
Zadetki iskanja

  • skodélica cup

    skodélica za čaj teacup
    skodélica čaja a cup of tea
    popiti tri skodélice čaja to drink three cups of tea
  • skódla shingle

    pokriti s skódlami to shingle
    s skódlami krita streha a shingle roof
    pokrit s skódlami shingled
  • skòk jump, leap, spring, bound; hop, skip; (v globino, v vodo) plunge

    skòk na glavo (v vodo) šport dive, header
    skòk v višino high jump
    skòk v daljino long jump
    skòk s palico šport pole vault
    skòk z mesta (v daljino) standing (long) jump
    poskusni skòk trial jump
    skòk v vodo s skakalne deske springboard diving, (s stolpa) high diving
    skòk čez konja vault (over a vaulting horse)
    skòk v negotovost a leap into the dark
    smrtni skòk breakneck leap
  • skopáriti to be niggardly; to be sordidly parsimonious; to button up one's purse (ali one's pocket)

    skopáriti s čim to be stingy with something
    skopáriti s hrano, z denarjem to stint food, money
    ona skopari z mlekom za otroke she is stingy with the milk for the children
    zelo skopáriti (figurativno) to skin a flint
  • skópati2 to bathe

    skópati se (doma) to take (ali to have) a bath, (na prostem) to bathe
  • skópčati

    skópčati konju noge to trammel a horse
  • skôraj almost, nearly; (za las) all but; well-nigh; next to; little short of

    skôraj isto much the same
    to je skôraj isto it is much the same thing
    skôraj nobeden, skôraj nihče next to none, hardly anybody
    skôraj nikjer hardly (ali scarcely) anywhere
    skôraj nikoli hardly ever, scarcely ever
    skôraj nič next to nothing, hardly anything
    skôraj mrtev all but dead, at death's door
    skôraj vsi practically everybody
    skôraj dovršen, perfekten verging on perfection
    skôraj nezaznaven all hut imperceptible
    to je skôraj nemogoče it is all but impossible
    skôraj nemogoče bo (reči) it will he next to impossible (to say)
    biti skôraj mrtev to be as good as dead
    nimamo skôraj nič časa we have little time if any
    delo je bilo skôraj končano the job was as good as done
    sta skôraj iste velikosti they are much of a size (ali pretty nearly the same size)
    skôraj sem padel I was very near falling, I nearly tumbled
    skôraj je umrla she was near death, she was at death's door
    skôraj je utonil he was all but drowned
    skôraj ubil se je he was within an ace of getting killed
  • skôrajšnji imminent, speedy, early

    v pričakovanju skôrajšnjega odgovora hoping to receive an early reply
    želim ti skôrajšnjega okrevanja I wish you a speedy recovery
    prosimo za skôrajšnji odgovor an early reply will oblige
  • skòt (mladič) young one; litter

    skòt dveh samčkov in treh samičk a litter of two hes and three shes
  • skováti to forge; to coin; to hammer; (denar) to mint, to coin

    skováti besedo to coin a word
    to besedo je skoval X this word was coined by X.
  • skóz skózi through, (ZDA tudi) thru

    skóz, skózi in skóz, skózi thoroughly, throughout, through and through, (ZDA tudi thoroly), out and out, completely
    skóz, skózi več tednov for several weeks
    skóz, skózi vse leto all the year round
    republikanec skóz, skózi in skóz, skózi ZDA a straight Republican
    on je športnik skóz, skózi in skóz, skózi he is a sportsman to his fingertips
    on je vojak skóz, skózi in skóz, skózi he is a soldier to the backbone
    govoriti skóz, skózi nos to speak through one's nose
    pogledati skóz, skózi prste (figurativno) to condone, to overlook, to turn a blind eye to
    vreči, zagnati skóz, skózi okno to throw out of the window
    biti skóz, skózi in skóz, skózi premočen to be wet through
  • skrájšati to shorten; to abridge; to abbreviate

    skrájšati odlomek v knjigi to abridge a passage in a book
    da skrajšam (= na kratko povem) to cut a long story short
    skrajšana izdaja an abridged edition
  • skŕb care; (nadlega) trouble; (žalost) sorrow, grief; worries pl; (briga za) care for; (zaskrbljenost) anxiety, solicitude, concern, apprehension, uneasiness

    moreča skŕb grave concern; arhaično carking care
    ves v skŕbeh, poln skŕbi care-laden, careworn
    brez skŕbi carefree, unconcerned, easy in mind
    prva skŕb prime concern
    v skŕbeh sem za otroka I am anxious about the child
    to je moja skŕb that is my lookout, I shall see to it
    to ni moja skŕb that is no concern of mine (ali no business of mine)
    to naj bo moja skŕb! leave that to me!
    to mi je zadnja skŕb that's the last thing on my mind
    bodite brez skŕbi! do not worry!, never you fear!, be easy on that score!
    to je njegova najmanjša skŕb that is the least of his worries
    biti v velikih skŕbeh za to be in great anxiety about, to fear for
    delati si skŕbi za to concern oneself with
    delati komu skŕbi to worry someone, to cause someone trouble, to give someone much anxiety (ali concern)
    ne delaj si skŕbi glede tega! don't worry about it!
    delati si skŕbi to worry (to fret, to be concerned, to be uneasy in one's mind) (glede, zaradi about)
    ne si delati skŕbi za prihodnost to be unconcerned about the future
    vnaprej si delati skŕbi to meet trouble halfway
    njeno zdravje mi dela skŕbi her health worries me, I am concerned about her health
    preveč skŕbi si delaš! you worry too much
    imeti denarne skŕbi to have money troubles
    nobenih skŕbi ne imeti to be free from care
    imeti na skŕbi to have in charge (ali in custody), to be entrusted (ali charged) with
    navdati z veliko skŕbjo to fill someone with great apprehension
    vaše naročilo bomo izvršili z največjo skŕbjo we shall execute your order with the greatest care
    prepustiti komu skŕb za kaj to commit something to someone's charge
    povzročati komu skŕbi to cause someone anxiety (ali uneasiness)
    njeno življenje nam povzroča (dela) velike skŕbi we are terribly worried about her way of life (ali pogovorno about her goings on, about the way she's carrying on)
    skŕbi ga tarejo he is careworn (ali pogovorno worried stiff)
    skŕb za bodočnost mojih otrok me tare I am worried sick about my children's future
    ti mi zadajaš hude skŕbi you are a great trial to me
  • skŕben careful; attentive; (skrbno izdelan) elaborate

    on je zelo skŕben delavec he is a careful worker
    skrbno prislov carefully, with care
  • skrbéti

    skrbéti za to care (for, about), to take care (of), to busy (ali to concern) oneself with (ali about); to be in charge (of something); to have (something) in one's care; to attend to, to see (ali to look) to (ali after); to mind (something); to provide for
    on skrbi samo zase he always looks after number one, he thinks only of himself
    skrbi (brigaj se) zase! mind your own business!
    ne skrbi za tuje posle! mind your own business!, don't meddle in other people's business!
    skrbi me I'm worried, I'm concerned about (something), it makes me uneasy, it causes me a lot of anxiety, it fills me with apprehension
    skrbi me njeno zdravje her state of health fills me with apprehension
    od 16. leta skrbim sam zase I have been on my own since I was (ali the age of) sixteen
    skrbéti sam zase to shift for oneself, to fend for oneself
    skrbel bom, da bo pravočasno dobil pismo I shall take care that he receives the letter in time
    skrbéti mora za svoje otroke he must provide for his children
    njihova usoda nas zelo skrbi we are deeply worried (ali pogovorno worried sick, worried stiff) about their fate
    skrbela bom, da se knjige pravočasno vrnejo I will see (to it) that the books are sent back in time
    ne skrbi! don't worry!
    vsakdo naj skrbi (gleda) zase! every one for himself!
  • skrbníštvo guardianship; tutorship; trusteeship; tutelage

    biti pod skrbníštvom to be a ward
  • skŕčiti to contract; to reduce; to retrench; (omejiti) to restrict, to curtail

    skŕčiti se (tkanina itd.) to shrink up; to contract; (nagubati se) to shrivel (up)
    moram skŕčiti izdatke I must cut down on (ali restrict, keep down) my expenses
    železniški promet je bil znatno skrčen the railway services have been considerably curtailed
    skŕčiti ulomek to reduce a fraction
  • skrémžiti

    skrémžiti obraz to distort one's face; to make (ali to pull) a wry face
  • skriti skrívati to hide (pred from), to conceal (pred from); to put out of sight

    skriti, skrívati resnico pred ljudmi to conceal the truth from the people
    on je častihlepen in tega ne skriva he is ambitious and makes no secret of it
    skriti, skrívati se to hide oneself (pred from), (uiti, zbežati) to abscond
    skriti, skrívati se od sramu to hide one's head
    poštenim ljudem se ni treba skrivati honest people do not need to practise concealment
    kača se skriva v travi there is a snake (lurking) in the grass
  • skrivalíšče hiding place; hideout, pogovorno hidey-hole; place of concealment; cache

    narediti si, pripraviti si skrivalíšče to make a cache