pográjati to blame, to reprimand; to chide
pográjati zaradi napake to reprimand for a fault (ali mistake)
Zadetki iskanja
- pogréti to warm up; to hot (up)
pogréti jed to warm up a meal
pogréti kavo to reheat (ali to warm up) coffee
pogréti krožnike to warm the plates
pogréti se pri ognju to have a warm at the fire
malo se pogréti to have a little warm (ali warm-up)
še enkrat pogréti mleko to warm the milk up again - pogrézniti se to sink; to go down; to plunge (v into)
pogrézniti se na dno to sink to the bottom
pogrézniti se v globoko premišljevanje to be deep in thought
pogrézniti se v spanje to drop off (to sleep)
pogrézniti se v globoko spanje to sink into a deep sleep - pogròm pogrom
pogròm na Žide anti-Semitic riots pl, persecution of Jews
sprožiti pogròm proti to launch a pogrom against - pogúgati to rock; (poguncati) to swing
pogúgati otroka v spanje to rock a child to sleep
pogúgati otroka to swing a child - pogúm courage; bravery; heart; pluck, grit
pogúm! be brave!, take heart!, cheer up!, buck up!
pogúm pod vplivom alkohola Dutch courage
potrebno je malce pogúma za to it needs a bit of pluck
on ima levji pogúm he has the spirit of a lion
izgubiti pogúm to lose courage
ne smeš izgubiti pogúma! you must keep up your spirits!
vzeti komu pogúm to discourage someone, to dishearten someone, to dispirit someone; to daunt someone
podžigati si pogúm to pluck up courage, to take heart
pogúm ga je zapustil his courage failed him, he lost heart
zbrati pogúm to take heart, to pluck (ali to summon, to muster) up one's courage
zbrati ves svoj pogúm to take one's courage in both hands, to summon up all one's nerve
zmanjkalo mi je pogúma my heart failed me
pogúm zmaguje none but the brave deserve the fair - pohíštvo (household) furniture; movables pl
ceneno pohíštvo a few sticks of furniture
kos pohíštva piece of furniture
lak za pohíštvo furniture polish
prevoznik pohíštva furniture remover
trgovec s pohíštvom furnisher
voz za pohíštvo furniture van, removal van, pantechnicon - pohitéti to hasten, to hurry up; to make haste; to be in haste (ali in a hurry), to quicken
pohitite! hurry up!
pohiti! hurry up!, make haste, pogovorno look alive!, look sharp!, žargon get a move on!, buck up!
pohiti s tem! be quick about it!, speed it up!
pohitéti s čim to hurry on with something, to hurry (up) (ali to speed, to hasten, to rush, to expedite) something
pohitel je domov he hurried home
pohiteli so mi na pomoč they hurried to my assistance - pohléven meek, humble, submissive
pohléven kot jagnje as meek as a lamb - pohújšanje scandal; offence; corruption of morals; cause for shame (ali disgust); indecency
zbujati pohújšanje to create (ali to raise) a scandal
povzročitev, povzročitelj (javnega) pohújšanja scandalization, scandalizer - poískati to look for; to seek (out); to search (for); to try to find
poískati besedo v slovarju to look a word up (in the dictionary)
poískati slavo to seek fame
poískati pri kom nasveta to seek someone's advice
poískati službo to seek a situation - pojésti to eat up; to consume; to finish eating; to finish one's meal
miruj in pojej to! be quiet and eat it up!
naglo pojésti to bolt down
on veliko (malo) pojé he is a hearty (a poor) eater - pók (močan) detonation; explosion; crash, crack, clap, bang
pók puške (noise of a) gunshot - pokadíti to smoke (and finish smoking), to smoke to the end
pokadíti cigareto (cigaro, pipo) to finish a cigarette (a cigar, a pipe)
pokadíti komu (z besedami, figurativno) to flatter someone fulsomely
močno se je pokadilo a cloud of smoke rose up (ali was seen); (s kadilom) to incense; (z dišavo) to perfume, to fumigate with perfume (ali fragrant scents) - pókati to crack, to detonate, to explode; to burst; to split
pókati z bičem to crack a whip
pókati s prsti to crack one's fingers
pókati od smeha to burst with laughing
poslušalstvo je pokalo od smeha the audience split their sides laughing (ali with laughter) - pokázati to show; to demonstrate; to indicate; to point (na at); to expose to view, to exhibit; to manifest, to display
pokaži mi to! let me see it!, show it to me!
ti bom že pokazal! I'll teach you!, I'll show you!
pokázati s prstom na koga to point one's finger at someone
pokázati svoje načrte, namere to show one's plans, intentions
pokázati svoje dokumente to show one's papers
pokázati svoje karte to show one's cards (tudi figurativno)
pokázati pête (zbežati) to show someone a clean pair of heels
pokazali so mi sobo I was shown the room
pokazal je veliko spretnost he displayed great skill
pokázati svojo strahopetnost (figurativno, arhaično) to show the white feather
pokázati svojo zlobno naravo (figurativno) to show one's cloven hoof
pokázati slab okus to show bad taste
pokázati znake utrujenosti to show signs of fatigue
pokázati (opozoriti) na kaj to point out something
pokázati zobe to show one's teeth (tudi figurativno)
pokázati komu vrata to show someone the door
pokaži, kaj znaš! do your stuff!
pokázati se (v javnosti) to show someone; to appear, to turn up; to become manifest, to come to light; (izkazati se) to prove (oneself)
pokazal se je (prišel je) šele ob desetih he didn't show up until ten
pokazal se je hvaležnega he showed himself grateful, he proved to be grateful
on bi rad pokazal, kaj zna he wants to show off
se bo že pokazalo! time will show!
pokazalo se je, da... it turned out (ali it became evident, it was found) that...
kmalu se bo pokazalo, ali imate prav we shall soon see if you are right - poklíc calling, vocation; occupation; profession; (obrt, rokodelstvo) trade
akademski poklíci the learned professions
rokodelski poklíci pl manual trades pl
kaj je njegov poklíc (po poklícu)? what is his profession?
po poklícu je učitelj he is a teacher by profession
avtomehanik je po poklícu he is a motor mechanic by trade
kakšen poklíc si bo izbral? what profession will he choose?
redni (postranski) poklíc full-time, regular (secondary) occupation
izbrati poklíc to choose a vocation
ne čutim poklíca za študij prava I have no vocation for legal studies, I feel no urge to take up the law
lotiti se poklíca to enter a profession, to take up (ali to go in for) a profession
opravljati svoj poklíc to attend to one's business
zgrešiti svoj poklíc to mistake one's vocation - poklícati to call
telefonično poklícati koga to call someone up, to ring someone up
poklícati po imenu to call someone by his name
poklícati na odgovor to call to account
poklícati za pričo to call to witness
poklícati k sebi (službeno) to summon, (prijateljsko) to invite, to ask someone to drop in
poklícati si preteklost v spomin to recall the past
mnogo je poklicanih, a malo izvoljenih many are called, but few are chosen - poklòn bow; reverence; compliment; obeisance; (poklonček) curtsey
delati poklòne to make (ali to pay) compliments
napraviti globok poklòn komu to bow down, to bow low, to offer a low bow, to make obeisance to someone
pričakovati, loviti poklòne to fish for compliments
poklòn od avtorja with the author's compliments
moj poklòn ge. Grey! my regards (ali kind regards) to Mrs. Grey!, my compliments to Mrs. Grey!, my best respects to Mrs. Grey! - pokóra penitence; expiation; penance; atonement
delati pokóro to atone (za for), to do penance, (za figurativno) to pay for
delati pokóro (trpeti) za koga to suffer for someone
naložiti komu pokóro to impose a penance on someone, to give someone a penance