
Zadetki iskanja

  • funkcionírati to function; to act; to run; to operate; (stroj) to work, to go

    ne funkcionírati to be out of order
    dvigalo ne funkcionira the lift is out of order
    stroj dobro funkcionira the machine is working (ali running) perfectly
    zavora ni funkcionirala the brake refused to act
    ledvice ne funkcionirajo več the kidneys are no longer functioning (properly)
    odlično funkcionírati to be in excellent working order
    nekaj ne funkcionira (ni v redu, šepa) there's something wrong somewhere
  • futerál case; cover, covering; box; sheath; scabbard

    vtakniti zopet v futerál to sheathe, to scabbard
  • gála gala; pomp; state

    v gála in full dress; pogovorno in full fig
    gála kočija state coach
    gála obleka gala dress
    gála predstava gala performance
    gála uniforma full dress, full-dress uniform
  • galòp gallop

    poln, veliki galòp full gallop
    mali galòp canter, hand gallop
    pognati konja v galòp to gallop a horse
    spustiti se v galòp to break into a gallop, to gallop away
  • garderóba cloakroom; dressing room; ZDA checkroom; (oblačilnica v gledališču) dressing room; (obleke) wardrobe; collection (ali outfit) of clothes

    pustiti klobuk v garderóbi to leave one's hat in the cloakroom, ZDA to check one's hat
  • garnizíja vojska garrison; garrison town; ZDA (army) post

    biti v garnizíji to be quartered (in), to be garrisoned (v X at X), to he stationed (at X.)
    ojačiti garnizíjo to strengthen the garrison(s)
  • gáz path through snow

    gáz v snegu path in snow; track beaten in snow
    gáz ladje depth of water a ship draws, draught
  • gíbanje movement; motion; (telesno) exercise; (tok) course, circulation; (hoja) exercise; (nemir) stir, unrest, agitation

    v gíbanju afoot
    gíbanje zvezd the motion of the stars
    osvobodilno gíbanje liberation movement
    revolucionarno gíbanje revolutionary movement
    stavkovno gíbanje strike movement
    spraviti v gíbanje to set in motion, to set going, to put into motion
    pospešeno gíbanje accelerated motion
    svoboda gíbanja freedom of movement, figurativno liberty of action
    treba vam je več gíbanja you want more exercise
  • gíbati to move; to stir; to agitate

    gíbati se to move, to be in motion; to stir, to bestir oneself; (hoditi) to walk, to take exercise
    gíbati se med... in... to range from... to...
    cene se gibljejo med 40.000 in 50.000 tolarji the prices range between 40,000 and 50,000 tolars
    nič se ne gíbati to take no exercise
    moral bi se (on) več gíbati na prostem he ought to take more open-air exercise
    on se giblje v najboljši družbi he moves in the best society
  • gíps (mavec, sadra) mineralogija gypsum; plaster (of paris)

    dati roko v gíps medicina to set an arm in plaster (of paris)
    dati ud v gíps medicina to set a limb in plaster
  • glás (zvok) voice, sound, noise; (novica, vest) news, tidings pl, message; (sloves) fame, reputation, repute, renown; (pri volitvah) vote; (volilna pravica) franchise, suffrage, right to vote

    na ves glás at the top of one's voice
    s preroškim glásom with the voice of a prophet, in a prophetic voice
    glás ljudstva public opinion, vox populi
    glás vesti the voice of conscience, pesniško the still (ali small) voice
    glás vpijočega v puščavi the voice of one crying in the wilderness
    glásovi za in proti the ayes and the noes
    s 400 glásovi proti 0 by 400 votes to nil
    dober glás (sloves) reputation, good fame, repute, renown
    na dobrem glásu well reputed, reputable
    slab glás (sloves) ill repute, bad name, bad reputation, notoriety
    na slabem glásu in bad odour, regarded unfavourably, notorious
    nabiranje glásov pred volitvami canvassing
    odločilni glás casting vote
    srebrni glás zvona the silver voice of the bell
    svetovnega glásu world-famous
    socialistični glási (pri volitvah) the Socialist vote
    večina 50 glásov a majority of 50 votes
    višina glásu pitch
    biti na dobrem glásu to be well regarded, to have a good reputation
    dati svoj (volilni) glás za to vote for
    dal vam bom svoj glás I will give you my vote
    predlog je dobil malo glásov the proposal was poorly supported
    dobiti večino glásov to win a majority, to top the poll
    govoriti na glás to speak in a loud voice
    ni na najboljšem glásu he has a rather poor reputation
    dobil, dosegel je večino 30 glásov he gained a majority of 30 votes
    ona ima lep glás she has a fine voice
    nimam glásu (vesti) od njega I have not heard from him
    imeti posvetovalen glás to have a consultative voice; to have a merely advisory capacity
    poslušati glás prijatelja to listen to the voice of a friend
    prešteti (volilne) glásove to count the votes
    povzdigniti svoj glás to raise one's voice; to make oneself heard
    pridobiti si dober glás to earn (ali to win) a good reputation
    spoznal sem jo po glásu I knew her by her voice
    slišijo se glásovi, da..., glás gre, da... it is rumoured that...
    biti poražen z 10 glásovi proti 8 (z 10 proti 0) to be defeated by 10 votes to 8 (by 10 votes to nil)
    ubogati glás svojega vodje to obey the orders of one's leader
    njegov glás je utonil v hrušču his voice was drowned by the noise
    uživati dober glás to enjoy a first-rate (ali a good) reputation
    zakričati, zavpiti na ves glás to shout at the top of one's voice
  • glasbílo musical instrument

    glasbílna godala wind instruments, the wind (s konstr. v sg ali pl)
    glasbílna pihala string instruments, the strings
    lesena glasbíla woodwind instruments, the woodwind(s)
    kovinska glasbíla trobila brass instruments, the brass (s konstr. v sg ali pl)
  • glasovánje voting; vote; polling; parlament division; balloting

    dan glasovánja polling day
    imeti pravico glasovánja to have the vote, to be entitled to vote
    javno glasovánje direct voting, direct ballot; show of hands; suffrage
    splošno glasovánje universal suffrage
    tajno glasovánje ballot, secret suffrage
    s tajnim glasovánjem by ballot
    glasovánje z dviganjem rok voting by a show of hands
    ljudsko glasovánje plebiscite, referendum
    glasovánje o zaupnici a vote of confidence
    dati na glasovánje to put to the vote; to submit (it) to the vote
    glasovánje je ostalo neodločeno the vote was inconclusive
    z večinskim glasovánjem by a majority vote
    z glasovánjem by ballot
    poimensko glasovánje v parlamentu division
    izid glasovánja result of a vote
    izid glasovánja je ugoden the ayes have it
    poraziti pri glasovánju to defeat
    zavrniti z glasovánjem to reject
    priti do glasovánja parlament to come to a division
    po glasovánju parlament following a division
  • gláva head; (redko) poll; humoristično (zlasti plešava) pate; (lobanja, mrtvaška) skull; žargon bonce; (naslov) title, heading, ZDA caption; (vodja) chief, leader; ekonomija principal, ZDA boss; (vrhnji del) top; (pamet, razum) brains pl, wit (s pl), intelligence, understanding, judgment, sense; (bister človek) man of talent, pogovorno brainy fellow; (oseba) person; (kovanca) obverse, face, pogovorno heads

    brez gláve headless, acephalous, figurativno reckless, hare-brained, confused, out of one's wits, silly
    gláva ob glávi closely packed
    na glavo, za glávo (figurativno) each; per head; per capita
    iz gláve (na pamet) (znati) (to know) by heart
    gláva ali napis? (pri metanju kovanca v zrak) heads or tails?
    od gláve do nog from top to toe
    od nog do gláve from head to foot
    glávo pokonci! keep smiling!, vojska chin up!
    z glávo navzdol with downcast head
    na glávo postavljen (narobe) topsy-turvy
    brez gláve in repa without rhyme or reason
    delo z glávo brain work
    delavec z glávo white-collar worker
    beljenje gláve (figurativno) cudgelling (ali racking) one's brain, cogitation, rumination
    kimanje z glávo nodding, nod
    lasje na glávi hair (of the head)
    poraba na glávo consumption per capita
    gláva postelje head of the bed
    rana na glávi wound in the head
    skok na glávo header
    stoja na glávi šport headstand, aeronavtika landing on the nose
    strel v glávo shot in the head
    tele z dvema glávama a twoheaded calf
    umivanje gláve shampooing
    več kot 100 gláv živine more than a hundred head of cattle
    zmajevanje z glávo shaking of one's head
    belíti si glávo to beat one's brains out, to cudgel (ali to rack) one's brains (z over)
    biti čez glávo zadolžen to be up to one's ears (ali one's eyes, the neck) in debt
    za glávo je večji od očeta he is taller than his father by a head
    za glávo je večji od mene he stands a head taller than I
    oče je gláva družine the father is the head of the family
    ne biti pravi v glávi (figurativno) to be crazy, to be out of one's mind, to be off one's head (ali pogovorno off one's rocker)
    on je bistra gláva he is a bright chap
    trde gláve je he is thickheaded, pogovorno he is thick (between the ears)
    puhle, prazne gláve je he is empty-headed, he is brainless
    delati po svoji glávi to have one's own way
    gláve delati (solata, zelje) to head, to heart
    ne vem, kje se me gláva drži I do not know which way to turn, I am quite perplexed
    gláva me boli I have a headache, my head aches, I feel headachy
    gláva me je od tega bolela that gave me a headache
    čez glávo imam dela I am swamped with work
    kje vendar sem imel glávo? what on earth was I thinking of?
    nimam gláve za matematiko I have no head for mathematics
    tega imam že čez glávo dovolj I am sick (ali žargon I've had a bellyful) of it
    to nima ne gláve ne repa I can't make head or tail of this
    kar pripovedujete, nima ne gláve ne repa I cannot make head or tail of what you say
    za glávo mu gre for him it is a matter of life and death
    po glávi mi gre (roji, hodi) neka misel an idea keeps (on) running through my mind
    to vino gre v glávo this wine is heady, this wine goes to my head
    on ima glávo na pravem mestu he has his head well screwed on
    stvar mi ne gre v glávo it's beyond me, I cannot understand it
    iti, stopiti v glávo to go to one's head
    ne ve, kje se ga gláva drži he doesn't know whether he's coming or going
    to mi ne gre iz gláve I can't get it out of my head
    ni čisto pravi v glávi he is not quite right in the head, žargon he has a screw loose
    uspeh mu je šel (stopil) v glávo, mu je zmešal glávo success has turned his head
    nekaj mu gre po glávi (figurativno) he is turning something over in his mind
    samo letala mu gredo, rojijo po glávi (figurativno) he thinks, talks and breathes aeroplanes
    ta misel mi ne gre iz gláve this idea keeps running through my head
    izgubiti glávo to lose one's head (ali one's wits ali one's presence of mind)
    ne izgubiti gláve to keep one's head
    izbiti si kaj iz gláve to dismiss something from one's mind
    iz gláve izračunati vsoto to work out a sum in one's head
    izbiti komu kaj iz gláve to argue someone out of something
    s svojo glávo jamčiš za to you will answer with your life for this
    ne morem mu tega izbiti iz gláve I cannot drive it out of his head
    napraviti po svoji glávi to do as one likes
    obdržati v glávi to remember
    tu ne najdem ne gláve ne repa I can't make head or tail of it
    glávo odsekati (obglaviti) komu to behead someone
    pognati si kroglo v glávo to blow one's brains out
    v glávo mi pade it occurs to me, an idea comes to mind
    kaj ti vendar pade v glávo? the very idea!
    nisem na glávo padel I am no fool
    nikdar mi ni v glávo padlo it never entered (into) my mind
    pogledati koga od gláve do nog to eye someone up and down, to look someone over from head to foot
    nositi glávo v vreči (figurativno) to carry one's life in one's hands
    oditi s povešeno glávo to go off with downcast head (ali fig with one's tail between one's legs)
    pognati se z glávo naprej v vodo to throw oneself headfirst into the water
    prikimati z glávo to nod assent
    postaviti vse na glávo to turn everything topsy-turvy, to turn everything upside down
    postaviti vse mesto na glávo (figurativno) to paint the town red
    z glávo je plačal svoje izdajstvo he paid for his treason with his life
    riniti z glávo v zid (figurativno) to run one's head against a brick wall
    riniti z glávo v nevarnost to rush headlong (ali to plunge) into danger
    ne rini z glávo v zid! don't batter your head against a brick wall!
    riskirati glávo to risk one's neck
    povesiti glávo to hang one's head
    razpisati nagrado na glávo kake osebe to set a price on someone's head
    glávo stavim, da to ni res I'd stake my life it is not true
    skloniti svojo glávo pod jarem to bow one's head under the yoke
    ubijati si glávo z, nad to rack one's brains over
    vbiti si kaj v glávo to take something into one's head
    prati komu glávo (figurativno) to give someone a dressing-down
    v glávi se mi vrti I am (ali I feel) dizzy, I feel giddy, my head is reeling (ali spinning)
    računati iz gláve to do mental arithmetic
    zmajati z glávo to shake one's head
    več glav, več vé two heads are better than one
    za glávo zmagati (na dirki) to win by a head
    čez glávo komu zrasti to outgrow (one's respect for) someone
    zmešati komu glávo to turn someone's head
    ne moreš z glávo skozi zid you can't butt your way through a brick wall
    kolikor gláv, toliko misli two heads are better than one
  • gláven principal, main, chief; cardinal; primary; master; anatomija cephalic

    v glávnem chiefly, mainly, on the whole, in the main
    glávni artikel principal article
    glávna blagajna main cash desk (ali box office, checkout)
    glávna cesta trunk (ali main) road
    glávna čednost cardinal virtue
    glávni delničar principal shareholder
    glávni cilj primary target
    glávni dobitek (v loteriji) first prize, the big prize
    glávni dogodek main event
    glávni del main part; body
    glávni dedič chief heir, pravo residuary legatee
    glávni film feature film, (filmskega programa) main feature
    glávni igralec gledališče leading man, (igralka) leading lady; lead; star
    glávni jambor mainmast
    glávna jed main course
    glávna hrana staple diet, chief food, staple food
    glávni izdatki principal expenditure (ali outlay), major expenses pl
    glávna knjižnica main library
    glávni knjižničar chief librarian
    glávna knjiga trgovina ledger
    zaključiti glávno knjigo to balance the ledger
    glávni kolodvor, glávna postaja (železniška) central station, main station, (končna) terminus, ZDA terminal; main railroad station
    glávni jašek main shaft
    glávna naloga main (ali chief) task
    glávni napad main attack; main effort
    glávno mesto capital, metropolis
    glávna napaka chief fault; main defect
    glávna krivda principal fault
    glávna obrambna črta main defence line, main fighting line, main line of resistance (krajšava: MLR)
    glávni oltar high altar
    glávna os main axis
    glávni oddelek main department
    glávni namen main object, chief purpose
    glávna misel main (ali principal) idea
    glávni krivec pravo major (ali chief) offender; principal
    glávna oseba principal person, head, gledališče (roman) hero, chief character, protagonist; pogovorno leading light, kingpin
    glávno oporišče main base
    glávna paluba main deck
    glávna poteza (značaja itd.) chief trait, principal feature
    glávni poklic (zaposlitev) chief occupation
    glávni pojem, glávna ideja main idea (ali principal notion)
    glávna potreba chief requirement
    glávna prometna cesta (ulica) principal thoroughfare, highway, ZDA thruway
    gláven priča principal witness
    glávna proga main line, (železniška) main line, ZDA trunk line
    glávni pomen chief importance
    glávni pogoj principal condition, principal requirement
    glávna pozornost main attention
    usmeriti glávno pozornost na to direct one's special attention to
    glávni plinovod gas main
    glávno poslopje main building
    glávno pravilo first principle, fundamental principle
    glávna pomanjkljívost chief defect
    glávna postavka main item
    glávni poštni urad General (ali Main) Post Office
    glávni razlog principal reason, (motiv) primary motive
    glávna reka main stream
    glávna sezona high season
    glávna skušnja gledališče dress (ali full ali general) rehearsal
    glávni sovražnik chief enemy
    glávna sestavina (sestavni del) chief constituent, principal ingredient
    glávni stavek gramatika main (ali principal) clause
    glávna stvar chief matter; main thing, most important thing
    to je glávna stvar that's all that matters
    glávna razlika main difference
    glávna razprava pravo (main) trial; hearing
    glávna stroka speciality; main line, (v šoli) VB main subject, ZDA major
    izbrati zgodovino kot glávno stroko (predmet) VB to take history as one's main subject, ZDA to major in history
    glávni šlager (zvočnega filma itd.) themesong
    glávni števnik cardinal number
    glávno tržišče principal market
    glávni urednik chief editor
    glávni vzrok chief cause, principal reason
    glávni vod (telefonski) trunk line
    glávni vir chief source
    glávni vir dohodkov principal source of revenue
    glávni ugovor chief objection
    glávni vhod main entrance
    glávna vrata main door
    glávna varovalka (elektrika) main fuse, main cutout
    glávna težava main difficulty
    glávna (mestna) ulica high street, ZDA main street; main road; arterial road, high road
    glávni električni vod the mains pl, (plinski, vodovodni itd.) gas main, water main
    glávni vidik main aspect
    glávno vprašanje chief (ali main) question
    glávno železniško vozlišče main junction
    glávna vsebina principal contents pl; substance; summary
    glávna vloga gledališče leading role, lead, star role; leading part (ali character), (ženska) female lead
    igralec v glávni vlogi star, ZDA (tudi) headliner
    igrati glávno vlogo to star, (manj važno) ZDA to feature
    kdo igra glávno vlogo gledališče who is playing the lead?
    v glavni glávni nastopa g. X the show stars Mr. X, Mr. X is appearing in the lead (ali in the main role)
    glávni igralec leading actor, star (performer)
    glávna zahteva prime (ali chief) requisite, primary requirement
    glávno žarišče principal focus
  • gledalíšče theatre; playhouse; stage; the boards pl

    eksperimentalno gledalíšče experimental theatre
    amatersko gledalíšče amateur theatre
    v gledalíšču at the theatre
    dramsko gledalíšče playhouse
    lutkovno gledalíšče puppet theatre, (angleška verzija »Polišinela« za otroke) Punch and Judy show
    operno gledalíšče opera house
    repertoarno gledalíšče repertory theatre
    polno, zasedeno gledalíšče a full house
    nabito polno gledalíšče packed house
    obiskovalec, -lka gledalíšča theatregoer
    obiskovanje gledalíšča theatregoing
    gledalíšče na prostem open-air theatre
    biti pri gledalíšču to be on the stage
    iti h gledalíšču to go on the stage
    gledalíšče se prične ob 8. uri the performance begins at 8 o'clock
    igrati pred praznim gledalíščem to play to empty houses
    gledalíšče je bilo na pol prazno the house was poorly attended (ali half empty)
  • glédati to look (at, on); to see; (opazovati) to watch, to observe, to eye, to view, to regard; figurativno to consider; (paziti na) to attend to, to look after, to see that something is done; to look to it that...; (prizadevati si) to endeavour, to try, to make efforts

    glej! look!, see!, look here!, arhaično lo; lo and behold!, (začudeno) well, well!, well I never!, just imagine!
    glej, glej! well, well!, arhaično lo and behold!
    glej no!, glej si no glej! well, well, well!; žargon well get a load of that!
    toda glej! but just imagine!, but lo and behold!
    glej, da prideš pravočasno! see that you come in time!
    dobro glej! look sharp!
    jaz samo gledam I am all eyes
    debelo glédati to open one's eyes wide, to be all eyes
    debelo glédati od značudenja to stare with surprise
    grdo, jezno, temno glédati to scowl, to frown
    glédati komu v obraz to look someone in the face
    glédati okoli to look around
    glédati skozi okno to look out of the window
    pozorno glédati to look intently
    škilavo glédati to squint
    glédati s strahom v prihodnost to look forward with dread to the future
    glédati za kom to look (ali to gaze) after someone
    postrani glédati to look askance (koga at someone)
    pogumno glédati nevarnosti v obraz to face danger bravely, to look danger in the face
    on ne gleda na stroške he takes no account of the expense, with him expense is no object
    zaljubljeno glédati koga to make (ali to cast) sheep's eyes at someone
    kam gleda to okno? where does this window face?
    zelo glédati na svojo obleko (figurativno) to be very particular about one's dress
    zelo gleda na svoje interese he keeps an eye on his interests
    zviška glédati na koga to look down on someone
    glédati se to look at one another (at each other)
    glédati se (v zrcalu) to look at oneself
    glédati se postrani to look askance at one another (at each other)
    grdó se gledata they are at daggers drawn
  • gléženj ankle

    do gléžnjev ankle-deep
    do gléžnjev v blatu ankle-deep in the mud
    ima lepe gléžnje she has trim (ali pretty) ankles
    ne pride mu niti do gléžnjev (figurativno) he can't hold a candle to him
    izpahniti si gléženj to sprain one's ankle, to wrench one's ankle
    do gléžnjev se ugrezniti v blato to sink ankle deep in mud
  • globína depth; deepness; figurativno profundity, profoundness

    iz globíne mojega srca from the bottom of my heart
    globína reke, jame the depth of a river, of a cave
    globína vode the depth of water
    merjenje globíne measuring of depth
    prodor v globíno vojska penetration in depth
    (iz)meriti globíno to fathom
    zaiti v preveliko globíno to go (ali to get) out of one's depth, to go in too deep
  • globók deep; profound; (spanje) deep, fast, sound; (molk) dead; (čustvo) heart-felt, deep-seated, deep-felt, strong; (glas) low-pitched, deep; (tema) profound, thick; (poklon) low, deep, profound; (znanje) thorough, profound, deep; (ostroumen) penetrating; (razlika) profound, wide, far-reaching

    globóka jama a deep cave
    globók krožnik soup plate
    globóka rana a deep wound
    globók mislec a profoud (ali deep) thinker
    globóko spoštovanje profound reverence
    globóka tišina deep silence
    10 m globóka luknja a hole 10 metres deep (ali 10 metres in depth)
    do kolen, do gležnjev globók knee-deep, ankle-deep
    do pasú globók waist-deep
    dolgovati komu globóko zahvalo to be deeply indebted to someone
    biti v globókem žalovanju to be in deep mourning
    ribnik je na tem mestu 2m globók the pond is 2 metres deep in this place
    odgovoril je z globókim basom he replied in a deep bass voice