
Zadetki iskanja

  • popótovanje travelling, travels pl; journey; touring; biking, (peš) rambling, arhaično peregrination

    napraviti popótovanje peš VB to go hiking (ali rambling), to go on a walking tour
  • popráviti to repair; (hišo) to do up; (čevlje, stroj itd.) to mend; to set right, to overhaul; (ladjo) to refit; (izboljšati) to improve; (napake) to correct, to put right, to rectify; to recondition; (sliko) to touch up; (zakrpati) to mend, to patch, to refit, to botch, to darn; (zdravje) to restore; (zakon) to amend; (figurativno, krivico itd.) to repair, to remedy, to redress, to make amends for, (povzročeno škodo) to make good, to compensate

    popráviti napako, instrument to rectify an error, to repair an instrument
    popráviti krivico to repair a wrong, to make good an injury
    popráviti (nadomestiti) izgubo to repair a loss
    vedno kaj popravlja pri svojem avtu he is always tinkering at his car
    popravil je svoje mladostne napake he has atoned for his youthful misdeeds
    popráviti se to improve, to better oneself, to grow better, to reform; (razmere) to take a turn for the better; (zdravstveno) to mend, to be on the mend, to recover, to come round, to be restored
    to se ne da popráviti this is past mending
    bolnik se je popravil the patient has improved (ali has recovered)
    vreme se je popravilo the weather has improved
    upam, da se bo popravil v bodoče I hope he will do better (ali will improve) for the future
    popráviti posledice to redress the consequences
  • popravljív reparable; rectifiable; improvable

    popravljíva napaka, pomota a rectifiable error
  • poprijéti

    pošteno poprijéti za delo to go (ali to set) to work with a will; to launch out (into)
  • populácija population

    dežela z gosto populácijo a densely populated country
  • popúst reduction, discount, rebate; concession; abatement, allowance

    polovičen popúst 50% discount
    poseben popúst special discount
    dovoljujemo vam 5% popúst we allow (ali grant) you 5% (five per cent) discount
    dovoljujemo vam zaprošeni popúst v ceni we agree to grant you the desired reduction in price
    odobriti popúst to agree to a reduction in price
    prodajati s popústom to sell at a discount, (pogovorno) to knock something off (the price)
    kupil sem to s popústom (pogovorno) I bought it on the cheap
  • porabíti to consume, to spend; to use up; to make use of

    ta bojler porabi mnogo plina this geyser uses a lot of gas
    si porabil vso barvo? have you used all the paint?
  • poravnáti (tla, zemljo) to level, to plane, to flatten, to even; figurativno to arrange, to settle, to balance; (ukrivljeno) to straighten; (pomiriti) to conciliate, to compose; (izenačiti) to equalize; (škodo) to compensate

    poravnáti spor to settle a quarrel, to make up
    poravnáti dolg to settle (to square) a debt
    poravnáti zadevo to straighten a matter out
    vse je poravnano med nama we're quits
    poravnáti komu škodo za kaj to make it up to someone
    morali so mi poravnáti škodo they had to make it up to me
    poravnáti se to make an arrangement (z with), to come to an arrangement
  • poravnáva arrangement, settlement; compromise

    prijateljska poravnáva amicable settlememnt
    pristati na poravnávo to agree upon a compromise
  • poráz defeat; rout; reverse; overthrow; discomfiture; dispersal; pogovorno trouncing

    prizadejati odločilen poráz komu to inflict a decisive defeat on someone
    pretrpeti poráz (pogovorno) to take a trouncing
  • poráziti to defeat, to beat, to discomfit; vojska to rout, to put to rout, to put to flight; (duševno) to depress, to stagger, to overwhelm, to flabbergast

    odločilno koga poráziti to inflict a decisive defeat on someone
  • pórcija porcijón portion; (jedi) helping; deal

    pórcija, porcijón pudinga a portion of pudding
    tri pórcije mesa in sočivja three helpings of meat and vegetables
    imeti pošteno pórcijo... (figurativno) to have a good deal of..., pogovorno a bellyful of...
  • poríniti porívati to push, to shove; to thrust; (v gneči) to hustle; to jostle

    poríniti, porívati v stran to push (ali to shove) aside
    poríniti, porívati avto to push a car
    poríniti, porívati komu meč v hrbet to thrust a sword into someone's back
  • poróčanje report, reporting; information; relating, relation; account

    verno poróčanje o vsem, kar se je zgodilo a faithful account of all that happened
  • poročèn2 married (z to)

    poročèn je s Francozinjo he is married to a Frenchwoman
  • poročílo report, relation; account; statement; bulletin

    blagajniško poročílo cashier's report
    podrobno poročílo detailed report (ali account)
    letno poročílo annual report
    mesečno poročílo monthly report
    borzno poročílo stock market report
    obračunsko poročílo statement of account
    končno, sklepno poročílo final report
    poslovno poročílo business report
    posebno poročílo special report
    tržno poročílo market report
    radijska poročíla news bulletin
    ustno poročílo verbal report
    sejno poročílo report of session
    vojno poročílo army communiqué
    sumarično poročílo summary account
    vremensko poročílo weather forecast, meteorological report
    zdravniško poročílo bulletin, doctor's report
    verno poročílo o vsem, kar se je zgodilo a faithful account of all that happened
    dokler ni popolnejših poročíl pending fuller information
    izdati tedensko (mesečno, letno) poročílo to issue a weekly (a monthly, an annual) report
    napraviti poročílo to draw up a statement
    pripraviti letno poročílo za 1980 to prepare the annual report for 1980
  • poročíti (starši sina, hčer) to give in marriage (one's son, one's daughter); (duhovnik ženina in nevesto) to marry, to join in wedlock (ali in holy matrimony)

    poročíti se to marry, to get married (to), to wed
    dobro se je poročila she has made a good match
    dovolj je star, da se poroči he is old enough to get married (ali to settle down)
    poročíti se iz ljubezni to marry for love
  • porogljív mocking, scornful, sneering; sarcastic; quizzical

    porogljíva opazka, porogljív pogled sneer
    porogljívo odgovoriti to give a mocking response (ali a sarcastic reply)
    porogljívo se smejati čemu to sneer at something
  • poróten

    porótno sodišče Crown Court
    biti član porótnega sodišča to sit on a jury
  • portretírati to portray

    portretírati koga to paint (ali to draw) someone's portrait; to make a portrait of someone