
Zadetki iskanja

  • imé name; (krstno) first (ali given ali baptismal ali Christian) name

    imé in priimek name and surname
    v iménu on behalf of, in the name of
    v mojem iménu on my (own) behalf
    lastno imé proper noun
    obče imé common noun
    potni list na imé... a passport in the name of...
    dekliško imé maiden name
    brez iména nameless
    krajevno imé placename, toponym
    privzeto imé (vzdevek) alias
    Brown po iménu Brown by name
    dobro imé (sloves, glas) good name, reputation
    klicanje imén (apél) roll call
    seznam imén list of names, roll, (zdravnikov, porotnikov ipd.) panel
    v mojem iménu in v iménu mojih prijateljev on my own behalf and on behalf of my friends
    v božjem iménu in the name of God, in God's name
    kako Vam je imé? what is your name?
    Vas smem vprašati za imé? may I ask your name?
    vprašal sem ga za imé I asked him (for) his name
    dati čemu pravo imé (reči bobu bob) to call something by its proper name; to call a spade a spade
    imeti imé po botru to be called after one's godfather
    navesti, povedati napačno imé to give an assumed name
    klicati po iménih to call the roll
    podpisati (se) s polnim iménom to sign one's name in full
    ustvariti si imé (zasloveti) to win a name for one's
    omadeževati svoje imé to besmirch one's name
    poznati koga le po iménu to know someone only by name
    imé se ga je prijelo the name stuck to him
    to bo škodilo mojemu dobremu iménu my reputation will suffer because of this
    moj pes sliši na imé Bob my dog answers to the name of Bob
    slabega iména se človek težko znebi (figurativno) give a dog a bad name and hang him!
  • informírati to inform; to notify; to advise; to make known (koga to someone)

    slabo, napačno informírati to misinform
    informiral Vas bom o datumu svojega odhoda I shall let you know (ali advise you of ali acquaint you with ali give you notice of) the date of my departure
    informírati se to ask (o about); to enquire (o about, after), to make enquiries; to gather (ali to gain) information
    informirajte se pri načelniku postaje enquire of the station master, ask the station master
  • kàr2

    kàr najhitreje as soon as possible
    kàr vprašaj ga! just ask him!
    kàr smej se (naprej)! laugh away
    kàr išči! search away!
    kàr najemite nosača! just engage a porter!
    kàr pridi! come without ceremony!
    on še kàr dobro dela he works tolerably well
  • katekízem catechism

    izpraševati otroka katekízem to ask a child his ali her catechism
  • klícati to call; to shout; to cry

    klícati koga po imenu to call someone by (his) name
    klícati koga to call someone
    klícati koga k sebi to call someone over, to summon, to ask ali to invite someone to come
    klícati po imenih to call the roll
    klícati na pomoč to call for help
    častnik je klical ime, ki ga nihče od nas ni mogel slišati the officer called (out) a name which none of us could hear
  • (samó) only; (edino) merely, solely

    lè on only he, nobody but he
    lè da... only that...
    lè tega ne! anything but this!
    lè tokrat, to pot (for) this once
    lè nekaj minut just a few minutes
    lè zaradi solely because of
    lè malo only a little, not much
    lè počasi, dečki! easy, lads (ali boys)!
    vse, lè denarja ne everything except (ali but) money
    ne lè..., temveč tudi... not only... but also...
    ne lè on, tudi ti not only he, but you also
    pa je lè res! it is true all the same!
    kdo (kje) lè...? who (where) on earth...?
    če lè provided (that)..., only if...
    lè kdo je to naredil? whoever could have done it?
    prišel sem ti lè povedat, da... I have come solely to tell you that...
    kolikor lè moremo just as much as we can
    prosim te lè, da mi obljubiš... I merely ask you to promise me...
    če lè ne bi toliko govorila! if only she did not talk so much!
  • málo little; a little; few (pl)

    po malem gradually; little by little
    čisto málo a tiny bit
    prav tako málo kot... no more than...
    v málo dneh in a few days
    počakaj málo! wait a moment!
    jaz málo spim I don't sleep (ali I'm not sleeping) very much, I sleep little
    še málo ne not a bit
    on je málo znan he is little known
    še málo ne slutiš, kaj te čaka you've no idea (ali arhaično you little dream) what is in store for you
    málo vas je there aren't many of you, there are (only) a few of you, you are few
    málo bolje mi je I am a little (a triffle) better
    imam le málo prijateljev I've only a few friends, I have but few friends
    málo je takih kot on there aren't many like him, there are few like him
    málo ljudi misli tako few people think so
    tistih málo ljudi, ki so bili navzoči the few people who were present
    niti málo nisem zadovoljen I am far from being satisfied
    málo, da tega nisem pozabil I had almost forgotten it
    málo, da ni umrl he was likely to die
    zelo málo next to nothing
    málo za tem soon (ali shortly) after
    málo prej a few moments ago, a short while ago; shortly before
    za málo se mi zdi prositi za uslugo I scorn to ask a favour
    málo (za las) je manjkalo it was a close shave, it was a near miss
    málo je manjkalo, pa bi ga povozilo he was within an ace of being run over
    málo je manjkalo, da se ni ubil he had a narrow escape (ali a close shave), he was within an ace of getting killed
    bolje málo kot nič half a loaf is better than no bread
  • milodár alms

    dajanje milodárov charity; donations pl
    dati komu milodár to give someone alms, to give someone charity
    prositi za milodár to ask (ali beg) for alms, to ask for charity
    živeti od milodárov to live on charity
  • mílost grace, mercy; pity; pardon; (prizanašaje) quarter; (naklonjenost) favour, benevolence

    brez mílosti without mercy
    Vaša mílost! Your Grace!, Your Honour!, Your Lordship!, Your Worship!
    po božji mílosti by the grace of God
    mílost! (prizanesite mi)! have a heart!, spare me!
    prositi za mílost to cry for mercy, to sue for mercy
    biti izročen, prepuščen mílosti in nemilosti koga to be left at the tender mercy of, to be at the mercy of
    izkazati mílost to show mercy
    biti v mílosti pri kom to be (ali to stand) high in someone's favour, to enjoy someone's favour, to be in favour with someone
    prositi za mílost to ask (ali to plead) for mercy
    predati se na mílost in nemilost to surrender unconditionally, to surrender at discretion
    prepustiti se komu na mílost in nemilost to throw oneself on someone's mercy
    živeti od mílosti koga drugega to live at another's mercy
    živeti od tuje mílosti to be dependent on other people's help for one's livelihood
    vojak je prosil za mílost the soldier asked (ali called, cried) for quarter
  • míloščina alms; charity; dole; charity gift; poor relief

    oseba, ki živi od míloščine almsman, pauper, beneficiary
    delitev míloščine almsgiving
    kraj delitve míloščine arhaično almonry
    skrinjica za míloščino poor box
    dajati míloščino to give alms (to), arhaično to bestow alms (komu upon someone)
    deliti míloščino to dispense alms
    prositi za míloščino to ask for charity
    živeti od míloščine to live on charity
  • narávnost1 straight; directly

    narávnost kvišku straight up
    narávnost naprej straight on, straight forward
    narávnost (brez strahu) povedati svoje mnenje (figurativno) to give it (someone) straight from the shoulder
    narávnost povedati to tell (someone) straight out
    pojdite narávnost! go straight on!
    narávnost vprašati koga to ask someone point-blank
    povejmo narávnost (bolj odkrito)! let us put it in plain language!
    povej mi narávnost, kaj misliš! tell me straight what you think!
    povedal sem mu narávnost v obraz I told him straight out
    narávnost po nosu me je udaril he hit me square on the nose
  • nasvèt piece of advice; (splošno) advice; counsel; (ideja) suggestion

    po nasvètu advised by
    na njen nasvèt on her advice, at her suggestion
    dal mi je dober nasvèt he has given me some good advice
    poslušaj moj nasvèt! take my advice!, be advised by me!
    prišel sem k tebi po nasvèt I have come to you for advice
    vprašati koga za nasvèt to ask someone's advice, to consult someone
    ravnati se po nasvètu to follow someone's advice, to take someone's advice, to take advice from someone
  • neštétokrat times out of number, lots of times, times without number; many thousands of times; pogovorno heaps of times; no end of times

    neštétokrat koga vprašati pogovorno to ask someone tons of times
  • odpuščánje pardon, forgiveness, (grehov) remission

    prositi za odpuščánje koga to ask someone's forgiveness
  • ógenj fire; (plamen) flame, blaze; (požar) conflagration; (na prostem, kres) bonfire; vojska fire, firing; (za cigareto) light; figurativno (navdušenje) enthusiasm; (vnema) ardour, zeal, passion, heat

    pri ógnju at the fire
    óg! vojska fire!
    z ógnjem in mečem with fire and sword
    bengalični ógenj Bengal lights pl
    med dvema ógnjema (figurativno) between the devil and the deep blue sea, between the hammer and the anvil
    v ógnju (v plamenih) ablaze
    pri počasnem, slabem ógnju on a slow fire
    božja sodba z ógnjem zgodovina ordeal by fire
    odporen proti ógnju fireproof, fire-resistant
    križni ógenj vojska cross fire
    umetni ógenj (display of) fireworks pl
    varen pred ógnjem fire-resistant, fire-resisting, fireproof
    nepretrgan ógenj vojska sustained fire
    uničevalen ógenj withering fire
    metalec ógnja vojska flamethrower
    osvetljen od ógnja firelit
    ustavitev ógnja vojska cessation of fire
    oboževalec ógnja fire worshipper
    bil je ves v ógnju (figurativno) he was glowing with enthusiasm
    biti pod težkim ógnjem vojska to be under (ali exposed to) heavy fire
    biti ves v ógnju za (figurativno) to be fired (ali to be ablaze) with enthusiasm for; to be enthusiastic about
    kjer je dim, je tudi ógenj there is no smoke without fire
    opečen otrok se boji ógnja a burnt child dreads the fire
    dajte mi malo ógnja, prosim may (ali can) I have a light, please?
    imate ógenj? have you got a light?, do you have a light?
    vas smem prositi za ógenj? may I ask you for a light?, (pogovorno) got a match, please?
    óg slabo gori the fire is going out
    koncentrirati óg vojska to concentrate one's fire
    iti skozi óg za koga (figurativno) to go through fire and water for someone, to go through a great deal for someone
    iti po kostanje v óg za koga to pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire
    igrati se z ógnjem to play with fire, (figurativno) to play with sharp (ali edged) tools
    ógenj je izbruhnil a fire broke out
    kuhati na ógnju to cook on a (ali on an open) fire
    naložiti premog na ógenj to put coal on the fire
    biti izpostavljen težkemu ógnju vojska to be exposed to heavy fire
    odpreti (začeti) ógenj vojska to open fire
    podpihati ógenj to fan the flame
    ógenj poide (je pošel) the fire goes out (has gone out, is out)
    izkresati ógenj to strike fire
    pogasiti ógenj to put out (ali to extinguish) a fire
    napraviti (prižgati) ógenj to make (to light, to kindle) a fire, ZDA to fix a fire
    podrezati ógenj to make up the fire, to poke (ali to stir) the fire, to stoke up the fire
    prili(va)ti olje na ógenj (figurativno) to add fuel to the fire, to pour oil on the fire
    še naložiti na ógenj to replenish the fire
    kot ógenj (hitro) se razširiti to spread like wildfire
    ógenj je uničil tovarno the factory has been destroyed by fire
    ustaviti ógenj vojska to cease fire
    ustavi ógenj! (vojaško povelje) hold your fire!, cease firing!
    vzdrževati ógenj to keep the fire going
    vzeti pod ógenj vojska to fire at
    zajeziti ógenj to bank up the fire
    zavarovati proti ógnju to insure against fire
  • poklícati to call

    telefonično poklícati koga to call someone up, to ring someone up
    poklícati po imenu to call someone by his name
    poklícati na odgovor to call to account
    poklícati za pričo to call to witness
    poklícati k sebi (službeno) to summon, (prijateljsko) to invite, to ask someone to drop in
    poklícati si preteklost v spomin to recall the past
    mnogo je poklicanih, a malo izvoljenih many are called, but few are chosen
  • pomóč help, aid, assistance, (v sili) succour; (denarna) subvention, bounty, subsidy, support, standby; (olajšanje) relief; (lek) remedy, cure

    brez pomóči helpless
    na pomóč! help! help!
    klic na pomóč cry for help
    klic za hitro, nujno pomóč v sili emergency call
    garnitura, oprema za prvo pomóč first aid kit
    s pomóčjo by the help of, by means of, by dint of, by (ali with) the aid of, by the agency of
    z božjo pomóčjo with God's help
    temu ni pomóči there's nothing to be done about it, there's no help for it, it cannot be remedied (ali helped)
    zanj ni več pomóči he is past help
    klicati na pomóč to shout (ali to call) for help, to call for assistance
    nuditi pomóč komu to offer help to someone
    nuditi prvo pomóč na postaji prve pomóči to give first aid at the dressing station (ali first-aid post)
    ponuditi svojo pomóč to offer one's aid
    hoditi s pomóčjo palice to walk with the aid (ali help) of a stick
    iti komu na pomóč to go to someone's help
    to mi ni bilo v nobeno pomóč it was no help to me
    poslati pomóč žrtvam potresa to send relief to the victims of an earthquake
    priti komu na pomóč to come to someone's rescue (ali aid, assistance)
    priskočil mi je na pomóč he ran (ali came) to my help (ali to my assistance)
    prositi za pomóč to ask for help
    napraviti kaj brez tuje pomóči to do something off one's own bat
    obrniti se na koga za pomóč to turn for aid (ali help) to someone, to resort to someone
    vsa zdravniška pomóč ga ni mogla rešiti all the resources of medical skill could not save him
    ne vem si (več) pomóči I am at my wits' end, I am in a quandary (ali a dilemma, a rare fix), pogovorno I'm up the creek, I'm up a gum tree
  • posvetováti se to consult; to deliberate, to hold a consultation; to confer (o about)

    posvetováti se s kom to ask ali to seek someone's advice
    posvetoval se bom z njegovim očetom I shall consult his father
    posvetováti se o čem to deliberate (ali to confer) on some matter, to talk something over
    posvetováti se med seboj to take counsel together, to talk matters over
    posvetováti se z zdravnikom to consult a doctor
    zdravnik se bo posvetoval s kolegom the doctor will hold a consultation with a colleague
  • pót1 way, (steza) path, footpath, trail; (cesta) road, street; (utrta) track, walk; (planeta) orbit, course; (smer) route, course; (potovanje) (splošno) travel, (peš) march, (po kopnem) journey, trip, (po morju) voyage, crossing, passage

    prepovedana pót! no thoroughfare!, (čez tuje zemljišče) trespassers will be prosecuted!, no trespassing!, keep out, private!
    srečno pót! a pleasant journey!, arhaično God speed you!, (ironično, neprijetnemu gostu) good riddance
    to pót (tokrat) this time
    vsaki pót each time
    božja pót (romanje) pilgrimage
    pót nazaj return journey, pogovorno the way back
    pót domov homeward journey, journey home, pogovorno the way home
    pót po morju voyage
    javna pót public road
    jahalna, jezdna pót bridle path
    gozdna pót forest road
    križev pót religija Way of the Cross, figurativno via dolorosa
    prečna pót crossroad
    neravna pót bumpy road
    neutrjena pót gravel road
    shojena pót beaten track
    trnova pót thorny path
    vodna pót waterway
    vozna pót carttrack, cart-road
    uporabna pót serviceable road, thoroughfare
    zaprta pót closed path (ali way)
    ob póti by the roadside
    preko póti over the way, across the road
    na pol póta halfway, midway
    po mirni, prijateljski póti in a friendly manner, amicably
    na vsej póti od... all the way from...
    biti na napačni póti to be on the wrong road ali track, to lose one's way
    biti na slabi póti (figurativno) to lead a wicked life
    biti na póti (potovanju) to travel, to journey, (poslovno) to be on te road
    biti na dobri póti (do uspeha) to be well on the road (to success), (o stvari) to be working out well
    ta pót je neprehodna, nemogoča this road is impassable, there is no through road
    biti sredi póti to be halfway on one's journey
    biti na najlepši póti, da... to be well on the way to...
    utreti pót za... to pave the way for...
    otrok je na póti (figurativno) there is a baby on the way
    njen je na póti (= noseča je) she is expecting (a child), she is with child, pogovorno she is in the family way
    biti komu na póti to be in someone's way, to stand in someone's light
    on mi je na póti he is in my way
    pót je prosta the way is clear (za koga for someone)
    on je na póti v X. he is on his way to X.
    biti na pravi póti to be on the right track, pogovorno to be on the ball
    iti po (isti) póti nazaj to turn back
    iti komu s póti to get out of someone's way (ali to shun someone, avoid someone)
    iti rakovo pót to go backward
    iti svojo pót to go one's own way
    iti na pót to set out (ali forth, off) (on one's way), to embark upon a journey, to start out, (v tujino) to go abroad; to be bound for
    iti po najkrajši póti v... to make a bee-line...
    šli so vsak svojo pót they went their respective ways
    krčiti si, utirati si pót to cut (ali to carve) one's way, to plough one's way through, to remove obstacles
    napraviti pót komu to make way for someone
    narediti, utreti pót (figurativno) to pave the way, to blaze a trail, to be a pioneer ali trailblazer
    s silo si napraviti pót to force (ali to fight) one's way
    kazati, voditi pót to lead the way
    polena komu na pót metati (figurativno) to place difficulties in someone's way
    našel bom sredstva in póti I shall find ways and means
    izgubiti (najti) pót to lose (to find) one's way
    pót si prihraniti (figurativno) to save shoe leather
    napravite prosto pót! make way!
    moramo pustiti, da gre stvar svojo pót we must let matters take their course
    dobro poznati pót to know every bump (ali twist and turn) in the road
    priti pol póti komu naproti to meet someone halfway
    spraviti koga s póti (figurativno, na oni svet) to kill, (žargon) to bump someone off
    utreti si pót skozi... to force one's way through (robidje the brambles)
    ustaviti se na pol póta to stop halfway
    vprašati za pót to ask one's way
    vrniti se po isti póti nazaj (obrniti se) to retrace one's steps
    pošteno (krepko) vzeti pót pod noge to put one's best foot forward
    zaiti na krivo pót to take the wrong road ali path ali turning
  • povíšanje rise; elevation; enhancement; increase; (napredovanje) promotion, advancement

    povíšanje mezd wage rise, pay rise, rise of wages
    povíšanje plače rise in salary, increase of salary
    prositi, zahtevati povíšanje plače to ask for a pay rise ali rise