
Zadetki iskanja

  • románski Romance, Romanic

    románski jezik Romance (arhaično Romanic) language
    románski narodi Romance nations, Romance peoples pl
    románski slog arhitektura Romanesqe; literatura novel's
    románska zgradba the structure of a novel
  • róp robbery; plunder; pesniško rape; (ugrabitev otroka) kidnapping

    zagrešiti, zakriviti róp to commit a robbery
  • rováš piece of short split wood for scoring; score; tally

    na moj rováš upon my account
    imam ga na rovášu I have a bone to pick with him
  • róža botanika rose; flower

    róži podoben roselike
    ledena róža ice flower, frost flower, ice fern
    zdravilne róže medicinal herbs pl (ali plants pl)
    ni róže brez trna no rose without a thorn
  • róžica botanika small rose; floweret; »v rožicah« (figurativno) tipsy, convivial

    biti v róžicah (figurativno) to be tipsy, to be half seas over
    življenje ni z róžicami postlano life (these days) is no bed of roses
    ni mi z róžicami postlano v življenju (figurativno) my life is no bed of roses
    z róžicami mu je postlano (figurativno) he is on a bed of roses, he is in clover
  • rožljáti to rattle; to clank, to clash

    rožljáti z verigo, s sabljo to rattle a chain, the (ali one's) sabre
    rožljáti z verigami to clank one's chains
  • róžnat rose-pink, rosy, rose-coloured; (tudi figurativno) roseate

    róžnato rdeča barva rose red
    v róžnatih barvah in rosy colours
    róžnata polt rosy complexion
    róžnata slika rosy picture
    róžnatih ustnic rose-lipped
    róžnata upanja rosy prospects pl
    videti stvari v róžnati luči to take a rose-coloured view of things
    videti stvari skozi róžnata očala to see things through rose-coloured spectacles
  • rúdnik mine; (premogovni) pit

    opuščen rúdnik disused (ali abandoned) mine
    preplavljen rúdnik flooded mine
    izkoriščati rúdnik to work a mine
    opustiti rúdnik to abandon a mine
  • ruína ruin; dilapidated building; wreck; figurativno ruin, downfall, disaster

    hiša, ki razpada v ruíne a house falling into ruin (ali ruins), a dilapidated (ali ramshackle, rickety, tumbledown) house
  • rúnda šport round

    rúnda piva a round of beer
    dati, plačati za rúndo pijače to stand a round of drinks
    dobiti rúndo šport (dobiti večje število točk) to outpoint
  • ruševína ruševine pl ruin, ruins pl; building (oziroma structure) crumbling (ali falling to pieces), wreck (tudi figurativno), wreckage

    ruševíne gradú remains pl of a castle
    ležati v ruševínah to lie in rubble and ruins
  • rutína routine; practice; rote; groove; figurativno the beaten track

    dobiti rutíno to get into a groove
    s (sámo) rutíno by rote
    priti iz rutíne to get out of practice
  • rutínski routine(-)

    rutínsko delo routine work
    rutínsko prislov by rote
    rutínsko kaj napraviti to do something as a matter of routine
  • rúž (rdečilo za ustnice ipd.) rouge

    črtalo z rúžem lipstick
    imeti debelo plast rúža na obrazu to have a heavily rouged face, pogovorno to lay the rouge (ali make-up) on with a trowel
    nalepotičiti se z rúžem to rouge oneself
  • s (pred zvenečimi glasovi z) with; by, from

    s pošto by post
    s 50 leti at the age of 50 years
    s časom with time, in the course of time
    s svinčnikom in pencil
    s tega stališča, vidika from this point of view, standpoint
    z zgodovinskega stališča from the historical standpoint
    s pismom (pismeno) by letter
    s silo by force
    s pomočjo... by means of...
    kaj (pa) je s teboj? what is the matter with you?
    govoriti s kom to speak with (ali to) someone
    jesti s krožnika to eat off a plate
    pasti s konja to fall off one's horse
    hoditi s palico to walk with a stick
    potovati s parnikom (z letalom, z vlakom) to travel by steamer (by air plane, by train)
    kaj misliš reči s temi besedami? what do you mean by these words?
    prepirati se s kom to quarrel with someone
    primerjati koga s kom drugim to compare someone with someone else
    boriti se s smrtjo to be in one's last agony, to be at one's last gasp
    vsta(ja)ti s soncem to rise with the sun
    tekmovati s kom to rival someone, to vie with someone
    udariti s palico to strike with a stick
    vzemite me s seboj! take me along with you!
    s solzami v očeh... with tears in one's eyes
  • sábor (hrvatski) zgodovina diet; assembly

    sklicati (razpustiti) sábor to convene (to dissolve) a diet (oziroma assembly)
    sábor zaseda the diet (oziroma assembly) is in session
  • sáden fruit(-)

    sádno drevo fruit tree, fruiter
    sádni kolač fruit pie, fruit cake
    sádna koščica stone, kernel, (majhna, peška) pip
    sádni sladkor fruit sugar, fructose, laevulose
    sádni sok fruit juice, (oslajen) syrup
    sádna solata fruit salad
    sádni olupek peel (ali skin, rind) of a fruit
    škodljivci sádnega drevja fruittree pests pl
    sádna torta tart, ZDA fruit pie
    sádni trg fruit market
    sádni vrt orchard; fruit garden
  • salónski

    salónski voz (vagon) Pullman, Pullman coach, saloon car, saloon carriage; ZDA parlour-car, ZDA chair-car
    salónski lev (figurativno) ladies' man, lady-killer, lounge lizard
    salónski človek a society gentleman
  • sálto somersault, breakneck leap

    dvojni (trojni) sálto double (treble) somersault
    napraviti sálto to turn a somersault
  • salút salute (of guns); rifle salute

    salút z 12 streli a twelve-gun salute
    izstreliti salút to fire a salute