réka river
réka Temza the River Thames
réka Hudson ZDA Hudson River
struga réke Save the bed of the River Sava
brez rék riverless
bogat z rékami rich in rivers
ležeč ob réki riparian
izvir réke river head
ustje réke river mouth
po réki navzdol downriver, downstream
po réki navzgor upriver, upstream
gornji tok (z izvirom) réke the headwaters of a river
velika réka large river, waterway
promet na réki river traffic
mreža rék river system
réke lave rivers pl of lava
réka ognja, krvi river (ali stream) of fire, of blood
v rékah dreti v... to stream into...
iti čez réko to cross the river
réka izvira v... the river rises in...
veslati po réki navzgor (navzdol) to row upstream, upriver (downstream, downriver)
Zadetki iskanja
- rekláma publicity, press publicity; advertising, advertisement
kričeča rekláma pogovorno hype, media hype, ballyhoo
rekláma na nebu (ki jo napiše letalo) sky advertising, skywriting
svetlobna rekláma illuminated advertisements pl, neon signs pl
pretirana rekláma hype, puffery, puffing
to je slaba rekláma zanj that will send his stock down
delati reklámo to advertise, to publicise
delati bučno reklámo ZDA to ballyhoo
delati pretirano reklámo to puff
on zna delati reklámo zase he is a master of self-advertisement, he knows how to manipulate the media (ali how to keep himself in the public eye, how to seek publicity) - reklamácija reclamation, claim; claiming back; complaint; asking restitution of
vložiti reklamácijo to put in a complaint, to bring forward a claim - rekonstruírati to reconstruct
rekonstruírati preteklo dobo to reconstruct a past epoch - rekórd šport record; best performance
lovec na rekórde record seeker
imetnik rekórda record holder
poskus rušenja rekórda attempt to beat the (ali a) record
imeti (držati) rekórd to hold the record
izboljšati to improve a record
napasti rekórd to attack a record
postaviti rekórd to set (up) a record
potolči rekórd to beat (ali to break), to cut a record
priznati to recognise (ali to acknowledge) a record
zrušiti rekórd to smash a record - remí1 draw
remí partíja drawn game
končati se remí to end in a draw - renomíran renowned (zaradi for)
zelo renomíran človek a man of great renown - rèp tail; figurativno (vrsta) queue
brez rèpa tailless
lisičji rèp a fox's brush
mahati z rèpom to wag one's tail
stopiti mački na rèp to tread on the tail of the cat
stisniti rèp med noge (figurativno, zbežati) to put one's tail between one's legs and run, to go off with one's tail between one's legs, to turn tail in face of the enemy, to tuck one's tail between one's legs
postaviti se v rèp (v vrsto) to queue up
to zame nima ne glave ne rèpa (figurativno) this is utter (ali sheer, arrant, rank) nonsense, I can't make head or tail of this - repertoár repertoire, ZDA repertory
imeti bogat repertoár to have a rich repertoire (ali a large selection of plays) - rés true; truly, really, indeed, in fact
je to rés? is that true?
rés? really?, indeed?, ZDA you don't say?, is that so?
rés je, da... the truth is that...
ali ni rés? is it not so?; don't you think so?
Sestra je bolna - Res? My sister is ill - Is she?
obljubil je, da pride, in rés je prišel he promised to come, and he did come
Dobil sem pismo iz ZDA. - Res? I got a letter from the U.S.A. - Did you?
ali rés verjameš to zgodbo? do you really (ali actually) believe that story?
rés mi je žal I am truly sorry - résen serious; grave; earnest; austere; (svečan) solemn; (nevaren) critical
to je résna stvar, zadeva this is a serious matter
résni simptomi grave symptoms pl
z résnim pogledom with a grave look
položaj postaja résen the situation is getting serious
résna bolezen serious illness
résna glasba serious music
résno čtivo serious reading
zakaj si videti tako résen? why do you look so serious? ➞ rešeno - resignírati
resignírati na (neko) pravico to resign a right - resníca truth; arhaično sooth
v resníci in truth, in fact; in (good) sooth
gola resníca naked truth
čista resníca the very truth
neolepšana resníca unvarnished truth
sveta (božja) resníca gospel truth, God's truth
nepotvorjena resníca unadulterated truth
resníci na ljubo out of regard for the truth
vsa, polna resníca the whole (ali full, plain) truth
povedati vso resníco (figurativno) to spill the beans
grenka, neugodna resníca home truth
dokaz resníce proof of truth
brez trohice resníce without a shred of truth
zaradi resníce for the sake of truth
resníca ni prijetna truth is unpalatable
to je sveta resníc! it's God's truth!
v tem ni niti besedice resníce there is not a word of truth about it
dokazati resníco to prove (ali to establish) the truth
imeti, vzeti kaj za sveto resníco to take something for gospel
ne lepšam resníce I call a spade a spade; I don't mince words, I speak frankly
postati resníca to become reality, to be realised; to come true
izkriviti, popačiti resníco to colour (ali to stretch, to heighten) the truth, to distort (ali to mispresent, to garble) the truth
potlačiti resníco to hush something up; to suppress the truth, to keep things (ali something) dark
povedati čisto resníco to tell the plain, unvarnished truth
povedal sem mu nekaj gorkih resníc I told him some home truths
da povem resníco... to tell the truth, truth to tell...
v obraz sem mu povedal resníco I told him bluntly (ali plainly)
v brk sem mu povedal resníco I told him point-blank
prikrojiti resníco po svoje to strain the truth
zabrusiti komu resníco v obraz to fling the truth in someone's teeth
to je pačenje resníce it is a distortion of the truth
resníca je počasi prišla na dan the truth has leaked out - résno prislov in earnest; seriously
zelo, smrtno résno in sad earnest
(jaz to) résno mislim I really do think so
tega ne misliš résno? you can't be in earnest?
misliš résno? are you really in earnest (ali in real earnest)?
čisto résno (brez šale) in sober earnest
mislim popolnoma résno I am quite serious
misliš (to) résno? are you serious?
résno govorim I am speaking in earnest
résno se držati (zadrževati smeh) to keep a straight face
résno se lotiti dela to really get down to work
premalo résno kaj vzeti to take matters not too seriously - resolúcija resolution (o on)
dati resolúcijo na glasovanje to put the resolution to the vote
izglasovati (sprejeti) resolúcijo to pass (to adopt) a resolution
uresničevanje kongresnih resolúcij realization of Congress resolutions - restavrácija2 (obnova) restoration; renovation
restavrácija cerkve restoration of a church
angleška restavrácija (Stuartska, 1660) zgodovina the Restoration - restavrírati to restore; to renovate, to renew
restavrírati cerkev to restore a church
restavrírati kralja na prestol to restore a king
restavrírati red to restore order - rešéto riddle; sieve
dati na rešéto (figurativno) to criticize severely, to cut up (koga someone)
vodo zajemati (nositi) z rešétom (figurativno) to draw (to fetch, to carry) water in a sieve - rešítev salvation, (na morju) salvage; lifesaving; rescue; preservation; deliverance; solution
rešítev enačbe solution of an equation
ni mu rešítve he is past help (ali recovery)
on je bil naša rešítev he was our salvation
to je bila moja rešítev that saved me
rešítev prošnje answer to a petition
dati rešítev za to propose (ali to put forward) a solution for - rešíti to save, to rescue; (osvoboditi) to deliver; to redeem; (na morju) to salvage; (nalogo itd.) to solve
rešíti svojo čast to save (oziroma to vindicate) one's honour
rešíti si kožo (figurativno) to save one's skin
rešíti se (znebiti se) koga to get rid of someone
rešíti skrivnost, problem to solve a mystery, a problem
rešíti situacijo to retrieve the situation
rešíti uganko to solve (ali to work out, to puzzle out) a riddle
rešíti komu življenje to save someone's life
rešíti svoj ugled to save one's reputation
rešil sem ga bede I saved him from utter poverty
zdravnik upa, da ga bo rešil the doctor hopes to pull him through
rešili so ga, da ni utonil he was saved from drowning
rešíti si glavo (figurativno) to save one's bacon
rešíti se to save someone, to be saved (ali rescued, delivered), to come off unscathed, to get away with a whole skin
komaj, za las se rešíti to have a narrow escape, to escape by the skin of one's teeth
reši se, kdor se more! every man for himself!, run for your lives!