nedoglèd far distance (out of view)
gledal je za čolnom, dokler mu ne izginil v nedoglèdu he gazed after the boat until it disappeared in the far distance
v nedoglèd as far as the eye can see, infinitely, far into the distance
v nedoglèd odložiti to postpone indefinitely
Zadetki iskanja
- neizvedèn not carried out
še ne neizvedèna glasbena dela compositions as yet unperformed - nesrámen shameless, impudent; impertinent, saucy, cheeky, insolent; brassy, forward, brazen-faced, brazen, barefaced
kar se da nesrámen as bold as brass
nesrámna laž a barefaced lie
nesrámno se vesti, nastopiti to brazen it out - nesréča misfortune, bad luck, ill-fortune; calamity, adversity, reverse; (nezgoda) accident, disaster, misadventure, mischief
na nesréčo, k nesréči unfortunately, unluckily, by an unhappy accident
po nesréči by accident, accidentally
smrt po nesréči death by misadventure
smrtna nesréča accidental death, fatal accident
na mojo nesréčo unfortunately for me
prometna nesréča traffic accident
v sreči ali v nesréči in weal and woe
on je prava nesréča za svojo družino he is the bane of his family's life
nesréča je hotela, da je izgubil stavo as ill luck would have it, he lost his bet
pripetila se mu je nesréča he has had a misfortune
da bi bila nesréča še večja... to make matters worse..., to cap it all...
to ti bo prineslo nesréčo that will bring you bad luck
pripetila se nam je prometna nesréča we (have) met with an accident
sam riniti v nesréčo to make a rod for one's own back
nesréča me povsod zasleduje I'm always dogged by ill luck
nesréča redko sama pride misfortunes rarely come singly
nesréča nikoli sama ne pride misfortunes never come singly, troubles never come singly, it never rains but it pours
vsaka nesréča je za koga sreča it's an ill wind that blows nobody good
nobena nesréča ne traja večno every cloud has a silver lining
ne kličimo nesréče! (figurativno) touch wood! - neúmen stupid; foolish, silly; thick-headed, dull; ZDA pogovorno dumb; (nesmiseln) nonsensical
neúmen (nor) na kaj mad (ali crazy) about something
neúmen kot noč as dumb as an ox, as thick as a plank
kako neúmno! how stupid!
preneumno! too bad!
nisi (tako) neúm! you are no fool!
nisem tako neúmen I am not such a fool
nisem tako neúmen, da bi to verjel I am not so stupid (ali dumb) as to believe it
kako si neúmen! how stupid you are!
to je bilo zelo neúmo od mene it was very stupid of me
neúmen je kot noč (pogovorno) he is dead from the neck up
ni tako neúm, kot je videti he is not as stupid as he looks
to je (že) preneumno that is too silly for words
ona ni tako neúma! she knows better!, pogovorno she's not so dumb! - neutemeljèn unfounded; groundless; baseless
neutemeljèn strah groundless fears; pl
biti neutemeljèn to be without foundation
neutemeljèni upi unfounded hopes pl
zavrniti tožbo kot neutemeljèno pravo to reject a charge as unfounded - nezaželèn undesired, undesirable, unwished (-for); unwanted
nezaželèn gost an unwished-for guest
zelo, skajno nezaželèn welcome as a cold in the head
biti nezaželèn to come amiss - níč nothing; not anything; nought; not a thing; arhaično, pesniško naught, ZDA nought
čisto níč nothing at all
prav níč, popolnoma níč nothing at all; nothing whatever
níč razen nothing but
níč več nothing more, no more, nothing further
za níč for nothing
za níč na svetu not for the world; not for love or money; not for anything
níč in zopet níč nothing-repeat-nothing, absolutely nothing
níč drugega nothing else
níč novega nothing new
níč takega nothing of the kind, none of that
níč koliko (= mnogo) very much, very many
toliko kot níč, skoraj níč next to nothing
za prazen níč for no reason
vse ali níč all or nothing, neck or nothing
meni níč, tebi níč quite coolly, bold as brass
níč manj kot... no less than, anything but...
prav níč slabši kot... no whit inferior to...
níč boljšega od no better than..., nothing like as good as...
to ti ni níč mar! none of your business!
to še ni níč that is nothing
to ni níč zame that is no use for me, that won't do for me
to ni níč vredno that is worthless
on ni níč boljši he isn't any better
iz tega ni bilo níč nothing came of it, it came to nothing
níč novega ni v časopisu there is nothing new in the paper
iz tebe ne bo nikoli níč you will never be anything, you are a worthless fellow (ali pogovorno a dead loss)
nisi prav níč prekmalu you are none too soon
če ni níč drugega! if that's all there is to it!
rezultat je 2 níč (2:0) šport the score is two nil
to ni níč v primeri s tem, kar sem nekoč videl that is nothing to what I once saw
iz níč ni níč nothing begets nothing, one cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs
ne morem níč za to I can't help it
níč ne dé, níč za to all right, there's no harm done, it doesn't matter, no matter, never mind
níč se ne da napraviti! there's nothing we can do (ali nothing to be done) about it!
(to ni važno) to níč ne pomeni this is of no consequence
níč ne marati, ne se meniti za níč not to care (ali pogovorno not to give a hoot) about anything
v níč devati to disparage, to belittle, to depreciate, to discredit, to attach no value (to)
níč več nimam povedati I have nothing more to say
s tem nimam níč opraviti I have nothing to do with it
to níč ne stane it is gratis, it is free, it may be had for the asking
na níč priti to be ruined, to come to grief
na níč spraviti koga to ruin someone
začel je z níč (v življenju) he started from nothing (ali from scratch)
kdor nič ne riskira, nič nima nothing venture, nothing gain - nóč night; night-time, nightfall; (tema) darkness, dark
do nóči till dark
pozno v nóč far into the night, till late at night
pred nóčjo before nightfall
vsako nóč every night, nightly
nóč za nóčjo night after night
sredi trde nóči in the dead of the night, at dead of night
preko nóči, čez nóč overnight
pod nóč in the dusk
vso, celo nóč all night (long)
neke nóči one (certain) night
preteklo nóč last night
cele nóči for whole nights
neke temne nóči on a dark night
lahko nóč! good night!
trajajoč vso nóč nightlong, all-night
nóč na dan (24 ur brez prekinitve) around the clock
mesečna nóč moonlit (ali moonlight) night
kresna nóč Midsummer Night
božična, sveta nóč religija Christmas Eve
novoletna nóč New Year's Eve
velika nóč religija Easter
poročna nóč wedding night, nuptial night
šentjernejska nóč zgodovina the Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve
polarna nóč the polar night
viharna nóč a dirty night
nóč brez spanja a sleepless night, a restless night
1001 noč Arabian Nights' Entertainments pl, the Arabian Nights pl
nóč se dela it is getting dark; it is growing dark
biti različen kot nóč pa dan to be as different as chalk and cheese
prebiti dobro (slabo) nóč to have (ali to pass) a good (a bad) night
nóč in dan mislim na to I keep thinking of it night and day
vso nóč sem spal I slept the whole night (through)
prebil sem nóč brez spanja I had (ali passed) a sleepless night, I did not sleep a wink all night
vso nóč nisem niti za hip zatisnil očesa I could not get a wink of sleep all night
prekrokati nóč to make a night of it
prebdeti, prečuti nóč to sit up all night
on bdí dolgo v nóč he sits up late, he keeps late hours
delati nóč in dan to work night and day
ostati čez nóč (prenočiti) to stay the night
nóč ga je vzela he slipped away under cover of night - nôr (bolezen) mad, insane, deranged; (neumen) foolish, crazy, silly, out of one's mind, crackbrained; (ves iz sebe) wild, frantic, raving, delirious; (absurden) absurd, nonsensical, unreasonable, unwise, preposterous; (vratolomen) reckless, foolhardy
biti nôr (žargon) to be nuts (ali VB bonkers)
ne bodi nôr! don't be silly!
nôra leta years of indiscretion
kot nôr like mad
biti nôr na to be mad about (ali on), to be crazy about, to be nuts on, to be dead nuts on, to be infatuated with
nôr na glasbo mad on music
je ves nôr na ženske he is girl crazy (ali woman crazy)
vse ženske so nôre nanj all the women are wild about him
biti popolnoma, čisto nôr to be raving mad, to be (as) mad as a March hare (ali as a hatter) - nóv new; (nedaven) fresh, recent, late; (nenošen, nerabljen) not worn, not used; (neraziskan) unexplored; figurativno (novopečen) freshly baked, fresh; (dodaten) additional, more
skoraj nóv, kot nóv nearly new, as good as new
čisto nóv quite new, spanking new, brand new
Novo leto New Year, New Year's Day
nóva luna new moon
najnovejše novice the latest news
nóva obleka a new dress
Novi svet (Amerika) the New World
nóva moda new look, new fashion
dobiti nóve moči to recover
zame to ni nič nóvega that is no news to me
kaj je nóvega? what's the news?, ZDA what's new?
to mi je nóvo it's news to me
pod soncem ni nič nóvega there is nothing new under the sun
to je bil nóv dokaz njegove nesposobnosti it was a further (ali additional) proof of his incompetence
začeti nóvo življenje (figurativno, poboljšati se) to turn over a new leaf
živeti nóvo življenje to lead a new life
želim vam srečno nóvo leto! I wish you a happy New Year!
nóva metla dobro pometa a new broom sweeps clean
to je nóvo zame (tega še nisem slišal) that's a new one on me - núditi to offer; (na dražbi) to bid; to tender
več núditi (na dražbi) to bid up, to outbid
prilika se nudi opportunity offers
brž ko se bo nudila priložnost as soon as an opportunity appears
núditi svoje usluge to tender one's services - obískati to visit; to pay a visit (koga to someone); to come to see (someone), to call on (someone); (za kratek čas) to look (someone) up, to drop in, to come round
obiščite me jutri come and see me tomorrow
dovolil si bom obískati vas, brž ko bom mogel I shall take the liberty of calling on you as soon as I can - obléči to put on; to pull on; (hitro) to slip on; to clothe; to don
obléči se to dress (oneself), to put on clothes; to clothe oneself
otroke spodobno obléči to clothe the children decently
obleci se! get dressed!
obléči se kot mornar to dress up as a sailor - obljúba promise; word; parole; pledge, arhaično plight
držati (svojo) obljúbo to keep (ali to honour) one's promise, to keep one's word, to be a man of one's word
držal je obljúbo he was good as his word
izpolniti obljúbo to fulfil (ali to carry out) a promise
to so prazne obljúbe these are empty promises
preklicati svojo obljúbo to go back on one's promise; to break one's promise
sklicevati se na obljúbo to hold (someone) to a promise, to claim something promised
on je zelo radodaren z obljúbami he is lavish with his promises
obljubiti in obljúbo držati je dvoje it is one thing to promise and another to perform
izpolnila je obljúbo she carried out (ali fulfilled) her promise - obnêsti se to be (ali to prove) effective, to take effect, to stand the test; to turn out well; (uspeti) to be a success, to succeed, to be successful
kot stotnik se ni obnesel he was not a success as captain
sijajno se obnêsti se to behave splendidly
dobro se obnêsti se (se izkazati) to acquit oneself well - obubóžan impoverished; made poor (ali needy, indigent), stricken with poverty
popolnoma obubóžan poor as a church mouse - očíten obvious; plain; (self-) evident; palpable; patent; marked; manifest, visible; apparent
moje razočaranje je bilo očítno my disappointment was obvious
očítna laž blatant lie
popolnoma očíten (as) plain as the nose on one's face, as plain as plain can be - oddáljenost remoteness; distance
oddáljenost v premi črti distance in a straight line
oddáljenost v zračni liniji distance as the crow flies - odlóčen (sklenjen) decided, determined, decreed, settled
vnaprej odlóčen predetermined; (značaj) resolute, energetic, unbending, firm, determined
trdno odlóčen resolved (to do something)
trdno sem odlóčen to napraviti I'm determined to get this done
stvari še niso odlóčene matters pl are as yet unresolved (ali are still pending)