rapórt report
javiti se na rapórt to report
dati koga na rapórt vojska to put someone on a charge
Zadetki iskanja
- rást growth; vegetation; (postava) stature, size, shape
mož srednje rásti a man of average height
bujna rást abundant (ali lush) growth, luxuriance - rásti to grow; to become taller, to become larger
lepo rásti to flourish, to thrive
pustiti rásti (gojiti) to (let) grow
pustiti si brado rásti to grow a beard; (naraščati) to increase, to rise, to go up; (cene) to rise, to advance, to go up - ráven; rávni level; standard
na isti rávni on the same level (z as)
konferenca na najvišji rávni politika conference at the highest level, summit
na ministrski rávni at ministerial level
nizka (visoka) življenjska ráven; -vni low (high) standard of living
biti na visoki rávni to be of a high standard
doseči predvojno ráven; -vni to reach the prewar level - ravnotéžje balance; poise; counterbalance, equilibrium
politično ravnotéžje balance of power
ravnotéžje sil balance of power
držati v ravnotéžju to balance, to poise
spraviti iz ravnotéžja koga to knock someone off his balance, to throw someone off his balance, to put someone out of countenance, to upset someone
ohraniti ravnotéžje to keep one's poise (ali balance)
biti v ravnotéžju to be poised
izgubiti ravnotéžje to lose one's poise (ali one's balance), to overbalance
najti ravnotéžje to strike a balance - razbíti to break in pieces; to crash (ali to dash, to smash, to shatter, to knock) in pieces; (ključavnico) to force
razbíti okno to shatter a window
razbíti na tisoč koščkov to smash (ali to break, to batter) to (ali into) smithereens
razbíti se to break in pieces; to be smashed; (ladja) to be shipwrecked, to suffer shipwreck, to founder; (upanja) to fall (ali to be dashed) to the ground - razbremeníti to discharge, to disburden, to unburden, to disencumber (od of, from); to exculpate, to exonerate (od from)
razbremeníti bremena (dolgov, dolžnosti, obveznosti) to relieve of a burden ali a load (of debts, of duties, of obligations) - razbŕzdati to unbridle
razbŕzdati se (nemoralno živeti) to lead a dissolute life - razbúriti razbúrjati to excite, to agitate, to rouse; to irritate; to alarm, to upset, to stir up
razbúriti, razbúrjati se to get excited (ali upset, alarmed) about something, to excite someone, to get excited, to lose one's temper, to go up in the air, to work someone up
ne razburjaj se! don't get excited!, take it easy!, (pogovorno) keep your hair on!
on se nikoli ne razburi he never gets flustered (ali excited)
razbúriti, razbúrjati se za prazen nič to fly into a rage for no reason, to fly into a temper for nothing - razbúrjen excited, agitated, upset
ves razbúrjen in a flurry - razbúrkan agitated; stirred up
razbúrkano morje heavy (ali rough) sea
živeti razbúrkano življenje to live a troubled life
razbúrkan čas a time of storm and stress - razčístiti to clarify; figurativno to clear up, to disentangle, to solve, to elucidate
razčístiti nesporazum to clear up a misunderstanding
razčístiti se to become clear
razčístiti situacijo to clarify the situation
razčístiti stvar s kom to have it out with someone - razdálja distance (od from)
razdálja med 2 hišama the distance between two houses
zavorna razdálja stopping distance
žariščna razdálja focal length
držati razdáljo (tudi figurativno) to keep one's distance
na 15 m razdálje ne vidim nič at 15 metres' distance I can see nothing
držati koga v razdálji (= proč od sebe) to keep someone at a distance - razdedíniti to disinherit
razdedíniti do zadnjega tolarja to cut someone off without a penny - razdelíti to distribute (med among); to dispense; (karte) to deal out; to share out; to dole out; to allot; to classify; (podariti) to distribute as gifts, to give away; (ločiti) to separate, to divide; (na kose, dediščino) to partition
razdelíti vsoto med več ljudi to divide a sum among many people - razdéti razdévati to disassemble, to dismantle, to take apart, to strip
razdéti, razdévati stroj to take a machine to pieces - razdóbje period; term; space of time; epoch
razdóbje 5 let a five-year period
za razdóbje 3 mesecev for a period of three months - razdòr discord, dissension, division, disunion; disagreement; difference; rupture; variance; split
biti v razdòru z to be at variance, to be at odds with
sejati razdòr to sow dissension, to stir up discontent (ali strife)
denarne zadeve so napravile razdòr med člani družine money matters have caused a rift between the members of the family - razdréti to destroy; to demolish
razdréti stroj to take a machine apart (ali to pieces)
razdréti kupčijo to revoke a deal
razdréti naročilo to cancel an order - rázen except, with the exception of; but; (knjižno) save
rázen če unless
rázen da except that, (knjižno) save that
rázen tega besides, in addition
vsi rázen enega all but one
vsi rázen mene everyone except (ali but) me
vsi rázen njega everyone except him
nič rázen... nothing but...
rázen v nepredvidenih okoliščinah barring unforeseen circumstances
nimam ničesar rázen tega, kar zaslužim I own nothing except what I earn myself
rázen nemščine govori ona tudi rusko besides German she also speaks Russian
pridem jutri, rázen če določite kak drug dan I shall come tomorrow unless you (should) decide on another day
počutil sem se dobro, rázen da me je bolela glava I felt well except that I had a headache
rázen dveh razbitih oken je bila hiša nepoškodovana except for two broken windows the house was intact
rázen ubijanja je on vsega zmožen he's ready for (ali capable of) anything short of murder