noséčnost pregnancy; (time of) gestation; pregnant state
biti v visoki noséčnosti to be in an advanced state of pregnancy
biti v petem mesecu noséčnosti to be five months pregnant
Zadetki iskanja
- občutljív touchy; sensitive (za mraz to cold); tender; arhaično sensible
občutljíva koža, noga tender skin, foot
občutljívo mesto tender spot
občutljíva tehtnica sensitive scales pl
občutljív je za svoj ugled he is touchy about his reputation
dotaknil sem se ga na občutljívem mestu I touched him on a sore (ali tender) spot
biti preveč občutljív to be too impressionable, too softhearted - obdolžèn charged; accused; inculpated; arraigned
obdolžèn umora charged with murder
biti obdolžèn česa to be charged (with a crime) - obéšen hung; (človek) hanged; (svetilka na stropu) suspended; hanging down
biti obéšen to hang, to be suspended, (na kavlju) to be hooked
biti obéšen (o človeku) žargon to be strung up, to earn the wages of sin - obísk visit; call; (prisotnost) attendance; (oseba) visitor, company
dan obiskov visiting day
ure obiskov visiting hours pl, at home
zelo kratek obísk a flying visit
državni obísk state visit
nastopni obísk first visit
vljudnostni obísk duty call
službeni obísk formal call
poslovilni obísk farewell visit
prijateljski obísk informal call; goodwill visit
obísk bolnikov visit to (ali visiting of) patients
letni poprečni obísk average annual attendance
biti na obísku to be on a visit
biti pri kom na obísku to be calling on someone
delati obíske (o zdravniku) to make (ali to do, to go) one's rounds (z avtom by car)
sem le na obísku tu I am only a visitor here
sestra je na obísku pri teti my sister is on a visit to her aunt('s)
imeti obísk to have visitors
imamo vedno mnogo obískov we always have a lot of visitors
danes sem imel mnogo obískov today I have had many calls (ali many callers)
napraviti kratek obísk to pay a call, to drop in, (pri kom) to pay someone a flying visit
vrniti obísk komu to return someone's visit (ali someone's call)
priti na obísk to pay a visit (h komu to someone), to call (up)on someone, to come to see someone - oblást (uradna) authority, (sodna) jurisdiction; (moč) power, might; the powers that be; (absolutna) absolutism, despotism; (najvišja) sovereignty; (gospostvo) dominion, rule, sway
na oblásti in power
ki ima oblást put in charge (of), set in authority
civilna in vojaška oblást civil and military authorities
državna oblást state authority
neomejena oblást absolute power
posvetna oblást secular arm
tuja oblást alien rule
zakonodajna oblást legislative power
borba za oblást struggle for power
oblást nad samim seboj self-possession
prevzem oblásti assumption (ali seizure) of power
prisvojitev oblásti usurpation of power
pohlep po oblásti greed for power
biti na oblásti to be in power
biti v oblásti koga to be in someone's power
vsa oblást je v rokah ljudstva all power is vested in the people (izvira iz oblásti all power derives from the people)
imeti oblást to be in authority, to carry authority
imeti v oblásti to have command of, to be master of
ne imeti oblásti to be without authority
imeti se v oblásti to have self-control, to be master of oneself, to be in control (ali command) of one's feelings
to ni v moji oblásti that's beyond my power
ni v moji oblásti, da... it is not in my power to...
imeti koga v oblásti to have someone in one's power
izgubil je oblást nad seboj he lost his self-control
ivajati oblást nad to exercise (ali to wield) power (ali authority) over
polastiti se oblásti to seize power
prevzeti oblást to assume (ali to take over) power
priti na oblást to come to power
priti pod pristojnost sodne oblásti to come under the jurisdiction (of) - obléčen dressed; attired; clad (v in); robed; accoutred
dobro obléčen well-dressed, well-clad
borno, revno obléčen ill-clad, poorly clad
napol obléčen half dressed, half-clad
nemarno obléčen slovenly, slatternly
okusno obléčen smartly dressed
prav malo obléčen hardly dressed, half-dressed
tiptop obléčen dressed up to the nines
svečano obléčen in fine feathers, humoristično in full fig
biti obléčen kot iz škatlice to be impeccably turned out
ona je obléčena v črnem she is in mourning
najbolje obléčeni moški v Londonu the best turned-out man in London
bila je elegantno obléčena she was beautifully turned out
biti praznično, nedeljsko obléčen to be in one's Sunday best - obložèn
obložèn jezik furred tongue
obložèn kruhek sandwich
biti obložèn z to be laden with - obràt turn; turning-point; inversion; revolution
obràt na slabše a turn for the worse
poletni sončni obràt summer solstice, midsummer
zimski sončni obràt winter solstice, midwinter
poln obràt vojska about turn
200 obràtov v minuti 200 revolutions (in) a minute; (obratovanje) work, operation; workshop, factory, plant
industrijski obràt industrial plant
v obràtu working, at work
prekinitev obràta stoppage
(začasna) ustavitev obràta (temporary) shutdown
v polnem obràtu in full operation, pogovorno in full swing
biti v obràtu to be in operation, to work, to be working - obŕnjen inverted; inverse
na glavo obŕnjen turned upside down, topsy-turvy
biti obŕnjen proti jugu to face south
obŕnjen besedni red gramatika inversion - obtók circulation; currency
krvni obtók circulation of the blood
obtók bankovcev circulation of bank notes
dati v obtók to put into circulation, (bankovce) to issue
biti v obtóku to be in circulation
vzeti iz obtóka to withdraw from circulation - obtóžen accused; arraigned; charged with; pravo respondent
obtóžna klop dock
obtóžena stranka the accused
biti obtóžen to stand accused - obúpen desperate, hopeless, past hope
moj položaj je obúpen my position is hopeless (ali desperate)
biti v obúpnem stanju to be in a hopeless situation - obút shod; booted
biti dobro obút to be well-shod
on še ni obút (se še ni obul) he has not yet put on his shoes
obuti maček puss in boots - obveščèn informed, notified, apprised (o of)
biti obveščèn o čem to be apprised of something - očáran charmed; fascinated, spellbound; captivated; under a spell; enchanted; bewitched
biti očáran to be enchanted (nad kom with someone), nad čem at something
ves očáran pogovorno smitten (od with) - odbór committee; board; council
izvršni odbór the executive (committee)
posebni odbór select committee
stalni odbór standing committee
parlamentarni odbór parliamentary committee
nadzorni odbór supervisory committee
posvetovalni odbór advisory committee
upravni odbór managing committee
član odbóra member of a committee, committee member, committeeman
on je v odbóru he is on the committee
biti član odbóra to sit on a committee - odgovárjati to answer, to reply
odgovárjati za kaj (biti odgovoren) to be responsible for something
jaz naj pa odgovarjam! (ironično) I'm left holding the baby, I'm left to carry the can - odgóvor answer; reply; response; (redko) return
kot odgóvor na in reply to, in answer to, in response to
duhovit, odrezav odgóvor repartee
oster odgóvor retort, rejoinder
skorajšen odgóvor an early answer
odgóvor z obratno pošto an answer by return (of post)
izmikajoč se odgóvor evasive answer
pritrdilen (nikalen) odgóvor answer in the affirmative (in the negative)
dvoumen odgóvor an equivocal reply
jasen odgóvor a definite answer
odklonilen odgóvor refusal
plačan odgóvor (pri brzojavki) reply-paid (telegram)
dopisnica s plačanim odgóvorom (postal) reply card
brez odgóvora unanswered
plačan odgóvor reply paid
pričakujoč hiter odgóvor awaiting a speedy reply
prosimo za skorajšen odgóvor an early reply will oblige
prosimo za odgóvor the favour of an answer is requested
biti v zadregi za odgóvor to be stumped for an answer
na moj ugovor ni našel odgóvora he could find no answer to my objection
potreben je takojšen odgóvor an immediate reply is necessary
na vse imeti odgóvor to have an answer for everything, never to be at a loss for (ali to be short of) an answer
prosimo čimprejšnji odgóvor please answer by return
nobenega odgóvora ne dobiti, ostati brez odgóvora to get no reply (ali acknowledgment)
ne ostati dolžan odgóvora never to be at a loss for an answer
dajati odgóvor to render an account
(po)klicati koga na odgóvor to call someone to account
na to ne vem odgóvora this I cannot explain - odgovóren responsible; answerable (za for); accountable (to); chargeable
odgovórno mesto responsible position, post involving responsibility
odgovóren za škodo liable for damages
biti odgovóren za to be answerable for, to answer for, to be accountable for, to be liable for; to incur responsibility for
za to nisem odgovóren I am not accountable for that