grád (fevdalen, utrjen) castle; (kraljev, knežji) palace; castle; (graščina) manor; (podeželski) country seat
grádovi na reki Loire Loire-valley chateaus (ali chateaux), chateaus on the Loire
Versajski grád the palace of Versailles
zidanje grádov v oblake (figurativno) wishful thinking; building (of) castles in the air
obljubljati komu zlate grádove to promise someone the earth
sesuti se kot grád iz kart to collapse like a house of cards
zidati grádove v oblake to build castles in the air (ali in Spain)
ne zidaj grádov v oblake! don't count your chickens before they're hatched!, arhaično sell not the bear's skin before you have caught the bear
Zadetki iskanja
- gradnja building; construction; erection; making
v gradnji under construction
hiša v gradnji house in course of construction
ministrstvo za javne gradnje VB Ministry of public Buildings and Works
gradnja železnice the building of a railway
biti v gradnji to be under construction - gramofón gramophone; ZDA phonograph, victrola
električni gramofón record player
prenosen gramofón (v kovčku) portable (gramophome)
radio z gramofónom radiogram - gréh sin (zoper, proti, do against), (majhen) peccadillo; offence; offence
brez gréha sinless
Adamov gréh Adam's sin, the Fall
izvirni gréh original sin
mali gréh venial sin
smrtni gréh mortal sin
sedem smrtnih gréhov the seven deadly sins
mladostni gréh youthful sin
mutasti gréh sodomy
storiti gréh to commit a sin
trpeti za tuje gréhe to be a scapegoat
to je gréh in sramota it is a sin and a shame
izpoved gréhov confession of sins
odpuščanje gréhov forgiveness (ali remission) of sins, absolution
odkrivati stare gréhe kake osebe to rake up someone's past
padati v isti gréh to relapse into sin, to backslide
odpustiti gréhe to remit someone's sins
zabresti v gréh to slide into sin
zakriviti gréh to commit a sin
grd kot smrten gréh ugly as sin - grélen warming
grélna steklenica hot-water bottle; foot-warmer
grélna ponev arhaično warming pan
grélne cevi (v vagonu) hot-water pipes pl
grélna blazin(ic)a electric blanket - grenák bitter; (bolečina itd.) bitter, keen, sharp, poignant
grenka izguba a bitter loss
do grenkega konca to the bitter end
grenka sol Epsom salts
grenke solze salt tears
to je grenka pilula (figurativno) it's a bitter pill
pogoltniti grenko pilulo to swallow a bitter pill
imeti gren okus v ustih to have a bitter taste in the mouth
točiti grenke solze to weep (ali to shed) bitter tears, to weep bitterly - gríža medicina dysentery
amebna gríža amoebic dysentery
krvava gríža arhaično bloody flux; veterina scour pl (s konstr. v sg ali pl); geologija talus - gŕlo anatomija throat; (steklenice) neck; gorge, gullet
vnetje gŕla tonsillitis, quinsy
kronično vnetje gŕla arhaično clergyman's throat
gŕlo me boli I have a sore throat
imeti suho gŕlo (figurativno) to have a cobweb in one's throat
ozko gŕlo (figurativno, pogovorno) bottleneck
kričati, vpiti na vse gŕlo to shout (knjižno to cry, to cry out) at the top of one's voice, pogovorno to cry blue murder
nastaviti komu nož na gŕlo to put a knife to someone' throat
pognati po gŕlu (izpiti) to knock it back
glas mi je zastal v gŕlu I had a lump in my throat
besede so mi obtičale v gŕlu the words stuck in my throat
peti na vse gŕlo to sing at the top of one's voice
prerezati gŕlo komu to cut someone's throat
na vse gŕlo se smejati to roar with laughter
sit sem tega do gŕla I am sick and tired of that, I am bored to death (ali to tears) with that, I'm fed up to the back teeth with that, ZDA pogovorno it's coming out of my ears, it bores the pants off me
do gŕla sem vsega sit I've had a bellyful, žargon I'm absolutely cheesed off - gŕm shrub; bush
kaj je za gŕmom? (figurativno) what's round the corner?
v tem gŕmu tiči zajec (figurativno) there's the rub, that is where the shoe pinches - grméti to thunder; to rumble; to roar; to boom
grmí it thunders
pošteno je grmelo it thundered a great deal
grméti proti (figurativno) to thunder against, to fulminate against, to bluster against, to inveigh against, to storm at
grméti z grožnjami to thunder threats against
v dvorani je kar grmelo od ploskanja there was thunderous applause in the hall - grób -a, -o (surov) brutal; (osoren) bluff; gruff; (vedenje) rude, unmannerly, ill-bred; (neotesan) unpolished, boorish, uncouth, vulgar, churlish; (tkanina) coarse, rough, thick
v grób, -a, -oem stanju in a rough state
z grób, -a, -oim glasom in a rough voice
grób, -a, -oo obdelan rough and ready
grób, -a, -o glas gruff voice
grób, -a, -oa dela, grób, -a, -oo delo rough work, drudgery
ženska za grób, -a, -oa dela charwomam, pl -women, pogovorno char, evfemizem cleaning lady
grób, -a, -oo (prostaško) govorjenje rude (ali vulgar) language
grób, -a, -oo ravnati s kom to illtreat someone, to maltreat someone, to handle someone roughly, to manhandle someone
grób, -a, -oó igrati šport to play rough - gròb grave; tomb; burial place; (zidan) sepulchre; figurativno death, destruction
gròb neznanega junaka grave of the Unknown Soldier
masovni, množični gròb mass grave
sveti gròb religija the Holy Sepulchre
do gròba (figurativno) till death
onstran gròba beyond the grave
skupni gròb a pauper's grave
z eno nogo v gròbu (figurativno) at death's door, with one foot in the grave
od zibelke do gròba from the cradle to the grave
zanemarjen, negovan gròb neglected (ali unkept) grave
položitev v gròb burial, interment; (redko) inhumation, sepulture
biti v gròbu to be dead
biti z eno nogo v gròbu to have one foot in the grave
kopati gròb to dig a grave
odkopati, vzeti iz gròba to exhume
molčati kot gròb to be silent (ali secret) as the grave
on bi se obrnil v gròbu... he would turn in his grave
dovolj hudó, da bi se človek še v gròbu obrnil enough to make someone turn in his grave
položiti v gròb to bury, to inter, (redko) to inhume
spraviti koga v gròb to cause someone's death
v gròb me boš spravil! (figurativno) you will be the death of me!
spremiti do gròba to attend someone's funeral
govor na, ob gròbu funeral oration - grôza dismay, horror, dread, creeps pl
občutek grôze creeping sensation
v mojo grôzo to my dismay, to my horror
navdan z grôzo, prevzet od grôze seized with horror; horror-stricken, horror-struck
grôza me je (ob) I shudder (at), it makes my flesh creep, my blood runs cold, it gives me a creepy feeling, it gives me the creeps (ali the horrors)
grôza me je tega that is what I dread most of all, that is my nightmare
navda(ja)ti z grôzo koga to give someone the creeps
to me je navdalo z grôzo it gave me the horrors
odskočiti v grôzi to recoil in horror
strah in grôza zločincev the terror of criminals (ali evildoers) - grúpa group; gang; team
v grúpah in groups - gúba (splošno) fold; (v obleki) fold, plait, pleat, (na hlačah) crease; geologija fault; (na obrazu) wrinkle
brez gúb without folds; unwrinkled
od starosti v dve gúbe bent with age
hoditi v dve gúbe to walk with a stoop
delati gúbe to crease, to pucker; to wrinkle
zgladiti gúbe to smooth the folds - gubíti to lose
gubíti čas to waste one's time
gubíti čas in trud to waste one's time and trouble (ali pains)
da ne gubimo časa to save time
on ne gubí časa! he doesn't let the grass grow under his feet!
gubíti se v množici to be lost in the crowd
vrh gore se je gubil v oblakih the top of the mountain was lost to sight in the clouds - gúgati to swing; to rock
gúgati se to rock
miza se guga the table is rocking
gugati v (gugalnem) stolu to rock in a (rocking) chair
otroci so se gugali na vrtu the children were playing on the swing(s) in the garden - gúmbnica buttonhole
cvetlica v gúmbnici buttonhole - harmoníja harmony; concord; consonance; (med deli celote) harmony, concordance, congruence
živeli so v popolni harmoníji they lived in perfect harmony - híba (napaka) defect; fault; (telesna) deformity
híba v izolaciji elektrika a fault in insulation
najti híbo pri to find fault with