
Zadetki iskanja

  • úpati to hope, to cherish (ali to entertain, to harbour) hopes; (pričakovati) to expect, to look for, to look forward to, to anticipate

    úpati brez upa zmage to hope against hope
    trdno úpati to trust
    úpati na kaj to hope for
    upam, da vas bom videl v nedeljo I hope (that) I shall see you on Sunday
    upajmo na najboljše! let us hope for the best!
    upajmo na boljše čase! let us hope for better times!
    úpati je, da... it is to be hoped that...
    upam, da se otrok ni poškodoval I trust the child is not hurt
    upajmo to! let us hope so!
    nič boljšega ni úpati od njega nothing better is to be expected from him
    človek upa, dokler živi while there is life there is hope
  • úra (čas) hour; (žepna) watch; (stoječa, stenska, stolpna) clock; (namizna) timepiece

    úra budilka alarm clock
    peščena úra sand glass
    sončna úra sundial
    cerkvena úra church clock
    úra z nihalom pendulum clock
    zapestna úra wristwatch
    ladijska úra chronometer
    úra štoparica stopwatch
    policijska úra curfew
    konične úre rush hour
    huda úra thunderstorm
    učna úra lesson
    proste úre free (ali spare) hours pl
    smrtna úra the hour of death, dying hour, last hour
    v zgodnjih úrah in the small hours
    úra X vojska zero hour
    v teku ene úre, v manj kot eni úri in less than an hour, within an hour
    o úre do úre from hour to hour
    prav ob tej úri at this very hour
    po moji úri by my watch
    pol úre half an hour, a half hour
    pred pol úre half an hour ago
    5 milj na úro 5 miles per hour, 5 miles an hour
    vsake tri úre every three hours
    več kot eno úro over one hour
    ob tej úri at the present time, ZDA presently
    polni, celi 2 úri for two hours at a stretch (ali pogovorno on the trot)
    dobro úro a good hour
    ob 12. úri at 12 o'clock, at noon
    v smeri kazalca úre clockwise, (v nasprotni) anticlockwise
    jermenček za zapestno úro watch strap, strap for wristwatch; (wrist) watch band; strap (ali cord, link, expansion) band
    verižica za úro watch chain, (pri telovniku) watch guard
    kolesje úre movement of a watch
    ohišje úre clock case
    vzmet úre watch spring
    utež pri úri clock weight
    kazalec úre hand
    kazalec sončne úre gnomon
    številčnica úre dial
    tovarna úr clock factory, watch factory
    trgovina z úrami clock trade, watch trade, trade in clocks and watches
    koliko je úra? what time is it?, what's the time?, (redko) what o'clock is it
    úra je 5 it is five o'clock
    četrt na šest je it is a quarter past five
    pol šestih je it is half past five
    tri četrt na šest je it is a quarter to six
    na moji úri je tri it is three by my watch
    ob kateri úra? at what time?
    je ta úra prav? is that clock (tvoja zapestna úra your wristwatch oziroma pogovorno watch) right?
    on je točen kot úra he is as regular as clockwork
    moja úra je točna my watch keeps perfect time
    dobrih 5 úr je do mesta it's a good five hours to the town
    moja úra gre dobro my watch is a good timekeeper
    moja úra ne gre (se je ustavila, se je iztekla) my watch is not going (has stopped, isn't working)
    moja úra je pokvarjena there is something wrong with my watch
    navijte svojo úro! wind up your watch!
    moja úra je navita my watch is wound up
    úra bíje the clock strikes (oziroma is striking)
    úra bo zdajci (od)bila 11 the clock is just about to strike eleven
    úra je odbila 7 the clock has struck seven
    odbila mu je zadnja úra his last hour is come
    moja úra prehiteva my watch is fast (ali gains, is gaining)
    moja úra zaostaja my watch is slow (ali loses, is losing)
    vprašati koliko je úra to ask the time
    naravnati (regulirati) úro po... to regulate (ali to set) one's watch by...
    držati se rednih úr to keep regular hours
    letalo je doseglo poprečno 450 milj na úro the plane averaged 450 miles an hour
    dajati angleške úre (= lekcije) to give English lessons
    to úro je treba naviti this clock needs winding up (ali rewinding)
    moja úra je potrebna popravila my watch needs repairing
    razmakniti konične úre (da ni navala na avtobuse itd.) to stagger office hours
    rana úra zlata úra early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
    delati 24 úr brez prekinitve (noč in dan) to work around the clock
  • usmíljenje pity; mercy; charity; commiseration

    brez usmíljenja pitiless, merciless, unmerciful
    iz usmíljenja out of pity, (do for), out of charity
    usmíljenja vreden pitiable
    usmíljenja vredno stanje piteous state, pitiableness
    to je storil iz usmíljenja he did it out of the goodness of his heart
    on ne pozna usmíljenja he has (ali he feels) no pity
    nimam usmíljenja z njim I feel no pity for him
    pobiti brez usmíljenja to kill ruthlessly
    ne pričakujte nobenega usmíljenja od njega! do not expect any mercy from him!
    (imej, -te) usmíljenj! have a heart!
    ne imeti usmíljenja z to feel no pity for
    prositi za usmíljenje (milost) to beg for mercy
  • uspèh success (v in); film, gledališče hit, great hit, smash hit; good (ali favourable) result

    brez uspèha without success
    z uspèhom with success
    kronan z uspèhom successful; crowned with success
    beležiti uspèh to score a success
    čestitem vam k uspèhu I congratulate you on your success
    doseči uspèh to achieve success
    vojaški uspèhi military successes
    pesem je doživela velik uspèh the song was a hit
    imeti uspèh to succeed; to prove successful, to be a success, to achieve (a) success, ZDA to make good
    imeti uspèh pri čem to make a success of something, to make something a success
    izkazati se kot uspèh to turn out a success
    imeti malo uspèha to meet with little success
    imeli smo zelo slab uspèh we didn't do at all well
    gledališka igra, predstava je imela velik uspèh the play was a (great) hit, (pogovorno) the play went over big
    film je imel velik uspèh the film was a great success
    želim vam mnogo uspèha pri vašem prizadevanju I wish you much success in your efforts
    skušali so zavzeti mesto, a brez uspèha they tried without any success to take the town
    uspèh rodi uspèh, za enim uspèhom pride drugi nothing succeeds like success
  • ustavítev stop, stoppage, stopping; cessation; suspension; arrest

    brez ustavítve without a stop
    ustavítev krvnega obtoka stoppage of the circulation of the blood
    ustavítev trgovine cessation of trade
    ustavítev (cestnega) prometa traffic holdup, traffic jam
    potovanje, vožnja brez ustavítve nonstop run
    ustavítev ognja vojska ceasefire
    ustavítev sovražnosti suspension of hostilities
    ustavítev plačil stoppage (ali suspension) of payments
    delati brez ustavítve to work without a stop (ali without stopping)
  • ustávljanje stop

    brez ustávljanja without a stop
  • utrípanje pulsation; beat, beating; throb, throbbing

    brez utrípanja throbless
    utrípanje srca heartthrobs pl
  • utŕžek (odtegljaj) deduction

    brez utŕžka without deduction, no deduction
  • vál wave; (velik) billow

    brez valov (miren) waveless
    vál za válom, v zaporednih válovih wave after wave
    válu podoben wavelike
    gibanje válov undulation, wave motion
    kopanje v válovih bathing in a bath with artificial waves
    jezdec na válovih surf rider
    butanje válov surf, breaking of waves
    udarci válov pounding, crashing of waves
    greben, vrh vála crest of a wave
    vál mraza cold snap, cold spell
    vál vročine heat wave, hot spell
    igračka válov (figurativno) play of waves
    vál ogorčenja a wave of indignation
    vál stavk a wave of strikes
    dolgi (srednji, kratki) válovi radio long (medium, short) waves
    morski válovi billows pl
    majhen vál ripple, wavelet
    obalni vál breaker
    dolg vál roller
    válovi pl heavy seas pl
    penasti válovi white horses pl, whitecaps, arhaično skipper's daughters pl
    svetlobni válovi light waves pl
    zvočni válovi sound waves pl
    modulacijski vál wave of modulation
    delati, gnati válove, dvigati se v válovih to rise in waves
    válovi butajo ob skale the waves beat against the rocks
    naravnati radio na določeni vál to tune in to a certain wavelength
    dolžina vála radio wavelength
    točno na válu radio on the beam
  • valovánje rolling, roll; undulation; surge; wave motion; fluctuation

    valovánje jezne množice the surge of the angry crowd
    brez valovánja motionless, not undulating
  • védnost knowledge

    brez moje védnosti without my knowing it, without my knowledge, unbeknown (ali unbeknownst) to me
    bil je tam brez moje védnosti he was there unbeknown to me
    po moji najboljši védnosti to the best of my knowledge
    dati v védnost komu to make known to someone, to inform (ali to apprise) someone
  • ventíl valve; glasba (pri pihalih) piston

    brez ventílov valveless
    ventíl pri pnevmatiki bicikla the valve of a bicycle tyre
    varnostni ventíl safety valve, emergency valve
    zračni ventíl air valve
    opremiti z ventíli to valve
  • véra religion; faith; creed; belief; persuasion

    brez vére irreligious
    državna véra established faith
    krščanska véra Christian faith
    apostolska véra Apostles' Creed, Credo
    kriva véra heresy
    prazna véra superstition
    v dobri véri in good faith
    pri moji véri, ne! upon my word, no!
    svoboda vére religious liberty, freedom of worship
    izgubil sem véro vanj I have lost all faith in him
    izpovedovati véro to profess a religion
    omajati koga v njegovi véri to shake someone in his belief
  • vést2 conscience

    brez vésti conscienceless
    čista vést clear (ali good) conscience
    slaba vést guilty (ali bad) conscience
    z mirno vestjo with an easy conscience
    proti moji vésti contrary to my conscience
    kosmata vést elastic conscience
    glas vésti the voice of conscience
    izpraševanje vésti examination of one's conscience
    grizenje vésti twinges pl of conscience, pangs pl of remorse, qualms pl of conscience, scruples pl
    oseba, človek brez vésti conscienceless (ali unscrupulous, unconscionable, unprincipled) person
    za pomirjenje vésti for conscience(') sake
    izprašati si vést to examine one's conscience
    imeti koga na vésti to have someone on one's conscience
    imeti kosmato vést to have an easy-going conscience
    vest ga grize his conscience is bothering him
    ima dva umora na vésti he has two murders on his conscience
    ne maram imeti tega na vésti I don't want to have that on my conscience
    vést me peče I am conscience-stricken; my conscience is tormenting me (ali is giving me no peace), I am stung with remorse
    vést ga je pekla his conscience troubled him, he had qualms of conscience, he was conscience-stricken
    olajšati si vést to get something off one's conscience
    pomiriti si vést to appease (ali to soothe, to salve, to quieten) one's conscience
    z mirno véstjo lahko to storite you may do it with an easy conscience
  • véter wind, (hud) storm, gale, (šibak) breeze

    véter od zadaj following wind, tail wind
    brez vétra windless
    kot véter hitro like the wind
    proti vétru in the wind's eye, in the teeth of the wind
    na vse štiri vétrove to the four winds
    z vseh vétrov (figurativno) from the four corners of the earth
    nasproten véter contrary wind
    ugoden véter favourable (ali fair) wind
    močan véter strong (ali high) wind
    nestanoviten véter shifting (ali squally) wind
    véter od zadaj aeronavtika tail wind
    ladja brez vétra becalmed ship
    sunek vétra blast
    udarec vétra squall, blast, gust
    proti vétru, proti smeri vétra pristati aeronavtika to land upwind
    severni (vzhodni) véter north wind (east wind)
    vétru izpostavljeno mesto windy place
    razpršeni na vse (štiri) vetrove scattered to the four winds
    vetrovi medicina wind, flatulence, flatulency
    biti zaščiten pred vét om to be sheltered from the wind
    vét brije, ostro, mrzlo the wind blows cold
    vét brije čez planjavo the wind sweeps over the plain
    govoriti v vét (figurativno = zaman) to speak (ali to preach) to the winds, to talk in vain, to waste one's breath
    od kod piha vét? where (ali what direction) is the wind from?
    vét piha s severa the wind is in the north
    vét močno piha the wind is blowing hard
    pihal je močan vét there was a high wind
    vét mi je odpihnil klobuk the wind blew my hat off
    vidim, od kod vét piha (figurativno) I see how the land lies
    vem, od kod vét piha (figurativno) I know how (ali which way) the wind blows
    zapihal je drug vét (figurativno) the wind has turned
    kakor vét piha (figurativno) as the wind blows
    priti z vseh vétrov (vseh strani sveta) to come from the four corners of the earth
    ostati brez vétra (ladja) to be becalmed
    jadrati, pluti z vétrom v hrbtu to sail before the wind
    jadrati, pluti, kakor véter potegne (figurativno, obračati svoj plašč po vetru) to shift (ali to veer) with the wind
    véter potegne (nastane, se dvigne) the wind rises
    véter se je polegel the wind has fallen (ali has abated, has dropped, has died down)
    obračati plašč po vétru (figurativno) to be a turncoat, to switch sides
    ugotoviti, kako véter piha to find out how the wind blows (ali lies)
    spuščati vétrove medicina to break wind
    imeti vétrove medicina to be troubled with wind
    otroka napenjajo vétrovi medicina the baby has (ali pogovorno baby's got) wind
    vzeti komu véter iz jader (figurativno) to take the wind out of someone's sails
    kdor véter seje, vihar žanje who sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind
  • víme (kravje, kozje) udder

    brez vímena udderless
    ki ima víme uddered
  • vkŕcati to embark; to ship; to load (ali to freight) a vessel

    vkŕcati se to embark; to go on board; to take ship; (v letalo) to board a plane; (skrivaj, brez plačila) to be a stowaway
  • vlága moisture, damp, dampness; humidity; wet, wetness

    brez vláge moistureless
    odvzeti čemu vlágo to dehumidify something
    ki ne prepušča vláge dampproof
    odporen proti vlági moisture-proof
    regulator vláge humidistat, (v zraku) humidor
    izolacijska plast proti vlági damp course, damp-proof course
    zavarovanje proti vlági damp-proofing
    vlága škodi! (napis na zabojih) keep dry!
  • vlákno fibre, ZDA fiber

    brez vlaken fibreless
  • vôda water; humoristično Adam's ale

    po kopnem in po vôdi by land and by water
    po vôdi navzdol downriver, downstream
    po vôdi navzgor, proti vôdi upriver, upstream
    bistra vôda limpid (ali clear) water
    mehka (trda) vôda soft (hard) water
    sladka (morska, tekoča, mineralna, pitna) vôda fresh (salt, running ali flowing, mineral ali table, drinking) water
    termalna vôda thermal water
    talna vôda underground water
    mirujoča, stoječa vôda stagnant water, sluggish water
    slana vôda brackish water
    soda vôda soda water, aerated water
    težka vôda kemija heavy water
    kalna vôda troubled water
    filtrirana vôda filtered water
    mrzla in topla tekoča vôda cold and hot running water
    neprepusten za vôdo watertight
    curek vôde jet of water
    pomanjkanje vôde water shortage
    preskrba z vôdo water supply
    vrč za vôdo water jug, pitcher
    zdravljenje z vôdo hydropathy
    v kitajskih vôdah in Chinese waters
    to je vôda na njegov mlin (figurativno) this is grist to his mill
    saj ne gori vôda! (figurativno) there's no tearing hurry!
    polja so pod vôdo the fields are under water (ali flooded, inundated, submerged)
    daj mi malo vôde, da si umijem roke! give me some water to wash my hands with!
    iti po vôdo to fetch water
    piti mineralno vôdo (v toplicah) to take the waters
    nositi vôdo v Savo (figurativno) to carry coals to Newcastle
    plavati na vôdi to float
    naši načrti so šli po vôdi our plans went wrong
    piti viski brez vôde to drink whisky neat
    pasti v vôdo (figurativno) to come to naught, to fall through, (pogovorno) to fizzle out
    s tem pade to v vôdo (VB pogovorno) this means it's a washout, this makes it a washout
    moji načrti so padli v vôdo my plans have come to nothing
    v kalni vôdi ribariti to fish in troubled waters
    puščati vôdo (o ladji) to leak
    zadrževati vôdo (= ne urinirati) to hold one's water
    zaiti v pregloboko vôdo to go out of one's depth
    tiha vôda globoko dere (bregove podira) still waters run deep
    spustiti vôdo (urinirati) to make water