
Zadetki iskanja

  • pustóšiti to ravage, to devastate, to desolate; to lay waste; to wreak havoc, to spread havoc; to ruin

    pustóšiti deželo to ravage a country
  • puščáva desert; wilderness

    glas vpijočega v puščávi a voice crying in the wilderness
    vojskovanje v puščávi desert warfare
  • puščíca arrow; (metalna) dart; pesniško shaft; figurativno epigram

    hiter kot puščíca swift as an arrow
    Amorjeva puščíca Cupid's arrow, the shaft of love
    označiti s puščíco to arrow
    steči kot puščíca to be off (ali to start) like an arrow (ali like a shot)
    ta puščíca kaže smer (pot) this arrow points the way
  • púška gun, (risanka) rifle, breechloader

    púška za lov na ptice fowling piece; (starinska) musket, muzzle-loader
    lovska púška hunting gun
    púška kremenjača flintlock, firelock
    púška karabinka carbine
    strojna púška machine gun, Lewis gun
    malokalibrska púška small-bore rifle
    zračna púška air gun
    avtomatska púška tommy gun, submachine gun, automatic firearm, automatic
    protitankovska púška bazooka
    púška repetirka repeater
    dvocevna púška double-barrelled gun
    s púško oborožen vojak rifleman, pl -men
    cev púške (gun-)barrel
    kopito púške butt of a rifle, rifle-butt
    krogla iz púške bullet
    v dosegu púške (zunaj dosega púške) within (out of) gunshot
    stojalo za púške gun rack
    municija za púško small-arms (ali rifle) ammunition
    ogenj iz púšk rifle fire
    strel iz púške gunshot, rifle shot
    strelec s púško rifleman, pl -men
    vizir púške backsight, (muha) sight
    naboj za púško cartridge
    jermen pri púški rifle sling
    piramida púšk pile of arms
    pritikline za púško rifle accessories pl
    púške k nogi! ground arms!
    púška je počila the gun went off
    púška nese 2.000 m the gun has a range of 2,000 metres
    držati púško vzporedno z zemljo to trail arms
    dati púško na rame (z jermenom) to shoulder arms, (brez jermena) to slope arms
    nabiti púško to load a gun
    postaviti púške v piramido to pile (ali to stack) arms
    slišati strel iz púške to hear a gunshot
    ustreliti s púško to fire a shot
    zgrabiti za púške to take up arms
    vreči púško v koruzo (figurativno) to hang up one's axe, to throw up the sponge, to give in
    púška je odpovedala the gun misfired (ali failed to go off)
  • púškin rifle-

    púškino kopito butt of a rifle, rifle-butt
    púškina granata rifle grenade
    púškina cev (gun-) barrel
    púškin lesni del, ogrodje gun stock
    púškin zaklep gunlock
    slep (oster) púškin naboj blank (ball) cartridge
  • rabát (trade) discount; rebate (na on); abatement; allowance

    rabát pri plačilu v gotovini discount for cash
    dati, odobriti rabát to allow, to grant discount (ali rebate, deduction)
    kolikšen rabát dajete? what discount is there?
    dobiti 10% rabáta to get a ten per cent discount
  • rácija (policijska) raid, swoop (na on); razzia

    napraviti, izvesti rácijo to raid, to swoop (na on)
    napraviti rácijo v skrivališče tihotapcev to raid a smugglers' den
  • racionálen rational; economic(al)

    racionálno število rational number
    racionálno prislov economically
    na racionálni osnovi on a rational basis
  • račún account; bill; reckoning; score; trgovina invoice; (za inozemstvo) indent; note, credit note, debit note; (fingiran) pro forma invoice; (izračunanje) calculation, calculus, computation; (proračun) estimate

    diferencialni (integralni) račún differential (integral) calculus
    poravnani račúni bills paid (ali settled)
    depozitni račún deposit account
    tekoči račún current account
    zaključni račún final account
    na račún on account
    čisti račúni, dobri prijatelji short reckonings make long friends, even reckoning makes long friends
    sklepni račún matematika the rule of three
    polaganje račúnov rendering of accounts
    pomota v račúnu miscalculation
    natakar, (moj) račun, prosim! my bill please, waiter!
    neporavnan, odprt račún unsettled, open account
    skupni račún joint account
    dal mi je nekaj na račún he has advanced me some money
    ne delaj račúna brez krčmarja! don't count your chickens before they are hatched!, don't reckon without your host!, ZDA sell not the bear's skin before you have caught the bear!
    imeti še račún s kom (figurativno) to have a rod in pickle for someone, to have a bone to pick with someone
    imeti račún pri... to have an account with...
    izravnati račún to balance (ali to square, to settle) an account
    to mi ne gre v račún (figurativno) that isn't what I want, it doesn't suit me, that does not answer my purpose
    ta runda (pijače) gre na moj račún this round is on me, this is my round (ali my treat), pogovorno I'm in the chair
    kupiti na račún to buy on credit
    pokvariti komu račúne (figurativno) to spike someone's guns
    prenesti na nov račún to transfer to a new account
    priti na svoj račún (figurativno) to come into one's own, to find one's costs repaid
    odpreti račún to open an account
    izstaviti, napraviti račún to make out a bill, to draw up an account
    pregledati račúne to audit
    poravnati, plačati račún to settle an account
    plačati komu stare račúne to pay off old scores, to get even with someone
    polagati račún o to account for, to give (ali to render) account of
    krojač mi je poslal račún the tailor has sent me his bill
    voditi račún o to kep an account of
    vpisati, zabeležiti komu v račún to enter in someone's account
    trgovati na svoj račún to trade on one's own account
    vzeti v račún to take into account, to make allowance for
    prekrižati komu račúne (figurativno) to upset someone's apple-cart
    račúni se ne ujemajo the accounts don't balance
    zahtevati račún za to demand an account of
    zahtevati svoj račún to ask for one's account
    koliko znaša moj račún? what does my bill amount to?, (pogovorno) what's the damage?
    živeti na račún svojih prijateljev to sponge on one's fiends
    živeti na tuj račún biblija to eat the bread of idleness
  • račúnati to calculate, to reckon, to figure; to cipher; to compute

    račúnati na kaj to reckon (ali to rely) upon something (na pomoč upon help)
    račúnati za kaj to charge for something (za sobo for the room)
    ne račúnati to leave out of account
    račúnati z to reckon with
    račúnati na pamet to do mental airthmetic
    napačno račúnati to miscalculate
    on veliko računa (zaračuna) his charges are very high, he charges a lot
    račúnati z dejstvi to take the facts into account
    računajoč vse v vsem taking an all-round view
    račúnati brez krčmarja (figurativno) to reckon without one's host
  • ràd willingly, gladly, with pleasure, readily; eagerly; arhaično nothing loath

    ràd ali nerad willy-nilly, willing or unwilling
    iz srca, od srca ràd with all my heart
    prav ràd with the greatest pleasure
    ràd imeti to like, to be fond of, to be partial to, to have a liking for, to love
    ne imeti ràd to dislike, to be averse (ali disinclined) to, to have an aversion to
    ràd igram šah I like playing chess
    se ràd učiš angleščino? do you like learning English?
    kaj bi radi? what can I do for you?
    on se ne smeje ràd it's hard to make him smile (ali to bring a smile to his face)
    posebno ràd imam lahka vina I'm very partial to light wines
    ljudje ga ràdi vidijo he is much sought after
    to ràd verjamem I can easily believe it
    ali imate ràdi kavo? do you like coffee?
    jaz bi ràd kupil... I should like to buy...
    ràd bi vedel zakaj I wonder why
    ràd bi vedel (= bogve), kdo je to rekel I wonder who said it
    ràd bi verjel, da... I am quite ready (ali open) to believe that...
    take stvari se ràde dogajajo such things will happen
    radi ga vidimo he is (always) welcome here
    on ga (= vino) ràd pije he is fond of the bottle, žargon he likes his plonk, arhaično humoristično he is a winebibber, slabšalno he's a wino
  • rádij1 (polmer) radius, pl radii

    v rádiju od (10 milj) within a radius of (10 miles)
    akcijski rádij letala the operational range of an aircraft
  • rádio radio, wireless, broadcasting; (aparat) radio, wireless, wireless set, (sprejemnik) receiver

    rádio na izmenični (istosmerni) tok mains AC (DC) radio
    baterijski rádio battery set
    po rádiu on the air
    slabitev zvoka na rádiu fading
    naravnati val na rádiu to tune in to a wavelength
    govoriti po rádiu to speak over the radio
    oddajati po rádiu to broadcast, (prek prehodnih postaj) to relay
    odpreti, vključiti rádio to turn the radio on
    zapreti, izključiti rádio to turn the radio off
    biti na rádiu (radijskem programu) to be on the air
    poslušati rádio to listen to the radio, to listen in to a station, to listen (in)
    to sem slišal na rádiu I heard (ali I've heard) that on the radio
    zvok na rádiu slabí the sound fades out
    objaviti kaj po rádiu to broadcast something, to broadcast an announcement
    poslušalec rádia (radio) listener
  • ráhel fine, soft, slight, loose, light; (kruh) soft, light; (zemlja) loose; (zdravje) delicate, frail, tender

    ráhla zemlja, tla light soil; (testo) light
    ráhlo spanje light sleep, pesniško soft slumber
    ona je ráhlega zdravja she is of a delicate constitution
    ráhlo prislov slightly, gently
    ráhlo je zaprl vrata he closed the door gently
  • ràk zoologija crayfish, ZDA crawfish; crab; astronomija Cancer, Crab

    ràk samotar zoologija hermit crab; medicina cancer
    loviti ràke to catch crawfish (ali crabs)
    iti ràkom žvižgat (propasti) to go to the dogs; (umreti) žargon to go west, to go for a burton
    šel je ràk om žvižgat (propadel je) he went to the dogs, žargon he kicked the bucket
    iti ràkovo pot to go crabwise, to go backwards
    postati rdeč kot kuhan ràk to blush a deep crimson, to flush crimson
  • rákev coffin

    zabíti komu žebelj v rákev (figurativno) to drive a nail into someone's coffin
  • ráma rame shoulder; anatomija humerus

    (stati) z rámo ob rámi (to stand) shoulder to shoulder
    izpah ráme dislocation of the shoulder
    širokih rámen broadshouldered, square-built
    vatirana rámena padded shoulders pl
    dvigniti koga na rámena to lift someone shoulder-high
    imeti široka rámena to have a broad back
    dati puško (poševno) na ráme vojska to slope arms
    nositi puško na rámi to carry one's rifle at the slope
    nositi otroka na rámah to carry a child piggyback (ali pickaback)
    nositi koga na rámenih to carry someone shoulder-high
    naprtiti si na rámena (dolg, skrb) to take upon one's shoulders, to shoulder
    potrepljati po rámi to tap on the shoulder
    sneti komu breme z rámen to disburden someone
    skomigniti z rámeni to shrug one's shoulders
    teči z rámo ob rami to run neck and neck
    vzeti na rámo to shoulder
    puško na rámo! vojska shoulder arms!
  • rán -a, -o early; (sadež) early, precocious, arhaično pesniško rathe, rathripe, rathe-ripe; before one's time

    rán, -a, -oa ura, zlata ura early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise; the early bird catches the worm
    rán, -a, -oa mladost one's early days pl
  • rána wound; hurt, sore, lesion; (odrgnina) gall; figurativno injury, harm; (na nogi, od hoje) sore on the foot; (urez) cut, gash; (zmečkanina) contusion, bruise; (opeklina) burn, scald

    brez ráne woundless, unhurt, scatheless, unscathed, without scathe
    gnojna rána festering wound, ulcer
    odprta rána open sore, gaping wound
    rána z nožem knife wound
    smrtna rána mortal wound
    zaceljena rána (brazgotina) cicatrix, pl -ices, cicatrice, scar
    zevajoča rána gash
    gnojitev ráne suppuration of a wound
    mazilo za ráne ointment for wounds
    rob ráne lip of a wound
    spojka za ráno wound clamp, suture clip
    šiv ráne wound suture
    obveza za ráno dressing, bandage
    ki zdravi, (za)celi ráne vulnerary, helping to heal a wound
    poln rán having multiple wounds
    rána dobiva krasto, se celi the wound cicatrizes, forms a scar
    dotaknil se je moje ráne (občutljivega mesta) he touched me on a tender spot
    izžgati ráno to cauterize a wound
    on še vedno kaže ráne, ki jih je dobil v vojni he still shows the scars he got in the war
    ne odpiraj starih rán! (figurativno) don't open old sores
    zopet odpreti ráno to reopen a wound
    zopet odpreti stare ráne (figurativno) to reopen old sores
    zadati ráno to inflict a wound
    zaceliti ráne to heal wounds
    rána se je zacelila the wound has skinned over (ali has healed, has healed up, over)
    čas zaceli vse ráne time is a great healer
    umreti za ránami to die of one's wounds (ali injuries)
    zašiti ráno to sew up a wound
    šivati ráne to put stitches in a wound
    obvezati ráno to dress (ali to bandage) a wound
    krvaveti iz ráne to bleed from a wound
  • ránjen wounded; hurt; injured; sore, galled

    težko ránjen seriously wounded
    ránjen v koleno wounded in the knee
    lahko ránjen walking wounded
    biti ránjen (dobiti rano) to receive a wound
    smrtno ránjen mortally (ali fatally) wounded