
Zadetki iskanja

  • zvézda star

    brez zvézd starless
    zvézda stalnica fixed star
    zvézda vodnica guiding star, lodestar
    zvézda repatica comet
    dvojna zvézda double (ali binary) star
    jutranja zvézda morning star
    večerna zvézda evening star, Venus, Hesperus, Vesper
    filmska zvézda film star, star actress
    peterokraka zvézda five-pointed star
    morska zvézda starfish
    severna zvézda Pole Star, Polaris, North Star
    srečna (nesrečna) zvézda lucky ali propitious (unlucky) star
    posejan z zvézdami starred, studded with stars, glittering with stars, star-spangled, starry
    rojen pod srečno zvézdo (figurativno) born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, born under a lucky star
    rojen pod nesrečno zvézdo born under an unlucky star, ill-starred
    častilec zvézd star-worshipper
    okrašen z zlatimi zvézdami adorned (ali decorated) with golden stars
    kovati v zvézde to praise (ali to laud) to the skies, to extol to the stars
    okrasiti, posuti z zvézdami to adorn (ali to sprinkle, to decorate) with stars, (redko) to star (kaj something)
    vse zvézde videti (figurativno od udarca itd.) to see stars
    njegova zvézda vzhaja (figurativno) his star is in the ascendant
    njegova zvézda zahaja (je zašla) (figurativno) his star is on the wane (his star has set)
    zaupati svoji zvézdi (figurativno) to follow one's star
    zahvaliti se svoji srečni zvézdi (figurativno) to thank one's lucky stars
  • zvézden zvézdnat star-lit (nebo sky)

    zvézdni utrinek shooting (ali falling) star
    zvézdna luč starry light, astral rays pl
  • zvézek copybook, notebook, exercise book

    črtan zvézek ruled exercise book; (knjiga) volume, tome, number, part, fascicle
    delo v 4 zvézkih a work in four volumes
    izdaja v zvézkih publication in parts (ali in fascicles)
    izdano v zvézkih issued (ali coming out) in parts
    izhajati v zvézkih to appear (ali to come out) in parts
    knjiga (roman) v treh zvézkih a three-volume book (novel)
  • zvíti to fold, to roll; to furl; (skriviti) to curve, to bend, to crook, to contort

    zvíti odejo (preprogo) to roll up a blanket (a carpet)
    zvíti si cigareto to roll a cigarette
    zvíti (svoj) dežnik to fold one's umbrella
    zvíti jadra to furl the sails
    nogo si je zvil he wrenched his foot, he twisted his foot
    zvíti si gleženj to wrench (ali to twist) one's ankle
    zvíti se od bolečine to writhe in pain
    zvíti se skozi goščavo to wriggle one's way through a thicket
    vročina je zvila knjigi platnice the heat has warped the cover of the book
    jež se je zvil v klobčič the hedgehog rolled itself into a ball
  • zvón bell

    póčen zvón cracked bell
    mrtvaški zvón death knell, knell, death bell, arhaično passing-bell
    vrv pri zvónu bell rope
    steklen zvón (za rastline) cloche
    potapljaški zvón diving bell
    večerni zvón religija (evening) Angelus bell
    plat zvóna alarm bell, tocsin
    ulivanje zvónov bell-casting
    obesiti na veliki zvón (figurativno) to proclaim (ali to shout, to publish) from the housetops, to announce with loud beating of the tomtom, to broadcast, to publish (something) far and wide, to blaze (something)
    zvoniti z zvónovi to ring (the) bells
    zvónovi zvonijo the bells are ringing (oziroma ring)
    zvonjenje, pritrkavanje zvónov chiming (ali chime) of bells
  • zvônec (hišni) bell

    električni zvônec electric bell, (brenčalo) buzzer
    zvônec pri vratih doorbell
    gumb zvônca bell push, bell button
    vrvica, ročaj za zvônec bellpull
    obesiti komu zvônec to bell someone
    obesiti mački zvônec to bell the cat
    nositi zvônec to take the first place, to be in the lead, arhaično to bear the bell
    potegniti za zvônec to pull the bell
    pritisniti na zvônec to press the button
    iti in odpreti vrata, če pozvoni zvônec to answer the doorbell (ali pogovorno the door)
  • zvráčati

    zvráčati krivdo to lay (ali to put, to cast) the blame (na koga on someone), to lay the blame at someone's door
    zvračala je krivdo nanj (pogovorno) she blamed it on him
  • zvŕniti to overturn, to turn over

    zvŕniti se to turn over, to overturn; (o avtu) to turn over
    rad ga zvrne (kozarček vina) (figurativno) he is fond of the bottle
    avto se je zvrnil the car (was) turned over
    voz se je zvrnil the carriage turned (ali toppled) over
    zvŕniti krivdo na koga to lay (ali to put, to cast) the blame on someone, to lay the blame at someone's door
  • zvrtéti to turn

    zvrtelo se mi je (v glavi) I felt dizzy (ali giddy), I had a dizzy spell
  • žágar sawyer

    žágarica female (ali woman) sawyer
  • žákelj sack

    poln žákelj sackful
    žákelj novic a bagful (ali a sackful) of news
    žákelj nesreče (figurativno) sad sack
    kupiti mačka v žáklju (figurativno) to buy a pig in a poke
    vtakniti v žákelj to sack, to bag
    dati koga v žákelj (figurativno, ugnati koga) to drive someone into a corner, to corner someone, to bully someone
  • žál

    1. (medmet) alas; what a pity!

    2. prislov unfortunately, regretfully

    žál jutri ne morem priti I am sorry I shall not be able to come tomorrow
    nič žalega mu nisem storil I have done him no harm
    on ne bi muhi storil nič žalega he wouldn't hurt a fly
    ni mi žál nobenega truda I don't mind (taking) any amount of trouble
    žál ne morem ustreči tvoji želji I am sorry I cannot comply with your request
    žál (na žalost) ne moremo tega napraviti unfortunately that can't be done
    žál moram reči I regret (ali I am sorry) to say
    žál vidim, da... I am sorry to see that...
    žál moram iti I am afraid I have to go
    žál mi je zanj I am sorry for him, I pity him
    žál beseda offensive word
    žál ne I am afraid not
  • žálen mourning

    žálna obleka mourning dress (oziroma suit); widow's weeds pl
    nositi žálno obleko to wear mourning
    žálni okvir mourning border
    žálni (črno obrobljeni) pisemski papir mourning paper
    žálna koračnica funeral march
    žálni trak mourning band, crape
    žálna glasba funeral music
    žálni flor mourning crape (ali crepe)
    žálni pajčolan mourning veil
    žálni rob black edge
    žálni govor funeral oration
    žálna zastava black flag
    žálna igra tragedy
    žálna barva mourning colour
    žálni oder catafalque
    žálni sprevod funeral procession
  • žalítev offence; insult (to someone); affront; outrage; injury

    vrniti žalítev z (obrestnimi) obrestmi to repay (ali to return) an insult with interest
    požreti žalítev to swallow (ali to pocket) an insult, to stomach an affront (ali an insult)
    občutiti (kot) žalítev to feel affronted
  • žalívec offender

    žáljenec offended (ali insulted) person
  • žálost sadness; sorrow; mournfulness; depression; gloom; melancholy; distress; affliction; grief

    veselje se spremeni v žálost joy turns to grief
    v dvoje se žálost laže prenaša (arhaično) two in distress make sorrow less
    na mojo žálost to my sorrow
    na njegovo veliko žálost to his regret (ali annoyance, vexation)
    biti v globoki žálosti to be in deep mourning
  • žálosten sad; mournful; afflicted; melancholy; sorrowful; joyless; gloomy; dismal; downcast; (beden) wretched

    žálosten pogled deplorable sight
    to so žálostne novice this is sad news
    tako sem žálosten zaradi tega I am so sorry (ali sad) to hear (oziroma to see) it
    ona je vedno žálostna she is always miserable
    žálostna nesreča a sad accident
    žálostno pri tem je, da... the sad part of it is that...
    biti v žálostnem (bednem) položaju to be in a sorry plight
  • žalostíti to sadden, to afflict, to grieve, to distress; to make unhappy

    žalostíti se to be sad (ali distressed, grieved); to feel sad; to pine; to grieve (at), to distress oneself
    ne žalostite se zaradi tega! do not distress yourself about it!
  • žáltav rancid; rank; spoilt

    postati žáltav to turn (ali to grow, to go) rancid
    žáltavo maslo rancid butter
    imeti žáltav vonj, duh to have a rancid smell
  • žarêč radiant; glowing; red-hot; white-hot; figurativno ardent, fervent, fiery, zealous

    žarêč od veselja radiant (ali beaming) with joy
    prišel je z žarêčim obrazom he came with a beaming (ali glowing) face