raztrésen (razmetan) scattered (ali littered, strewn) about; figurativno absent-minded, absent; inattentive; woolgathering, scatterbrained
raztrésene hiše scattered houses pl, straggling buildings pl
raztrésena čreda ovac a scattered flock of sheep
Zadetki iskanja
- raztréščiti to dash (to pieces), to smash, to shatter, to crush
raztréščiti stol to smash a chair
raztréščiti se to be dashed (ali smashed, wrecked), to be smashed to smithereens, to be battered to pieces
na koščke raztréščiti to smash in pieces
čoln se bo raztreščil ob skali the boat will be battered against the rock
vihar je raztreščil ladjo the ship was shattered by the storm - raztŕgati to tear up, to rip open, (z zobmi) to tear, to rip (apart)
raztŕgati v kose to tear to pieces, to rip to pieces; to tear to tatters; to tatter, to rend, to rend in pieces (ali apart, asunder)
raztŕgati na dvoje to tear in two
raztŕgati si obleko na žeblju to tear one's clothes on a nail
raztŕgati dopisnico na koščke to tear up a postcard in small pieces; (čevlje, obleko) to wear out
raztŕgati se to rip, to rend, to tear
rajši bi se pustil raztŕgati na kose, kot da bi priznal he would rather let himself be cut to pieces than admit it - razuméti to understand; to comprehend, to get, to make out; to grasp, to apprehend, to take in
napačno razuméti to misunderstand, to mistake
ne razumem vas čisto I don't quite follow you
dobro se razumem z njim I get on well with him
tega ne razumem this is beyond me, this is beyond my comprehension, I cannot make head or tail of it
ali naj razumem, da...? am I to take it that...?
me razumeš? do you get me?
(že) razumem I see, I understand
razuméti! radio roger!
ne razumem se na konje I have no experience with horses
nisem mogel prav razuméti njegovega imena I could not catch his name
me razumeš?, si me razumel? do you understand me?, pogovorno got the idea?, pogovorno O.K.?
to se razume that's understood, of course!, I quite see!
slabo ste razumeli you have got hold of the wrong end of the stick
ne razumite me napačno don't get me wrong
to se samo po sebi razume that is a matter of course, that stands to reason, that goes without saying
on se razume na to he is clever at it, he is well versed in it, he is at home in it, he is well experienced (ali skilled) in it
naj me vrag vzame, če razumem! I'll eat my hat if I understand that!
z njim se ni možno razuméti there is no dealing with him
napačno me razumete you mistake me
ona hitro razumeva she is quick-witted
on počasi razumeva he is dull-witted
on ne razume šale he can't take a joke
dobro se razuméti na posle to know one's business
brez nadaljnjega se razume, da... it is an understood thing that...
dobro se razuméti s kom to stand well with someone
dobro se razumejo they get on well together, they get on (ali along) with one another, they are on good terms
ne razumejo se med seboj they are at odds (ali at variance)
ne razumejo se preveč they don't take to one another much
razuméti se kot pes in mačka (figurativno) to get on like cat and dog
dali smo jim razuméti we gave them to understand
dali so mi razuméti, da... I was given to understand that...
tega nisem prav nič razumel (figurativno) I could not make head or tail of it
da, razumel sem! aeronavtika roger! - razuzdán dissolute, debauched; lewd; profligate, licentious; intemperate
razuzdáno življenje licentiousness, debauchery, loose living
razuzdáno živeti to lead a dissolute life - razuzdánost debauchery, lewdness; libertinage, libertinism; dissoluteness, profligacy, licentiousness, intemperance
predati, vdati se razuzdánosti to begin to lead a loose life - razváditi razvájati (otroka) to spoil, to pamper; to mollycoddle, to coddle; to indulge, to featherbed; to pet
razváditi, razvájati se to get a bad habit, to be spoiled; to (over)indulge someone - razvájen spoiled; pampered, coddled
razvájen otrok a spoiled child; (izbirčen) dainty, fastidious - razvalína ruin
človeška razvalína figurativno wreck
on je samo še razvalína he is a complete wreck
biti v razvalínah to lie in ruins
razpasti v razvalíne to collapse in ruins - razvéza (ločitev) divorce
začasna odločba o razvézi decree nisi
tožiti (koga) za razvézo to sue (someone) for (a) divorce - razvézati to loose, to untie, to undo, to unbind; to dissolve; (ločiti) to divorce; (vozel) to unknot, (vrv) to unravel
vino mu je razvezalo jezik arhaično his tongue was loosed (ali became loosened) by wine, pogovorno he talked freely under the influence
razvézati vrv to undo a rope
razvézati vozel to untie a knot
razvézati se to come undone
razvézati se (ločiti se v zakonu) to get a divorce
dati se razvézati od to obtain a divorce from
razvézati se od moža (od žene) to divorce one's husband (one's wife) - razvíti razvíjati to develop (tudi fotografija); (sposobnosti) to evolve; (odmotati) to unfold (papir paper); (zastavo, jadro) to unfurl, to hoist; to spread, to unroll; (misli) to set forth; (program) to put forward; (plin) to release; matematika, funkcijo to develop
popolnoma razvíti, razvíjati to bring to full development
razvíti, razvíjati svoje poglede na... (na predmet) to develop one's views on... (on a subject)
razvíti, razvíjati svoje načrte poslušalcem to develop one's plans for an audience
motor razvije 5 konjskih moči the engine develops 5 horsepower
razvíti, razvíjati se to develop, to make progress, to grow, to evolve (iz from), (nastati) to originate, to arise, to take rise (from)
razvíti, razvíjati trgovino to promote trade
razvíti, razvíjati si mišice to develop one's muscles
razvíti, razvíjati socialistične samoupravne odnose to promote socialist self-management relations - razvléči to draw out; to extend, to expand, to stretch, to distend
razvléči testo to roll out pastry
razvleči zgodbo to spin out a story
razvléči besede, govorjenje to drawl - razvnéti (ogenj) to kindle (tudi figurativno); figurativno to inflame, to heat; to set afire; medicina to irritate, to inflame
razvnéti splošno sovraštvo to kindle a general hatred
razvnéti se (figurativno) to be roused, to be stirred, to get excited, to fly into a passion - razvój development; evolution; growth, progress, advance
potek razvója course of development
razvój dogodkov progress of events
dežela v razvóju politika a developing country
čakati na razvój dogodkov to await developments
materialni in družbeni razvój material and social development - razvpíti to defame, to decry; to bring into disrepute
razvpíti koga to bring disrepute upon someone
razvpíti koga kot ženskarja to decry someone as a womanizer - rdèč red; (lica) ruddy
rdèč nos (pijančka) coppernose, grog-nose
Rdeči križ Red Cross
Rdeča armija Red Army
Rdeča Kapica Little Red Riding Hood
Rdeče morje Red Sea
rdèčih lic redcheeked
rdèča detelja red clover
rdèča barva red colour
rdèče krvno telesce red corpuscle, red blood cell
rdèč kot kri blood-red
rdèč kot vrtnica (as) red as a rose
rdèč kot puran (as) red as a turkey cock
rdèč kot pesa (as) red as a beetroot
rdèče oblečen dressed in red
slep za rdèčo barvo red-blind
od joka rdèče oči eyes red with tears
rdèč kot rak (as) red as a boiled lobster, (as) red as a peony
temno rdèč dark red
biti rdèč od jeze to be red with anger
postati rdèč to turn red
ves rdèč je od sramú he is blushing to the very roots of his hair
postati rdèč kot kuhan rak to turn (ali to flush) scarlet
to ga razdraži kot rdèča krpa bika it is a red rag to him - rdečíca (zardelost) blush; flush
svinjska rdečíca veterina swine erysipelas
rdečíca ga je oblila he went red, (od sramu) he blushed for shame, (od jeze) he flushed with anger
rdečíca ji je oblila obraz a blush suffused her cheeks - reagírati to react (na to); to respond (to)
kako je reagiral, ko je slišal novico? how did he react when he heard the news?, what was his reaction to the news?
rastlina ugodno reagira na presaditev the plant reacts favourably to transplantation
na žalitev je reagiral z udarcem he responded to the insult with a blow
bomo videli, kako bo reagiral we'll see how he takes it - reálen real; realistic, existing, material, not fictitious
reálna plača (zaslužek) real wages pl (earnings pl)
reálni oddelek srednje šole modern side
vzet iz reálnega življenja taken from real life
reálen človek realist, a matter-of-fact person