
Zadetki iskanja

  • pokríti pokrivati to cover; to lay on; to overlay; to superimpose; to spread over; (s slamo) to thatch, (z opeko) to tile

    pokríti, pokrivati s streho to roof; (s skrilom) to slate; (s pokrovom) to cover with a lid
    pokríti, pokrivati se to put on one's hat (oziroma cap itd.); to be covered
    pokrijte se, prosim! don't take your hat off!, keep your hat on!, put your hat on!
    hiša še ni pokrita s streho the house is not roofed yet
  • pokúsiti pokúšati to taste

    pokúsiti, pokúšati jed, vino to taste food, wine
    moram pokúsiti, pokúšati malo tega pudinga I must taste a mouthful of that pudding
  • pokváriti to render unfit for use; (poškodovati) to damage; (posel) to botch, to bungle; (moralno) to corrupt, to deprave, to pervert, to demoralize; (zrak itd.) to pollute, to foul

    pokváriti veselje to spoil someone's pleasure; to be a killjoy
    pokvaril nam je veselje he spoiled our pleasure (ali fun), he was a wet blanket
    pokváriti račune to upset (ali to frustrate, to thwart) someone's plans (ali calculations, ironično little plan)
    pokváriti upanja to dampen someone's hopes
    pokvaril si boš oči you will ruin your eyes (ali your sight)
    pokváriti si tek (apetit) to spoil one's appetite
    pokváriti si želodec to ruin (ali to upset) one's stomach
    vročina je pokvarila ribo the fish has gone off in the heat, the heat has tainted the fish
    pokvaril mi je račune (figurativno) he spiked my guns
    pokváriti se to go bad, to be spoilt, to spoil, to change for the worse, to grow worse; (stroj itd.) to break down; (meso) to go bad, to go off; (moralno) to become depraved (corrupted, demoralized); (segniti) to rot
    motor se mi je pokvaril I had engine trouble
    vreme se je pokvarilo the weather has turned nasty
  • pól2 (polovica) half

    ob pól sedmih at half past six
    ob sedmih ali pól osmih at seven or half past (seven)
    na pól fifty-fifty
    pól na pól on a fifty-fifty basis
    razdeliti si na pól s kom to go fifty-fifty with someone
    pól funta half a pound
    pól ure half an hour
    pól deleža a half share
    za pól cene at half price
    za pól več half as much (oziroma many) again
    lopov in pól an utter scoundrel (ali rogue)
    to (pa) je klobuk in pól! that's some hat!
    biti na pól pota v Ameriko to be halfway to America
    na pól kaj napraviti to do something by halves
    na pól se odločiti za to have half a mind to...
    le na pól narejen only half finished
    srečal sem jih na pól pota I met them halfway
  • pôla sheet (papirja of paper)

    plačilna pôla payroll
    vprašalna pôla question form, questionnaire
    izpolniti vprašalno pôlo to fill in a questionnaire
  • polágati to lay (ali to put, to place) down; (cevi ipd.) to lay on, to install; (na rano) to apply

    polágati parket to parquet
    polágati račun to render (an) account of, to account for, to give (an) account of
    polágati temeljni kamen to lay a foundation stone
    polágati važnost na kaj to attach weight to something
  • póleg beside, by the side of; by, close by; next to

    póleg tega besides, furthermore, moreover; as well; in addition; also, too
    stanuje póleg mene he is living next door to me, he lives close by
    tudi on je bil póleg he, too, was one of the company (ali party)
    mene ni bilo póleg I was not around, I did not take part in it
    stal je čisto póleg he stood close by
    hodil sem póleg nje I walked beside her (ali by her side)
    póleg hiše je vrt there is a garden adjoining the house
  • poléno log of wood

    poléna pl (kurivno) firewood
    metati poléna pod noge komu (figurativno) to put a spoke in someone's wheel, to throw a spanner in the works; to hinder someone
    on mi vedno meče poléna pod noge he is always putting a spoke in my wheel
  • pólglásen soft; low; in low tones

    pólglásno prislov softly, in an undertone, (šepetaje) in a whisper
  • pólh zoologija dormouse, pl dormice; squirrel mouse, pl mice

    spati kot pólh to sleep like a top (ali like a log)
  • pólje field

    bojno pólje battlefield
    električno pólje electric field
    magnetno pólje magnetic field
    minsko pólje minefield
    šahovsko pólje square; (v grbu) quarter (ali field) of a shield
    vidno pólje field of sight (ali of vision)
    ravno pólje plain
    na (odprtem) pólju in the (open) field
    žitno pólje cornfield
    obdelovati pólje to till the ground, to cultivate, to farm
    riževo pólje rice field
  • poljúb kiss; humoristično osculation

    glasen poljúb smack
    sočen poljúb a smack on the lips
    Judežev poljúb a Judas kiss, a traitor's kiss
    dati poljúb to give someone a kiss, to kiss
    dati si poljúb sprave to kiss and be friends, to kiss and make up
    z roko poslati, vreči komu poljúb to blow someone a kiss, to kiss one's hand to someone, to throw someone a kiss
    z roko ji je poslal poljúb he kissed his hand to her
    s poljúbi komu solze obrisati to kiss away someone's tears
    poljúb na roko kissing someone's hand, kissing hands
    vreden poljúba kissable
  • pólmer matematika, geometrija radius, pl radii

    znotraj pólmera 10 km within a radius of 10 kilometres
  • polmésečen half-monthly; fortnightly; semimonthly

    polmésečno prislov half-monthly, fortnightly; twice a month; every half-month
  • póln full; (napolnjen) filled, replete; (nabit, natrpan) crammed, filled to capacity, full up, chockfull; (obilen) abundant, abounding, plentiful; (popoln, cel) whole, entire, complete

    pólno prislov fully
    do roba pólna čaša brimful glass (ali bumper)
    pólna luna full moon
    pólna jadra swelling (ali billowing) sails pl
    pólna košara (škatla, žlica, čoln) a basketful (a boxful, a spoonful, a boatful)
    pólna vsota the entire sum
    póln ljudi full of people, crowded
    do vrha póln brim-full
    pólne tri ure three good hours
    póln voz a cartload
    s pólno paro (figurativno) at full blast
    s pólno hitrostjo (at) full speed
    v pólnem diru at full gallop
    v pólni vrednosti at full value
    s pólno pravico justly; with perfect justice
    póln predsodkov prejudiced, partial, biased, arhaično prepossessed
    póln veselja in high spirits, exuberant
    v pólnem pomenu besede in the full sense of the word
    pólno upravičen fully authorized (ali entitled)
    pólno zaposlen fully employed
    pólna zaposlitev full-time job, (za vse) full employment
    pólno zasedeno! (v hotelu) (we are) full up!, fully booked
    v knjigi je pólno napak the book is rife (ali abounds) with errors
    lokal je bil pólno nabit the place was crowded (crammed full)
    da bo mera pólna let us have full measure, pogovorno let's have no short measure
    da bi bila nesreča pólna to make things worse
    drevje je pólno the trees are laden with fruit
    sod je tri četrti póln the barrel is three quarters full
    na ulici je bilo pólno ljudi there was a big crowd in the street
    igrati pred polno hišo gledališče to play to a full (ali a capacity) house
    trajati dve pólni minuti (tri pólna leta) to last two full minutes (three whole years)
    do zadnjega kotička póln full (ali filled) to capacity
    delati s pólno paro to work to capacity
  • polnokŕven full-blooded; thoroughbred; blooded; racy; medicina plethoric

    polnokŕven konj a thoroughbred (horse), ZDA a blooded horse
  • polóm collapse

    finančni, denarni polóm crash, bankruptcy
    državni finančni polóm national bankruptcy; (neuspeh) failure, fiasco; žargon washout, flop
    doživeti polóm to flop, to be a flop
  • polomíja failure, fiasco; žargon washout, flop

    njegov govor je bil polomíja his speech was a flop
  • polomíti to break up (into many pieces)

    polomíti se to break
    polomil sem ga (figurativno) I've spoiled it, I have made a mess of it, I've blown it
    polomíti ga (figurativno) to put one's foot in it
  • pólotok peninsula

    Balkanski pólotok Balkan peninsula
    Pirenejski pólotok the Iberian peninsula
    pólotok Istra the Istrian Peninsula
    objadrati pólotok to sail round a peninsula