
Zadetki iskanja

  • sekúnda second; glasba second

    v (eni) sekúndi in a second
    na sekúndo točno on the dot
  • sekundáren secondary

    to je sekundárne važnosti this is a matter of secondary importance
  • selítev migration; (iz hiše) removal; change of abode (ali of residence, of dwelling)

    selítev narodov migration of people; (masovna) trek; (ponoči, ne da bi plačali stanarino) moonlight flit
    doklada za selítev allowance for removal
    po naši selítvi v to hišo after our removal to this house
    tri selítve je isto kot požar three removals are as bad as a fire
  • selíti to move

    selíti se to move to another place (oziroma dwelling, house); to change one's residence; to migrate
    trikrat se selíti je isto kot pogoreti three removals are as bad as a fire
  • semafór semaphore; (cestni) stop-go sign, trafficlight (s pl)

    voziti skozi rdečo luč semafórja to go through a red light, ZDA to run a red light, to run a stop sign (ali a stop light), to shoot the traffic lights
    dajati znake s semafórjem to semaphore
  • seméster semester; half-year; term

    konec, zaključek seméstra end of a semester
  • sèn (sanje) dream; (spanje) sleep; slumber

    miren (nemiren) sèn undisturbed (troubled, disturbed) sleep
    trden sèn sound sleep
    on hodi v snu he walks in his sleep; he is a sleepwalker (ali a somnambulist)
    zazibati v sèn to lull to sleep
    zbuditi iz sna to rouse (from sleep)
  • sénca (hlad) shade, pesniško arhaično umbrage; (predmeta, osebe) shadow

    niti sénce dvoma not a shadow of a doubt
    vlada v sénci (figurativno) shadow cabinet
    on je le (še) sénca samega sebe he is a mere shadow of his former self, he is worn to a shadow, he is reduced to a skeleton (ali to a shadow)
    iti v sénco to go into the shade
    sedeti v sénci to sit in the shade
    boji se lastne sénce he is afraid of his own shadow
    dajati sénco to give (ali to afford) shade
    izginiti kot sénca to vanish like a shadow
    delaš mi sénco you are in my light, you are standing in my light, humoristično you'd make a better door than a window
    sonce meče sénce the sun casts shadows
    metati, vreči sénco na to cast a shadow on, (zasenčiti) to overshadow, to outshine
    to meče sénco nanj (figurativno) this puts him in a poor light, this reflects discredit on him
    slediti komu kot sénca to shadow (ali to dog) someone, to be someone's shadow, to follow someone like a shadow
  • sénčen sénčnat shady; shadowy

    sénčno drevo a shady tree
    sénčna pot avenue, tree-lined walk, path shaded by trees
    sénčna igra shadow play
    sénčna stran shady (ali dark) side, (figurativno) drawback, seamy side
    le ena sénčna stran je pri tem (figurativno) there's only one fly in the ointment
  • senén hay(-)

    senéna kop(ic)a hayrick, haystack, haymow
    senéne vile hay fork, pitchfork
    senén (senski) nahod hay fever
  • seník hayloft, hay shed, hay barn

    iskati šivanko v seníku (figurativno) to look for a needle in a haystack (ali in a bundle of hay)
  • senzácija sensation; shocker; thrill

    kratkotrajna senzácija nine days' wonder
    iskanje, hlastanje po senzácijh sensationalism
    povzročiti senzácijo to create, to make a sensation
  • sêrija series (sg in pl)

    sêrija nesreč a series of misfortunes
    sêrija znamk a series of stamps
  • seriózen serious

    seriózna zadeva a serious business (ali matter)
  • serpentína bend, turn; (ostra) hairpin bend; (papir) streamer

    pot se dviga v dolgih serpentínah v hrib the road winds uphill in a series of long hairpin bends, the road zigzags uphill
  • servírati to serve (up); (prinesti na mizo) pogovorno to dish up

    servírati večerjo to serve dinner
    večerja je servirana dinner is served; (tenis)
    on zelo slabo servira he has a very weak (ali very poor) service
    gos je bila servirana z jabolčnim kompotom, čežano the goose was served with apple sauce
    vedno nam servira iste stare zgodbe he keeps coming up with the same old stories
  • sêrvis1 šport (tenis itd.) service, pogovorno serve

    kdo ima sêrvis? whose serve is it?
    vi imate sêrvis it is your serve; tehnika service
    popraviti, pregledati avto v sêrvisu to service a car
    gospodinjski sêrvis domestic cleaning service
  • sesésti se to collapse

    ob novici sem se skoraj sesedel the news fairly bowled me over
    od začudenja bi se bil skoraj sesedel you could have knocked me down with a feather
  • sestánek (dogovorjen) appointment; assignation; ZDA date; rendezvous, tryst; gathering; meeting, (nekdanjih dijakov) reunion

    določiti sestánek to fix an appointment
    dogovoriti se s kom za sestánek to make an appointment to meet someone
    imeti sestánek s kom to have an appointment (pogovorno a date) with someone
    priti (ne priti) na sestánek to keep (to break) an appointment (pogovorno a date)
    pripraviti, organizirati sestánek to arrange a meeting
  • sestáviti to compose; to construct; to combine; to put together, to unite, to join; (besedilo) to draft

    sestáviti pogodbo to draw up a treaty
    sestáviti slovar to compile a dictionary