skelét skeleton
on je pravi pravcati skelét he is a regular skeleton, he is nothing but skin and bones, he is a mere bag of bones
ogoliti do skeléta, spremeniti v skelét to skeletonize
postal je pravi skelét he was reduced to a skeleton
Zadetki iskanja
- sklád
1. (fond) fund, funds pl
amortizacijski sklád sinking fund
skupni sklád joint fund
bolniški sklád sick fund
obratovni sklád trading fund, working fund
pokojninski sklád pension fund
rezervni sklád reserve fund
tekoči sklád mobile funds pl
2. geologija stratum, pl -s, strata; layer
lega skládov arrangement of strata
3. (skladanica)
sklád drv a stack (ali a pile) of firewood
4. (skladnost) accordance, harmony
v skládu z in compliance with, in accordance with
biti v skládu z to harmonize with, to correspond to, to be consistent with
skušali bomo spraviti vaše želje v sklád z našimi koristmi we shall try to reconcile your wishes with our interests
to ni v skládu z mojim prepričanjem that is not in accordance with my beliefs
spraviti v sklád z to harmonize, to reconcile, to bring into harmony with
delati v skládu to act in conformity with - skládanica
skládanica drv a pile (ali a stack) of firewood - sklèp1 (odločitev) resolution; decision; resolve; conclusion; pravo decree; deduction; inference
s sklèpom, po sklèpu by the decision of
sklèp večine majority decision
trden sklèp stern resolve
začasen sklèp provisional decision
priti do sklèpa to come to a decision, to reach (ali to make) a decision
potegniti logične sklèpe iz... to draw logical inferences from...
izvesti, realizirati sklèp to carry out a resolution
vztrajati pri sklèpu to stand by a decision
vnaprej narejen sklèp foregone conclusion
sklèp računov closing (ali balancing) of accounts
nismo še prišli do (pravega) sklèpa we have not yet arrived at a decision (at the right decision) - sklepáti2
sklepáti kôso to sharpen a scythe - sklépčen
sklépčno število quorum
biti sklépč to form (ali to constitute, to be) a quorum
ne biti sklépč to lack a quorum
občni zbor je bil sklépč there was a quorum at the general meeting
ni bil sklépč there was no quorum... - sklépčnost quorum
imeti sklépčnost to have a quorum - sklícati to convoke, to convene, to call, to summon, to assemble
sklícati konferenco o evropski varnosti to convene a European Security Conference
sklícati sestanek, shod to convene a meeting
sklícati parlament to summon Parliament
sklícati sejo to convene, to call a sitting, a session - skliceváti se to quote; to refer (na to), to appeal (to)
skliceváti se se na koga to quote someone as a reference
skliceváti se na zdravo pamet to appeal to reason - skloníti to bow, to bend
skloníti se to bow down, to stoop
skloníti se k otroku to stoop down to a child - skodélica cup
skodélica za čaj teacup
skodélica čaja a cup of tea
popiti tri skodélice čaja to drink three cups of tea - skódla shingle
pokriti s skódlami to shingle
s skódlami krita streha a shingle roof
pokrit s skódlami shingled - skòk jump, leap, spring, bound; hop, skip; (v globino, v vodo) plunge
skòk na glavo (v vodo) šport dive, header
skòk v višino high jump
skòk v daljino long jump
skòk s palico šport pole vault
skòk z mesta (v daljino) standing (long) jump
poskusni skòk trial jump
skòk v vodo s skakalne deske springboard diving, (s stolpa) high diving
skòk čez konja vault (over a vaulting horse)
skòk v negotovost a leap into the dark
smrtni skòk breakneck leap - skopáriti to be niggardly; to be sordidly parsimonious; to button up one's purse (ali one's pocket)
skopáriti s čim to be stingy with something
skopáriti s hrano, z denarjem to stint food, money
ona skopari z mlekom za otroke she is stingy with the milk for the children
zelo skopáriti (figurativno) to skin a flint - skópati2 to bathe
skópati se (doma) to take (ali to have) a bath, (na prostem) to bathe - skópčati
skópčati konju noge to trammel a horse - skôraj almost, nearly; (za las) all but; well-nigh; next to; little short of
skôraj isto much the same
to je skôraj isto it is much the same thing
skôraj nobeden, skôraj nihče next to none, hardly anybody
skôraj nikjer hardly (ali scarcely) anywhere
skôraj nikoli hardly ever, scarcely ever
skôraj nič next to nothing, hardly anything
skôraj mrtev all but dead, at death's door
skôraj vsi practically everybody
skôraj dovršen, perfekten verging on perfection
skôraj nezaznaven all hut imperceptible
to je skôraj nemogoče it is all but impossible
skôraj nemogoče bo (reči) it will he next to impossible (to say)
biti skôraj mrtev to be as good as dead
nimamo skôraj nič časa we have little time if any
delo je bilo skôraj končano the job was as good as done
sta skôraj iste velikosti they are much of a size (ali pretty nearly the same size)
skôraj sem padel I was very near falling, I nearly tumbled
skôraj je umrla she was near death, she was at death's door
skôraj je utonil he was all but drowned
skôraj ubil se je he was within an ace of getting killed - skôrajšnji imminent, speedy, early
v pričakovanju skôrajšnjega odgovora hoping to receive an early reply
želim ti skôrajšnjega okrevanja I wish you a speedy recovery
prosimo za skôrajšnji odgovor an early reply will oblige - skòt (mladič) young one; litter
skòt dveh samčkov in treh samičk a litter of two hes and three shes - skováti to forge; to coin; to hammer; (denar) to mint, to coin
skováti besedo to coin a word
to besedo je skoval X this word was coined by X.