premostíti to bridge; figurativno to surmount, to overcome
premostíti reko to throw a bridge across a river
premostíti težavo (zapreko) to surmount a difficulty (an obstacle)
Zadetki iskanja
- premostítven
premostítveni dan working day taken in as a holiday between two holidays
prakticirati premostítveni dan to stretch out a holiday by taking in the working day(s) between a public holiday and a Sunday
premostítveno posojilo bridging loan - premóžen well-to-do; wealthy; well-off; rich; moneyed
on ni premóžen he isn't well-off
premóžen človek a man of means - premráziti to chill
premráziti se to catch a chill; to catch cold - prenágel overhasty; rash; (predrzen, vratolomen) reckless, foolhardy, headlong
prenágla obljuba (odločitev) a rash promise (decision) - prenágljen rash, overhasty, precipitate
biti prenágljen to be overhasty
prenágljen korak a rash step
prenágljeno dejanje precipitate action
bilo bi prenágljeno... it would be rash to... - prenapólnjen overfilled; crammed, cram-full, filled up, congested; (z ljudmi) overcrowded, packed (ali full) to overflowing; packed (like sardines), jammed
prenapólnjen (prezaložen) trg a glut in the market; (z blagom) overstocked, oversupplied, flooded with - prenaredíti to remake; to alter; to transform (v into); to rebuild; to re-form
prenaredíti prstan to alter a ring - prenéhati to stop (s čim sth, doing something); to cease, to finish; to desist (s, z from, from doing)
prenéhati s kajenjem to stop smoking
prenéhati z ognjem vojska to cease fire
prenéhati z naročnino časopisa to stop taking (ali to discontinue) a newspaper
prenéhati s plačevanjem to stop (ali to cease) payment
prenéhati z delom (ustaviti delo) to stop (ali to cease) work
prenéhati s čim (napraviti konec čemu) to bring something to a stop, to put a stop to something
prenehaj vendar s tem ropotom! do stop that noise! - prenêsti to transport, to transmit; to carry over; to transfer (z... na from... to), to turn over to; (pretrpeti) to bear, to stand
prenesèn pomen figurative sense
prenesel je posle na svojega družabnika he has turned the business over to his partner
veliko prenêsti (figurativno) to have a strong back - preobložèn overloaded
preobložèn sem z delom I am overworked, I have (ali pogovorno I've got) a lot on my plate - preokrèt turning point; change; (nenaden, čustev itd.) revulsion
preokrèt v politiki reversal of policy, v mnenju of opinion
v bolezni je nastopil preokrèt the disease has reached a turning point - prepád precipice, abyss; gulf; pesniško abysm; figurativno ruin
na robu prepáda on the brink of a precipice
dežela je na robu prepáda the country is on the brink of ruin
stal je na robu prepáda he stood on the edge of the precipice
prepád med razvitimi in nerazvitimi deželami the gulf between developed and undeveloped nations - prepelíca zoologija quail
prepelíčji of a quail - prepéti2 (prepojem) to sing; to spend time singing; to outsing, to sing louder than
prepéti pesem to sing a song - prepíh draught; current of air
prepíh je there is a draught here
ne stoj na prepíhu! do not stand in the draught! - prepír quarrel, altercation, conflict, wrangle, row, squabble; (pričkanje) bickering, dispute
za prepír je treba dveh it takes two to make a quarrel
imeti glasen prepír s kom to have a row with someone
biti, živeti v prepíru s kom ta be at loggerheads with someone
priti v prepír s kom to get into a quarrel, to come to words with someone
končati prepír to put an end to a dispute
iskati, izzvati prepír to seek, to pick a quarrel (s kom with someone)
začeti prepír to kick up a row, to pick a quarrel, pogovorno to tread on someone's toes (ali on someone's corns)
on vedno išče prepíra (pogovorno) he is always out for trouble (ali for a row) - prepíranje quarrelling
življenje v stalnem prepíranju a catand-dog life - prepís copy, (z indigo papirjem) carbon copy; transcript; (čistopis) clean (ali fair) copy
netočen prepís an inaccurate copy
overovljen prepís certified (ali attested) copy
prepís premoženja, posestva conveyance (ali transfer) of property, of real estate
točen, dobeseden prepís exact, true copy
za točnost prepísa certified true copy
jamčim za točnost prepísa I certify this a true copy
napraviti prepís česa to make a copy of something - prepláh alarm
dati znak za prepláh to give (ali to raise, to sound) the alarm
povzročiti prepláh to cause alarm
konec prepláha all clear
prepláh na borzi a scare on the Stock Exchange
povzročiti prazen prepláh to cry wolf