pólh zoologija dormouse, pl dormice; squirrel mouse, pl mice
spati kot pólh to sleep like a top (ali like a log)
Zadetki iskanja
- pólje field
bojno pólje battlefield
električno pólje electric field
magnetno pólje magnetic field
minsko pólje minefield
šahovsko pólje square; (v grbu) quarter (ali field) of a shield
vidno pólje field of sight (ali of vision)
ravno pólje plain
na (odprtem) pólju in the (open) field
žitno pólje cornfield
obdelovati pólje to till the ground, to cultivate, to farm
riževo pólje rice field - poljúb kiss; humoristično osculation
glasen poljúb smack
sočen poljúb a smack on the lips
Judežev poljúb a Judas kiss, a traitor's kiss
dati poljúb to give someone a kiss, to kiss
dati si poljúb sprave to kiss and be friends, to kiss and make up
z roko poslati, vreči komu poljúb to blow someone a kiss, to kiss one's hand to someone, to throw someone a kiss
z roko ji je poslal poljúb he kissed his hand to her
s poljúbi komu solze obrisati to kiss away someone's tears
poljúb na roko kissing someone's hand, kissing hands
vreden poljúba kissable - pólmer matematika, geometrija radius, pl radii
znotraj pólmera 10 km within a radius of 10 kilometres - polmésečen half-monthly; fortnightly; semimonthly
polmésečno prislov half-monthly, fortnightly; twice a month; every half-month - póln full; (napolnjen) filled, replete; (nabit, natrpan) crammed, filled to capacity, full up, chockfull; (obilen) abundant, abounding, plentiful; (popoln, cel) whole, entire, complete
pólno prislov fully
do roba pólna čaša brimful glass (ali bumper)
pólna luna full moon
pólna jadra swelling (ali billowing) sails pl
pólna košara (škatla, žlica, čoln) a basketful (a boxful, a spoonful, a boatful)
pólna vsota the entire sum
póln ljudi full of people, crowded
do vrha póln brim-full
pólne tri ure three good hours
póln voz a cartload
s pólno paro (figurativno) at full blast
s pólno hitrostjo (at) full speed
v pólnem diru at full gallop
v pólni vrednosti at full value
s pólno pravico justly; with perfect justice
póln predsodkov prejudiced, partial, biased, arhaično prepossessed
póln veselja in high spirits, exuberant
v pólnem pomenu besede in the full sense of the word
pólno upravičen fully authorized (ali entitled)
pólno zaposlen fully employed
pólna zaposlitev full-time job, (za vse) full employment
pólno zasedeno! (v hotelu) (we are) full up!, fully booked
v knjigi je pólno napak the book is rife (ali abounds) with errors
lokal je bil pólno nabit the place was crowded (crammed full)
da bo mera pólna let us have full measure, pogovorno let's have no short measure
da bi bila nesreča pólna to make things worse
drevje je pólno the trees are laden with fruit
sod je tri četrti póln the barrel is three quarters full
na ulici je bilo pólno ljudi there was a big crowd in the street
igrati pred polno hišo gledališče to play to a full (ali a capacity) house
trajati dve pólni minuti (tri pólna leta) to last two full minutes (three whole years)
do zadnjega kotička póln full (ali filled) to capacity
delati s pólno paro to work to capacity - polnokŕven full-blooded; thoroughbred; blooded; racy; medicina plethoric
polnokŕven konj a thoroughbred (horse), ZDA a blooded horse - polóm collapse
finančni, denarni polóm crash, bankruptcy
državni finančni polóm national bankruptcy; (neuspeh) failure, fiasco; žargon washout, flop
doživeti polóm to flop, to be a flop - polomíja failure, fiasco; žargon washout, flop
njegov govor je bil polomíja his speech was a flop - polomíti to break up (into many pieces)
polomíti se to break
polomil sem ga (figurativno) I've spoiled it, I have made a mess of it, I've blown it
polomíti ga (figurativno) to put one's foot in it - pólotok peninsula
Balkanski pólotok Balkan peninsula
Pirenejski pólotok the Iberian peninsula
pólotok Istra the Istrian Peninsula
objadrati pólotok to sail round a peninsula - polovíčen half; halfway
za polovíčno ceno at half the price
polovíčna nota glasba minim
le polovíčna resnica a halftruth
le polovíčno napraviti kaj to do something by halves - položáj situation; position; state of affairs; condition; circumstances pl; (lega) site; lay, standing; bearings pl; (služba) rank, status; (drža telesa) attitude, posture, (pri mečevanju) guard; vojska post
resnost položája the gravity of the situation
socialni položáj social standing
položáj poslanika the post of ambassador
položáj tržišča, trga market position
težaven položáj (figurativno) a close call
materialni in družbeni položáj economic and social status
biti gospodar položája to be master of the situation
biti v neprijetnem položáju (v žalostnem položáju) to be in an unpleasant position (in a sorry plight)
določiti čemu položáj to locate something
ne biti kos (dorasel) položáju not to be equal to the situation (ali occasion)
on nima (ne zavzema) položája svojega brata he has not his brother's standing
nismo v položáju, da bi mogli narediti drugače we are not in a position to be able to do otherwise
izbrati dober položáj za svojo hišo to choose a fine position (ali site) for one's house
to je komaj izboljšalo naš položáj that has scarcely made us any better off
položáj se je poslabšal the situation has deteriorated
pojasni mu svoj položáj! show him where (ali how) you stand!
razumem tvoj položáj I see how you stand
biti v nejasnem položáju (figurativno) to be up in the air
sedeti v zelo nerodnem položáju to be seated in a very uncomfortable position
položáj je videti brezupen things look desperate
vem, kakšen je položáj (figurativno) I know how the land lies
vreči iz položája to eject, to dislodge, to supplant, to oust
vztrajati na položáju vojska to stick to one's post
on je rešil položáj he saved the situation
umakniti se na vnaprej pripravljene položáje vojska to withdraw to positions prepared beforehand
izrabiti, izkoristiti položáj to make hay while the sun shines, to strike while the iron's hot - polóžen1 gentle; gradual; not steep; gently sloping (ali rising)
polóžno pobočje a gentle slope - položíti to put (ali to place, to set) down; to deposit
položíti kavcijo to deposit caution-money
položíti koga k počitku to lay someone to sleep (ali to rest)
položíti orožje to lay down arms
položíti račun to render account (of)
položíti temeljni kamen to lay a foundation stone - polúlati se to wet; pogovorno to pee
polúlati se se to pee, to have a pee
otrok polula plenice the child wets its nappies; (otroško) to wee, to wee-wee, to have a wee-wee
ali si se že polulal? have you had a wee-wee? - pólúren half an hour's; lasting half an hour
pólúrni interval half an hour's interval, thirty minutes' interval, a thirty-minute interval
pólúrni sprehod half an hour's walk - pólzek slippery; figurativno lascivious; lubricious
pólzka vrv a slippery rope - pólž zoologija snail; (brez hišice) slug
kot pólž, pólžu podoben snaillike
po pólževo at a snail's pace
počasen kot pólž snail-paced
poln pólžev infested with slugs (ali snails)
gojišče pólžev place where snails are bred, snailery
hoditi kot pólž, po pólževo to walk at snail's pace - pólžev snail's, snail(-)
po pólževo at a snail's pace
ki gre v pólževem tempu snail-paced
pólževa hišica snail shell
pólževo premikanje snail's pace (ali humoristično snail's gallop)