razveseljív delightful, pleasant, agreeable, favourable, encouraging, pleasing; gratifying
kar je zame najbolj razveseljívo, je to, da... what pleases me most is that...
razveseljíva novica good news
pogled v prihodnost ni nič kaj razveseljív (the) prospects for the future are far from (being) cheerful
Zadetki iskanja
- razvíden evident, clear
iz tega je razvidno, da... from this it is clear that... - razvídeti to see (iz from), to learn (from), to notice, to realize; to perceive
iz priložene fakture je razvidno, da... you will notice from the attached bill (ali invoice) that...
iz tega se razvidi it appears from this - razzlogováti to divide into syllables, to syllabify, to syllabicate
ta beseda se ne da razzlogováti this word cannot be divided - rêči to say; to tell; to utter; (izraziti se) to express in words; (izjaviti) to declare; (kot priča) to depose
rêči "da" to say yes, to agree
rêči "ne" to say no (ali nay), to refuse
zopet, ponovno rêči to repeat
rêči bobu bob to call a spade a spade
rêči zbogom to say (ali to bid) goodbye (ali farewell)
na uho komu rêči to whisper in someone's ear
rêči komu svoje mnenje to give someone a piece of one's mind
rêči enkrat "da", enkrat "ne" to say and unsay
tako rekoč so to speak; as it were; as one might say; so to say
recimo, da... granted that...
recimo, da bi to bilo res... supposing (that) it were true...
kot se reče (ljudje rečejo) as the saying goes
dal mi je, reci in piši, 8 tolarjev he gave me precisely 8 tolars
rečeno, storjeno no sooner said than done, quick as thought
kratko rečeno... the long and the short of it is...
mimogrede rečeno... by the way, by the by (ali bye)
kot že rečeno as I have said already, as I said before
med nama rečeno between you and me
laže rečeno kot storjeno easier said than done
recimo let us say, say, suppose
reci odkrito! speak up (ali out)!
reci brez okolišenja! don't beat about the bush!
recimo, da je tako admitting that it is so (ali it to be so)
recimo, da je to res, kaj potem? say it were true, what then?
če lahko tako rečemo if one might put it this way
to je lepo rečeno that is nicely put
kaj naj rečem k temu? it is incredible!
ni kaj rêči o njegovi poštenosti his honesty cannot be called in question
nimam več kaj rêči I have nothing more to say
proti temu se ne da nič rêči there is nothing to be said against that
to se samó tako reče that's merely a way of putting it
on si ne da nič rêči he is deaf to all advice, he will not listen to reason
kar on reče, mora biti what he says goes
kako bi se to reklo v angleščini? how would you put that in English?
težko je rêči... it is hard to say...
ne more se rêči kdaj there is no saying when
rekli so mi, da je doma I was told that he was at home
kolikokrat sem to rekel? how often have I said (ali told you) that?
rekel sem svoje I had (ali I've had) my say, (kaj mislim) I spoke my mind
kar sem rekel, nisem oporekel I kept my word, I did not go back on my word
upravičeno lahko to rečem I could well say so
kaj bodo pa ljudje rekli (figurativno) what will people (ali they) say?
to je težavno, ali bolje rečeno, to je nemogoče it is difficult, or rather (ali knjižno nay), it is impossible
to je težavno, da ne rečem nemogoče! it is difficult, not to say impossible!
Je to res? Če ti pa rečem! Is it true? You can take my word for it!
ne vem, kaj hočeš rêči I don't follow you
kaj hočeš rêči s tem? what do you mean by that?
ravno sem hotel to rêči you have taken the words out of my mouth, it was on the tip of my tongue, I was going to say
preden sem sploh mogel kaj reči... before I could get a word out
vse še ni bilo rečeno o tem we haven't yet heard the last of it, we haven't yet got to the bottom of it - reducírati to reduce; to cut down, to diminish
reducírati osebje to reduce (ali cut down on) staff
reducírati ulomek to reduce a fraction
reducírati število služinčadi to cut down on one's domestic staff
ki se da reducírati reducible
reducírati se to reduce - rés true; truly, really, indeed, in fact
je to rés? is that true?
rés? really?, indeed?, ZDA you don't say?, is that so?
rés je, da... the truth is that...
ali ni rés? is it not so?; don't you think so?
Sestra je bolna - Res? My sister is ill - Is she?
obljubil je, da pride, in rés je prišel he promised to come, and he did come
Dobil sem pismo iz ZDA. - Res? I got a letter from the U.S.A. - Did you?
ali rés verjameš to zgodbo? do you really (ali actually) believe that story?
rés mi je žal I am truly sorry - resníca truth; arhaično sooth
v resníci in truth, in fact; in (good) sooth
gola resníca naked truth
čista resníca the very truth
neolepšana resníca unvarnished truth
sveta (božja) resníca gospel truth, God's truth
nepotvorjena resníca unadulterated truth
resníci na ljubo out of regard for the truth
vsa, polna resníca the whole (ali full, plain) truth
povedati vso resníco (figurativno) to spill the beans
grenka, neugodna resníca home truth
dokaz resníce proof of truth
brez trohice resníce without a shred of truth
zaradi resníce for the sake of truth
resníca ni prijetna truth is unpalatable
to je sveta resníc! it's God's truth!
v tem ni niti besedice resníce there is not a word of truth about it
dokazati resníco to prove (ali to establish) the truth
imeti, vzeti kaj za sveto resníco to take something for gospel
ne lepšam resníce I call a spade a spade; I don't mince words, I speak frankly
postati resníca to become reality, to be realised; to come true
izkriviti, popačiti resníco to colour (ali to stretch, to heighten) the truth, to distort (ali to mispresent, to garble) the truth
potlačiti resníco to hush something up; to suppress the truth, to keep things (ali something) dark
povedati čisto resníco to tell the plain, unvarnished truth
povedal sem mu nekaj gorkih resníc I told him some home truths
da povem resníco... to tell the truth, truth to tell...
v obraz sem mu povedal resníco I told him bluntly (ali plainly)
v brk sem mu povedal resníco I told him point-blank
prikrojiti resníco po svoje to strain the truth
zabrusiti komu resníco v obraz to fling the truth in someone's teeth
to je pačenje resníce it is a distortion of the truth
resníca je počasi prišla na dan the truth has leaked out - rešíti to save, to rescue; (osvoboditi) to deliver; to redeem; (na morju) to salvage; (nalogo itd.) to solve
rešíti svojo čast to save (oziroma to vindicate) one's honour
rešíti si kožo (figurativno) to save one's skin
rešíti se (znebiti se) koga to get rid of someone
rešíti skrivnost, problem to solve a mystery, a problem
rešíti situacijo to retrieve the situation
rešíti uganko to solve (ali to work out, to puzzle out) a riddle
rešíti komu življenje to save someone's life
rešíti svoj ugled to save one's reputation
rešil sem ga bede I saved him from utter poverty
zdravnik upa, da ga bo rešil the doctor hopes to pull him through
rešili so ga, da ni utonil he was saved from drowning
rešíti si glavo (figurativno) to save one's bacon
rešíti se to save someone, to be saved (ali rescued, delivered), to come off unscathed, to get away with a whole skin
komaj, za las se rešíti to have a narrow escape, to escape by the skin of one's teeth
reši se, kdor se more! every man for himself!, run for your lives! - riskírati to risk, (življenje) to endanger, to imperil, to jeopardize; to run the risk of, to run risks, to take risks; to venture
ničesar ne riskírati to leave nothing to chance
riskiraš, da padeš you risk a fall
riskirate, da vas okradejo you run the risk of being robbed
veliko riskírati to run great risks
riskírati življenje to risk (ali to venture) one's life
riskírati skok to risk a jump
ki vse riskira daredevil
kdor nič ne riskira, nič nima nothing venture, nothing win - rók term; time limit; appointed time; date; given time; (menice) usance
v roku (10 dni) within (10 days)
odgoditev róka respite
rók usmrtitve reprieve
po preteku róka after the expiration of a term
skrajni rók (figurativno, pogovorno) deadline
menica z dvojnim plačilnim rókom bill drawn at double usance
rók je minil (the) term has expired
podaljšati rók to extend the term
na kratek rók for a short term
določitev róka fixing of a term (ali date)
prekoračenje róka exceeding the time limit
podaljšanje róka prolongation of a term, extension of time
ob določenem róku at the stated time
brez róka (latinsko) sine die
zamuditev, zamuda róka failure to meet a term
pred rókom plačana menica anticipated bill of exchange
menica ima rók 3 mesecev the bill is payable (ali falls due) in three months' time
rók poteče danes the term expires (ali is up) today
določiti rók to fix (ali to state) a term (ali a time limit, time)
držati se dogovorjenega róka to keep (ali to observe) the term agreed upon, to meet the deadline
pustiti, da rók zapade to let a term expire - rôka hand, (do rame) arm
brez rôke handless, armless
v rôki in one's hand
pri rôki at hand, near at hand; available
od rôke do rôke from hand to hand
pod rôko (se držati) arm in arm, (kupiti) underhandedly
rôke kvišku! hands up!, stick them up!, reach!
rôke proč! hands off!
z rôko v rôki hand in hand, jointly
s sklenjenimi rôkami with clasped hands (as in prayer)
z zvezanimi rôkami in nogami bound hand and foot
rôko na srcé! hand on heart!
močna rôka strong hand
žuljava rôka a callous palm
moja desna rôka (figurativno) my second self
on je moja desna rôka he is my right-hand man
polna rôka a handful
narejen z rôko (ročno) made by hand, handmade; (posel) handiwork, manual work
od rôk (oddaljen) out of the way
praznih rôk empty-handed
na svojo rôko (figurativno) in one's own name, of one's own accord, unauthorized
risanje s prosto rôko freehand drawing
držeč se za rôke hand in hand
prekrižanih rôk with one's hands (oziroma arms) folded
z dvignjeno rôko (with) hand upraised
z rôkami uprtimi v boke akimbo
držati, imeti rôke uprte v boke to hold one's arms akimbo
iz prve rôke at first hand
ne da bi rôko premaknil hands down
boriti se z rôkami in nogami to struggle with might and main
braniti se proti čemu z rôkami in nogami to fight against something tooth and nail (ali with might and main)
dati v rôko, rôke to hand
dati komu proste rôke (da kaj naredi) to give someone a free hand (to do something)
dobiti informacije iz prve rôke to get information at first hand
dvigniti rôke to lift up one's hands
dvigniti rôke nad glavo v začudenju to throw up one's arms in astonishment
dobiti kaj v rôke (figurativno) to get hold of something
rôke križem držati to fold one's arms and do nothing, to be idle
imeti pri rôki to have at hand
imeti polne rôke dela to have one's hands full
imamo ga v rôki (figurativno) he is in our power
imeti proste rôke (figurativno) to have free play
imeti mrzle, hladne rôke to have cold hands
dati rôko komu to give one's hand to someone, (v pozdrav) to shake hands with someone
imeti položaj trdno v rôki to have the situation well in hand
iti skozi mnogo rôk to pass through many hands
iti komu na rôko to help someone; to support someone, to patronize someone, to aid someone
lomiti rôke (figurativno) to wring one's hands
to mu gre od rôk (figurativno) he is skilled (ali clever) at it
izpustiti iz rôke, iz rok to let go
posel mu ne gre od rôk he is unskilled, he is a poor worker
delo mu gre dobro izpod rôk he is a quick worker
kupiti iz prve (druge) rôke to buy new (secondhand)
mahati z rôkami to gesticulate
ne izpustiti iz rôk not to let go, (da pade) not to let go (ali to let slip)
méti si rôke to rub one's hands
nositi na rôkah koga (figurativno) to treat someone with great care, to make much of someone, to treasure someone
nosijo ga na rôkah (figurativno) he is treated with the utmost consideration, he enjoys all kinds of favours
pasti komu v rôke to fall into someone's hands
prijeti za rôko to take by the hand
ponuditi, prožiti komu rôko to give (ali to hold out) one's hand to someone, (figurativno) to lend someone a helping hand
pljuniti v rôke (figurativno) to spit on one's hands
podaj mu rôko! shake hands with him!
prodati pod rôko to sell by private bargain (ali contract, treaty)
preiti v druge rôke to change hands
prosíti za rôko to propose (to), to ask in marriage, (nenadoma, pogovorno) to pop the question
pričakati koga z odprtimi rôkami to meet someone with outstretched hands, to meet someone enthusiastically
položiti rôke na kaj to lay hands on something, to put one's hands to
položiti rôko nase (figurativno) to commit suicide
položiti rôko na srce to lay one's hand on one's heart
podati si rôke to shake hands
sprejeti ponudbo z obema rôkama to jump at an offer
prekrižati rôke to cross one's arms
stisniti komu rôko to squeeze someone's hand, (pri pozdravu) to shake hands with someone
stiskati rôko v pest to clench one's fist
stati s sklenjenimi (prekrižanimi) rôkami to stand with folded (crossed) arms
vzeti v rôke to take in hand, to undertake
zadevo bom sam vzel v rôke I will take the matter into my own hands
fanta je treba vzeti v rôke (figurativno) the boy wants taking in hand
zlomiti si rôko to break one's arm
rôko si je zlomil he broke his arm, he had his arm broken
umijem si rôke nad tem I wash my hands of it, I will not be responsible
rôka rôko umiva (figurativno) one good turn deserves another, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, fair exchange is no robbery
z obema rôkama zgrabiti priliko to jump at an opportunity
živeti iz rôk v usta (figurativno) to live from hand to mouth
bolje je vrabec v rôki kot golob na strehi (figurativno) a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush - samó only, solely, merely; but, nothing but
ne samó..., temveč tudi... not only... but also...
samó in edino simply and solely
samó trenutek, prosim! just a moment, please!
samó on he alone, no one but he, only he
samó počasi, fantje! easy, boys!
samó da... provided (that)...
samó tega ne anything but that
vse, samó ne... everything but, everything except
samó ob torkih only on Tuesdays
samó nekaj minut but a few minutes
samó to pot (tokrat) (for) this once
ne samó on, tudi ti not only he, but you too (ali also)
samó pomislite! just imagine!
samó enkrat sem ga videl I've seen him only once (ali pogovorno only the once)
samó to mislim reči I just want to say this
prijaham, samó da ti povem... I've come here simply to tell you...
gre samó še za tvoj pristanek your consent is all that is wanted
samó sreča nas lahko reši only a stroke of luck can save us
ne samó da je bedast, je tudi prevzeten he is not only stupid, but also proud
rad bi ti pomagal, samó ne vem kako I should like to help you, only I don't see how I can
samó če on ne bi toliko govoril! if only he did not talk so much
samó tole knjigo bom dal na mizo I'll just put this book on the table
samó za minuto se je ustavila, da bi govorila z Janezom she just stopped for a minute to speak to John
povej, kar imaš povedati, samó hitro! say what you have to say, only look sharp about it!
morem ga samó pohvaliti I have nothing but praise for him
samó da ne bi deževalo! let's hope it doesn't rain!
pusti me, da se samó malo odpočijem! just let me rest an instant!, pogovorno just let me get my breath back! - sánjati to dream; to see in a dream
sanjalo se mi je I dreamt
sanjal sem nekaj čudnega I had a strange dream
niti sanja se mi ne (figurativno) I have not the haziest notion
še sanja se mi ne, da bi... (daleč proč, kaj še) I would not dream of it!
to se mi še sanjalo nikoli ni that never entered my head, I never dreamt (ali thought) of such a thing
to se ti je moralo sánjati you must have dreamt it - sápa (dih) breath; exhalation; (veter) wind
brez sápe breathless
iz sápe out of breath
sápo jemajoč breathcatching, breathtaking
v isti sápi (hkrati) in the same breath
izgubiti sápo, biti ob sápo, priti ob sápo to lose one's wind, to have lost one's wind, to get short of breath
priti spet do sápe to recover one's breath, to recover one's wind, to get one's second wind
vzelo mu je sápo (figurativno) he had the wind knocked out of him
sápo vzeti, jemati to take someone's breath away, to stop someone's breath
sápo loviti to catch one's breath, to gasp (ali to pant) for breath
pusti me, da pridem do sápe! will you give me time to breathe?
ne pridem do sápe (figurativno, do oddiha) I have not a moment's leisure
zadrž(ev)ati sápo to hold (ali to bate, to catch) one's breath
ob tem mi zastane sápa (figurativno) that knocks the breath out of me
zapreti komu sápo (figurativno, osupiti) to dumbfound someone - Sáva (reka) the (river) Sava
vodo v Sávo nositi (figurativno) to carry coals to Newcastle
misliš, da sem danes po Sávi priplaval (figurativno) do you see any green in my eye?, do you think I'm still wet behind the ears?
nisem včeraj po Sávi priplaval (figurativno) I was not born yesterday - selítev migration; (iz hiše) removal; change of abode (ali of residence, of dwelling)
selítev narodov migration of people; (masovna) trek; (ponoči, ne da bi plačali stanarino) moonlight flit
doklada za selítev allowance for removal
po naši selítvi v to hišo after our removal to this house
tri selítve je isto kot požar three removals are as bad as a fire - sésti to sit down (na on); to sit oneself down; to take a seat; to seat oneself (v naslanjač in an armchair)
sésti k mizi to sit down at table
zopet sésti to resume one's seat
sésti na konja to mount (one's horse)
sésti na svoj (stalni) sedež to take one's seat
sésti na prestol to mount the throne
prisiliti koga, da sede to sit someone down - sevéda of course; certainly; indeed; sure
da, sevéda! to be sure!, yes, of course! - síla (moč) power, might; (krepkost) vigour; (potreba) necessity; (jakost) strength; (silovitost) vehemence; (nasilje) violence, force; (težava) difficulty, trouble; (prisila) compulsion, constraint, coercion; (beda) want, need, pinch; (stiska) emergency, neediness; (pritisk) pressure; (nevarnost) danger, emergency; (nuja) urgency, necessity
v síli in case of emergency (ali of need, of necessity)
s sílo by force, forcibly, with violence, by strong-arm methods
z vsemi sílami with might and main
pod sílo okoliščin, razmer under the stress of circumstances
po síli (nerad) forced, under compulsion, unwillingly, reluctantly, perforce
če je síla if need be, if need arise
to je višja síla it is a case of needs must (ali of overwhelming odds, of vis maior)
groba síla violence
konjska síla horsepower (krajšava: HP)
gonilna síla motive power
višja síla force majeure, Act of God
naravne síle natural forces, forces of nature
kopne síle vojska land forces pl
pomorske síle vojska naval forces pl, navy
pomorska síla naval power
síla (ogromno) ljudi a great number of people
enota síle unit of force
moment síle moment of a force
delovna síla manpower
politika síle power politics pl
vodna síla water (ali hydraulic) power
oborožene (vojaške) síle armed (military) forces pl
Kraljeva Zračna Sila Royal Air Force
klic v síli emergency call
izhod v síli emergency exit
biti v veliki síli (stiski) to be in great distress (ali need)
ni mu síle he is not in bad circumstances, he is doing well
ni síle (= ne mudi se) there's no hurry, it is not urgent
ni nobene síle there is no hurry
to je za sílo (= začasno) this is a makeshift, this is a stopgap, this is a temporary substitute
síla (strašno) vroče je it is extremely hot
síla ima večjo moč kot pravica might before right
napeti vse (svoje) síle to do one's utmost, to make every effort, to do one's best, to do all one can; to tax one's powers to the utmost; to use every exertion; to stir heaven and earth; to leave no stone unturned
síla kola lomi needs must when the devil drives, necessity knows no law
v síli hudič muhe žre (figurativno) drowning men catch at straws, beggars can't be choosers
(tudi) s sílo se ne da vsega doseči (figurativno) you can take a horse to the water but you can't make him drink
ukloniti se síli to give way to compulsion, to act under compulsion (ali duress)
v síli spoznaš pravega prijatelja a friend in need is a friend indeed