protežírati to protect, to favour, to patronize (koga someone)
on mora biti zelo protežiran (pogovorno) he must have a friend at court
Zadetki iskanja
- próti against
próti (prefiks) anti-, counter-; (smer) towards, to, in the direction of, on, for; contrary to; (čas) about, by, ZDA around; pravo, šport versus (krajšava: v. ali vs.); (v primeri z) compared with
za in próti for and against, pro and con
sredstvo próti remedy for
próti vetru against the wind
próti koncu meseca towards the end of the month
próti šesti uri about six o'clock
Avstralija próti Angliji Australia versus England
próti nam against us
próti mojemu prepričanju (volji) against my conviction (will)
próti pričakovanju unexpectedly, suddenly
próti potrdilu o prejemu on receipt
próti toku against the tide
próti vodi up the river
próti zakonu against the law, illegally, unlawfully
próti zdravemu razumu preposterously, absurdly
próti mojim ukazom contrary to my orders
to je dobro próti glavobolom it's good for headaches
to je próti mojim navadam it is against (ali contrary to) my usual practice
jaz sem próti I am opposed to it
bilo je 30 glasov za predlog, 40 pa próti there were 30 votes for and 40 against
próti meni je bil zelo prijazen he was very kind to me
sem 100% próti I am dead against it
to je próti mojemu prepričanju this runs counter to my convictions
boriti se próti toku to struggle against the tide
delovati próti to counteract, to neutralize, (preprečiti) to thwart, to frustrate, to balk (ali baulk), to baffle
boriti se próti premoči to fight against odds
dvigniti oči próti nebu to look up to heaven
držati pismo próti luči to hold a letter up to the light
glasovati próti to vote »no«
enotno, složno glasovati próti to vote down
glasovati próti predlogu to vote against a motion
nimam nič próti temu I don't mind it, I have no objection to it
nimam nič próti kajenju I don't object to people smoking
ne morem nič reči próti I can say nothing to the contrary
govoriti za in próti to speak pro and con
iti próti domu to head for home (ali homewards)
iti próti severu to go towards the north (ali northwards)
vojska gre próti mestu the army is marching on the town
izpustiti próti kavciji to release on bail
marširati próti sovražniku to march against the enemy
ležati z obrazom próti zemlji to lie face downwards (ali on one's face)
nahujskati brata próti bratu to set brother against brother
napravil sem to próti svoji volji I did that against my own inclination
pluti próti vetru to sail against the wind
porini klavir próti zidu! push the piano up against the wall!
stavim 10 próti 1, da... I bet you ten to one that...
vzdržati próti sovražniku to hold out against the enemy - prótidokáz rebuttal, proof to the contrary, counterevidence
predložiti prótidokáz to put forward evidence in rebuttal (of a charge) - prótiletálski antiaircraft, (pogovorno) ack-ack
prótiletálski top antiaircraft gun; A. A. gun
prótiletálsko topništvo A. A. gunners pl
prótiletálska obramba, zaščita air-raid defences - prótipotéza countermove
napraviti prótipotézo to make a countermove - prótiuslúga service (ali favour) in return
izkazati komu prótiuslúgo to return someone a favour
rad pripravljen za prótiuslúge glad to reciprocate - protokól protocol; minutes pl; record, recording
dati na protokól to make a statement (ali a deposition); to record in a protocol
voditi protokól to keep the minutes
vzeti na protokól to take down, to record officially - prozóren transparent, diaphanous; lucid, limpid; clear
nisi prozóren! (humoristično) you'd make a better door than a window - pŕst1 -a finger; (živali) toe, digit
mali pŕst little finger
nožni pŕst toe
srednji pŕst middle finger
blazinica pŕsta fingertip
po, na pŕstih on tiptoe
od kajenja rjavi pŕsti nicotine-stained fingers pl
umazani pŕsti dirty fingers
pŕst rokavice finger of a glove
dati jih komu po pŕstih to rap someone's fingers
imeti dolge pŕste (figurativno, krasti) to steal, to be one of the light-fingered gentry
imeti svoje pŕste zraven (pri kaki zadevi) to have a finger in the pie, to have a hand in something
za dva pŕsta je imela rdečila na licih she had a layer of rouge two fingers deep on her cheeks
on ima več pameti v malem pŕstu kot ti v glavi he has more wit in his little finger than you in your whole body
imeti v malem pŕstu (figurativno) to have at one's finger's end
daj, pomôli mu pŕst, pa bo zgrabil vso roko (figurativno) give him an inch, and he will take an ell!
daj pŕste proč od teh stvari! don't tamper with these things!
gledati komu na pŕste to keep a close eye upon someone, to watch someone closely
krcniti koga po pŕstih to tap someone's fingers
dati komu znak s pŕstom to beckon to someone
hoditi po pŕstih to tiptoe
s pŕstom ne migniti (komu v pomoč) not to stir a finger (to help someone), not to lift a finger, not to turn a hand (to help someone)
pŕste si oblizniti (figurativno) to lick one's fingers
opeči si pŕste (figurativno) to burn one's fingers, to singe one's feathers
pokazati s pŕstom na to point one's finger at
požugati s pŕstom to wag one's finger
okoli pŕstov oviti (figurativno) to twist (ali to wind, to wrap) someone round one's little finger
komu na pŕste stopiti to tread on someone's toes
iti po pŕstih po stopnicah navzgor to tiptoe upstairs
pogledati skozi pŕste ob... (figurativno) to connive at, to turn a blind eye to
pogledati komu skozi pŕste (figurativno) to condone someone's shortcomings
na pŕste šteti to count on one's fingers' ends (ali on the fingers)
urezati se v pŕst to cut one's finger
pŕsti me srbijo (da bi to storil) my fingers are itching (to do it)
temno je, da ne vidiš pŕsta pred nosom it is pitch-dark
znati svojo lekcijo iz malega pŕsta to have one's lesson at one's fingertips - pŕstan ring
pŕstan z diamantom diamond ring
pŕstan z dragulji ring fitted (ali mounted) in diamonds
poročni pŕstan wedding ring
zaročni pŕstan engagement ring
zlat pŕstan gold ring
etui za pŕstan ring-case
natakniti si pŕstan na prst to put a ring on
izmenjati pŕstane to exchange rings
nositi pŕstan to wear a ring - prtljážnica left-luggage office; (v letalu) luggage compartment
deponirati kovček v prtljážnici to deposit a suitcase in the left-luggage office - psíček (little) doggie; pup, puppy; pet dog; (ščenè) cur
odplaziti se kot tepen psíček to slink away like a beaten cur - ptíca ptič bird; (samec) cock bird, (samica) hen bird
divja ptíca, ptič wild fowl
ptíca, ptič pevka singing bird
rajska ptíca, ptič bird of paradise
ptíca, ptič roparica bird of prey
ptíca, ptič selivka bird of passage, migratory bird
vodna ptíca, ptič water bird, water fowl
lov na ptíce birdcatching, fowling
ptíca, ptič znanilka nesreče bird of ill omen
reja ptíc breeding of birds
nauk o ptícah ornithology
puška za lov na ptíce fowling piece
to (ti) je čuden ptíc! (figurativno) he's a bad lot! (ali a queer lot!)
ptič je odletel the bird is flown
živeti kot ptič na veji (figurativno) to live in clover, pogovorno to live the life of Riley
ptiči istega perja skupaj letijo (figurativno) birds of a feather flock together
stalna pot ptíc selilk flyway - púč politika putsch; coup d'état
napraviti púč to carry out a putsch - púliti to pull, to pluck
púliti se za kaj to care for something, to be concerned about something, to be keen on something
za to se ne pulim I don't care for it
kar pulijo se za to blago there is a great demand for these goods - púnt revolt; rebellion; mutiny; insurrection, sedition
izzvati púnt to stir up a revolt - purán zoologija turkey cock, turkey
rdeč kot purán red as a turkey - púst -a, -o desolate, waste, deserted; dreary; (kraj) bleak; flat; (nemasten) fatless; (samoten) solitary; (neobdelan) uncultivated; (zapuščen) abandoned, forsaken, forlorn; (razseljen) depopulated; (brez okusa) insipid, tasteless
púst, -a, -o predel dežele a desolate stretch of country - pustíti (dopustiti) to allow, to permit, to suffer, to yield, not to mind, not to hinder; to let; (opustiti) to give up (ali over), to leave off; to desist from, to abstain from, to refrain from, to forbear; (zapustiti) to leave, to quit, to relinquish, to abandon, to forsake; (izpustiti, spustiti) to let go, to let fly, to let loose; (prenehati, nehati) to drop, to cease, to omit
pustíti delo (o delavcu) to strike, to go on strike, to come out (on strike)
ne pustíti not to allow, not to permit, not to suffer (ali tolerate), to prevent, to hinder
pustíti koga na cedilu to leave someone in the lurch, to forsake someone, to abandon someone
pusti to! leave it alone!, let it be!
pusti to meni! leave it to me!
pusti me pri miru! leave (ali let) me alone!
pusti, naj gre stvar svojo pot! let it take its course!
pusti to tu! leave that here!
pustite ga noter! let him come in!; let him in!
pustite mi, da premislim! let me think it over!
pusti vrata odprta! leave the door open!
pustimo to za prihodnjič! we will leave that for the next time!
pustite me samega! leave me alone!
pustimo to in govorimo o čem drugem! let's drop it and talk of something else!
mi lahko pustite te dokumente dan ali dva? can you let me have those documents for a day or two?
pustil se je oslepariti he let himself be taken in
pusti si časa za premislek! leave yourself time to think!
to me pusti hladnega it leaves me cold
pustil je, da so ga pretepli he let them beat him
pustíti za seboj to leave behind
moral sem pustíti denarnico doma I must have left my purse at home
pustil je vse druge tekmovalce daleč za seboj he has outdistanced (ali has outstripped) all the other competitors
pustíti si rasti brado to grow a beard
pustíti koga v negotovosti to keep (ali to hold) someone in suspense
pustíti iz vida to lose sight of
pustíti koga čakati (pol ure) to keep someone waiting (for half an hour)
pustíti komu proste roke glede... to let someone have a free hand as regards...
ne more pustíti pijače he cannot break himself of the habit of drinking
pustíti si svetovati to listen to advice
pustíti pri starem to stick to the old ways
to se mu mora pustíti you have to grant him that
pusti, da luč gorí leave the light on!
ne se pustíti videti to keep out of sight
živeti in pustíti živeti! live and let live!
ali pusti ali vzemi! take it or leave it!
pustite dve prazni vrsti! leave two lines blank (ali blank lines)!
je oče pustil kako sporočilo? has Father left a message?
računam nate, zato me ne puščaj na cedilu! I count on you, so don't let me down!
pusti, da kdo drug opravi to! (figurativno) ZDA let George do it!
pustíti stroje teči to let the engines rip
pusti te stvari, kakor so! leave these things as they are!
pustil sem, da je avto drvel s polno hitrostjo (pogovorno) I let her rip
pustíti vprašanje odprto to leave the question open - pustolóvščina adventure
iskati pustolóvščine to seek adventure
rad se spušča v pustolóvščine he likes throwing himself into hazardous undertakings
vedno je imel rad pustolóvščine he always had the spirit (ali a love) of adventure
doživel sem mnogo pustolóvščin I met with many adventures
oni radi iščejo pustolóvščine they like to go in search of adventure