rádij1 (polmer) radius, pl radii
v rádiju od (10 milj) within a radius of (10 miles)
akcijski rádij letala the operational range of an aircraft
Zadetki iskanja
- rádio radio, wireless, broadcasting; (aparat) radio, wireless, wireless set, (sprejemnik) receiver
rádio na izmenični (istosmerni) tok mains AC (DC) radio
baterijski rádio battery set
po rádiu on the air
slabitev zvoka na rádiu fading
naravnati val na rádiu to tune in to a wavelength
govoriti po rádiu to speak over the radio
oddajati po rádiu to broadcast, (prek prehodnih postaj) to relay
odpreti, vključiti rádio to turn the radio on
zapreti, izključiti rádio to turn the radio off
biti na rádiu (radijskem programu) to be on the air
poslušati rádio to listen to the radio, to listen in to a station, to listen (in)
to sem slišal na rádiu I heard (ali I've heard) that on the radio
zvok na rádiu slabí the sound fades out
objaviti kaj po rádiu to broadcast something, to broadcast an announcement
poslušalec rádia (radio) listener - ráhel fine, soft, slight, loose, light; (kruh) soft, light; (zemlja) loose; (zdravje) delicate, frail, tender
ráhla zemlja, tla light soil; (testo) light
ráhlo spanje light sleep, pesniško soft slumber
ona je ráhlega zdravja she is of a delicate constitution
ráhlo prislov slightly, gently
ráhlo je zaprl vrata he closed the door gently - ràk zoologija crayfish, ZDA crawfish; crab; astronomija Cancer, Crab
ràk samotar zoologija hermit crab; medicina cancer
loviti ràke to catch crawfish (ali crabs)
iti ràkom žvižgat (propasti) to go to the dogs; (umreti) žargon to go west, to go for a burton
šel je ràk om žvižgat (propadel je) he went to the dogs, žargon he kicked the bucket
iti ràkovo pot to go crabwise, to go backwards
postati rdeč kot kuhan ràk to blush a deep crimson, to flush crimson - rákev coffin
zabíti komu žebelj v rákev (figurativno) to drive a nail into someone's coffin - ráma rame shoulder; anatomija humerus
(stati) z rámo ob rámi (to stand) shoulder to shoulder
izpah ráme dislocation of the shoulder
širokih rámen broadshouldered, square-built
vatirana rámena padded shoulders pl
dvigniti koga na rámena to lift someone shoulder-high
imeti široka rámena to have a broad back
dati puško (poševno) na ráme vojska to slope arms
nositi puško na rámi to carry one's rifle at the slope
nositi otroka na rámah to carry a child piggyback (ali pickaback)
nositi koga na rámenih to carry someone shoulder-high
naprtiti si na rámena (dolg, skrb) to take upon one's shoulders, to shoulder
potrepljati po rámi to tap on the shoulder
sneti komu breme z rámen to disburden someone
skomigniti z rámeni to shrug one's shoulders
teči z rámo ob rami to run neck and neck
vzeti na rámo to shoulder
puško na rámo! vojska shoulder arms! - rán -a, -o early; (sadež) early, precocious, arhaično pesniško rathe, rathripe, rathe-ripe; before one's time
rán, -a, -oa ura, zlata ura early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise; the early bird catches the worm
rán, -a, -oa mladost one's early days pl - rána wound; hurt, sore, lesion; (odrgnina) gall; figurativno injury, harm; (na nogi, od hoje) sore on the foot; (urez) cut, gash; (zmečkanina) contusion, bruise; (opeklina) burn, scald
brez ráne woundless, unhurt, scatheless, unscathed, without scathe
gnojna rána festering wound, ulcer
odprta rána open sore, gaping wound
rána z nožem knife wound
smrtna rána mortal wound
zaceljena rána (brazgotina) cicatrix, pl -ices, cicatrice, scar
zevajoča rána gash
gnojitev ráne suppuration of a wound
mazilo za ráne ointment for wounds
rob ráne lip of a wound
spojka za ráno wound clamp, suture clip
šiv ráne wound suture
obveza za ráno dressing, bandage
ki zdravi, (za)celi ráne vulnerary, helping to heal a wound
poln rán having multiple wounds
rána dobiva krasto, se celi the wound cicatrizes, forms a scar
dotaknil se je moje ráne (občutljivega mesta) he touched me on a tender spot
izžgati ráno to cauterize a wound
on še vedno kaže ráne, ki jih je dobil v vojni he still shows the scars he got in the war
ne odpiraj starih rán! (figurativno) don't open old sores
zopet odpreti ráno to reopen a wound
zopet odpreti stare ráne (figurativno) to reopen old sores
zadati ráno to inflict a wound
zaceliti ráne to heal wounds
rána se je zacelila the wound has skinned over (ali has healed, has healed up, over)
čas zaceli vse ráne time is a great healer
umreti za ránami to die of one's wounds (ali injuries)
zašiti ráno to sew up a wound
šivati ráne to put stitches in a wound
obvezati ráno to dress (ali to bandage) a wound
krvaveti iz ráne to bleed from a wound - ránjen wounded; hurt; injured; sore, galled
težko ránjen seriously wounded
ránjen v koleno wounded in the knee
lahko ránjen walking wounded
biti ránjen (dobiti rano) to receive a wound
smrtno ránjen mortally (ali fatally) wounded - rapórt report
javiti se na rapórt to report
dati koga na rapórt vojska to put someone on a charge - rást growth; vegetation; (postava) stature, size, shape
mož srednje rásti a man of average height
bujna rást abundant (ali lush) growth, luxuriance - rásti to grow; to become taller, to become larger
lepo rásti to flourish, to thrive
pustiti rásti (gojiti) to (let) grow
pustiti si brado rásti to grow a beard; (naraščati) to increase, to rise, to go up; (cene) to rise, to advance, to go up - ráven; rávni level; standard
na isti rávni on the same level (z as)
konferenca na najvišji rávni politika conference at the highest level, summit
na ministrski rávni at ministerial level
nizka (visoka) življenjska ráven; -vni low (high) standard of living
biti na visoki rávni to be of a high standard
doseči predvojno ráven; -vni to reach the prewar level - ravnotéžje balance; poise; counterbalance, equilibrium
politično ravnotéžje balance of power
ravnotéžje sil balance of power
držati v ravnotéžju to balance, to poise
spraviti iz ravnotéžja koga to knock someone off his balance, to throw someone off his balance, to put someone out of countenance, to upset someone
ohraniti ravnotéžje to keep one's poise (ali balance)
biti v ravnotéžju to be poised
izgubiti ravnotéžje to lose one's poise (ali one's balance), to overbalance
najti ravnotéžje to strike a balance - razbíti to break in pieces; to crash (ali to dash, to smash, to shatter, to knock) in pieces; (ključavnico) to force
razbíti okno to shatter a window
razbíti na tisoč koščkov to smash (ali to break, to batter) to (ali into) smithereens
razbíti se to break in pieces; to be smashed; (ladja) to be shipwrecked, to suffer shipwreck, to founder; (upanja) to fall (ali to be dashed) to the ground - razbremeníti to discharge, to disburden, to unburden, to disencumber (od of, from); to exculpate, to exonerate (od from)
razbremeníti bremena (dolgov, dolžnosti, obveznosti) to relieve of a burden ali a load (of debts, of duties, of obligations) - razbŕzdati to unbridle
razbŕzdati se (nemoralno živeti) to lead a dissolute life - razbúriti razbúrjati to excite, to agitate, to rouse; to irritate; to alarm, to upset, to stir up
razbúriti, razbúrjati se to get excited (ali upset, alarmed) about something, to excite someone, to get excited, to lose one's temper, to go up in the air, to work someone up
ne razburjaj se! don't get excited!, take it easy!, (pogovorno) keep your hair on!
on se nikoli ne razburi he never gets flustered (ali excited)
razbúriti, razbúrjati se za prazen nič to fly into a rage for no reason, to fly into a temper for nothing - razbúrjen excited, agitated, upset
ves razbúrjen in a flurry - razbúrkan agitated; stirred up
razbúrkano morje heavy (ali rough) sea
živeti razbúrkano življenje to live a troubled life
razbúrkan čas a time of storm and stress