sánje dream (o of), dreaming
v sánjah in a dream
niti v sánjah ne (figurativno) far from it
dežela sánj dreamland, world of fancy, dream world
kot v sánjah as in a dream, like a dream
razlagalec sánj interpreter of dreams
imel sem slabe sánje I had bad dreams
mladostne sánje youthful dreams pl
moje sánje o bogastvu so se razblinile my dreams of wealth have vanished like smoke
moje sánje so se uresničile my dream has come true
sánje varajo dreams deceive, dreams are a delusion
Zadetki iskanja
- sápa (dih) breath; exhalation; (veter) wind
brez sápe breathless
iz sápe out of breath
sápo jemajoč breathcatching, breathtaking
v isti sápi (hkrati) in the same breath
izgubiti sápo, biti ob sápo, priti ob sápo to lose one's wind, to have lost one's wind, to get short of breath
priti spet do sápe to recover one's breath, to recover one's wind, to get one's second wind
vzelo mu je sápo (figurativno) he had the wind knocked out of him
sápo vzeti, jemati to take someone's breath away, to stop someone's breath
sápo loviti to catch one's breath, to gasp (ali to pant) for breath
pusti me, da pridem do sápe! will you give me time to breathe?
ne pridem do sápe (figurativno, do oddiha) I have not a moment's leisure
zadrž(ev)ati sápo to hold (ali to bate, to catch) one's breath
ob tem mi zastane sápa (figurativno) that knocks the breath out of me
zapreti komu sápo (figurativno, osupiti) to dumbfound someone - sêbi
priti k sêbi to come to oneself
ko sem prišel k sêbi when I came to (myself)
imam le malo denarja pri sêbi I have only a little money on me
samo o sêbi govoriti to egotize
priti spet k sêbi to recover oneself, to come round
spraviti koga k sêbi to bring someone round - sedé sedéč sitting
v sedé, sedéččem položaju in a sitting position (ali posture)
sedé, sedéčča oseba sitter
sedeč v naslanjaču seated in the armchair - sédem seven
(v skupinah) po sédem by seven
ob sedmih at seven o'clock
sédem in pol seven and a half - sedéti to sit, to be sitting, to be seated; (ptice) to perch; (na jajcih) to hatch
sedéti s spodvitimi nogami to sit cross-legged
sedéti ob kom to sit beside someone, to sit by someone's side
sedéti pri mizi to sit at table
dobro sedi na konju he has a good seat
sedéti slikarju to sit for a painter
vedno sedi pri knjigah he is always bent over his books
vedno doma sedi he is a stayat-home, he leads a sedentary life
sedéti in lenariti to sit idle
sedéti v zaporu to be in prison, to be imprisoned, to be confined, to undergo one's term of punishment, to serve one's sentence; pogovorno to do time; žargon to do bird
sedéti na trnih, kot na šivankah to be on tenterhooks
sedéti na ušesih (figurativno) to be deaf to, not to listen to, to be inattentive - sêdlo saddle; (za sojahača) pillion
tovorno sêdlo packsaddle
gorsko sêdlo (prelaz) mountain pass, saddle, col
brez sêdla bareback, barebacked
torba pri sêdlu saddlebag
žulj od sêdla saddle sore
jahati konja brez sêdla to ride (a horse) bareback
to se podá kot sêdlo kravi (svinji) pogovorno that's a fat lot of use
sesti v sêdlo to mount, to climb into the saddle; (tudi figurativno)
vreči iz sêdla to unhorse, to dismount, pogovorno to spill, (figurativno) to oust, to supplant, to supersede
trdno sedeti v sêdlu to be firmly in the saddle
biti vržen iz sêdla to be thrown from the saddle - séja meeting; sitting
plenarna séja plenary (ali full) meeting (ali full session)
maratonska séja ZDA žargon talkathon
spiritistična séja seance
skupna séja obeh zbornic joint sittings pl of both Chambers
odpreti, začeti séjo to open a meeting
imeti séjo to hold a meeting
odgoditi séjo to adjourn a meeting
sklicati séjo to call (ali to convene) a meeting
sklicati séjo delničarjev to call a meeting of the shareholders
zaključiti séjo to close a meeting - séjen
séjna dvorana council room, council chamber
séjni dan day of session (ali of sitting)
séjni poslovnik standing orders pl
séjni zapisnik minutes pl of a meeting - sekíra axe; hatchet
bojna sekíra battle-axe
široka sekíra (tesla) adze
kamnita sekíra zgodovina stone axe
rabljeva sekíra executioner's axe
držaj, ročaj sekíre handle, helve, shaft
nasaditi sekíro to fit (an axe) with a helve, arhaično to helve
zakopati sekíro (figurativno) to bury the hatchet - sekúnda second; glasba second
v (eni) sekúndi in a second
na sekúndo točno on the dot - sekundáren secondary
to je sekundárne važnosti this is a matter of secondary importance - selítev migration; (iz hiše) removal; change of abode (ali of residence, of dwelling)
selítev narodov migration of people; (masovna) trek; (ponoči, ne da bi plačali stanarino) moonlight flit
doklada za selítev allowance for removal
po naši selítvi v to hišo after our removal to this house
tri selítve je isto kot požar three removals are as bad as a fire - selíti to move
selíti se to move to another place (oziroma dwelling, house); to change one's residence; to migrate
trikrat se selíti je isto kot pogoreti three removals are as bad as a fire - semafór semaphore; (cestni) stop-go sign, trafficlight (s pl)
voziti skozi rdečo luč semafórja to go through a red light, ZDA to run a red light, to run a stop sign (ali a stop light), to shoot the traffic lights
dajati znake s semafórjem to semaphore - seméster semester; half-year; term
konec, zaključek seméstra end of a semester - sèn (sanje) dream; (spanje) sleep; slumber
miren (nemiren) sèn undisturbed (troubled, disturbed) sleep
trden sèn sound sleep
on hodi v snu he walks in his sleep; he is a sleepwalker (ali a somnambulist)
zazibati v sèn to lull to sleep
zbuditi iz sna to rouse (from sleep) - sénca (hlad) shade, pesniško arhaično umbrage; (predmeta, osebe) shadow
niti sénce dvoma not a shadow of a doubt
vlada v sénci (figurativno) shadow cabinet
on je le (še) sénca samega sebe he is a mere shadow of his former self, he is worn to a shadow, he is reduced to a skeleton (ali to a shadow)
iti v sénco to go into the shade
sedeti v sénci to sit in the shade
boji se lastne sénce he is afraid of his own shadow
dajati sénco to give (ali to afford) shade
izginiti kot sénca to vanish like a shadow
delaš mi sénco you are in my light, you are standing in my light, humoristično you'd make a better door than a window
sonce meče sénce the sun casts shadows
metati, vreči sénco na to cast a shadow on, (zasenčiti) to overshadow, to outshine
to meče sénco nanj (figurativno) this puts him in a poor light, this reflects discredit on him
slediti komu kot sénca to shadow (ali to dog) someone, to be someone's shadow, to follow someone like a shadow - sénčen sénčnat shady; shadowy
sénčno drevo a shady tree
sénčna pot avenue, tree-lined walk, path shaded by trees
sénčna igra shadow play
sénčna stran shady (ali dark) side, (figurativno) drawback, seamy side
le ena sénčna stran je pri tem (figurativno) there's only one fly in the ointment - senén hay(-)
senéna kop(ic)a hayrick, haystack, haymow
senéne vile hay fork, pitchfork
senén (senski) nahod hay fever