prodáti prodájati to sell (komu kaj someone something, something to someone); to offer for sale; to vend; to bargain away, to dispose of; (s pogajanjem za ceno) to sell after bargaining (ali after haggling)
prodáti, prodájati na dražbi to sell at auction; (vso zalogo) to sell off; (ceneje kot drugi) to undersell (someone); (figurativno, izdati) to betray, to sell, to give away
prodáti, prodájati pod ceno to sell below price
prodáti, prodájati z dobičkom (z izgubo) to sell at a profit (at a loss)
prodáti, prodájati za gotovino (na kredit) to sell for cash (on credit)
poceni (dragó) prodáti, prodájati to sell cheap (dear ali at a high price)
prodáti, prodájati na debelo in na drobno to sell wholesale and retail
prodáti, prodájati svojo domovino to betray one's country
prodáti, prodájati pod roko to sell by private treaty (ali contract)
ta artikel se dobro prodaja this article is selling (ali sells) well
ta knjiga se dobro prodaja this book is selling (ali sells) well, this book is going well
ta knjiga se najbolje prodaja (je uspešnica) this book is a best-seller
to se prodaja za méd it is selling like wildfire (ali like hot cakes)
prodáti, prodájati za smešno, slepo ceno to sell for a song (ali dirt cheap)
ta knjiga se slabo prodaja this book is a poor seller
to blago se slabo prodaja these goods are going badly
dolgčas prodáti, prodájati (figurativno) to be bored (to tears), to feel bored
dragó prodáti, prodájati svoje življenje to sell one's life dearly
prodáti, prodájati svojo čast tu barter away one's honour
lahkó se prodajati to find a ready market
on bi srajco prodal za pijačo he would sell his shirt to buy liquor
zijala prodáti, prodájati to stand around gaping (ali pogovorno gawping), to loiter, ZDA to rubberneck
Zadetki iskanja
- producírati to produce; to manufacture; to make
producírati se (figurativno) ta show (ali to display) one's skill (oziroma knowledge) in public; to show off; to exhibit
producírati 100 strojev dnevno to produce 100 machines a day
Manchester producira večinoma bombažne tkanine Manchester produces mostly cotton fabrics - profesionálen professional
profesionálen politik a professional politician
najemati profesionálne športnike to engage professionals, to professionalize - proglás proclamation (to); manifesto
izdati proglás to issue a proclamation (ali a manifesto) - prológ prologue, ZDA prolog (k to)
uvesti s prológom to introduce with a prologue - promèt traffic; circulation; ekonomija, iztržek turnover; (poslovanje) trade, business, operations pl, financial transactions pl; communication
cestni, ulični promèt street traffic
blagovni promèt goods traffic
osebni, potniški promèt passenger traffic
mestni promèt urban transport
zračni promèt air traffic
odprt za promèt open to traffic
krožni promèt ZDA traffic circle
tujski promèt tourist trade, tourist business, tourism
enosmerni (dvosmerni) promèt one-way (two-way) traffic
ulica z enosmernim promètom one-way street
prekinitev promèta interruption (ali obstruction) of traffic
ustavitev promèta traffic hold-up
zamašitev promèta traffic congestion, traffic jam
preusmeritev promèta (obvoz) diversion, by-pass, detour
zamašen promèt bottleneck, traffic jam
odvijanje promèta easing the flow of traffic
čas močnega promèta rush hour
biti v promètu (krožiti) to circulate, to be in circulation, (denar) to be current
izročiti promètu, dati v promèt to open to traffic, (denar) to issue
vzeti iz promèta to withdraw from circulation, to call in
preusmeriti promèt to redirect, to divert (the) traffic
promèt je bil (začasno) prekinjen, ustavljen traffic was suspended
usmerjati promèt to direct (ali to regulate) the traffic
v tej ulici je mnogo promèta there is a lot of traffic in this street
promèt je bil ustavljen dve uri (the) traffic was held up for two hours
spraviti artikel v promèt to put an article on the market - propàd ruin; decay, decline; destruction; downfall; wreck
biti na robu propàda to be on the brink (ali verge) of ruin
drveti v propàd to be on the road to ruin, to be heading straight for destruction, pogovorno to be riding for a fall
še en takšen udarec bo moj propàd another blow like that will finish me off (ali will do for me), one more like that, and I'm done for (ali and it's all up with me)
povzročiti lasten propàd ta bring about one's own ruin
rešiti svoje premoženje pred propàdom to save one's estate (ali possessions) from ruin
dežela je na robu propàda the country is on the verge of ruin - propál ruined; (neuspel) failed; (trgovec) bankrupt; (obubožan) gone to the dogs
propála hiša a dilapidated (ali crumbling) house; (izprijen) depraved, debauched, immoral - proračún estimate; budget; calculation
državni proračún state budget
letni proračún annual estimates pl
približen proračún rough (ali approximate, preliminary) estimate
proračún za letalstvo the Air Estimates pl
izdelati proračún to prepare a budget
predložiti proračún to introduce a budget
predvideti v proračúnu to budget (kaj for something)
sprejeti proračún to pass a budget
uravnovesiti proračún to balance a budget - prorogácija (parlamenta) prorogation; (róka itd.) extension, prolongation
prorogácija pogodbe extension (ali prolongation) of a treaty - prosíti to ask (koga za kaj something of someone, someone for something); (vljudno) to beg, to request; to pray
milo prosíti (rotiti) to supplicate, to implore, to conjure, to beseech, to entreat, to deprecate; (pismeno) to petition, to solicit; to memorialize; (prosjačiti) to beg, to go begging, to be a beggar
prosíti za koga to plead for, to intervene for; (če nismo razumeli)
prosim? I'm sorry, what did you say?, pardon?, I beg your pardon; (odgovor na zahvalo)
prosim! don't mention it!, no trouble!, you are (quite) welcome!
prosíti kruha to ask for bread
prosíti za uslugo to ask a favour
prosim vas oproščenja (odpuščanja) I beg your pardon
prosim vas, vrnite denar! please let me have the money back!
prosíti za roko (zasnubiti dekle) to ask in marriage, to propose (to)
prosíti vse svetnike v nebesih to pray to every saint in Heaven
lepo vas prosim, napravite mi to uslugo! I beg you to do me this service!
prosim, povej mi vendar! (please) do tell me!
sedite, prosim! please take a seat! sit down, please!
vas smem prosíti za ogenj (za sol)? may I trouble you for a light (the salt)?
prosim, bodi tako dober in... be good enough (ali be so kind as) to...
prosil sem ga za to I asked it of him, I asked him for it
ne daj se prosíti! don't wait to be asked
vas smem prosíti za vaše ime? may I ask your name?
prosim za besedo! may I have leave to speak?, ZDA may I have the floor?
prosíti za dovoljenje koga to ask leave of someone
prosíti za oproščenje to excuse oneself, to apologize, to beg pardon
prosim, da mi oprostite! pardon me!, I beg your pardon!, excuse me!, I am sorry!
prosíti za službo to apply for a job (ali post), to submit an application for a post - pròst free, (na prostosti) free, at liberty, at large; (vstop) free; (brezplačen) gratuitous, free of expense; (dovoljen) permitted, allowed; (neodvisen) independent; (brez zaprek) unhindered, unobstructed, unimpeded; (brez nadzora) uncontrolled; (neprisiljen) unforced, uncompelled, unconstrained, unfettered, unconfined, unshackled; (nezasužnjen) unenslaved; (neujet) uncaught; (spuščen) released, freed, liberated; (nezaposlen) unengaged, unoccupied, disengaged, idle, at leisure, off duty
pròst vseh davkov exempt from all taxes (ali duties)
carine pròsto duty-free, free of duty
pròsta sobota Saturday off, free Saturday
pròst dan an off day, a day off
pròst službe off duty, off work
pròsti čas spare time, leisure hours pl, leisure
pròsta luka free port
pròst prehod free pass
pròsto službeno mesto vacancy
pròst predmet (v šoli) optional subject
pròst vseh skrbi free from all cares
poštnine pròsto prepaid, postpaid, (paket) carriage-paid
pròst prevod free (ali not literal) translation
pròsti pad fizika free fall
pròsti stil (plavanja) free-style (swimming)
pròsti strel šport, nogomet free kick
pròsta rokoborba catch-as-catch-can, all-in wrestling
pròsta trgovina free trade
pròste vaje gymnastic exercises pl, callisthenics pl
pròsta vstopnica free (ali complimentary) ticket
pròst izvod (za avtorja) author's (free) copy, gratis copy, (reklamni) free copy, free specimen, (za knjigarnarja) odd copy
prosto! (= naprej!, vstopite!) come in!, step in!
na prostem in the open air, outdoor, out of doors
plavalni bazen na pròstem open-air swimming pool
s pròstim očesom with the naked eye
v pròsti prodaji off rations, unrationed
vstop pròst! admission free!
prosto za pristanek! aeronavtika cleared for approach!
ob sobotah sem pròst I am free on Saturdays
ste pròsti jutri? are you free tomorrow?
ste pròsti? (taksistu) are you free?, you're not engaged, are you?
nobenega pròstega sedeža ni več bilo there wasn't a single seat left
brž ko bom pròst, vas obiščem as soon as I am free (ali through), I shall call on you
dati prost dan to give someone a day off
na pròsto vam je dano, da se lahko pritožite you are free (ali at liberty) to complain, it's up to you whether or not you complain
vsak teden imam en pròst dan I have a day off every week
dobiti pròst dan to get a day off
jutri bomo imeli pròsto we shall have a day off (ali a free day) tomorrow
imeti pròst dostop do koga to have free access to someone
imate kaj pròstih sob? have you any rooms unoccupied (ali free, available)?
imeti pròsto hrano in stanovanje to have free board and lodging
nimam nič pròstega časa I haven't any time to spare
imeti mnogo pròstega časa to have much time to spare
imeti pròste roke to have a free hand, to have full power
ne imeti pròste minute zase not to have a spare moment for oneself
prenočiti na pròstem to camp out
voziti kolo po klancu navzdol v pròstem teku to freewheel (ali to coast) down a hill
dati pròst polet svoji fantaziji to give one's fancy full scope - prosták (vojak) VB private; private soldier; ranker; ZDA GI
prostáki vojska the ranks pl; (prostaška oseba) boor, lout; a coarse (ali common, vulgar, low, mean, rude, boorish, ill-bred, uncivil) fellow - próstor room; space; (sedež) seat; (razstavni) site; (površina) area; (področje) tract, region
próstor! make way!, give way!, clear the way!
brezzračni próstor vacuum
življenjski próstor living space
zaradi pomanjkanja próstora for lack of space
trgovski próstori business premises pl
društveni próstori a society's premises
ni več próstora there is no room left
próstora je za vse there is room for all
vsi próstori so zasedeni all the places are taken
napraviti próstor za koga to make room for someone, to clear the way for someone
rezervirati próstor to book a seat
niti toliko próstora ni, da bi se človek obrnil there's not room enough to swing a cat
potreben bi bil mnogo večji prostor, kot (pa) je na voljo it would require much more space than is available here (ali than you've got here)
omejenost, pičlost próstora shortage of space
kazenski próstor šport penalty area - prostornína (cubic) content; volume
prostornína soda the volume of a cask; (ladijska) tonnage
prostornína krogle the volume of a sphere - prostovóljen freewill, voluntary; spontaneous
prostovóljno delo voluntary work
prostovóljna izjava (priznanje) a voluntary statement (confession)
prostovóljna vojaška služba voluntary military service - prostovóljno voluntarily; of one's own accord (ali will, free will)
prostovóljno je prišel he came of his own accord (ali will, free will)
prostovóljno se (pri)javiti za to volunteer one's services for
prostovóljno se predati to make a voluntary surrender - prôšnja (ustna) request, asking, arhaično instance; (ponižna) entreaty, supplication, appeal; (vljudna) solicitation; (nadlegovanje) importunity, badgering, pestering; (pismena) written application, petition, memorandum, arhaično memorial; demand; suit; (za oproščenje) apology
na prôšnjo at the request
na mojo prôšnjo at my request (ali arhaično instance)
na lastno prôšnjo at one's own request
nujna prôšnja urgent request
na splošno prôšnjo by public request
prôšnja za pomoč an appeal for help
prôšnja za pomilostitev plea for clemency
imam neko prôšnjo do vas I have a request to make of you, I have a favour to ask of you
napraviti prôšnjo na koga to petition someone
sestaviti prôšnjo to draw up a petition
odbiti, (zavrniti) prôšnjo to refuse (to reject) a request (oziroma an application)
prôšnje se sprejemajo do 31. 12. applications should be received not later than 31 December
ugoditi prôšnji to grant a request, to comply with someone's request
vložiti prôšnjo to file a petition, to lodge an application, to put in an application; to submit a memo (pri to) - protékcija (prednost) favouritism, discrimination in favour (of), partiality (for, to); backstairs influence, pull
ne želim (ne potrebujem) protékcije I want no favours
on mora uživati veliko protékcijo he must have a friend at court - protést protest; remonstration; (redko) protestation
kot v protést proti as a (ali in) protest against
protésti niso nič zalegli protests were in vain
vložiti oster protést to file a strong protest
vložiti protést proti... to lodge (to make, to enter) a protest against...
vložiti protést pri Združenih Narodih to file a protest with the United Nations