
Zadetki iskanja

  • pómp pomp; display

    z velikim pómpom in state
    delati velik pómp z to make a great display of
  • ponávljanje ponovítev (besed) repetition, (neprestano, večkratno) reiteration; reproduction; (naučenega) revision; (vračanje) recurrence

    nočno ponávljanje, ponovítev mrzlice medicina nightly recurrence of a fever
  • Póncij Pontius

    od Póncija do Pilata (figurativno) from pillar to post
    pošiljati koga od Póncija do Pilata (figurativno) to lead someone a nice dance, (od enega urada do drugega) to give someone the runaround
  • ponížen humble, submissive; meek

    postati ponižnejši (pogovorno) to change one's tune (ali note), to sing another (ali a different) tune
  • ponjúhati to smell, to sniff; to sniff at

    ponjuhal je ščepec tobaka in kihnil he took a pinch of snuff and sneezed
  • ponôsen proud (na of); (ohol) haughty, lofty, stuckup

    biti ponôsen na kaj to pride oneself on something, to be proud of something, to take pride in something
    ponôsen na imetje purseproud
    na to si lahko ponôsen (figurativno) that's a feather in your cap
    na to ti res ni treba biti ponôsen that is nothing to be proud of
  • ponúdba offer; bid, bidding; proffer; tender; (ženitna ipd.) overture

    najnižja ponúdba (pri licitaciji za kako delo) the lowest tender
    nižja ponúdba underbid
    ponúdba in povpraševanje supply and demand
    raziskovalna ponúdba research tender
    ženitna ponúdba offer (ali proposal) of marriage
    oseba, ki ji predložimo ponúdbo ZDA tenderee
    predložiti ponúdbo to submit a tender
    odbiti ponúdbo to turn down an offer
    razpisati licitacijo za ponúdbe to invite tenders
    sprejemamo ponúdbe we are open to receive tenders
    staviti višjo ponúdbo to outbid
  • ponúditi to offer; to bid; to tender; to proffer

    ponúditi več (na dražbi) to bid up; to outbid
    ponúditi jed to offer (someone) something to eat
    ponúditi roko, ponúditi zakon to offer one's hand
    ponúditi svoje usluge to tender one's services
    ponúditi se to offer (one's services); (prostovoljno) to volunteer
    ponudila se je, da bo zapela pesem she volunteered a song
    ponudil seje, da mi bo pokazal pot he volunteered to show me the way
    kadar se ponudi prilika when the opportunity arises
  • poosébljen personified

    poosébljeno usmiljenje kindness personified
    on je poosébljena čast he is the soul of honour
    on je poosébljena poštenost he is the soul of honesty (ali a paragon of honesty)
  • póp priest of the Orthodox Church

    reči bobu bob in pópu póp to call a spade a spade
  • popáriti to scald; to pour hot water on; figurativno (vzeti pogum) to dispirit, to discourage, to dishearten, to deject, to pour cold water on; (rastline) to wilt

    popáriti perje perutnine to singe fowl
    popáriti (in oskubsti) prašiča to singe a pig
  • popárjen scalded; figurativno dispirited, disheartened, crestfallen, chapfallen, dejected, damped, down in the mouth

    odšel je od mene ves popárjen I sent him away with a flea in his ear
  • popáziti

    popáziti na otroka to look after a child
  • popísati to make (ali to take) an inventory, to inventory, to list, to catalogue

    popísati prebivalstvo to take a census
    popísati zaloge (in blago) to take stock
  • popívanje immoderate drinking; revelry; carousal; drinking bout; spree

    iti na popívanje to go out drinking (ali žargon boozing), to go out for a drink (ali žargon for a booze-up)
    biti na popívanju (krokanju) to be out drinking (ali žargon on the booze, boozing)
  • popívnati to remove (spilt liquid) with an absorbing agent; to blot; to mop up

    s krpo popívnati polito kavo to mop up spilt coffee with a cloth
  • poplákniti to rinse; to wash (out)

    poplákniti jed s pivom to wash a meal down with ale
    poplákniti jedačo s pijačo to wash down one's food
    poplákniti si usta to rinse out one's mouth
  • popóln complete, full, whole, entire, total; (temeljit) thorough; (dovršèn) perfect; accomplished; consummate; (pravcat, pravi, skrajen) utter, absolute, downright; (število prisotnih) plenary

    popóln lopov a thorough scoundrel
    popóln mrk total eclipse
    popóln norec a consummate fool
    popóln tujec a perfect stranger
    popólno znanje thorough knowledge
  • popolníti to complement; to fill; to fill up

    popolníti nedostatek to make up a deficiency
    popolníti službeno mesto to fill a vacancy (ali post), to appoint to a post
  • popólnoma completely, entirely, wholly, fully, to the full, thoroughly, utterly, altogether, quite, perfectly, absolutely

    sem popólnoma za... I am all for...
    popólnoma vas razumem I understand you perfectly
    sem popólnoma tvojega mnenja I am entirely of your opinion
    nekaj popólnoma drugega a different thing altogether
    popólnoma gluh (mrtev, pijan, slep) stone-deaf (stone-dead, dead drunk, stone-blind)
    popólnoma spodleteti to fail utterly