišča, trga market position
    težaven položáj (figurativno) a close call
    materialni in družbeni položáj economic and social status
    biti gospodar položája to be master of the situation
    biti v neprijetnem položáju (v žalostnem položáju) to be in an unpleasant position (in a sorry plight)
    določiti čemu položáj to locate something
    ne biti kos (dorasel) položáju not to be equal to the situation (ali occasion)
    on nima (ne zavzema) položája svojega brata he has not his brother's standing
    nismo v položáju, da bi mogli narediti drugače we are not in a position to be able to do otherwise
    izbrati dober položáj za svojo hišo to choose a fine position (ali site) for one's house
    to je komaj izboljšalo naš položáj that has scarcely made us any better off
    položáj se je poslabšal the situation has deteriorated
    pojasni mu svoj položáj! show him where (ali how) you stand!
    razumem tvoj položáj I see how you stand
    biti v nejasnem položáju (figurativno) to be up in the air
    sedeti v zelo nerodnem položáju to be seated in a very uncomfortable position
    položáj je videti brezupen things look desperate
    vem, kakšen je položáj (figurativno) I know how the land lies
    vreči iz položája to eject, to dislodge, to supplant, to oust
    vztrajati na položáju vojska to stick to one's post
    on je rešil položáj he saved the situation
    umakniti se na vnaprej pripravljene položáje vojska to withdraw to positions prepared beforehand
    izrabiti, izkoristiti položáj to make hay while the sun shines, to strike while the iron's hot
  • pomágati to help, to aid, to assist; to support, to succour, to lend a hand; to be of assistance, to sustain, to relieve, to back up, figurativno to give a hand; (koristiti) to avail, to be of avail, to profit, to be good for, to be of use; (sredstvo, zdravilo) to remedy, to cure, to be efficacious

    pomágati si to find a way (iz težave out of a difficulty)
    sam si pomágati to help oneself, to shift for oneself
    pomágati si brez česa to go without something
    moram si pomágati, kot vem in znam I must shift as well as (ali as best) I can
    moram si pomágati s slovarjem I have to use the dictionary
    pri hoji si pomaga s palico he walks with the help of a stick
    ne si znati pomágati to be at a loss
    ti si znaš pomágati (si iznajdljiv) you are resourceful
    pomágati si medsebojno to aid (ali ta help, to assist) one another (oziroma each other) mutually
    pomagaj si sam in bog ti bo pomagal God helps those who help themselves
    prisiljeni smo, da si pomagamo, kot vemo in znamo we are reduced to expedients
    on si zna pomágati na vse načine he knows all the answers, he's up to all the tricks
    kaj to pomaga? (čemú to?) what is the use of it?
    tu se ne da nič pomágati it can't be helped
    temu je lahkó pomágati this is easily remedied
    kaj pomaga razlagati? what is the use of explaining?
    to nam prav nič ne pomaga that does not help us a bit
    ne vem si več pomágati I am at my wits' end, I do not know what to do
    kaj pomaga to? what is the use of that?, arhaično what will it avail?
    to mi nič ne pomaga that leaves me no better off, I am no better off for it
    kaj ji bo to pomagalo? what good will it do her?
    pomágati komu do česa to help someone to get something
    vam nekoliko pomagam? may I offer you some assistance?
    hočete, da vam pomagam? shall I give you (ali lend you) a hand?
    pomagaj mi, da vstanem! help me up!
    pomagal ji je preko potoka he helped her across the stream
    pomagal sem mu nesti paket I helped him to carry (ali I helped him with) his parcel
    vse skupaj ni nič pomagalo it was all no use
    vse moje pritožbe mi niso nič pomagale all my complaints were useless (ali of no avail)
    tako mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
    pomagali so mi na noge they helped me up, they helped me back on my feet
    pomágati vdovi in siroti to befriend the widow and the orphan
    to zdravilo mi je pomagalo this medicine has done me good
    komur ni svetovati, temu ni mogoče pomágati he who cannot be advised, cannot be helped; where counsel fails no cure prevails
  • pomémbnost importance, significance; consideration; gravity, consequence; weight; moment; import

    pripisovati čemu pomémbnost to attach importance to something
    preveč pomémbnosti pripisujete temu you make too much of it
  • porogljív mocking, scornful, sneering; sarcastic; quizzical

    porogljíva opazka, porogljív pogled sneer
    porogljívo odgovoriti to give a mocking response (ali a sarcastic reply)
    porogljívo se smejati čemu to sneer at something
  • potúha connivance; abetment

    dajati potúho čemu to connive at something
    komu to abet someone, to back someone up, to take someone's part, to stand up for someone, figurativno to hold a candle to the devil
  • poudárek stress; accentuation; emphasis

    glavni poudárek main stress
    poudárek je na prvem zlogu the stress is on the first syllable
    dati čemu poudárek, velik poudárek to lay (great) stress on (ali upon) something
    dati poudárek svojim besedam to give point to one's words
  • predgóvor preface; preamble; foreword; prologue

    napraviti predgóvor to preface (čemu something)
    napisati predgóvor to write a prologue
  • prenéhati to stop (s čim sth, doing something); to cease, to finish; to desist (s, z from, from doing)

    prenéhati s kajenjem to stop smoking
    prenéhati z ognjem vojska to cease fire
    prenéhati z naročnino časopisa to stop taking (ali to discontinue) a newspaper
    prenéhati s plačevanjem to stop (ali to cease) payment
    prenéhati z delom (ustaviti delo) to stop (ali to cease) work
    prenéhati s čim (napraviti konec čemu) to bring something to a stop, to put a stop to something
    prenehaj vendar s tem ropotom! do stop that noise!
  • priokús aftertaste, strange taste, peculiar flavour; tinge

    dati čemu priokús to tinge something
    imeti priokús česa, po čem to be tinged with something, to have a trace of something
  • priučíti

    priučíti koga čemu to accustom someone to something, to make someone accustomed (ali used, inured) to something, to familiarize someone with something
    priučíti se čemu to get used (ali accustomed, inured) to, to get familiarized with, to grow familiar with; to get into the swing of something
  • rábiti to use, to make use of; to avail someone (of)

    čému rabi to? what is this for?
    to se je mnogo rabilo this has seen much service
    ne se več rábiti to be out of use, to fall into disuse, to be disused (ali discarded, discontinued)
    rábiti se to be used (ali in use, employed)
    tega avtomobila ne rabim (= ne potrebujem, nimam kaj početi z njim) I have no use for this car
    vsak dan se rábiti to be in daily use
  • razmáh swing

    poln razmáh full swing
    biti v polnem razmáhu to be in full swing
    dati čemu poln razmáh to give (ali allow) something full swing
  • rôka hand, (do rame) arm

    brez rôke handless, armless
    v rôki in one's hand
    pri rôki at hand, near at hand; available
    od rôke do rôke from hand to hand
    pod rôko (se držati) arm in arm, (kupiti) underhandedly
    rôke kvišku! hands up!, stick them up!, reach!
    rôke proč! hands off!
    z rôko v rôki hand in hand, jointly
    s sklenjenimi rôkami with clasped hands (as in prayer)
    z zvezanimi rôkami in nogami bound hand and foot
    rôko na srcé! hand on heart!
    močna rôka strong hand
    žuljava rôka a callous palm
    moja desna rôka (figurativno) my second self
    on je moja desna rôka he is my right-hand man
    polna rôka a handful
    narejen z rôko (ročno) made by hand, handmade; (posel) handiwork, manual work
    od rôk (oddaljen) out of the way
    praznih rôk empty-handed
    na svojo rôko (figurativno) in one's own name, of one's own accord, unauthorized
    risanje s prosto rôko freehand drawing
    držeč se za rôke hand in hand
    prekrižanih rôk with one's hands (oziroma arms) folded
    z dvignjeno rôko (with) hand upraised
    z rôkami uprtimi v boke akimbo
    držati, imeti rôke uprte v boke to hold one's arms akimbo
    iz prve rôke at first hand
    ne da bi rôko premaknil hands down
    boriti se z rôkami in nogami to struggle with might and main
    braniti se proti čemu z rôkami in nogami to fight against something tooth and nail (ali with might and main)
    dati v rôko, rôke to hand
    dati komu proste rôke (da kaj naredi) to give someone a free hand (to do something)
    dobiti informacije iz prve rôke to get information at first hand
    dvigniti rôke to lift up one's hands
    dvigniti rôke nad glavo v začudenju to throw up one's arms in astonishment
    dobiti kaj v rôke (figurativno) to get hold of something
    rôke križem držati to fold one's arms and do nothing, to be idle
    imeti pri rôki to have at hand
    imeti polne rôke dela to have one's hands full
    imamo ga v rôki (figurativno) he is in our power
    imeti proste rôke (figurativno) to have free play
    imeti mrzle, hladne rôke to have cold hands
    dati rôko komu to give one's hand to someone, (v pozdrav) to shake hands with someone
    imeti položaj trdno v rôki to have the situation well in hand
    iti skozi mnogo rôk to pass through many hands
    iti komu na rôko to help someone; to support someone, to patronize someone, to aid someone
    lomiti rôke (figurativno) to wring one's hands
    to mu gre od rôk (figurativno) he is skilled (ali clever) at it
    izpustiti iz rôke, iz rok to let go
    posel mu ne gre od rôk he is unskilled, he is a poor worker
    delo mu gre dobro izpod rôk he is a quick worker
    kupiti iz prve (druge) rôke to buy new (secondhand)
    mahati z rôkami to gesticulate
    ne izpustiti iz rôk not to let go, (da pade) not to let go (ali to let slip)
    méti si rôke to rub one's hands
    nositi na rôkah koga (figurativno) to treat someone with great care, to make much of someone, to treasure someone
    nosijo ga na rôkah (figurativno) he is treated with the utmost consideration, he enjoys all kinds of favours
    pasti komu v rôke to fall into someone's hands
    prijeti za rôko to take by the hand
    ponuditi, prožiti komu rôko to give (ali to hold out) one's hand to someone, (figurativno) to lend someone a helping hand
    pljuniti v rôke (figurativno) to spit on one's hands
    podaj mu rôko! shake hands with him!
    prodati pod rôko to sell by private bargain (ali contract, treaty)
    preiti v druge rôke to change hands
    prosíti za rôko to propose (to), to ask in marriage, (nenadoma, pogovorno) to pop the question
    pričakati koga z odprtimi rôkami to meet someone with outstretched hands, to meet someone enthusiastically
    položiti rôke na kaj to lay hands on something, to put one's hands to
    položiti rôko nase (figurativno) to commit suicide
    položiti rôko na srce to lay one's hand on one's heart
    podati si rôke to shake hands
    sprejeti ponudbo z obema rôkama to jump at an offer
    prekrižati rôke to cross one's arms
    stisniti komu rôko to squeeze someone's hand, (pri pozdravu) to shake hands with someone
    stiskati rôko v pest to clench one's fist
    stati s sklenjenimi (prekrižanimi) rôkami to stand with folded (crossed) arms
    vzeti v rôke to take in hand, to undertake
    zadevo bom sam vzel v rôke I will take the matter into my own hands
    fanta je treba vzeti v rôke (figurativno) the boy wants taking in hand
    zlomiti si rôko to break one's arm
    rôko si je zlomil he broke his arm, he had his arm broken
    umijem si rôke nad tem I wash my hands of it, I will not be responsible
    rôka rôko umiva (figurativno) one good turn deserves another, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, fair exchange is no robbery
    z obema rôkama zgrabiti priliko to jump at an opportunity
    živeti iz rôk v usta (figurativno) to live from hand to mouth
    bolje je vrabec v rôki kot golob na strehi (figurativno) a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush