
Zadetki iskanja

  • razgáliti to bare, to lay bare, to expose, to strip, to unclothe

    do golega razgáliti to strip naked; to reveal
    razgáliti lažnivca to expose a liar
  • razganíti to unfold; to spread

    razganíti zemljevid (po tleh) to spread a map (out) (on the floor)
  • razglasítev publication, promulgation; (dekreta of a decree); announcement

    razglasítev sodbe verdict, publication of a sentence
  • razglasíti to proclaim, to promulgate; to publish; to announce; to make public; to divulge

    razglasíti izvolitev to announce an election
    razglasíti zakon to promulgate a law
  • razglèd view; vista; outlook

    nuditi lep razglèd to afford a good view
  • razgléden

    razglédni stolp belvedere, gazebo
    razglédna točka place with a (fine) view, beauty spot
  • razgŕniti (prt) to lay; (preprogo) to spread (out), to unfold

    razgŕniti rjuho to unfold a sheet
    razgŕniti zemljevid po tleh to spread (out) a map on the floor
  • razjáriti to enrage, to drive someone crazy (ali mad), to make someone furious

    razjáriti se to get into a rage (ali a fury), to fly into a passion (ali a fury)
  • razkáčiti to make angry, to fill with rage, to infuriate, to enrage, to exasperate

    razkáčiti se to get into a rage, to get angry
  • razkobáliti

    razkobáliti noge to spread one's legs apart
    široko razkobáliti noge to spread one's legs wide apart
    razkobáljen astride, in a striding position
    s široko razkobáljenimi nogami with one's legs spread wide apart
  • razkósati to dismember; to break (ali to cut) in little pieces; to cut up

    razkósati prašiča to cut up a pig
  • razlágati to explain; to explicate; to interpret; to comment; (s primeri) to illustrate; to expound (biblijo the Bible)

    ne morem si tega razlágati I am at a loss to understand it
    na široko razlágati to expatiate
  • razlíčen different; dissimilar; diversified; heterogeneous; incongruous; (mnogovrsten) various, varied, diverse, arhaično divers, manifold, distinct

    razlíčnih barv (pester) variegated, parti-coloured; (raznovrstni) several, sundry
    biti razlíčen to be different, to differ
    biti razlíčen kot noč in dan to be as different a chalk and cheese
    okusi so razlíčni tastes differ
    iz razlíčnih razlogov for various reasons
    razlíčna mnenja various opinions pl
  • razlíka difference; distinction; discrepancy

    brez razlíke without distinction, indiscriminately, promiscuously
    za razlíko od in contrast to, as distinguished from
    očitna, frapantna razlíka striking difference
    prav nobena razlíka no difference at all really
    zaradi razlíke for the sake of difference
    razlíka v ceni (mnenju, starosti) difference in price (of opinion, in age)
    delati razlíko to make a difference, to make (ali to draw) a distinction
    delati krivično razlíko to draw an erroneous distinction
    ne delam nobene razlíke med njima I make no distinction between them
    ni nobene razlíke there is no difference
  • razlikováti to distinguish; to differentiate; to discern; to discriminate (proti against)

    razlikováti med to draw a distinction between
    komaj ga razlikujem od njegovega brata I can hardly tell him from his brother
    razlikováti se to differ, to vary (od from); (biti nasproten) to contrast (with); (ne se skladati) to dissent (from), to be at variance (with)
    razlikujemo se glede tega we disagree (ali we are divided) on it
  • razlóčen distinct; plain; clear

    čisto razlóčno quite plainly
    ona piše razlóčno she writes legibly, she has a legible hand
  • rázlog reason; cause; grounds pl, ground, motive

    iz rázloga, da... on the grounds that
    iz rázloga, ker... because...
    iz kateregakoli rázloga for whatever reason
    iz tega rázloga for this reason
    iz tega ali onega rázloga for some reason or other
    prav iz tega rázloga for that very reason
    tehten rázlog cogent reason
    ni nobenega rázloga za kako spremembo there is no reason (ali motive) for a change
    nimaš rázloga za pritoževanje you have no ground(s) for complaint
    dati rázlog to give one's reason
    navajati kot rázlog to allege as a reason
    navesti rázlog to supply a reason
    navesti rázloge to show cause (ali ground) (za for)
    razjezil se je iz praznega rázloga he got angry without any real reason
    ne bomo ga več videli tu, in to iz jasnega rázloga (= vé se zakaj) we shan't see him here again, and for a good reason
    to ni zadosten rázlog, da tako ravnaš that is insufficient reason for your behaviour
  • razmehkúžiti to pamper, to render effeminate; to mollycoddle

    razmehkúžiti otroka to coddle (ali to spoil) a child
    razmehkúžiti se to grow effeminate
    razmehkúžen pampered, mollycoddled, effeminate, (otrok) coddled, spoiled
  • razmérje proportion; relation; ratio; rate; measure

    v razmérju 1:5 at a ratio of 1 to 5
    v istem razmérju in the same proportion
    v obratnem razmérju in inverse ratio
    v kvadratnem razmérju do, z in proportion to the square of
    v razmérju do (starosti, spola) in relation to (age, sex), in proportion to
    ljubezensko razmérje affair, affaire, love affair
    ni nobenega razmérja med njegovimi izdatki in njegovimi dohodki his income does not match (ali tally with) his expenditure
    plače niso v nobenem razmérju z delom wages bear no relation to work done
    ki ni v nobenem razmérju do, z bearing no relation to
    lastninska razmérja property relations
    medsebojno razmérje pri delu mutual labour relations pl
  • raznéžen effeminate; pampered; spoiled

    do solz raznéžen in a melting mood