
Zadetki iskanja

  • seník hayloft, hay shed, hay barn

    iskati šivanko v seníku (figurativno) to look for a needle in a haystack (ali in a bundle of hay)
  • senzácija sensation; shocker; thrill

    kratkotrajna senzácija nine days' wonder
    iskanje, hlastanje po senzácijh sensationalism
    povzročiti senzácijo to create, to make a sensation
  • sêrija series (sg in pl)

    sêrija nesreč a series of misfortunes
    sêrija znamk a series of stamps
  • seriózen serious

    seriózna zadeva a serious business (ali matter)
  • serpentína bend, turn; (ostra) hairpin bend; (papir) streamer

    pot se dviga v dolgih serpentínah v hrib the road winds uphill in a series of long hairpin bends, the road zigzags uphill
  • servírati to serve (up); (prinesti na mizo) pogovorno to dish up

    servírati večerjo to serve dinner
    večerja je servirana dinner is served; (tenis)
    on zelo slabo servira he has a very weak (ali very poor) service
    gos je bila servirana z jabolčnim kompotom, čežano the goose was served with apple sauce
    vedno nam servira iste stare zgodbe he keeps coming up with the same old stories
  • sêrvis1 šport (tenis itd.) service, pogovorno serve

    kdo ima sêrvis? whose serve is it?
    vi imate sêrvis it is your serve; tehnika service
    popraviti, pregledati avto v sêrvisu to service a car
    gospodinjski sêrvis domestic cleaning service
  • sesésti se to collapse

    ob novici sem se skoraj sesedel the news fairly bowled me over
    od začudenja bi se bil skoraj sesedel you could have knocked me down with a feather
  • sestánek (dogovorjen) appointment; assignation; ZDA date; rendezvous, tryst; gathering; meeting, (nekdanjih dijakov) reunion

    določiti sestánek to fix an appointment
    dogovoriti se s kom za sestánek to make an appointment to meet someone
    imeti sestánek s kom to have an appointment (pogovorno a date) with someone
    priti (ne priti) na sestánek to keep (to break) an appointment (pogovorno a date)
    pripraviti, organizirati sestánek to arrange a meeting
  • sestáviti to compose; to construct; to combine; to put together, to unite, to join; (besedilo) to draft

    sestáviti pogodbo to draw up a treaty
    sestáviti slovar to compile a dictionary
  • sestrelíti to shoot down

    sestrelíti letalo to shoot (ali to bring) down a plane
    njegovo letalo je bilo sestreljeno nad sovražnikovimi linijami his plane was brought down over enemy lines
  • sétev sowing, sowing time; seeding; (kar je posejano) seed (s pl)

    sétve lepo kažejo the crops are promising, the crops look well
    kakršna sét, takšna žetev as you sow you shall mow, as a man sows so shall he reap
  • séver north; (veter) north wind

    na séveru in the north, north
    proti séveru northward(s), northerly
    točno proti séveru due north
    ležati v smeri séver-jug to lie north-south
    na skrajnem séveru northernmost
    plovba proti séveru northing
    pluti proti séveru to sail northward
    séver brije a bitter north wind is blowing
  • seznám list; roll; register; catalogue

    plačilni seznám payroll
    seznám hotelskih gostov hotel register
    telefonski seznám (imenik) dlrectory
    seznám (popis) stroškov list of costs
    črtati, brisati iz seznáma koga to strike someone off the list (ali roll)
    napraviti seznám to make (ali to draw up) a list
    vpisati v seznám to put on the list (ali roll)
  • sfrizírati to do (ali to dress, ZDA to fix) someone's hair

    sfrizírati se to do one's hair, to have one's hair done (ali set), ZDA to fix one's hair
    dati se sfrizírati to have one's hair dressed
    biti lepo sfriziran to have one's hair nicely set, pogovorno to have a nice hair-do
  • shòd meeting, assembly; gathering

    imeti shòd to hold an assembly
    sklicati shòd to call (ali to convene) a meeting
    shòd je bil dobro obiskan the meeting was well attended
    razpustiti shòd to wind up (ali to terminate) a meeting
  • shodíti (otrok) to find one's legs, to begin to walk (ali to toddle)

    shodíti čevlje to wear out one's shoes
    shodíti pot to beat a path
  • shójen trodden; beaten

    shójena pot, steza, cesta a well trodden way, path, road, a beaten track
    shójeni čevlji worn-out shoes pl
  • shújšati to lose flesh, to lose weight; to grow thin (ali lean); to reduce; (ženska, postati vitka) to slim; to emaciate

    shujšan emaciated
    do kosti shujšan reduced to a mere skeleton (ali a bag of bones)
    zelo shújšati biti to be reduced to a shadow (of his former self)
  • shujševálen slimming

    shujševálna kura slimming cure
    delati shujševálno kuro to take a slimming cure (ali slimming tablets)
    shujševálna prehrana slimming diet