
Zadetki iskanja

  • prešíniti to pervade; to penetrate

    prešinila me je misel a thought occurred to me, I suddenly realised (that...)
  • pretakníti (prebrskati) (vso hišo) to search, to ransack, to rummage

    pretakníti gozd to beat a wood
  • pretéhtati to weigh up (in the mind), to deliberate; to reflect on, to take into consideration; to ponder (on, over); to consider

    pretéhtati v roki to weigh in one's hand
    pretéhtati svoje besede to ponder one's words, to weigh one's words
    pretéhtati na tehtnici to weigh on scales
    če vse pretehtamo all things considered
    dobro pretehtano dejanje a considered action
  • pretèk expiry, expiration, lapse; (preobilica) superabundance, plenty, profusion, exuberance, superfluity

    po pretèku after the expiry (of)
    po pretèku treh let after the lapse of three years
    na pretèk more than enough, enough and to spare, in abundance
    on ima denarja na pretèk he has plenty of money, he has money to spare
    biti na pretèk to exist in abundance
    imeti na pretèk (česa) to have more than enough, to have a surplus, to superabound (in, with)
  • pretéklost past, past time; past history; former (ali past) times pl; (davna) ancient times pl, past ages pl, bygone years pl, time of yore, hoary antiquity

    v pretéklosti in the past
    dobra, neoporečna (slaba) osebna pretéklost good, irreproachable (bad) record
    burna (osebna) pretéklost chequered career
    osebna pretéklost (življenje) past, career, antecedents pl
    pogled, gledanje v pretéklost retrospection
    imeti burno pretéklost to have a turbulent (ali chequered) past
    čisto, neoporečno pretéklost (figurativno) to have a clean slate
    ne poznam njegove pretéklosti I do not know his past
  • pretípkati to type, to typewrite

    pretípkati rokopis v štirih izvodih to type out a manuscript in four copies
    pretípkati napačno črko to type over a wrong letter
    pretípkati s črko iks to cross out
  • pretíran exaggerated; excessive; (nezmeren) immoderate

    pretíran a cena exorbitant price
  • pretíti to threaten (z with); to menace

    dež pretí there is a threat of rain
    nebo preti z nevihto the sky threatens a storm
    zgradbi preti zrušenje the building threatens to collapse
    pretili so nam s kaznijo they threatened us with punishment
    pretil mi je z revolverjem he menaced me with his revolver
    slabo vreme preti the weather looks threatening
  • prétnja threat (z of), menace (komu to someone)

    prétnja z vojno threat of war
    prétnja míru threat to peace
    prazne prétnje idle threats pl
    izreči prétnjo proti komu to utter a threat against someone
  • pretólči to break through; to pierce

    pretólči koga to give someone a good hiding ali thrashing, to beat someone black and blue; (preživeti) to last out, to survive
    pretólči se to force one's way through, to break through; figurativno to make both ends meet
  • pretrésati pretrésti (kaj) to debate, to discuss (something)

    pretrésati, pretrésti pravni primer to argue a case
    pretreslo me je, ko... I was shocked when... ➞ pretresti
  • pretrésti ➞ pretresati; (ganiti) to shock, to affect (ali to move) deeply; to stir; to thrill

    prizor, ki bi te pretresel a sight that would shock you
    bila je pretresena, ko ga je videla tako bledega in shujšanega she was socked to see him so pale and thin
    pretrésti vprašanje to discuss (ali to debate, to examine) a question
  • pretrpéti to suffer, to endure, to undergo, to stand, to bear, to sustain; to experience

    pretrpéti izgubo to suffer loss
    pretrpéti operacijo to undergo an operation
    pretrpéti bolečino (prenesti) to stand pain
    pretrpéti škodo to suffer damage
    mnogo je pretrpel (figurativno) he has been through the mill, he has undergone many trials, he has had a hard time
  • pretvéza pretext; feint; pretence, ZDA pretense

    pod pretvézo under the pretext (of), under the pretence (of), under the guise (of)
    pod pretvézo da pomaga, je v resnici metal polena pod noge while pretending to help he was really hindering
    pretvézo je vedno lahkó najti (figurativno) it is easy to find a stick to beat a dog
    z lažnimi pretvézami under false pretences
  • preudáriti to consider; to think over, to think through

    če vse preudarimo all things considered
    dobro preudarjeno dejanje a well thought out (course of) action
  • prevéjan cunning, crafty, wily, sly

    on je prevéjan he is a sly dog (ali a knowing one, a deep one)
  • prevídeti (spoznati) to see, to realise; (slutiti) to foresee

    prevídeti bolnika religija to administer extreme unction to a sick person
  • prevódnik fizika conductor

    dober prevódnik toplote a good conductor of heat
  • prevôzen transportable

    prevôzno dovoljenje transit licence (ali permit)
    prevôzno sredstvo vehicle, conveyance
    javno prevôzno sredstvo common carrier
    prevôzni stroški transport (ali transportation) charges pl, carriage, haulage, (železniški) freight, (z vozom) cartage
    bolnik ni prevôzen the sick person is not in a state to be removed
    prevôzno letalo transport (ali freight) aircraft, freighter, ZDA cargo (air)plane, carrier (ali transport) plane, ZDA žargon sky truck, vojska troop carrier
  • prevrníti to overthrow, to overturn, to upset, to turn upside down; (na bok) to tip over, to topple over; (čoln) to capsize

    prevrníti steklenico to knock over a bottle
    prevrníti se to be upset (ali overturned); to topple, to tumble; to capsize