izžvížgati to hiss down
izžvížgati igralca to boo (ali to hiss, to hoot down) an actor
izžvížgati koga z odra to hiss someone off the stage
izžvížgati koga to give someone the bird
Zadetki iskanja
- jájčen
jájčni beljak the white of an egg, glair
močnata jájčna jed omelette, ZDA omelet
jájčna lupina eggshell
jájčni podstavek eggcup
jájčni rumenjak yolk - Jánezek Johnny
česar se je Jánezek učil, to Janez zna (figurativno) you can't teach an old dog new tricks - jáven public; (vsem dostopen) open to all; accessible, common, known to all; used by all; not secret, not underhand
jávna dela public works pl
program jávnih del public works programme
minister jávnih del minister of public works
jávna dela za zaposlitev brezposelnih relief works pl
jávna dražba public auction
jávni blagor common (ali public) weal, general (ali public) welfare
jávni delavec someone active in public life
jávna hiša (licensed) brothel, arhaično bawdy house
jávna knjižnica public library
jávna kuhinja za brezposelne public kitchen
jávno mnenje public opinion
jáven park public gardens pl
jávna pot, cesta open road
jávno poslopje public building
jávna (raz)prodaja public sale
jávno obveščanje public information
jávno pooblastilo public authority
jávno pravo public law
jávni razglas public notice
jávni red public order
jáven protest public protest
jávna predavanja lectures pl open to the public
jávna (državna) služba public service
jáven škandal scandal
jávno stranišče public convenience, toilet
jávni telovadni nastop gymnastic display
jávni tožilec public prosecutor
jávno tožilstvo office of the public prosecutor
jávna zdravstvena služba public health service
jávno življenje public life
to je jávna tajnost that is an open secret
biti v središču jávnega življenja to be in the public eye - jáviti to let someone know, to make known, (s pismom) to write (ali to send word); to communicate; to give notice; (obvestiti) to inform, to notify, to advise, to apprise, to announce, to report; arhaično to give out (ali forth)
jáviti komu kaj to notify someone of something
jáviti se (pojaviti se) to appear, (prijaviti se) (osebno) to report, to present oneself, (s pismom) to send word of oneself, to give some sign of life
jáviti se (za razpisano mesto) to apply for, to offer oneself for
jáviti se k izpitu to enter for an examination
že mesec dni se mi ni javil I have not heard from him for a month, it's a month since I last heard from him
kot je že bilo javljeno as already announced (ali reported)
javite mi, prosim... please let me know..., please send me word...
javila se je pri nas she has called on us, she has called round to see us
tujci se morajo jáviti policiji foreigners must report to the Police - jecljáti to stammer, to stutter; (šešljati) to lisp; figurativno to falter
(iz)jecljáti opravičilo to stammer out an excuse - jegúlja zoologija eel
osti za lov na jegúlje eel spear
vrša za jegúlje eel basket, buck
lov na jegúlje eel fishing
gladek kot jegúlja (as) slippery as an eel
je prava jegúlja he is as slippery as an eel - jeklíti to steel
jeklíti sekiro to steel an axe (ZDA ax) - jéza anger; (divja) rage, wrath; (tiha) sulks pl, sulk, pique; temper, indignation, passion; pesniško choler; wrathfulness
nagla jéza irascibility, hot temper
ves iz sebe od jéze biti to be ablaze with anger, to be beside oneself with rage
nagle jéze swift to anger
izbruh jéze a fit of anger (ali of passion, of temper)
zaripel od jéze flushed with anger
v hipni jézi, v navalu jéze in a fit of anger (ali of pique)
biti nagle jéze to be irascible, to be hot-tempered, to have an evil temper
biti v jézi s kom to have a grudge against someone, pogovorno to have it in for someone
kuhati jézo na koga to bear a grudge against someone
jézo kuha name he bears me a grudge
staro jézo kuhajo name they have an old grudge against me
dati duška svoji jézi to give vent to one's anger
kipeti, pihati od jéze to simmer (ali to fume) with anger
stresti svojo jézo nad koga to wreak one's anger on someone, to take it out on someone, to vent one's anger on someone
izliti svojo jézo na koga arhaično to pour out the vials of one's wrath upon someone
jéza se mu bo kmalu ohladila, polegla his anger will soon subside - jézen angry (na with); irritated (na at something, with someone); vexed; exasperated; wrathful (against, with someone); pogovorno mad (na at), cross; out of temper; in a passion
jézen je name he is angry (ali cross) with me (zaradi česa for something)
jézen pogled an angry look
jézno gledati to have an angry look
biti jézen to be in a passion
biti jézen na to be angry with, to have a grudge against
postati jézen to get (ali to become) angry (ali vexed)
jezno prislov angrily - jezikàv talkative, loquacious, tattling; pert
ona je preveč jezikàva she's an inveterate windbag (ali gasbag); (zlobno) she has a long (malicious, slandering, gossipy, spiteful) tongue - kájti for; as; seeing that
šel sem z vlakom, kájti vreme je bilo zelo grdo as (ali seeing that) the weather was vile, I took the train
nobeden ne spi, kájti napad pričakujejo vsak trenutek no one's asleep, for they're expecting an attack any moment - kál botanika germ; bud; seed
v káli in germ
zatreti v káli (zadevo, afero) to nip (an affair) in the bud - káp2 -í medicina apoplexy, (apoplectic) stroke; apoplectic fit; seizure (ali fit, attack) of apoplexy
možganska káp, -í stroke
srčna káp, -í heart attack
zadet od kapi apoplectic
kap ga je zadela he was seized (ali struck) with apoplexy, he fell into an apoplexy, he had a stroke - karákter character; nature, temperament, temper
on nima karákterja (figurativno) he is a spiritless fellow, he lacks backbone, he has no grit
čuden karákter (čudak) a strange character
on je blagega karákterja he has a sweet temper
on je zaprtega karákterja he is secretive
biti togotnega karákterja to have an evil temper
naše informacije so praktično uradnega karákterja our information is practically of an official nature - kázati to show; to point out; to indicate; to present; to display; to exhibit
kázati pot (voditi) to lead the way
kázati slab okus to show bad taste
s prstom kázati na koga to point (one's finger) at someone
kázati znake utrujenosti to show signs of fatigue
toplomer je kazal 20° the termometer registered 20 degrees
ni kazal nobenega znaku strahu he showed no sign of fear
na dež kaže it looks like rain
kot vse kaže to all appearances
vse kaže, da... there is every indication that...
vse kaže, da bo izvoljen there is every prospect that he will be elected
letina dobro kaže the crop promises well, there are good prospects of an abundant harvest
stvar dobro kaže the business ali the affair looks promising
če bi kaj slabo kazalo (šlo narobe) if anything should go amiss
stvari slabo kažejo things have an ugly look, things seem to be taking a bad turn
ne kaže hoditi tja it is not advisable to go there
ne kaže mi drugega kot, da grem I can do nothing but go away
sedaj se kaže, da... now it turns out that...
njegov obraz je kazal razočaranje his face showed his disappointment
luna se je začela kázati th moon was beginning to appear (ali to come out)
dobro kaže za... it looks promising (ali it bodes well) for...
slabo kázati to bode ill - kázenski penal; criminal; punitive
kázenska naloga imposition
kázenski zakon penal (ali punitive) law
dati, naložiti kázensko nalogo to set an imposition
kázenska kolonija penal colony, convict settlement, convict colony
kázenska ekspedicija punitive expedition
kázenski postopek penal proceedings pl
kázenski zakonik penal code
kázensko odgovarjati to be called to reply to a criminal charge
kázenski prostor šport penalty area
kázenski strel šport penalty kick, penalty - kaznováti to punish; to castigate, to chastise; to penalize (tudi šport); to inflict punishment (ali penalty); to impose a penalty upon someone
kaznováti z globo to fine
biti kaznovan za svoje grehe to be punished for one's sins
bil je šestkrat kaznovan he had six previos convictions
kaznováti prestopnika (prestopek) to punish an offender (an offence)
kaznovan na deset let zapora sentenced to ten years' imprisonment
kaznovan si za svojo brezbrižnost you're paying the penalty for your carelessness
kaznovan bo a smrtjo vsakdo, ki... the death penalty will be inflicted on every one who...
kdor ljubi, kaznuje spare the rod and spoil the child - kemíja chemistry
analitična kemíja analytical chemistry
(an)organska kemíja (in)organic chemistry
tehnična kemíja technical chemistry, chemical engineering
uporabna kemíja applied (ali practical) chemistry
kemíja živil chemistry of food
inženir kemíje chemical engineer - komédija comedy, play, burlesque; farce; figurativno sham, mere show
sentimentalna komédija sentimental comedy
debata je bila čista komédija (figurativno) the debate was a mere farce
igrati komédijo (figurativno) to sham, to make a pretence, to act, to put on an act
komédija je končana (figurativno) the play is finished, the thing is over and done with