
Zadetki iskanja

  • en ena, eno one; (neki -a -o) a, a certain, some

    ene škarje a pair or scissors
    ob eni(h) at one o'clock
    vlak ob enih the one o'clock train
    eno leto stara žival yearling
    soba z eno posteljo a single room
    vsi do enega one and all, (složno) unanimously, as (ali like) one man
    en kos za drugim (trganje) (by) piecemeal
    to je eno in isto it amounts to the same thing
    eni pravijo... some say...
    z eno besedo in a (ali one) word, briefly, to sum up
    on je z eno nogo že v grobu he has one foot in the grave, he is near death
    vstali so kot en mož they rose as (ali like) one man
    eno leto ali dve one or two years
    stran ena page one, first page
    številka ena number one
    Tisoč in ena noč the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, pogovorno the Arabian Nights, the Thousand and One Nights
    eni ga imajo radi, drugi ga sovražijo some like him, others hate him
    to moramo napraviti, eni ali drugi some of us have got to do it
    to mi je vseeno it is all the same to me, it makes no difference, I don't care, I don't mind
    vsi so bili enega (= istega) mnenja all were of one mind
    en (sam) človek tega ne bi zmogel no one man could do it
  • enáčba equation

    enáčba z 2 neznankama equation with two unknowns
    kvadratna enáčba quadratic equation
    rešiti enáčbo to solve (ali to resolve) an equation
    linearna enáčba linear equation
    kubična enáčba cubic equation
    enáčba z več neznankami simultaneous equation, equation with several unknowns
  • enáko prislov equally; alike; likewise; in the same manner; just the same

    enáko star of the same age; coeval
    enáko oddaljen equidistant
    približno enáko velik much of a size
    enáko deliti to share alike
    enáko si bomo razdelili we'll share and share alike, žargon we'll split (everything) even Steven
    enáko rad bi šel tja kot kam drugam I'd just as well go there as anywhere else
    enáko prezirati svoje prijatelje in svoje sovražnike to despise oneself' friends and one's enemies alike
    to pride na enáko it amounts to the same thing
    enáko vračati to repay in kind, to retaliate
    ti besedi se enáko izgovarjata these two words are pronounced alike (ali have the same pronunciation)
  • enérgičen energetic; strenuous; (ukrep, mera, sredstvo) forcible, drastic; powerful; active, vigorous

    enérgično (prislov) energetically
    enérgično protestirati to protest energetically
    enérgično zatreti nemire to suppress disturbances forcibly (ali drastically)
    enérgično se braniti to defend oneself stubbornly
  • energíja energy; vigour, force; (tudi figurativno) spirit, life; pogovorno pluck, go; fizika energy, mehanika power

    brez energíje soft, listless
    z vso energíjo se česa lotiti to apply (ali to devote) one's energies to something
    delati z vso svojo energíjo to work with all one's energy (ali with all one's might)
    zbrati vso svojo energíjo to gather all one's strength
    enota energíje unit of energy
    oskrba z energíjo power supply, energy supply
    statična (potencialna) energíja static (potential) energy
  • ênkrat once; some time

    ênkrat na dan once a day
    ênkrat ali dvakrat once or twice
    ênkrat slučajno once by chance
    ênkrat za vselej once for all
    ênkrat pač (prej ali slej, kadarkoli) at some time or other
    niti ênkrat not once
    končno ênkrat at last
    še ênkrat once more, once again, the same again
    še ênkrat toliko as much (oziroma many) again; twice as much (oziroma many)
    pozneje ênkrat by and by
    to pot ênkrat this once
    drugo leto ênkrat some time next year
    za ênkrat for once, for the time being
    niti ênkrat ni deževalo it never rained once
    bil je ênkrat (slučajno) točen he was in time for once in a way
    to je kar lahkó, ko ênkrat vidite, kako se tega lotiti it is easy enough once you see how to tackle it
    kar je ênkrat narejeno, je narejeno once it is done, it is done
  • enoglásno prislov unanimously; with one voice (ali accord); as one man; en bloc

    enoglásno sprejeto carried (ali passed) unanimously
    izvoljen enoglásno razen dveh glasov elected with two dissentient votes
    peti enoglásno to sing in unison
  • enolíčen monotonous, dull, drab, humdrum; uniform; commonplace; matter-of-fact; (brez sprememb) invariable, steady

    enolíčno petje monotonous drone
    enolíčno življenje a drab (ali humdrum) life
    enolíčno (prislov) monotonously
    enolíčno živeti to live a treadmill existence
  • enostáven simple; not composed; not complicated; (preprost) plain, easy; (za rešitev) easily solved; (lahko razumljiv) easily understood

    enostávno knjigovodstvo single-entry bookkeeping
    enostávno knjiženje single entry
    to je zelo enostávno it's as easy as winking (ali as ABC)
  • esénca filozofija essence; figurativno essence, essential element; intrinsic nature, distinctive peculiarity; gist, pith, marrow, essentials pl; (the) essential; substance; (rastlinski ekstrakt) essential oil, spirit

    rožna esénca attar of roses
    sivkina esénca lavender water
    terpentinova esénca oil (ali spirit) of turpentine, turpentine, pogovorno turps
  • eskónt ekonomija discount; rediscount; discount rate

    5% eskónt a 5 per cent discount
    gotovinski eskónt cash discount
    odobriti eskónt to allow a discount
    zvišati eskónt to increase (ali to raise) the discount
    znižati eskónt to cut (ali to lower) the discount
  • etáža floor; (nadstropje) storey, ZDA story

    stanuje na tretji etáži he is living on the third (ZDA fourth) floor
    stolpnica z desetimi etážami a ten-storey (ZDA ten story) tower (ali tower block)
  • etêričen kemija, figurativno ethereal; etheric

    etêrična modrina ethereal blue
    etêrično olje ethereal (ali volatile, essential) oil
  • etikéta (za pakete, prtljago itd.) label; tag; (za označbo cene) ticket; tally; (ceremonial) etiquette; ceremony; ceremonial; convention

    jahati na etikéti (figurativno) to be very formal, to be a stickler for etiquette
    ne gledamo na etikéto ni, nam do etikéte (figurativno) we don't stand on ceremony
    steklenica ima etikéto »strup« the bottle is labelled »poison«
    pogrešiti se, napraviti prestopek proti etikéti to commit a solecism (ali a breach of etiquette)
  • evakuírati fiziologija to evacuate, to discharge, to get rid of, (iztrebke) to defecate; to remove, to withdraw, to clear out, to evacuate

    evakuírati ranjence v zaledje to evacuate (ali to remove) the wounded to the rear
  • evidénca (očitnost) obviousness, evidence, palpability, (očitno dejstvo) matter of fact; (pregled, nadzor) survey, control, supervision; record, records pl

    voditi evidénca to keep a record (ali the records)
  • evidénten evident; obvious; manifest

    zločin je evidénten the crime is self-evident (ali manifest)
    to je več kot evidéntno it's as plain as a pikestaff
    evidéntno je, da... it is obvious (ali plain) that...
  • fáktor factor; ekonomija agent, factor; matematika factor, multiplier; (okolnost) circumstance; tiskarstvo foreman, pl -men

    ekonomski fáktor economic factor
    odločilen fáktor decisive factor
    Rhesus (ali Rh) fáktor medicina Rh (ali rhesus) factor
    imeti pozitivni Rh fáktor to be Rhpositive (ali rhesus-positive)
  • fánt boy, lad, youth; youngster; stripling; young fellow; (ljubček) lover, boy friend, sweetheart; (neporočen) bachelor; (pri kartah) jack, knave

    fánt od fare pogovorno brick, great guy, one of the lads (ali boys), the broth of a boy; (izvoljenec, stalen kavalir) steady
    komaj 17 let star fánt a lad who's hardly seventeen
    to dekle je pravi pravcati fánt that girl is a regular tomboy (ali hoyden)
  • fantástičen fantastic; fanciful; imaginative; eccentric, wild; incredible; extraordinary; extravagant; (čudaški) queer

    fantástično (prislov) fantastically
    plačati fantástično ceno za kaj to pay an outrageous price (ali a fancy price) for something
    na izletu je bilo fantástično it was a fantastic trip