podvízati se to hurry, to hasten, to make haste
podvízati se se s čim to get a move on with something
podvizati kaj to accelerate something, to hasten something
Zadetki iskanja
- pohitéti to hasten, to hurry up; to make haste; to be in haste (ali in a hurry), to quicken
pohitite! hurry up!
pohiti! hurry up!, make haste, pogovorno look alive!, look sharp!, žargon get a move on!, buck up!
pohiti s tem! be quick about it!, speed it up!
pohitéti s čim to hurry on with something, to hurry (up) (ali to speed, to hasten, to rush, to expedite) something
pohitel je domov he hurried home
pohiteli so mi na pomoč they hurried to my assistance - pokrovíteljstvo patronage; sponsorship
pod pokrovíteljstvom sponsored by
prevzeti pokrovíteljstvo nad čim to sponsor something
pod pokrovíteljstvom kake osebe under the aegis of someone - pomêsti to sweep up (ali away); to sweep up litter, to brush away; to clean by sweeping
pomêsti s čim (figurativno) to do away with something, to sweep something away (ali aside), to make a clean sweep
poméšan mixed; blended; mingled; miscellaneous; promiscuous - poslúžiti
poslúžiti (postreči) koga s čim to serve someone with something; (z jedjo) to help, to wait on someone, to serve
poslúžiti s hladnim narezkom to serve (someone with) cold meat
poslúžiti se to avail someone (of), to make use (of), (pri mizi) to help someone (s čim to something)
poslužite se! help yourself!, pogovorno dig in! - postréči to serve; to wait upon, to attend to; (z jedjo) to serve
postréči si (pri mizi) to help oneself
postrezite si, g. doktor! help yourself, please, doctor!
vam že strežejo?, ste že postreženi? (v trgovini) are you being attended to?
s čim vam naj postrežem? what can I do for you?, what can I show you?, what can I get you?
postregli so nam z vinom in pecivom we were offered wine and cakes
postregli vam bomo poceni in hitro we shall give you cheap and speedy service - povériti
povériti komu kaj to entrust something to someone, to commit something to someone's care, to confide something to someone
povériti koga s čim to entrust someone with something
ne moreš povériti take naloge otroku you cannot confide such a task to a mere child - préj sooner, earlier; before, beforehand, previously; formerly, prior to; rather
préj ali slej sooner or later, some time or other
malo préj a while ago
čim préj tem bolje the sooner the better
čim préj as soon as possible, at your earliest convenience
préj kot ne as likely as not
vse préj kot anything but
dan préj the day before, on the preceding day
préj navedeni aforementioned, aforesaid
X.Y., préj Z.U. X.Y., formerly Z.U.
préj sovražnik kot prijatelj rather an enemy than a friend
toliko préj all the sooner
on je vse préj kot bogat he is anything but rich
moj položaj je vse préj kot siguren my position is anything but a safe one
préj kot odideš before your departure
ne da bi nas préj obvestil(i) without giving us any previous notice
nismo pisali préj, ker nismo vedeli vašega naslova we did not write before, not knowing your address
jaz bi préj (= rajši) (šel) kot... I would rather (ali I would sooner, I prefer to) (go) than... - prenéhati to stop (s čim sth, doing something); to cease, to finish; to desist (s, z from, from doing)
prenéhati s kajenjem to stop smoking
prenéhati z ognjem vojska to cease fire
prenéhati z naročnino časopisa to stop taking (ali to discontinue) a newspaper
prenéhati s plačevanjem to stop (ali to cease) payment
prenéhati z delom (ustaviti delo) to stop (ali to cease) work
prenéhati s čim (napraviti konec čemu) to bring something to a stop, to put a stop to something
prenehaj vendar s tem ropotom! do stop that noise! - procés kemija, tehnika process
sodni procés trial, case, legal proceedings, lawsuit, action at law
napraviti kratek procés s čim (figurativno) to make short work of something
delovni procés operation, procedure
kazenski procés criminal suit
razvojni procés process of development (ali of evolution)
procés proti čarovniku (-ici) zgodovina trial for witchcraft
civilni procés civil action (ali suit)
dobiti (izgubiti) procés to win (to lose) a suit
voditi procés to carry on a lawsuit
grozili so nam s procésom they threatened to bring an action against us
začeti procés to file a suit
začeti procés proti to commence (ali to institute) legal proceedings against, to bring someone up for trial - ravnáti (kar je ukrivljeno) to straighten, to make even, to even; (sploščiti) to flatten; (tla) to level
ravnáti se po kom to follow someone's example; figurativno to proceed, to act
ravnáti s kom to have dealings with someone, to deal with someone, (kot as)
slabo ravnáti s kom to treat someone badly, to ill-treat someone, to ill-use someone, (v zaporu) to manhandle someone
ravnáti se po pravilu to conform to the rules
ravnáti se po navodilih to act according to instructions
morate se ravnáti po drugih you must (try to) fit in with the others
moda se ravna po njej she is in the forefront of fashion
slabo ravnajo z njim they maltreat him
ravnáti s čim to handle, to manage something
ravnali se bomo po vaših željah we shall be guided by your wishes, we shall conform entirely to your wishes
pošteno ravnáti s kom to treat someone decently, (figurativno) to play ball with someone
ravnáti se po zakonu to abide by the law - razočárati to disappoint (in, at, with); to disillusion, to disillusionize; to disabuse
razočárati se to be disappointed (nad čem, s čim at something, with something)
izid me je razočaral the result was not what I expected - razpolágati
razpolágati s čim to have something at one's disposal (ali to have free use of something) - skopáriti to be niggardly; to be sordidly parsimonious; to button up one's purse (ali one's pocket)
skopáriti s čim to be stingy with something
skopáriti s hrano, z denarjem to stint food, money
ona skopari z mlekom za otroke she is stingy with the milk for the children
zelo skopáriti (figurativno) to skin a flint - škandalizírati to scandalize; to shock
škandalizírati se to be scandalized (nad čim at something), to be shocked, to take offence (at something)
moram se škandalizírati nad teboj! I am shocked at you! - tém
tém bolj the more
čim... tem the... the
čim prej tem bolje the sooner the better
čim več dobiš, tem več želiš (hočeš) the more you get the more you want
tem slabše, tem hujše the worse
tem manj the less
tém bolje (all) the better, so much the better - težíti to weigh heavily on, to be heavy; to press down, to press hard
težíti k čemu to tend to (ali towards), to veer (ali to trend) towards; to aim at
težíti za čim to long for something, to crave for something, to strive for something, after something
to breme mi teži ramena this burden weighs heavily on my shoulders
ta odgovornost me začenja težíti this responsibility is beginning to get me down (ali to be too much for me)
ta dolg me teží this debt weighs heavily on me
to mu teži srcé that rankles in his mind
njegov zločin mu teži vest his crime weighs heavily (ali lies heavy) on his conscience
teži jo skrb za bodočnost worry about her future is getting her down
vsi naši napori težijo k istemu cilju all our efforts are directed to the same goal
on teží za bogastvom he craves wealth - típati to feel, to touch
típati za čim to fumble for something
tipaje iskati pot to feel (ali to grope) one's way - umíti umívati to wash; pesniško to lave; (rano) to bathe
umíti, umívati si glavo (lase) to shampoo, to have a shampoo, to wash one's hair
umíti, umívati si roke to wash one's hands
umíti, umívati se to wash (oneself), to have a wash, to do (ali to perform) one's ablution
umíti, umívati si roké nad čim (figurativno) to wash one's hands of something (nad to zadevo of this affair)
roka roko umiva (figurativno) one good turn deserves another, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours - utemeljeváti utemeljíti to ground, to base; to substantiate; (ustanoviti) to establish, to found
utemeljeváti, utemeljíti obtožbo to substantiate a charge
s čim utemeljujte to teorijo? what do you base that theory on?