
Zadetki iskanja

  • izzívanje challenge; defiance; provocation

    pri najmanjšem izzívanju at the slightest provocation, with little provocation
    sprejeti izzívanje to accept the challenge
  • jájce egg; anatomija testicle

    mehko kuhano jájce sofboiled (ali gently boiled) egg
    trdo kuhano jájce hard-boiled egg
    gnilo jájce rotten (ali addled) egg
    ocvrto jájce fried egg
    sveže jájce fresh egg, newlaid egg
    surovo jájce raw egg
    skrknjeno jájce poached egg
    staro jájce stale egg
    umešana jájca scrambled eggs
    nadevano jájce stuffed boiled egg
    jájci na toastu žargon Adam and Eve on a raft
    jájce v prahu powdered egg
    iskati dlako v jájcu (figurativno) to split hairs
    hoditi kot po jájcih (zelo oprezno) to tread warily
    leči jájca to lay eggs
    slična sta si kot jájce jájcu they are as like as two peas
    podoben ti je kot jájce jájcu he is the dead spit and image or you
    izleči se iz jájca to be hatched; to hatch
    obmetavati koga z gnilimi jájci to throw rotten eggs at someone, to pelt someone with rotten eggs
  • jézik anatomija tongue; (govor) tongue, speech, language; idiom; (pri pihalu) mouthpiece; humoristično clapper

    materinski jézik native language, mother tongue
    mrtev (živ, tuj) jézik dead (living, foreign) language
    občevalni jézik colloquial language, vernacular
    knjižni jézik literary language
    diplomatski jézik diplomatic language
    Cankarjev jézik Cankar's language
    lahek, težak jézik easy, difficult language
    goveji, volovski jézik neat's tongue, ox-tongue
    obložen jézik medicina a coated (ali dirty, furred) tongue
    prekajen jézik smoked tongue
    zemeljski jézik neck, spit, tongue (of land)
    učitelj jézikov (foreign) language teacher
    dar za jézike gift of tongues
    morski jézik (riba) sole
    dolg, nebrzdan jézik unbridled tongue
    zloben jézik wicked (ali malicious) tongue
    moderni (stari) jézik modern (ancient) language
    strokoven jézik technical language
    uradni, službeni jézik official style
    zastarel jézik obsolete (ali archaic) language
    duh jézika genius of a language
    jézik posrednik interlingua
    na jéziku mi je, na jéziku imam (a se ne morem spomniti) it's on the tip of my tongue
    to je proti duhu jézika this is against the spirit of the language
    on je junak z jézikom (figurativno) he is a braggart (ali blusterer, swaggerer)
    ona ima oster (strupen) jézik she has a sharp (a venomous) tongue
    imeti dobro namazan jézik to have a glib (ali a well-oiled) tongue, to have the gift of the gab
    brzdati svoj jézik to keep one's tongue in check; to bridle, to curb one's tongue
    kar ima na srcu, ima tudi na jéziku he wears his heart on his sleeve
    imeti dolg jézik to have a long tongue
    ona je vsem ljudem na jéziku everyone is (ali pogovorno they're all) talking about her
    držati jézik to hold one's tongue
    drži jézik!, jézik za zobe! hold your tongue!, shut your mouth!, shut up!, keep your mouth shut!
    jézik si izbrusiti z govorjenjem to talk one's head off
    imeti besedo na jéziku to have the word on the tip of one's tongue
    jézik mu je odpovedal his tongue failed him
    pokazati komu jézik to put one's tongue out at someone
    pokaži jézik! put out your tongue!
    sneti komu besedo z jézika to take the words out of someone's mouth
    pazi na svoj jézik! mind your tongue!
    lomiti jézik to murder a language
    jézik se mu je razvezal he is no longer tongue-tied, he has found his tongue, he has become talkative
    zlobni jéziki trdijo malicious tongues assert
    jézik ji dobro teče, ji je dobro namazan her tongue is well-oiled, pogovorno her tongue's no cripple
    jézik mu teče kot mlin he's a nonstop chatterbox, he could talk the hind leg off a donkey
    zavezati komu jézik to silence someone, pogovorno to make someone pipe down
    (on) ima zavezan jézik he is tongue-tied
    ušlo mi je z jézika I let it slip out
    on zna mnogo jézikov he is a polyglot
    tolči (kak) jézik (figurativno) to mangle a language
  • jókati to cry, to weep, to shed tears

    jókati za kom to weep (ali to mourn) for someone, to bewail the loss of someone
    grenko jókati to weep bitterly
    jókati od jeze to weep with (ali for) anger
    jókati od bolečine to weep with pain
    jokala je vso noč she was crying (ali weeping) all night long
    hkrati smejoč se in jokajoč (se) laughing and crying at the same time
    jókati nad svojo žalostno usodo to weep over one's misfortunes (ali over one's sad lot)
    dolgo jókati to cry one's eyes (ali one's heart) out
    kar naprej jókati to go on crying (ali weeping)
    jókati za prazen nič to cry for nothing
    jókati od veselja to cry with joy
    krčevito jókati to sob one's heart out; to shed hot tears
  • jútro1 morning; pesniško morn, morningtide

    dobro jútro! good morning!
    rano jútro dawn, daybreak, peep of day
    od ranega, zgodnjega jútra do pozne noči from early morning till late at night
    od jútra do noči pogovorno morning till night
    drugo (naslednje) jútro next morning
    voščiti komu dobro jútro to bid someone good morning
    ostali smo do zgodnjega jútra we stayed till the small hours
  • kám where (to); to what place; which way; arhaično whither; in which direction

    kám pa? where (are you off) to?
    kám greš? where are you going (ali where are you off to)?
    povej mi, kám greš! tell me where you're going!
    kám (na kaj) meriš (namiguješ)? what are you driving at (ali getting at?)
    kám drugam somewhere else
    pojdimo kám! let's go somewhere!
  • kámen stone; ZDA (vsake oblike) rock; medicina calculus, stone, gravel, concretion; (prodnik) pebble

    brusni kámen whetstone, grindstone
    drag kámen precious stone, gem
    drobilec kámna (oseba) quarryman, quarrier, (stroj) crushing machine, jaw (ZDA rock) crusher
    gradbeni kámen building stone
    kisli kámen (galun) alum
    kresilni kámen mint, flintstone, (za vžigalnik) (lighter) flint
    kámen kaldrme cobble, cobblestone
    ledvični kámen kidney stone
    loščilni kámen (za kovine) Bath-brick
    miljni kámen milestone
    mlinski kámen millstone
    peklenski kámen lunar caustic, silver nitrate
    preskusni kámen touchstone; test
    nagrobni kámen tombstone, gravestone
    otesan kámen hewn stone, dressed stone, ashlar
    sklepni kámen keystone
    kámen spotike stumbling block
    kámen modrih philosophers' stone
    vinski kámen tartar
    temeljni kámen foundation stone
    vogelni kámen cornerstone
    kámen v mehurju medicina urinary calculus
    žolčni kámen gallstone
    zobni kámen tartar
    umeten drag kámen imitation gem
    tvorba kámnov medicina lithogenesis
    mrzel kot kámen stone-cold
    gluh kot kámen stone-deaf
    trd kot kámen (as) hard as stone, stone-hard
    domet, lučaj kámna a stone's throw
    kup kámnov a heap of stones
    obdelovanje kámna stonework
    srcé iz kámna a stony heart
    trd kot kámen (figurativno) hard as stone, biblija arhaično hard as the nether millstone
    lomiti kámen to quarry
    metati kámne v koga to throw stones at someone
    to bi še kámen omečilo it is enough to melt a heart of stone
    odvaliti komu težak kámen od srca to take a load (ali a weight) off someone's mind
    kámen se mi je odvalil od srca a great weight has been taken off my mind, that's a great weight off my mind
    ne pustiti kámna na kámnu not to leave a single stone standing
    zmrzuje, da kámen poka it freezes hard
    porušiti, razdejati kámen za kámnom to pull down stone by stone
    od zgradbe ni ostal kámen na kámnu not a single stone of the building was left standing
    rajši bi kámne tolkel na cesti! I'd rather do hard labour, I'd rather join a chain gang
    zagnati, zalučati kámen v koga to cast a stone at someone
    ubiti dve muhi z enim kámnom to kill two birds with one stone
    kámen do kámna palača (figurativno) look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves
  • káplja a drop; bead; (goste tekočine) blob

    káplja črnila (packa) a blob of ink
    po kápljah by drops, drop by drop
    nekaj deževnih kapelj a few drops of rain, a few raindrops
    káplje rose dewdrops pl
    znojne káplje beads pl of perspiration (ali of sweat)
    to je káplja v morju (figurativno) it is a drop in the bucket (ali in the ocean)
    rad imam kápljo konjaka v kavi I like just a dash of brandy in my coffee
    do zadnje káplje krvi to the last drop of blood
    izpiti do zadnje káplje to drink off at a draught, to drain to the dregs, to leave no heeltaps
    izpil (popil) ga je kápljo preveč (figurativno) he has had a drop too much, pogovorno he's had one over the eight
  • kápljica droplet

    dobra kápljica (figurativno) good wine
    le kápljica v morju a mere drop in the bucket (ali in the ocean)
    Hoffmannove kápljice spirit of ether
    izpiti do zadnje kápljice to drink off at a draught, to toss off, to drain to the dregs, to leave no heeltaps
    po kápljicah (po malem) in dribs and drabs
  • kárta (zemljevid) map, (pomorska) chart, (iz zraka) air survey map, aerophotogrammetric map; (vstopnica) ticket (of admission)

    Atlantska Karta Atlantic Charter
    kárta cest road map
    avtomobilska kárta motoring map
    igralne kárte playing cards pl
    mesečna kárta (vozovnica) monthly season ticket, ZDA commutation ticket
    krušne (živilske) kárte bread (food) ration cards pl
    vremenska kárta weather map (ali chart)
    hiša iz kart (figurativno) castle in the air
    imena kart so: srce karo, pik, križ (tref) the names of the cards are: hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs
    kup kart a pack of cards
    kárte v roki hand
    visoka (nizka) kárta high (low) card
    kárta s figuro court card, face card
    vedeževalka iz kart fortune-teller
    trik s kártami card-trick
    igrati kárte to play (at) cards
    igrati z odkritimi kártami to lay one's cards on the table, to show one's hand
    igrati svojo zadnjo kárto to play one's last card
    pokazati, odkriti svoje kárte to show one's cards, to reveal one's intentions
    mešati kárte to shuffle the cards
    polagati kárte (za vedeževanje) to tell fortunes by the cards
    (raz)deliti, dati kárte to deal (the cards)
    privzdigniti kárte to cut (the cards)
    skriti, skrivati svoje kárte to hide one's cards
    staviti na napačno kárto (figurativno) to back the wrong horse
    staviti svoje premoženje, svoje vse na eno kárto to stake one's fortune, everything on the turn of a card
    ne stavi vsega na eno kárto! (figurativno) don't put all your eggs in one basket!
    vedeževati iz kart to tell someone's fortune from the cards
    videti komu v kárte (figurativno) to discover someone's plan
    vreči, igrati kárto to discard, to throw out a card, to play a card
    kruh ni več na kárte bread is off the ration
  • kásen late

    ob kásni uri at a late hour
    kásne nočne ure late hours pl
    kásen si you're late
    kásno postaja it's getting late
    malo kásno je pogovorno it's latish
  • kasnéje later, later on

    najkasneje at the latest
  • kávsati kávsniti to peck

    kávsati, kávsniti po čem to peck at something
  • kázati to show; to point out; to indicate; to present; to display; to exhibit

    kázati pot (voditi) to lead the way
    kázati slab okus to show bad taste
    s prstom kázati na koga to point (one's finger) at someone
    kázati znake utrujenosti to show signs of fatigue
    toplomer je kazal 20° the termometer registered 20 degrees
    ni kazal nobenega znaku strahu he showed no sign of fear
    na dež kaže it looks like rain
    kot vse kaže to all appearances
    vse kaže, da... there is every indication that...
    vse kaže, da bo izvoljen there is every prospect that he will be elected
    letina dobro kaže the crop promises well, there are good prospects of an abundant harvest
    stvar dobro kaže the business ali the affair looks promising
    če bi kaj slabo kazalo (šlo narobe) if anything should go amiss
    stvari slabo kažejo things have an ugly look, things seem to be taking a bad turn
    ne kaže hoditi tja it is not advisable to go there
    ne kaže mi drugega kot, da grem I can do nothing but go away
    sedaj se kaže, da... now it turns out that...
    njegov obraz je kazal razočaranje his face showed his disappointment
    luna se je začela kázati th moon was beginning to appear (ali to come out)
    dobro kaže za... it looks promising (ali it bodes well) for...
    slabo kázati to bode ill
  • kér because

    kér (pač) as, since
    ni mogel priti, kér je bil bolan he could not come because he was ill
    kér je deževalo, nismo šli na pot as it was raining, we did not start
    kér se ti ne ljubi iti, lahko ostaneš doma as you don't feel like coming, you can stay at home
    kér mi (že, pač) ne verjameš... since you don't believe me...
    kér ni nič boljšega for want of something better
  • klánec slope; upward gradient; rise in the road; acclivity; ZDA upgrade; ascent

    smo na vrhu klánca we are at the top of the slope
  • klavír glasba piano

    pri klavírju at the piano
    igranje na klavír playing te piano, piano playing
    igrati na klavír to play the piano
    na tem klavírju se ni mnogo igralo this piano has not been played (on) very much
  • klúb club; clubhouse

    član, članica klúba clubman, pl -men, clubwoman, pl -men
    avtomobilski klúb automobile club
    igralni klúb playing club, card club
    kegljaški klúb skittle club
    klúb planincev Alpine club
    teniški klúb tennis club
    veslaški klúb rowing club
    stanuje in hrani se v svojem klúbu he lives and eats at his club
  • kmálu soon, (v kratkem) shortly; before long; early; presently

    bom kmálu nazaj I'll be back soon
    kmálu po moji vrnitvi soon after my return
    knjiga bo kmálu izšla the book will be published shortly, the book will be out soon
    kmálu se vrni! come back soon!
    kmálu bom prejel pismo I'll receive a letter shortly
    ti bi kmálu to obžaloval you'd soon regret it
    kmálu bi bil padel I nearly (ali almost) fell
    ne boš tako kmálu našel boljšega prijatelja! you won't find a better friend in a month of Sundays!
    kmálu nato, kmálu potem soon afterwards
    kar najbolj kmálu (čim prej) as soon as possible, at your earliest convenience
  • kócka matematika cube; hexahedron; (igralna) dice sg in pl; arhaično die, pl dice

    igralne kócke (pogovorno) bones, ivories
    posodica za metanje kóck dice-box
    sleparska kócka cogged dice, (obtežena) loaded dice
    igranje s kócko, kockanje game of dice
    briket v kóckah cubeshaped briquet(te)
    premog v kóckah cobbles pl
    sladkor v kóckah sugar cubes (ali lump sugar)
    tlakovalna kócka paving stone
    kócka je padla the die is cast
    biti na kócki (figurativno) to be at stake
    njegovo življenje je na kócki his life is at stake
    staviti na kócko to stake
    staviti (svoje) življenje na kócko to take one's life in one's hands, to stake (ali to risk) one's life on a throw of the dice, to dice with death
    vse na kócko staviti to risk all; to go neck or nothing
    igrati s kóckami, kockati to play dice
    rezati v kócke to dice, to cut into small cubes