sálva vojska (častna) salvo; volley
sálva iz 10 topov a tengun salvo
izstreliti sálvo to discharge a salvo
sálva kletvic a volley of oaths
sálva odobravanja a salvo of applause
sálve smeha fits pl of laughter
Zadetki iskanja
- sám alone; sole; only; solo; (brez pomoči) by oneself, unaided, single-handed
čisto sám, sám samcat quite alone, all alone
sám od sebe spontaneously; of one's own accord
jaz sám I myself
on sám he himself
stvar sáma na sebi the thing in itself
sám Cezar Caesar's self
na sám novoletni dan just (ali precisely) on New Year's Day
žrtvovanje sámega sebe self-sacrifice
zaupanje v sámega sebe self-reliance
sáma dobrota ga je he is kindness itself
sáma ljubeznivost ga je do mene he is a perfect angel to me
sám je na svetu he stands alone in the world
on je sám svoj gospodar he is his own master
sáma kost in koža ga je he's nothing but skin and bone, he's just a bag of bones
že sáma ideja je smešna the very (ali the mere) idea is funny
to ni nihče drug kot sám knez he is no less a man than the prince
imeti sám svojo hišo to have a house of one's own
javiti se sám od sebe (prostovoljno) to volunteer
sami so se izdali they betrayed themselves, they gave themselves away
sáma si delam obleke I make my own dresses
sáma si plete nogavice she knits her own stockings
sáma opravlja vse gospodinjske posle she herself does all the housework
sám si strižem lase I cut my own hair
sám si delam večerjo I get my own supper
sám si služi kruh he earns his own bread
vrata se sáma zapirajo the door shuts by itself
to sem sám naredil (brez tuje pomoči) I did it single-handed
to lahko sám vidiš you can see for yourself
leteti sám (brez spremstva, aeronavtika) to fly solo, to solo
presodite sámi! judge for yourselves!
jaz sám sem šel tja I myself went there
ne pustite ga sámega! don't leave him by himself!
to se samo po sebi razume that is a matter of course
lahko to sám napraviš? can you do it alone?
govoriti s kom na samem to speak to someone in private
vi sami to pravite you yourself say so
prepustil sem ga sámemu sebi I left him to himself
sám si kuham I prepare my own dinner
sami njegovi prijatelji ga sovražijo even his fiends hate him
sám vrag te je prinesel the devil himself has brought you
iz sámega egoizma for pure selfishness (ali egoism) - samó only, solely, merely; but, nothing but
ne samó..., temveč tudi... not only... but also...
samó in edino simply and solely
samó trenutek, prosim! just a moment, please!
samó on he alone, no one but he, only he
samó počasi, fantje! easy, boys!
samó da... provided (that)...
samó tega ne anything but that
vse, samó ne... everything but, everything except
samó ob torkih only on Tuesdays
samó nekaj minut but a few minutes
samó to pot (tokrat) (for) this once
ne samó on, tudi ti not only he, but you too (ali also)
samó pomislite! just imagine!
samó enkrat sem ga videl I've seen him only once (ali pogovorno only the once)
samó to mislim reči I just want to say this
prijaham, samó da ti povem... I've come here simply to tell you...
gre samó še za tvoj pristanek your consent is all that is wanted
samó sreča nas lahko reši only a stroke of luck can save us
ne samó da je bedast, je tudi prevzeten he is not only stupid, but also proud
rad bi ti pomagal, samó ne vem kako I should like to help you, only I don't see how I can
samó če on ne bi toliko govoril! if only he did not talk so much
samó tole knjigo bom dal na mizo I'll just put this book on the table
samó za minuto se je ustavila, da bi govorila z Janezom she just stopped for a minute to speak to John
povej, kar imaš povedati, samó hitro! say what you have to say, only look sharp about it!
morem ga samó pohvaliti I have nothing but praise for him
samó da ne bi deževalo! let's hope it doesn't rain!
pusti me, da se samó malo odpočijem! just let me rest an instant!, pogovorno just let me get my breath back! - samodrúga (noseča)
ona je samodrúga she is pregnant, she is expecting (a child), pogovorno she is in the family way - samostán cloister
moški samostán monastery, friary
ženski samostán nunnery, convent
iti v (moški) samostán to enter a monastery
iti v (ženski) samostán to take the veil, to enter a nunnery
vtakniti, zapreti v samostán to cloister
zaprt v samostánu cloistered - samotárski solitary; eremitic; anchoretic
živeti samotársko življenje (proč od sveta) to lead a solitary (ali secluded, retired) life, to live in seclusion; to lead a sequestered life; to shun company - samóten lonely, lonesome, solitary, secluded; retired
iti na samóten sprehod to take a solitary walk
samóten (odmaknjen, zakoten) kraj (dolina) a secluded spot (valley) - samoúk -a, -o self-taught
samoúk, -a, -o slikar self-taught painter - sámouméven self-evident; obvious, natural
sámoumévno prislov of course
to je sámoumévno it goes without saying, that is a matter of course - saní sledge; ZDA sled; (konjske) sleigh
motorne saní snowmobile
pes, ki vleče saní sledge dog
vožnja s sanmi sleigh party, sleigh ride
peljati se s sanísanmi to ride in a sleigh, to sledge, to sleigh, ZDA to sled, to go sleigh-riding, to go in a sledge, to drive in a sleigh - sánje dream (o of), dreaming
v sánjah in a dream
niti v sánjah ne (figurativno) far from it
dežela sánj dreamland, world of fancy, dream world
kot v sánjah as in a dream, like a dream
razlagalec sánj interpreter of dreams
imel sem slabe sánje I had bad dreams
mladostne sánje youthful dreams pl
moje sánje o bogastvu so se razblinile my dreams of wealth have vanished like smoke
moje sánje so se uresničile my dream has come true
sánje varajo dreams deceive, dreams are a delusion - sápa (dih) breath; exhalation; (veter) wind
brez sápe breathless
iz sápe out of breath
sápo jemajoč breathcatching, breathtaking
v isti sápi (hkrati) in the same breath
izgubiti sápo, biti ob sápo, priti ob sápo to lose one's wind, to have lost one's wind, to get short of breath
priti spet do sápe to recover one's breath, to recover one's wind, to get one's second wind
vzelo mu je sápo (figurativno) he had the wind knocked out of him
sápo vzeti, jemati to take someone's breath away, to stop someone's breath
sápo loviti to catch one's breath, to gasp (ali to pant) for breath
pusti me, da pridem do sápe! will you give me time to breathe?
ne pridem do sápe (figurativno, do oddiha) I have not a moment's leisure
zadrž(ev)ati sápo to hold (ali to bate, to catch) one's breath
ob tem mi zastane sápa (figurativno) that knocks the breath out of me
zapreti komu sápo (figurativno, osupiti) to dumbfound someone - sêbi
priti k sêbi to come to oneself
ko sem prišel k sêbi when I came to (myself)
imam le malo denarja pri sêbi I have only a little money on me
samo o sêbi govoriti to egotize
priti spet k sêbi to recover oneself, to come round
spraviti koga k sêbi to bring someone round - sedé sedéč sitting
v sedé, sedéččem položaju in a sitting position (ali posture)
sedé, sedéčča oseba sitter
sedeč v naslanjaču seated in the armchair - sédem seven
(v skupinah) po sédem by seven
ob sedmih at seven o'clock
sédem in pol seven and a half - sedéti to sit, to be sitting, to be seated; (ptice) to perch; (na jajcih) to hatch
sedéti s spodvitimi nogami to sit cross-legged
sedéti ob kom to sit beside someone, to sit by someone's side
sedéti pri mizi to sit at table
dobro sedi na konju he has a good seat
sedéti slikarju to sit for a painter
vedno sedi pri knjigah he is always bent over his books
vedno doma sedi he is a stayat-home, he leads a sedentary life
sedéti in lenariti to sit idle
sedéti v zaporu to be in prison, to be imprisoned, to be confined, to undergo one's term of punishment, to serve one's sentence; pogovorno to do time; žargon to do bird
sedéti na trnih, kot na šivankah to be on tenterhooks
sedéti na ušesih (figurativno) to be deaf to, not to listen to, to be inattentive - sêdlo saddle; (za sojahača) pillion
tovorno sêdlo packsaddle
gorsko sêdlo (prelaz) mountain pass, saddle, col
brez sêdla bareback, barebacked
torba pri sêdlu saddlebag
žulj od sêdla saddle sore
jahati konja brez sêdla to ride (a horse) bareback
to se podá kot sêdlo kravi (svinji) pogovorno that's a fat lot of use
sesti v sêdlo to mount, to climb into the saddle; (tudi figurativno)
vreči iz sêdla to unhorse, to dismount, pogovorno to spill, (figurativno) to oust, to supplant, to supersede
trdno sedeti v sêdlu to be firmly in the saddle
biti vržen iz sêdla to be thrown from the saddle - séja meeting; sitting
plenarna séja plenary (ali full) meeting (ali full session)
maratonska séja ZDA žargon talkathon
spiritistična séja seance
skupna séja obeh zbornic joint sittings pl of both Chambers
odpreti, začeti séjo to open a meeting
imeti séjo to hold a meeting
odgoditi séjo to adjourn a meeting
sklicati séjo to call (ali to convene) a meeting
sklicati séjo delničarjev to call a meeting of the shareholders
zaključiti séjo to close a meeting - séjen
séjna dvorana council room, council chamber
séjni dan day of session (ali of sitting)
séjni poslovnik standing orders pl
séjni zapisnik minutes pl of a meeting - sekíra axe; hatchet
bojna sekíra battle-axe
široka sekíra (tesla) adze
kamnita sekíra zgodovina stone axe
rabljeva sekíra executioner's axe
držaj, ročaj sekíre handle, helve, shaft
nasaditi sekíro to fit (an axe) with a helve, arhaično to helve
zakopati sekíro (figurativno) to bury the hatchet