potrében necessary (za for, to); required; needed; requisite (za for, to); (reven) needy, poor, indigent, needful, necessitous, wanting
zelo potrében much needed
neobhodno potrében indispensable, exigent
potrébno zlo a necessary evil
če (je) potrébno if required
če bo (je) potrébno (v sili) if need be, if (the) need arise, in case of need
kakor bo pač potrébno as may be required
več kot nam je potrébno more than we need
več kot (je) potrébno more than enough, more than is needed
biti česa potrében to need something, to be in need (ali want) of something
opravičilo ni potrébno there is no need for an excuse
ura je potrébna popravila the clock (oziroma watch) needs repairing
ni potrébno, da si grob you don't need to be rude
ni potrébno to ponavljati this does not need repeating
potrében je strokovnjak, da to naredi it requires an expert to do this
ukreniti vse potrébno to take all the necessary steps
ne pojasnjuj več, kot je potrébno! do not explain more than is required!
potrében sem oddiha, okrepitve I need a rest, recreation
Zadetki iskanja
- potrebováti to need; to require; to want; to necessitate; to be in need (kaj of something)
nujno potrebováti to need (ali to want) badly
potrebováti bolniško pomoč (oskrbo, nego) to require medical care
nujno potrebujem denar I need the money badly
imate vse, kar potrebujete? have you got all you require?
imam vse, kar potrebujem I have all I need
potreboval je dve uri, da je prepisal ono pismo he needed two hours to copy out that letter
koliko časa potrebuješ, da prideš na kolodvor? how long does it take you to get to the station?
potreboval sem pol ure, da sem prišel tja it took me half an hour to get there
precéj časa si potreboval za to you have been slow about it, that took you a long time - potŕgati (cvetje ipd.) to pluck, to pick; (obleko) to tear; (gumbe) to tear off
potŕgati si obleko na žeblju to tear one's dress on a nail
potŕgati se to be torn off - potŕjen confirmed; verified; certified; attested
potŕjeni akreditiv a confirmed (letter of) credit
potŕjen ček certified cheque, cheque with bank endorsement, ZDA certified check
sodno potŕjen prepis legally attested copy - potŕkati to knock (na at, po on), to rap
potŕkati po mizi to tap on the table
potŕkati na vrata to knock at the door
nekdo je potrkal there was a knock at the door - potrpéti to have patience; to be patient; to wait patiently
potrpite malo! have a little patience!
potrpéti s kom to have patience with someone, to be patient with someone, to put up with someone, to bear with someone
moram potrpéti z njim I must bear with him - potrpežljívost patience; forbearance; endurance; indulgence
izgubiti potrpežljívost to be out of patience, to lose one's temper
moja potrpežljívost je pri kraju my patience is completely exhausted, I have lost all patience, my patience is at an end
preskusiti svojo potrpežljívost to try one's patience
nočem zlorabljati vašo potrpežljívost I will not tax your patience
še taka potrpežljívost ima svoje meje (figurativno) even a worm will turn - potúha connivance; abetment
dajati potúho čemu to connive at something
komu to abet someone, to back someone up, to take someone's part, to stand up for someone, figurativno to hold a candle to the devil - poučeváti
poučeváti koga v čem to instruct someone in something; to give lessons; to give instruction; to teach; (kot domači učitelj) to tutor; to coach, to drill
on dobro poučuje he is a good teacher - poúk lesson (s pl); school; instruction
imeti poúk to have lessons
prisostvovati poúku to attend classes
to naj ti bo v poúk let this be a lesson to you
imam poúk do enajstih I have lessons till eleven o'clock
poúk se bo začel 1. septembra the school meets on September 1st
neopravičeno izostati od poúka to play truant, to stay away from school, ZDA to play hooky; to cut school
danes ni poúka there is no school today
poúka je konec school is over - povabíti to invite (na večerjo to dinner); to ask (na čaj, na večerjo to tea, to dinner)
povabíti koga noter (v sobo ipd.) to invite someone in
povabíti (pozvati) na sodišče to cite, to summon, to subpoena
povabili smo ga na čaj we invited him to take a cup of tea with us - pováljati to roll
pováljati meso v drobtinah to roll meat in breadcrumbs, to cover meat with breadcrumbs, to crumb; (obleko) to rumple, to ruffle; (testo) to roll out (zelo tanko very thin)
pováljati trato to roll a lawn; (žito) to lodge; (žensko) vulgarno to screw - povečeválen gramatika magnifying
povečeválno steklo magnifying glass, magnifier, microscope
vzeti pod povečeválno steklo to examine under a magnifying glass, figurativno to examine closely, to scrutinize - povédati to tell; to say
povedali so mi tako I was told so
nekaj ti bom povedal (izdal) I'll tell you what
povédati svoje ime to give one's name
ne povej nikomur o mojem prihodu! don't tell anyone I've come
med nama povedano (pogovorno) between you and me (and the gatepost)
česa (kaj) ne poveste! you don't say!, you can't be serious!
komu to poveste (pravite)! you're telling me!
povédati resnico to tell the truth
povédati (reči) geslo to give the password
povej to obzirno! (žargon) put it gently!
to veliko pové that says a great deal, that tells its own tale - povériti
povériti komu kaj to entrust something to someone, to commit something to someone's care, to confide something to someone
povériti koga s čim to entrust someone with something
ne moreš povériti take naloge otroku you cannot confide such a task to a mere child - povézati to bind; to tie (up); (skupaj) to fasten together, to link together
povézati v to link into (ali up)
povézati z to connect with; (z jermenom) to strap; (z vrvjo) to cord
povézati rano to bind up (ali to dress) a wound
povézati culo to pack ali to pack up one's traps, to pack up
povézati se s kom to link up with someone - povíšanje rise; elevation; enhancement; increase; (napredovanje) promotion, advancement
povíšanje mezd wage rise, pay rise, rise of wages
povíšanje plače rise in salary, increase of salary
prositi, zahtevati povíšanje plače to ask for a pay rise ali rise - povíšati to raise; to heighten; to elevate; to exalt; to enhance; to increase; (cene) to raise (to put up)
povíšati glas to raise the voice
povíšati kazen pravo to increase a sentence
povíšati cene to raise prices; glasba (noto) to sharpen
povíšati stavbo za eno nadstropje to raise a building by a storey
biti povišan to be upgraded
bil je povišan na položaj... he was promoted to the rank of... - povíteziti to knight
povíteziti koga to dub someone a knight - povódenj inundation; flood; overflowing; figurativno overwhelming spread (ali flow)
povódenj besed a flood of words